(* Title: HOL/Library/AList.thy
Author: Norbert Schirmer, Tobias Nipkow, Martin Wildmoser, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Implementation of Association Lists\<close>
theory AList
imports Main
text \<open>
The operations preserve distinctness of keys and
function \<^term>\<open>clearjunk\<close> distributes over them. Since
\<^term>\<open>clearjunk\<close> enforces distinctness of keys it can be used
to establish the invariant, e.g. for inductive proofs.
subsection \<open>\<open>update\<close> and \<open>updates\<close>\<close>
qualified primrec update :: "'key \ 'val \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"update k v [] = [(k, v)]"
| "update k v (p # ps) = (if fst p = k then (k, v) # ps else p # update k v ps)"
lemma update_conv': "map_of (update k v al) = (map_of al)(k\v)"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
corollary update_conv: "map_of (update k v al) k' = ((map_of al)(k\v)) k'"
by (simp add: update_conv')
lemma dom_update: "fst ` set (update k v al) = {k} \ fst ` set al"
by (induct al) auto
lemma update_keys:
"map fst (update k v al) =
(if k \<in> set (map fst al) then map fst al else map fst al @ [k])"
by (induct al) simp_all
lemma distinct_update:
assumes "distinct (map fst al)"
shows "distinct (map fst (update k v al))"
using assms by (simp add: update_keys)
lemma update_filter:
"a \ k \ update k v [q\ps. fst q \ a] = [q\update k v ps. fst q \ a]"
by (induct ps) auto
lemma update_triv: "map_of al k = Some v \ update k v al = al"
by (induct al) auto
lemma update_nonempty [simp]: "update k v al \ []"
by (induct al) auto
lemma update_eqD: "update k v al = update k v' al' \ v = v'"
proof (induct al arbitrary: al')
case Nil
then show ?case
by (cases al') (auto split: if_split_asm)
case Cons
then show ?case
by (cases al') (auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma update_last [simp]: "update k v (update k v' al) = update k v al"
by (induct al) auto
text \<open>Note that the lists are not necessarily the same:
\<^term>\<open>update k v (update k' v' []) = [(k', v'), (k, v)]\<close> and
\<^term>\<open>update k' v' (update k v []) = [(k, v), (k', v')]\<close>.\<close>
lemma update_swap:
"k \ k' \ map_of (update k v (update k' v' al)) = map_of (update k' v' (update k v al))"
by (simp add: update_conv' fun_eq_iff)
lemma update_Some_unfold:
"map_of (update k v al) x = Some y \
x = k \<and> v = y \<or> x \<noteq> k \<and> map_of al x = Some y"
by (simp add: update_conv' map_upd_Some_unfold)
lemma image_update [simp]: "x \ A \ map_of (update x y al) ` A = map_of al ` A"
by (auto simp add: update_conv')
qualified definition updates ::
"'key list \ 'val list \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
where "updates ks vs = fold (case_prod update) (zip ks vs)"
lemma updates_simps [simp]:
"updates [] vs ps = ps"
"updates ks [] ps = ps"
"updates (k#ks) (v#vs) ps = updates ks vs (update k v ps)"
by (simp_all add: updates_def)
lemma updates_key_simp [simp]:
"updates (k # ks) vs ps =
(case vs of [] \<Rightarrow> ps | v # vs \<Rightarrow> updates ks vs (update k v ps))"
by (cases vs) simp_all
lemma updates_conv': "map_of (updates ks vs al) = (map_of al)(ks[\]vs)"
proof -
have "map_of \ fold (case_prod update) (zip ks vs) =
fold (\<lambda>(k, v) f. f(k \<mapsto> v)) (zip ks vs) \<circ> map_of"
by (rule fold_commute) (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff update_conv')
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: updates_def fun_eq_iff map_upds_fold_map_upd foldl_conv_fold split_def)
lemma updates_conv: "map_of (updates ks vs al) k = ((map_of al)(ks[\]vs)) k"
by (simp add: updates_conv')
lemma distinct_updates:
assumes "distinct (map fst al)"
shows "distinct (map fst (updates ks vs al))"
proof -
have "distinct (fold
(\<lambda>(k, v) al. if k \<in> set al then al else al @ [k])
(zip ks vs) (map fst al))"
by (rule fold_invariant [of "zip ks vs" "\_. True"]) (auto intro: assms)
moreover have "map fst \ fold (case_prod update) (zip ks vs) =
fold (\<lambda>(k, v) al. if k \<in> set al then al else al @ [k]) (zip ks vs) \<circ> map fst"
by (rule fold_commute) (simp add: update_keys split_def case_prod_beta comp_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: updates_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma updates_append1[simp]: "size ks < size vs \
updates (ks@[k]) vs al = update k (vs!size ks) (updates ks vs al)"
by (induct ks arbitrary: vs al) (auto split: list.splits)
lemma updates_list_update_drop[simp]:
"size ks \ i \ i < size vs \
updates ks (vs[i:=v]) al = updates ks vs al"
by (induct ks arbitrary: al vs i) (auto split: list.splits nat.splits)
lemma update_updates_conv_if:
"map_of (updates xs ys (update x y al)) =
(if x \<in> set (take (length ys) xs)
then updates xs ys al
else (update x y (updates xs ys al)))"
by (simp add: updates_conv' update_conv' map_upd_upds_conv_if)
lemma updates_twist [simp]:
"k \ set ks \
map_of (updates ks vs (update k v al)) = map_of (update k v (updates ks vs al))"
by (simp add: updates_conv' update_conv')
lemma updates_apply_notin [simp]:
"k \ set ks \ map_of (updates ks vs al) k = map_of al k"
by (simp add: updates_conv)
lemma updates_append_drop [simp]:
"size xs = size ys \ updates (xs @ zs) ys al = updates xs ys al"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys al) (auto split: list.splits)
lemma updates_append2_drop [simp]:
"size xs = size ys \ updates xs (ys @ zs) al = updates xs ys al"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys al) (auto split: list.splits)
subsection \<open>\<open>delete\<close>\<close>
qualified definition delete :: "'key \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
where delete_eq: "delete k = filter (\(k', _). k \ k')"
lemma delete_simps [simp]:
"delete k [] = []"
"delete k (p # ps) = (if fst p = k then delete k ps else p # delete k ps)"
by (auto simp add: delete_eq)
lemma delete_conv': "map_of (delete k al) = (map_of al)(k := None)"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
corollary delete_conv: "map_of (delete k al) k' = ((map_of al)(k := None)) k'"
by (simp add: delete_conv')
lemma delete_keys: "map fst (delete k al) = removeAll k (map fst al)"
by (simp add: delete_eq removeAll_filter_not_eq filter_map split_def comp_def)
lemma distinct_delete:
assumes "distinct (map fst al)"
shows "distinct (map fst (delete k al))"
using assms by (simp add: delete_keys distinct_removeAll)
lemma delete_id [simp]: "k \ fst ` set al \ delete k al = al"
by (auto simp add: image_iff delete_eq filter_id_conv)
lemma delete_idem: "delete k (delete k al) = delete k al"
by (simp add: delete_eq)
lemma map_of_delete [simp]: "k' \ k \ map_of (delete k al) k' = map_of al k'"
by (simp add: delete_conv')
lemma delete_notin_dom: "k \ fst ` set (delete k al)"
by (auto simp add: delete_eq)
lemma dom_delete_subset: "fst ` set (delete k al) \ fst ` set al"
by (auto simp add: delete_eq)
lemma delete_update_same: "delete k (update k v al) = delete k al"
by (induct al) simp_all
lemma delete_update: "k \ l \ delete l (update k v al) = update k v (delete l al)"
by (induct al) simp_all
lemma delete_twist: "delete x (delete y al) = delete y (delete x al)"
by (simp add: delete_eq conj_commute)
lemma length_delete_le: "length (delete k al) \ length al"
by (simp add: delete_eq)
subsection \<open>\<open>update_with_aux\<close> and \<open>delete_aux\<close>\<close>
qualified primrec update_with_aux ::
"'val \ 'key \ ('val \ 'val) \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"update_with_aux v k f [] = [(k, f v)]"
| "update_with_aux v k f (p # ps) =
(if (fst p = k) then (k, f (snd p)) # ps else p # update_with_aux v k f ps)"
text \<open>
The above \<^term>\<open>delete\<close> traverses all the list even if it has found the key.
This one does not have to keep going because is assumes the invariant that keys are distinct.
qualified fun delete_aux :: "'key \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"delete_aux k [] = []"
| "delete_aux k ((k', v) # xs) = (if k = k' then xs else (k', v) # delete_aux k xs)"
lemma map_of_update_with_aux':
"map_of (update_with_aux v k f ps) k' =
((map_of ps)(k \<mapsto> (case map_of ps k of None \<Rightarrow> f v | Some v \<Rightarrow> f v))) k'"
by (induct ps) auto
lemma map_of_update_with_aux:
"map_of (update_with_aux v k f ps) =
(map_of ps)(k \<mapsto> (case map_of ps k of None \<Rightarrow> f v | Some v \<Rightarrow> f v))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff map_of_update_with_aux')
lemma dom_update_with_aux: "fst ` set (update_with_aux v k f ps) = {k} \ fst ` set ps"
by (induct ps) auto
lemma distinct_update_with_aux [simp]:
"distinct (map fst (update_with_aux v k f ps)) = distinct (map fst ps)"
by (induct ps) (auto simp add: dom_update_with_aux)
lemma set_update_with_aux:
"distinct (map fst xs) \
set (update_with_aux v k f xs) =
(set xs - {k} \<times> UNIV \<union> {(k, f (case map_of xs k of None \<Rightarrow> v | Some v \<Rightarrow> v))})"
by (induct xs) (auto intro: rev_image_eqI)
lemma set_delete_aux: "distinct (map fst xs) \ set (delete_aux k xs) = set xs - {k} \ UNIV"
apply (induct xs)
apply simp_all
apply clarsimp
apply (fastforce intro: rev_image_eqI)
lemma dom_delete_aux: "distinct (map fst ps) \ fst ` set (delete_aux k ps) = fst ` set ps - {k}"
by (auto simp add: set_delete_aux)
lemma distinct_delete_aux [simp]: "distinct (map fst ps) \ distinct (map fst (delete_aux k ps))"
proof (induct ps)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons a ps)
obtain k' v where a: "a = (k', v)"
by (cases a)
show ?case
proof (cases "k' = k")
case True
with Cons a show ?thesis by simp
case False
with Cons a have "k' \ fst ` set ps" "distinct (map fst ps)"
by simp_all
with False a have "k' \ fst ` set (delete_aux k ps)"
by (auto dest!: dom_delete_aux[where k=k])
with Cons a show ?thesis
by simp
lemma map_of_delete_aux':
"distinct (map fst xs) \ map_of (delete_aux k xs) = (map_of xs)(k := None)"
apply (induct xs)
apply (fastforce simp add: map_of_eq_None_iff fun_upd_twist)
apply (auto intro!: ext)
apply (simp add: map_of_eq_None_iff)
lemma map_of_delete_aux:
"distinct (map fst xs) \ map_of (delete_aux k xs) k' = ((map_of xs)(k := None)) k'"
by (simp add: map_of_delete_aux')
lemma delete_aux_eq_Nil_conv: "delete_aux k ts = [] \ ts = [] \ (\v. ts = [(k, v)])"
by (cases ts) (auto split: if_split_asm)
subsection \<open>\<open>restrict\<close>\<close>
qualified definition restrict :: "'key set \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
where restrict_eq: "restrict A = filter (\(k, v). k \ A)"
lemma restr_simps [simp]:
"restrict A [] = []"
"restrict A (p#ps) = (if fst p \ A then p # restrict A ps else restrict A ps)"
by (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_conv': "map_of (restrict A al) = ((map_of al)|` A)"
show "map_of (restrict A al) k = ((map_of al)|` A) k" for k
apply (induct al)
apply simp
apply (cases "k \ A")
apply auto
corollary restr_conv: "map_of (restrict A al) k = ((map_of al)|` A) k"
by (simp add: restr_conv')
lemma distinct_restr: "distinct (map fst al) \ distinct (map fst (restrict A al))"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_empty [simp]:
"restrict {} al = []"
"restrict A [] = []"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_in [simp]: "x \ A \ map_of (restrict A al) x = map_of al x"
by (simp add: restr_conv')
lemma restr_out [simp]: "x \ A \ map_of (restrict A al) x = None"
by (simp add: restr_conv')
lemma dom_restr [simp]: "fst ` set (restrict A al) = fst ` set al \ A"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_upd_same [simp]: "restrict (-{x}) (update x y al) = restrict (-{x}) al"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_restr [simp]: "restrict A (restrict B al) = restrict (A\B) al"
by (induct al) (auto simp add: restrict_eq)
lemma restr_update[simp]:
"map_of (restrict D (update x y al)) =
map_of ((if x \<in> D then (update x y (restrict (D-{x}) al)) else restrict D al))"
by (simp add: restr_conv' update_conv')
lemma restr_delete [simp]:
"delete x (restrict D al) = (if x \ D then restrict (D - {x}) al else restrict D al)"
apply (simp add: delete_eq restrict_eq)
apply (auto simp add: split_def)
proof -
have "y \ x \ x \ y" for y
by auto
then show "[p \ al. fst p \ D \ x \ fst p] = [p \ al. fst p \ D \ fst p \ x]"
by simp
assume "x \ D"
then have "y \ D \ y \ D \ x \ y" for y
by auto
then show "[p \ al . fst p \ D \ x \ fst p] = [p \ al . fst p \ D]"
by simp
lemma update_restr:
"map_of (update x y (restrict D al)) = map_of (update x y (restrict (D - {x}) al))"
by (simp add: update_conv' restr_conv') (rule fun_upd_restrict)
lemma update_restr_conv [simp]:
"x \ D \
map_of (update x y (restrict D al)) = map_of (update x y (restrict (D - {x}) al))"
by (simp add: update_conv' restr_conv')
lemma restr_updates [simp]:
"length xs = length ys \ set xs \ D \
map_of (restrict D (updates xs ys al)) =
map_of (updates xs ys (restrict (D - set xs) al))"
by (simp add: updates_conv' restr_conv')
lemma restr_delete_twist: "(restrict A (delete a ps)) = delete a (restrict A ps)"
by (induct ps) auto
subsection \<open>\<open>clearjunk\<close>\<close>
qualified function clearjunk :: "('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"clearjunk [] = []"
| "clearjunk (p#ps) = p # clearjunk (delete (fst p) ps)"
by pat_completeness auto
by (relation "measure length") (simp_all add: less_Suc_eq_le length_delete_le)
lemma map_of_clearjunk: "map_of (clearjunk al) = map_of al"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma clearjunk_keys_set: "set (map fst (clearjunk al)) = set (map fst al)"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (simp_all add: delete_keys)
lemma dom_clearjunk: "fst ` set (clearjunk al) = fst ` set al"
using clearjunk_keys_set by simp
lemma distinct_clearjunk [simp]: "distinct (map fst (clearjunk al))"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (simp_all del: set_map add: clearjunk_keys_set delete_keys)
lemma ran_clearjunk: "ran (map_of (clearjunk al)) = ran (map_of al)"
by (simp add: map_of_clearjunk)
lemma ran_map_of: "ran (map_of al) = snd ` set (clearjunk al)"
proof -
have "ran (map_of al) = ran (map_of (clearjunk al))"
by (simp add: ran_clearjunk)
also have "\ = snd ` set (clearjunk al)"
by (simp add: ran_distinct)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma clearjunk_update: "clearjunk (update k v al) = update k v (clearjunk al)"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (simp_all add: delete_update)
lemma clearjunk_updates: "clearjunk (updates ks vs al) = updates ks vs (clearjunk al)"
proof -
have "clearjunk \ fold (case_prod update) (zip ks vs) =
fold (case_prod update) (zip ks vs) \<circ> clearjunk"
by (rule fold_commute) (simp add: clearjunk_update case_prod_beta o_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: updates_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma clearjunk_delete: "clearjunk (delete x al) = delete x (clearjunk al)"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (auto simp add: delete_idem delete_twist)
lemma clearjunk_restrict: "clearjunk (restrict A al) = restrict A (clearjunk al)"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) (auto simp add: restr_delete_twist)
lemma distinct_clearjunk_id [simp]: "distinct (map fst al) \ clearjunk al = al"
by (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct) auto
lemma clearjunk_idem: "clearjunk (clearjunk al) = clearjunk al"
by simp
lemma length_clearjunk: "length (clearjunk al) \ length al"
proof (induct al rule: clearjunk.induct [case_names Nil Cons])
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons kv al)
moreover have "length (delete (fst kv) al) \ length al"
by (fact length_delete_le)
ultimately have "length (clearjunk (delete (fst kv) al)) \ length al"
by (rule order_trans)
then show ?case
by simp
lemma delete_map:
assumes "\kv. fst (f kv) = fst kv"
shows "delete k (map f ps) = map f (delete k ps)"
by (simp add: delete_eq filter_map comp_def split_def assms)
lemma clearjunk_map:
assumes "\kv. fst (f kv) = fst kv"
shows "clearjunk (map f ps) = map f (clearjunk ps)"
by (induct ps rule: clearjunk.induct [case_names Nil Cons])
(simp_all add: clearjunk_delete delete_map assms)
subsection \<open>\<open>map_ran\<close>\<close>
definition map_ran :: "('key \ 'val \ 'val) \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
where "map_ran f = map (\(k, v). (k, f k v))"
lemma map_ran_simps [simp]:
"map_ran f [] = []"
"map_ran f ((k, v) # ps) = (k, f k v) # map_ran f ps"
by (simp_all add: map_ran_def)
lemma dom_map_ran: "fst ` set (map_ran f al) = fst ` set al"
by (simp add: map_ran_def image_image split_def)
lemma map_ran_conv: "map_of (map_ran f al) k = map_option (f k) (map_of al k)"
by (induct al) auto
lemma distinct_map_ran: "distinct (map fst al) \ distinct (map fst (map_ran f al))"
by (simp add: map_ran_def split_def comp_def)
lemma map_ran_filter: "map_ran f [p\ps. fst p \ a] = [p\map_ran f ps. fst p \ a]"
by (simp add: map_ran_def filter_map split_def comp_def)
lemma clearjunk_map_ran: "clearjunk (map_ran f al) = map_ran f (clearjunk al)"
by (simp add: map_ran_def split_def clearjunk_map)
subsection \<open>\<open>merge\<close>\<close>
qualified definition merge :: "('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
where "merge qs ps = foldr (\(k, v). update k v) ps qs"
lemma merge_simps [simp]:
"merge qs [] = qs"
"merge qs (p#ps) = update (fst p) (snd p) (merge qs ps)"
by (simp_all add: merge_def split_def)
lemma merge_updates: "merge qs ps = updates (rev (map fst ps)) (rev (map snd ps)) qs"
by (simp add: merge_def updates_def foldr_conv_fold zip_rev zip_map_fst_snd)
lemma dom_merge: "fst ` set (merge xs ys) = fst ` set xs \ fst ` set ys"
by (induct ys arbitrary: xs) (auto simp add: dom_update)
lemma distinct_merge: "distinct (map fst xs) \ distinct (map fst (merge xs ys))"
by (simp add: merge_updates distinct_updates)
lemma clearjunk_merge: "clearjunk (merge xs ys) = merge (clearjunk xs) ys"
by (simp add: merge_updates clearjunk_updates)
lemma merge_conv': "map_of (merge xs ys) = map_of xs ++ map_of ys"
proof -
have "map_of \ fold (case_prod update) (rev ys) =
fold (\<lambda>(k, v) m. m(k \<mapsto> v)) (rev ys) \<circ> map_of"
by (rule fold_commute) (simp add: update_conv' case_prod_beta split_def fun_eq_iff)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: merge_def map_add_map_of_foldr foldr_conv_fold fun_eq_iff)
corollary merge_conv: "map_of (merge xs ys) k = (map_of xs ++ map_of ys) k"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
lemma merge_empty: "map_of (merge [] ys) = map_of ys"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
lemma merge_assoc [simp]: "map_of (merge m1 (merge m2 m3)) = map_of (merge (merge m1 m2) m3)"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
lemma merge_Some_iff:
"map_of (merge m n) k = Some x \
map_of n k = Some x \<or> map_of n k = None \<and> map_of m k = Some x"
by (simp add: merge_conv' map_add_Some_iff)
lemmas merge_SomeD [dest!] = merge_Some_iff [THEN iffD1]
lemma merge_find_right [simp]: "map_of n k = Some v \ map_of (merge m n) k = Some v"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
lemma merge_None [iff]: "(map_of (merge m n) k = None) = (map_of n k = None \ map_of m k = None)"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
lemma merge_upd [simp]: "map_of (merge m (update k v n)) = map_of (update k v (merge m n))"
by (simp add: update_conv' merge_conv')
lemma merge_updatess [simp]:
"map_of (merge m (updates xs ys n)) = map_of (updates xs ys (merge m n))"
by (simp add: updates_conv' merge_conv')
lemma merge_append: "map_of (xs @ ys) = map_of (merge ys xs)"
by (simp add: merge_conv')
subsection \<open>\<open>compose\<close>\<close>
qualified function compose :: "('key \ 'a) list \ ('a \ 'b) list \ ('key \ 'b) list"
"compose [] ys = []"
| "compose (x # xs) ys =
(case map_of ys (snd x) of
None \<Rightarrow> compose (delete (fst x) xs) ys
| Some v \<Rightarrow> (fst x, v) # compose xs ys)"
by pat_completeness auto
by (relation "measure (length \ fst)") (simp_all add: less_Suc_eq_le length_delete_le)
lemma compose_first_None [simp]: "map_of xs k = None \ map_of (compose xs ys) k = None"
by (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct) (auto split: option.splits if_split_asm)
lemma compose_conv: "map_of (compose xs ys) k = (map_of ys \\<^sub>m map_of xs) k"
proof (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct)
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 x xs ys)
show ?case
proof (cases "map_of ys (snd x)")
case None
with 2 have hyp: "map_of (compose (delete (fst x) xs) ys) k =
(map_of ys \<circ>\<^sub>m map_of (delete (fst x) xs)) k"
by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "fst x = k")
case True
from True delete_notin_dom [of k xs]
have "map_of (delete (fst x) xs) k = None"
by (simp add: map_of_eq_None_iff)
with hyp show ?thesis
using True None
by simp
case False
from False have "map_of (delete (fst x) xs) k = map_of xs k"
by simp
with hyp show ?thesis
using False None by (simp add: map_comp_def)
case (Some v)
with 2
have "map_of (compose xs ys) k = (map_of ys \\<^sub>m map_of xs) k"
by simp
with Some show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: map_comp_def)
lemma compose_conv': "map_of (compose xs ys) = (map_of ys \\<^sub>m map_of xs)"
by (rule ext) (rule compose_conv)
lemma compose_first_Some [simp]: "map_of xs k = Some v \ map_of (compose xs ys) k = map_of ys v"
by (simp add: compose_conv)
lemma dom_compose: "fst ` set (compose xs ys) \ fst ` set xs"
proof (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct)
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 x xs ys)
show ?case
proof (cases "map_of ys (snd x)")
case None
with "2.hyps" have "fst ` set (compose (delete (fst x) xs) ys) \ fst ` set (delete (fst x) xs)"
by simp
also have "\ \ fst ` set xs"
by (rule dom_delete_subset)
finally show ?thesis
using None by auto
case (Some v)
with "2.hyps" have "fst ` set (compose xs ys) \ fst ` set xs"
by simp
with Some show ?thesis
by auto
lemma distinct_compose:
assumes "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "distinct (map fst (compose xs ys))"
using assms
proof (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct)
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 x xs ys)
show ?case
proof (cases "map_of ys (snd x)")
case None
with 2 show ?thesis by simp
case (Some v)
with 2 dom_compose [of xs ys] show ?thesis
by auto
lemma compose_delete_twist: "compose (delete k xs) ys = delete k (compose xs ys)"
proof (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct)
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 x xs ys)
show ?case
proof (cases "map_of ys (snd x)")
case None
with 2 have hyp: "compose (delete k (delete (fst x) xs)) ys =
delete k (compose (delete (fst x) xs) ys)"
by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "fst x = k")
case True
with None hyp show ?thesis
by (simp add: delete_idem)
case False
from None False hyp show ?thesis
by (simp add: delete_twist)
case (Some v)
with 2 have hyp: "compose (delete k xs) ys = delete k (compose xs ys)"
by simp
with Some show ?thesis
by simp
lemma compose_clearjunk: "compose xs (clearjunk ys) = compose xs ys"
by (induct xs ys rule: compose.induct)
(auto simp add: map_of_clearjunk split: option.splits)
lemma clearjunk_compose: "clearjunk (compose xs ys) = compose (clearjunk xs) ys"
by (induct xs rule: clearjunk.induct)
(auto split: option.splits simp add: clearjunk_delete delete_idem compose_delete_twist)
lemma compose_empty [simp]: "compose xs [] = []"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: compose_delete_twist)
lemma compose_Some_iff:
"(map_of (compose xs ys) k = Some v) \
(\<exists>k'. map_of xs k = Some k' \<and> map_of ys k' = Some v)"
by (simp add: compose_conv map_comp_Some_iff)
lemma map_comp_None_iff:
"map_of (compose xs ys) k = None \
(map_of xs k = None \<or> (\<exists>k'. map_of xs k = Some k' \<and> map_of ys k' = None))"
by (simp add: compose_conv map_comp_None_iff)
subsection \<open>\<open>map_entry\<close>\<close>
qualified fun map_entry :: "'key \ ('val \ 'val) \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"map_entry k f [] = []"
| "map_entry k f (p # ps) =
(if fst p = k then (k, f (snd p)) # ps else p # map_entry k f ps)"
lemma map_of_map_entry:
"map_of (map_entry k f xs) =
(map_of xs)(k := case map_of xs k of None \<Rightarrow> None | Some v' \<Rightarrow> Some (f v'))"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma dom_map_entry: "fst ` set (map_entry k f xs) = fst ` set xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma distinct_map_entry:
assumes "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "distinct (map fst (map_entry k f xs))"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp add: dom_map_entry)
subsection \<open>\<open>map_default\<close>\<close>
fun map_default :: "'key \ 'val \ ('val \ 'val) \ ('key \ 'val) list \ ('key \ 'val) list"
"map_default k v f [] = [(k, v)]"
| "map_default k v f (p # ps) =
(if fst p = k then (k, f (snd p)) # ps else p # map_default k v f ps)"
lemma map_of_map_default:
"map_of (map_default k v f xs) =
(map_of xs)(k := case map_of xs k of None \<Rightarrow> Some v | Some v' \<Rightarrow> Some (f v'))"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma dom_map_default: "fst ` set (map_default k v f xs) = insert k (fst ` set xs)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma distinct_map_default:
assumes "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "distinct (map fst (map_default k v f xs))"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp add: dom_map_default)
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