(* Title: HOL/Library/Cancellation/cancel.ML
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Author: Mathias Fleury, MPII
This simproc allows handling of types with constructors (e.g., add_mset for
multisets) and iteration of the addition (e.g., repeat_mset for multisets).
Beware that this simproc should not compete with any more specialised especially:
- nat: the handling for Suc is more complicated than what can be done here
- int: some normalisation is done (after the cancelation) and linarith relies on these.
Instead of "*", we have "iterate_add".
To quote Provers/Arith/cancel_numerals.ML:
Cancel common coefficients in balanced expressions:
i + #m*u + j ~~ i' + #m'*u + j' == #(m-m')*u + i + j ~~ i' + j'
where ~~ is an appropriate balancing operation (e.g. =, <=, <, -).
It works by (a) massaging both sides to bring the selected term to the front:
#m*u + (i + j) ~~ #m'*u + (i' + j')
(b) then using bal_add1 or bal_add2 to reach
#(m-m')*u + i + j ~~ i' + j' (if m'<=m)
i + j ~~ #(m'-m)*u + i' + j' (otherwise)
signature CANCEL =
val proc: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option
functor Cancel_Fun(Data: CANCEL_NUMERALS_DATA): CANCEL =
structure Cancel_Numerals_Fun = CancelNumeralsFun(open Data)
exception SORT_NOT_GENERAL_ENOUGH of string * typ * term
(*the simplification procedure*)
fun proc ctxt ct =
val t = Thm.term_of ct
val (t', ctxt') = yield_singleton (Variable.import_terms true) t ctxt
val pre_simplified_ct = Simplifier.full_rewrite (clear_simpset ctxt addsimps
Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>cancelation_simproc_pre\<close> addsimprocs
[\<^simproc>\<open>NO_MATCH\<close>]) (Thm.cterm_of ctxt t');
val t' = Thm.term_of (Thm.rhs_of pre_simplified_ct)
val export = singleton (Variable.export ctxt' ctxt)
val (t1,_) = Data.dest_bal t'
val sort_not_general_enough = ((fastype_of t1) = \<^typ>\<open>nat\<close>) orelse
Sorts.of_sort (Sign.classes_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))
(fastype_of t1, \<^sort>\<open>comm_ring_1\<close>)
val _ =
if sort_not_general_enough
then raise SORT_NOT_GENERAL_ENOUGH("type too precise, another simproc should do the job",
fastype_of t1, t1)
else ()
val canceled_thm = Cancel_Numerals_Fun.proc ctxt (Thm.rhs_of pre_simplified_ct)
fun add_pre_simplification thm = @{thm Pure.transitive} OF [pre_simplified_ct, thm]
fun add_post_simplification thm =
(let val post_simplified_ct = Simplifier.full_rewrite (clear_simpset ctxt addsimps
Named_Theorems.get ctxt \<^named_theorems>\<open>cancelation_simproc_post\<close> addsimprocs
(Thm.rhs_of thm)
in @{thm Pure.transitive} OF [thm, post_simplified_ct] end)
Option.map (export o add_post_simplification o add_pre_simplification) canceled_thm
(* FIXME avoid handling of generic exceptions *)
handle TERM _ => NONE
| TYPE _ => NONE
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.21 Sekunden
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