(* Title: HOL/Probability/Fin_Map.thy
Author: Fabian Immler, TU München
section \<open>Finite Maps\<close>
theory Fin_Map
imports "HOL-Analysis.Finite_Product_Measure" "HOL-Library.Finite_Map"
text \<open>The \<^type>\<open>fmap\<close> type can be instantiated to \<^class>\<open>polish_space\<close>, needed for the proof of
projective limit. \<^const>\<open>extensional\<close> functions are used for the representation in order to
stay close to the developments of (finite) products \<^const>\<open>Pi\<^sub>E\<close> and their sigma-algebra
type_notation fmap ("(_ \\<^sub>F /_)" [22, 21] 21)
unbundle fmap.lifting
subsection \<open>Domain and Application\<close>
lift_definition domain::"('i \\<^sub>F 'a) \ 'i set" is dom .
lemma finite_domain[simp, intro]: "finite (domain P)"
by transfer simp
lift_definition proj :: "('i \\<^sub>F 'a) \ 'i \ 'a" ("'((_)')\<^sub>F" [0] 1000) is
"\f x. if x \ dom f then the (f x) else undefined" .
declare [[coercion proj]]
lemma extensional_proj[simp, intro]: "(P)\<^sub>F \ extensional (domain P)"
by transfer (auto simp: extensional_def)
lemma proj_undefined[simp, intro]: "i \ domain P \ P i = undefined"
using extensional_proj[of P] unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma finmap_eq_iff: "P = Q \ (domain P = domain Q \ (\i\domain P. P i = Q i))"
apply transfer
apply (safe intro!: ext)
subgoal for P Q x
by (cases "x \ dom P"; cases "P x") (auto dest!: bspec[where x=x])
subsection \<open>Constructor of Finite Maps\<close>
lift_definition finmap_of::"'i set \ ('i \ 'a) \ ('i \\<^sub>F 'a)" is
"\I f x. if x \ I \ finite I then Some (f x) else None"
by (simp add: dom_def)
lemma proj_finmap_of[simp]:
assumes "finite inds"
shows "(finmap_of inds f)\<^sub>F = restrict f inds"
using assms
by transfer force
lemma domain_finmap_of[simp]:
assumes "finite inds"
shows "domain (finmap_of inds f) = inds"
using assms
by transfer (auto split: if_splits)
lemma finmap_of_eq_iff[simp]:
assumes "finite i" "finite j"
shows "finmap_of i m = finmap_of j n \ i = j \ (\k\i. m k= n k)"
using assms by (auto simp: finmap_eq_iff)
lemma finmap_of_inj_on_extensional_finite:
assumes "finite K"
assumes "S \ extensional K"
shows "inj_on (finmap_of K) S"
proof (rule inj_onI)
fix x y::"'a \ 'b"
assume "finmap_of K x = finmap_of K y"
hence "(finmap_of K x)\<^sub>F = (finmap_of K y)\<^sub>F" by simp
assume "x \ S" "y \ S" hence "x \ extensional K" "y \ extensional K" using assms by auto
show "x = y" using assms by (simp add: extensional_restrict)
subsection \<open>Product set of Finite Maps\<close>
text \<open>This is \<^term>\<open>Pi\<close> for Finite Maps, most of this is copied\<close>
definition Pi' :: "'i set \<Rightarrow> ('i \<Rightarrow> 'a set) \<Rightarrow> ('i \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'a) set" where
"Pi' I A = { P. domain P = I \ (\i. i \ I \ (P)\<^sub>F i \ A i) } "
"_Pi'" :: "[pttrn, 'a set, 'b set] => ('a => 'b) set" ("(3\'' _\_./ _)" 10)
"\' x\A. B" == "CONST Pi' A (\x. B)"
subsubsection\<open>Basic Properties of \<^term>\<open>Pi'\<close>\<close>
lemma Pi'_I[intro!]: "domain f = A \ (\x. x \ A \ f x \ B x) \ f \ Pi' A B"
by (simp add: Pi'_def)
lemma Pi'_I'[simp]: "domain f = A \ (\x. x \ A \ f x \ B x) \ f \ Pi' A B"
by (simp add:Pi'_def)
lemma Pi'_mem: "f\ Pi' A B \ x \ A \ f x \ B x"
by (simp add: Pi'_def)
lemma Pi'_iff: "f \ Pi' I X \ domain f = I \ (\i\I. f i \ X i)"
unfolding Pi'_def by auto
lemma Pi'E [elim]:
"f \ Pi' A B \ (f x \ B x \ domain f = A \ Q) \ (x \ A \ Q) \ Q"
by(auto simp: Pi'_def)
lemma in_Pi'_cong:
"domain f = domain g \ (\ w. w \ A \ f w = g w) \ f \ Pi' A B \ g \ Pi' A B"
by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
lemma Pi'_eq_empty[simp]:
assumes "finite A" shows "(Pi' A B) = {} \ (\x\A. B x = {})"
using assms
apply (simp add: Pi'_def, auto)
apply (drule_tac x = "finmap_of A (\u. SOME y. y \ B u)" in spec, auto)
apply (cut_tac P= "%y. y \ B i" in some_eq_ex, auto)
lemma Pi'_mono: "(\x. x \ A \ B x \ C x) \ Pi' A B \ Pi' A C"
by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
lemma Pi_Pi': "finite A \ (Pi\<^sub>E A B) = proj ` Pi' A B"
apply (auto simp: Pi'_def Pi_def extensional_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "finmap_of A (restrict x A)" in image_eqI)
apply auto
subsection \<open>Topological Space of Finite Maps\<close>
instantiation fmap :: (type, topological_space) topological_space
definition open_fmap :: "('a \\<^sub>F 'b) set \ bool" where
[code del]: "open_fmap = generate_topology {Pi' a b|a b. \i\a. open (b i)}"
lemma open_Pi'I: "(\i. i \ I \ open (A i)) \ open (Pi' I A)"
by (auto intro: generate_topology.Basis simp: open_fmap_def)
instance using topological_space_generate_topology
by intro_classes (auto simp: open_fmap_def class.topological_space_def)
lemma open_restricted_space:
shows "open {m. P (domain m)}"
proof -
have "{m. P (domain m)} = (\i \ Collect P. {m. domain m = i})" by auto
also have "open \"
proof (rule, safe, cases)
fix i::"'a set"
assume "finite i"
hence "{m. domain m = i} = Pi' i (\_. UNIV)" by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
also have "open \" by (auto intro: open_Pi'I simp: \finite i\)
finally show "open {m. domain m = i}" .
fix i::"'a set"
assume "\ finite i" hence "{m. domain m = i} = {}" by auto
also have "open \" by simp
finally show "open {m. domain m = i}" .
finally show ?thesis .
lemma closed_restricted_space:
shows "closed {m. P (domain m)}"
using open_restricted_space[of "\x. \ P x"]
unfolding closed_def by (rule back_subst) auto
lemma tendsto_proj: "((\x. x) \ a) F \ ((\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) \ (a)\<^sub>F i) F"
unfolding tendsto_def
proof safe
fix S::"'b set"
let ?S = "Pi' (domain a) (\x. if x = i then S else UNIV)"
assume "open S" hence "open ?S" by (auto intro!: open_Pi'I)
moreover assume "\S. open S \ a \ S \ eventually (\x. x \ S) F" "a i \ S"
ultimately have "eventually (\x. x \ ?S) F" by auto
thus "eventually (\x. (x)\<^sub>F i \ S) F"
by eventually_elim (insert \<open>a i \<in> S\<close>, force simp: Pi'_iff split: if_split_asm)
lemma continuous_proj:
shows "continuous_on s (\x. (x)\<^sub>F i)"
unfolding continuous_on_def by (safe intro!: tendsto_proj tendsto_ident_at)
instance fmap :: (type, first_countable_topology) first_countable_topology
fix x::"'a\\<^sub>F'b"
have "\i. \A. countable A \ (\a\A. x i \ a) \ (\a\A. open a) \
(\<forall>S. open S \<and> x i \<in> S \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>a\<in>A. a \<subseteq> S)) \<and> (\<forall>a b. a \<in> A \<longrightarrow> b \<in> A \<longrightarrow> a \<inter> b \<in> A)" (is "\<forall>i. ?th i")
fix i from first_countable_basis_Int_stableE[of "x i"] guess A .
thus "?th i" by (intro exI[where x=A]) simp
then guess A unfolding choice_iff .. note A = this
hence open_sub: "\i S. i\domain x \ open (S i) \ x i\(S i) \ (\a\A i. a\(S i))" by auto
have A_notempty: "\i. i \ domain x \ A i \ {}" using open_sub[of _ "\_. UNIV"] by auto
let ?A = "(\f. Pi' (domain x) f) ` (Pi\<^sub>E (domain x) A)"
show "\A::nat \ ('a\\<^sub>F'b) set. (\i. x \ (A i) \ open (A i)) \ (\S. open S \ x \ S \ (\i. A i \ S))"
proof (rule first_countableI[of "?A"], safe)
show "countable ?A" using A by (simp add: countable_PiE)
fix S::"('a \\<^sub>F 'b) set" assume "open S" "x \ S"
thus "\a\?A. a \ S" unfolding open_fmap_def
proof (induct rule: generate_topology.induct)
case UNIV thus ?case by (auto simp add: ex_in_conv PiE_eq_empty_iff A_notempty)
case (Int a b)
then obtain f g where
"f \ Pi\<^sub>E (domain x) A" "Pi' (domain x) f \ a" "g \ Pi\<^sub>E (domain x) A" "Pi' (domain x) g \ b"
by auto
thus ?case using A
by (auto simp: Pi'_iff PiE_iff extensional_def Int_stable_def
intro!: bexI[where x="\i. f i \ g i"])
case (UN B)
then obtain b where "x \ b" "b \ B" by auto
hence "\a\?A. a \ b" using UN by simp
thus ?case using \<open>b \<in> B\<close> by blast
case (Basis s)
then obtain a b where xs: "x\ Pi' a b" "s = Pi' a b" "\i. i\a \ open (b i)" by auto
have "\i. \a. (i \ domain x \ open (b i) \ (x)\<^sub>F i \ b i) \ (a\A i \ a \ b i)"
using open_sub[of _ b] by auto
then obtain b'
where "\i. i \ domain x \ open (b i) \ (x)\<^sub>F i \ b i \ (b' i \A i \ b' i \ b i)"
unfolding choice_iff by auto
with xs have "\i. i \ a \ (b' i \A i \ b' i \ b i)" "Pi' a b' \ Pi' a b"
by (auto simp: Pi'_iff intro!: Pi'_mono)
thus ?case using xs
by (intro bexI[where x="Pi' a b'"])
(auto simp: Pi'_iff intro!: image_eqI[where x="restrict b' (domain x)"])
qed (insert A,auto simp: PiE_iff intro!: open_Pi'I)
subsection \<open>Metric Space of Finite Maps\<close>
(* TODO: Product of uniform spaces and compatibility with metric_spaces! *)
instantiation fmap :: (type, metric_space) dist
definition dist_fmap where
"dist P Q = Max (range (\i. dist ((P)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i))) + (if domain P = domain Q then 0 else 1)"
instance ..
instantiation fmap :: (type, metric_space) uniformity_dist
definition [code del]:
"(uniformity :: (('a, 'b) fmap \ ('a \\<^sub>F 'b)) filter) =
(INF e\<in>{0 <..}. principal {(x, y). dist x y < e})"
by standard (rule uniformity_fmap_def)
declare uniformity_Abort[where 'a="('a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'b::metric_space)", code]
instantiation fmap :: (type, metric_space) metric_space
lemma finite_proj_image': "x \ domain P \ finite ((P)\<^sub>F ` S)"
by (rule finite_subset[of _ "proj P ` (domain P \ S \ {x})"]) auto
lemma finite_proj_image: "finite ((P)\<^sub>F ` S)"
by (cases "\x. x \ domain P") (auto intro: finite_proj_image' finite_subset[where B="domain P"])
lemma finite_proj_diag: "finite ((\i. d ((P)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i)) ` S)"
proof -
have "(\i. d ((P)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i)) ` S = (\(i, j). d i j) ` ((\i. ((P)\<^sub>F i, (Q)\<^sub>F i)) ` S)" by auto
moreover have "((\i. ((P)\<^sub>F i, (Q)\<^sub>F i)) ` S) \ (\i. (P)\<^sub>F i) ` S \ (\i. (Q)\<^sub>F i) ` S" by auto
moreover have "finite \" using finite_proj_image[of P S] finite_proj_image[of Q S]
by (intro finite_cartesian_product) simp_all
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: finite_subset)
lemma dist_le_1_imp_domain_eq:
shows "dist P Q < 1 \ domain P = domain Q"
by (simp add: dist_fmap_def finite_proj_diag split: if_split_asm)
lemma dist_proj:
shows "dist ((x)\<^sub>F i) ((y)\<^sub>F i) \ dist x y"
proof -
have "dist (x i) (y i) \ Max (range (\i. dist (x i) (y i)))"
by (simp add: Max_ge_iff finite_proj_diag)
also have "\ \ dist x y" by (simp add: dist_fmap_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma dist_finmap_lessI:
assumes "domain P = domain Q"
assumes "0 < e"
assumes "\i. i \ domain P \ dist (P i) (Q i) < e"
shows "dist P Q < e"
proof -
have "dist P Q = Max (range (\i. dist (P i) (Q i)))"
using assms by (simp add: dist_fmap_def finite_proj_diag)
also have "\ < e"
proof (subst Max_less_iff, safe)
fix i
show "dist ((P)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i) < e" using assms
by (cases "i \ domain P") simp_all
qed (simp add: finite_proj_diag)
finally show ?thesis .
fix S::"('a \\<^sub>F 'b) set"
have *: "open S = (\x\S. \e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ S)" (is "_ = ?od")
assume "open S"
thus ?od
unfolding open_fmap_def
proof (induct rule: generate_topology.induct)
case UNIV thus ?case by (auto intro: zero_less_one)
case (Int a b)
show ?case
proof safe
fix x assume x: "x \ a" "x \ b"
with Int x obtain e1 e2 where
"e1>0" "\y. dist y x < e1 \ y \ a" "e2>0" "\y. dist y x < e2 \ y \ b" by force
thus "\e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ a \ b"
by (auto intro!: exI[where x="min e1 e2"])
case (UN K)
show ?case
proof safe
fix x X assume "x \ X" and X: "X \ K"
with UN obtain e where "e>0" "\y. dist y x < e \ y \ X" by force
with X show "\e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ \K" by auto
case (Basis s) then obtain a b where s: "s = Pi' a b" and b: "\i. i\a \ open (b i)" by auto
show ?case
proof safe
fix x assume "x \ s"
hence [simp]: "finite a" and a_dom: "a = domain x" using s by (auto simp: Pi'_iff)
obtain es where es: "\i \ a. es i > 0 \ (\y. dist y (proj x i) < es i \ y \ b i)"
using b \<open>x \<in> s\<close> by atomize_elim (intro bchoice, auto simp: open_dist s)
hence in_b: "\i y. i \ a \ dist y (proj x i) < es i \ y \ b i" by auto
show "\e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ s"
proof (cases, rule, safe)
assume "a \ {}"
show "0 < min 1 (Min (es ` a))" using es by (auto simp: \<open>a \<noteq> {}\<close>)
fix y assume d: "dist y x < min 1 (Min (es ` a))"
show "y \ s" unfolding s
show "domain y = a" using d s \<open>a \<noteq> {}\<close> by (auto simp: dist_le_1_imp_domain_eq a_dom)
fix i assume i: "i \ a"
hence "dist ((y)\<^sub>F i) ((x)\<^sub>F i) < es i" using d
by (auto simp: dist_fmap_def \<open>a \<noteq> {}\<close> intro!: le_less_trans[OF dist_proj])
with i show "y i \ b i" by (rule in_b)
assume "\a \ {}"
thus "\e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ s"
using s \<open>x \<in> s\<close> by (auto simp: Pi'_def dist_le_1_imp_domain_eq intro!: exI[where x=1])
assume "\x\S. \e>0. \y. dist y x < e \ y \ S"
then obtain e where e_pos: "\x. x \ S \ e x > 0" and
e_in: "\x y . x \ S \ dist y x < e x \ y \ S"
unfolding bchoice_iff
by auto
have S_eq: "S = \{Pi' a b| a b. \x\S. domain x = a \ b = (\i. ball (x i) (e x))}"
proof safe
fix x assume "x \ S"
thus "x \ \{Pi' a b| a b. \x\S. domain x = a \ b = (\i. ball (x i) (e x))}"
using e_pos by (auto intro!: exI[where x="Pi' (domain x) (\i. ball (x i) (e x))"])
fix x y
assume "y \ S"
assume "x \ (\' i\domain y. ball (y i) (e y))"
hence "dist x y < e y" using e_pos \<open>y \<in> S\<close>
by (auto simp: dist_fmap_def Pi'_iff finite_proj_diag dist_commute)
ultimately show "x \ S" by (rule e_in)
also have "open \"
unfolding open_fmap_def
by (intro generate_topology.UN) (auto intro: generate_topology.Basis)
finally show "open S" .
show "open S = (\x\S. \\<^sub>F (x', y) in uniformity. x' = x \ y \ S)"
unfolding * eventually_uniformity_metric
by (simp del: split_paired_All add: dist_fmap_def dist_commute eq_commute)
fix P Q::"'a \\<^sub>F 'b"
have Max_eq_iff: "\A m. finite A \ A \ {} \ (Max A = m) = (m \ A \ (\a\A. a \ m))"
by (auto intro: Max_in Max_eqI)
show "dist P Q = 0 \ P = Q"
by (auto simp: finmap_eq_iff dist_fmap_def Max_ge_iff finite_proj_diag Max_eq_iff
intro!: Max_eqI image_eqI[where x=undefined])
fix P Q R::"'a \\<^sub>F 'b"
let ?dists = "\P Q i. dist ((P)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i)"
let ?dpq = "?dists P Q" and ?dpr = "?dists P R" and ?dqr = "?dists Q R"
let ?dom = "\P Q. (if domain P = domain Q then 0 else 1::real)"
have "dist P Q = Max (range ?dpq) + ?dom P Q"
by (simp add: dist_fmap_def)
also obtain t where "t \ range ?dpq" "t = Max (range ?dpq)" by (simp add: finite_proj_diag)
then obtain i where "Max (range ?dpq) = ?dpq i" by auto
also have "?dpq i \ ?dpr i + ?dqr i" by (rule dist_triangle2)
also have "?dpr i \ Max (range ?dpr)" by (simp add: finite_proj_diag)
also have "?dqr i \ Max (range ?dqr)" by (simp add: finite_proj_diag)
also have "?dom P Q \ ?dom P R + ?dom Q R" by simp
finally show "dist P Q \ dist P R + dist Q R" by (simp add: dist_fmap_def ac_simps)
subsection \<open>Complete Space of Finite Maps\<close>
lemma tendsto_finmap:
fixes f::"nat \ ('i \\<^sub>F ('a::metric_space))"
assumes ind_f: "\n. domain (f n) = domain g"
assumes proj_g: "\i. i \ domain g \ (\n. (f n) i) \ g i"
shows "f \ g"
unfolding tendsto_iff
proof safe
fix e::real assume "0 < e"
let ?dists = "\x i. dist ((f x)\<^sub>F i) ((g)\<^sub>F i)"
have "eventually (\x. \i\domain g. ?dists x i < e) sequentially"
using finite_domain[of g] proj_g
proof induct
case (insert i G)
with \<open>0 < e\<close> have "eventually (\<lambda>x. ?dists x i < e) sequentially" by (auto simp add: tendsto_iff)
from insert have "eventually (\x. \i\G. dist ((f x)\<^sub>F i) ((g)\<^sub>F i) < e) sequentially" by simp
ultimately show ?case by eventually_elim auto
qed simp
thus "eventually (\x. dist (f x) g < e) sequentially"
by eventually_elim (auto simp add: dist_fmap_def finite_proj_diag ind_f \<open>0 < e\<close>)
instance fmap :: (type, complete_space) complete_space
fix P::"nat \ 'a \\<^sub>F 'b"
assume "Cauchy P"
then obtain Nd where Nd: "\n. n \ Nd \ dist (P n) (P Nd) < 1"
by (force simp: Cauchy_altdef2)
define d where "d = domain (P Nd)"
with Nd have dim: "\n. n \ Nd \ domain (P n) = d" using dist_le_1_imp_domain_eq by auto
have [simp]: "finite d" unfolding d_def by simp
define p where "p i n = P n i" for i n
define q where "q i = lim (p i)" for i
define Q where "Q = finmap_of d q"
have q: "\i. i \ d \ q i = Q i" by (auto simp add: Q_def Abs_fmap_inverse)
fix i assume "i \ d"
have "Cauchy (p i)" unfolding Cauchy_altdef2 p_def
proof safe
fix e::real assume "0 < e"
with \<open>Cauchy P\<close> obtain N where N: "\<And>n. n\<ge>N \<Longrightarrow> dist (P n) (P N) < min e 1"
by (force simp: Cauchy_altdef2 min_def)
hence "\n. n \ N \ domain (P n) = domain (P N)" using dist_le_1_imp_domain_eq by auto
with dim have dim: "\n. n \ N \ domain (P n) = d" by (metis nat_le_linear)
show "\N. \n\N. dist ((P n) i) ((P N) i) < e"
proof (safe intro!: exI[where x="N"])
fix n assume "N \ n" have "N \ N" by simp
have "dist ((P n) i) ((P N) i) \ dist (P n) (P N)"
using dim[OF \<open>N \<le> n\<close>] dim[OF \<open>N \<le> N\<close>] \<open>i \<in> d\<close>
by (auto intro!: dist_proj)
also have "\ < e" using N[OF \N \ n\] by simp
finally show "dist ((P n) i) ((P N) i) < e" .
hence "convergent (p i)" by (metis Cauchy_convergent_iff)
hence "p i \ q i" unfolding q_def convergent_def by (metis limI)
} note p = this
have "P \ Q"
proof (rule metric_LIMSEQ_I)
fix e::real assume "0 < e"
have "\ni. \i\d. \n\ni i. dist (p i n) (q i) < e"
proof (safe intro!: bchoice)
fix i assume "i \ d"
from p[OF \<open>i \<in> d\<close>, THEN metric_LIMSEQ_D, OF \<open>0 < e\<close>]
show "\no. \n\no. dist (p i n) (q i) < e" .
qed then guess ni .. note ni = this
define N where "N = max Nd (Max (ni ` d))"
show "\N. \n\N. dist (P n) Q < e"
proof (safe intro!: exI[where x="N"])
fix n assume "N \ n"
hence dom: "domain (P n) = d" "domain Q = d" "domain (P n) = domain Q"
using dim by (simp_all add: N_def Q_def dim_def Abs_fmap_inverse)
show "dist (P n) Q < e"
proof (rule dist_finmap_lessI[OF dom(3) \<open>0 < e\<close>])
fix i
assume "i \ domain (P n)"
hence "ni i \ Max (ni ` d)" using dom by simp
also have "\ \ N" by (simp add: N_def)
finally show "dist ((P n)\<^sub>F i) ((Q)\<^sub>F i) < e" using ni \i \ domain (P n)\ \N \ n\ dom
by (auto simp: p_def q N_def less_imp_le)
thus "convergent P" by (auto simp: convergent_def)
subsection \<open>Second Countable Space of Finite Maps\<close>
instantiation fmap :: (countable, second_countable_topology) second_countable_topology
definition basis_proj::"'b set set"
where "basis_proj = (SOME B. countable B \ topological_basis B)"
lemma countable_basis_proj: "countable basis_proj" and basis_proj: "topological_basis basis_proj"
unfolding basis_proj_def by (intro is_basis countable_basis)+
definition basis_finmap::"('a \\<^sub>F 'b) set set"
where "basis_finmap = {Pi' I S|I S. finite I \ (\i \ I. S i \ basis_proj)}"
lemma in_basis_finmapI:
assumes "finite I" assumes "\i. i \ I \ S i \ basis_proj"
shows "Pi' I S \ basis_finmap"
using assms unfolding basis_finmap_def by auto
lemma basis_finmap_eq:
assumes "basis_proj \ {}"
shows "basis_finmap = (\f. Pi' (domain f) (\i. from_nat_into basis_proj ((f)\<^sub>F i))) `
(UNIV::('a \\<^sub>F nat) set)" (is "_ = ?f ` _")
unfolding basis_finmap_def
proof safe
fix I::"'a set" and S::"'a \ 'b set"
assume "finite I" "\i\I. S i \ basis_proj"
hence "Pi' I S = ?f (finmap_of I (\x. to_nat_on basis_proj (S x)))"
by (force simp: Pi'_def countable_basis_proj)
thus "Pi' I S \ range ?f" by simp
fix x and f::"'a \\<^sub>F nat"
show "\I S. (\' i\domain f. from_nat_into basis_proj ((f)\<^sub>F i)) = Pi' I S \
finite I \<and> (\<forall>i\<in>I. S i \<in> basis_proj)"
using assms by (auto intro: from_nat_into)
lemma basis_finmap_eq_empty: "basis_proj = {} \ basis_finmap = {Pi' {} undefined}"
by (auto simp: Pi'_iff basis_finmap_def)
lemma countable_basis_finmap: "countable basis_finmap"
by (cases "basis_proj = {}") (auto simp: basis_finmap_eq basis_finmap_eq_empty)
lemma finmap_topological_basis:
"topological_basis basis_finmap"
proof (subst topological_basis_iff, safe)
fix B' assume "B' \<in> basis_finmap"
thus "open B'"
by (auto intro!: open_Pi'I topological_basis_open[OF basis_proj]
simp: topological_basis_def basis_finmap_def Let_def)
fix O'::"('a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>F 'b) set" and x
assume O': "open O'" "x \<in> O'"
then obtain a where a:
"x \ Pi' (domain x) a" "Pi' (domain x) a \ O'" "\i. i\domain x \ open (a i)"
unfolding open_fmap_def
proof (atomize_elim, induct rule: generate_topology.induct)
case (Int a b)
let ?p="\a f. x \ Pi' (domain x) f \ Pi' (domain x) f \ a \ (\i. i \ domain x \ open (f i))"
from Int obtain f g where "?p a f" "?p b g" by auto
thus ?case by (force intro!: exI[where x="\i. f i \ g i"] simp: Pi'_def)
case (UN k)
then obtain kk a where "x \ kk" "kk \ k" "x \ Pi' (domain x) a" "Pi' (domain x) a \ kk"
"\i. i\domain x \ open (a i)"
by force
thus ?case by blast
qed (auto simp: Pi'_def)
have "\B.
(\<forall>i\<in>domain x. x i \<in> B i \<and> B i \<subseteq> a i \<and> B i \<in> basis_proj)"
proof (rule bchoice, safe)
fix i assume "i \ domain x"
hence "open (a i)" "x i \ a i" using a by auto
from topological_basisE[OF basis_proj this] guess b' .
thus "\y. x i \ y \ y \ a i \ y \ basis_proj" by auto
then guess B .. note B = this
define B' where "B' = Pi' (domain x) (\i. (B i)::'b set)"
have "B' \ Pi' (domain x) a" using B by (auto intro!: Pi'_mono simp: B'_def)
also note \<open>\<dots> \<subseteq> O'\<close>
finally show "\B'\basis_finmap. x \ B' \ B' \ O'" using B
by (auto intro!: bexI[where x=B'] Pi'_mono in_basis_finmapI simp: B'_def)
lemma range_enum_basis_finmap_imp_open:
assumes "x \ basis_finmap"
shows "open x"
using finmap_topological_basis assms by (auto simp: topological_basis_def)
instance proof qed (blast intro: finmap_topological_basis countable_basis_finmap topological_basis_imp_subbasis)
subsection \<open>Polish Space of Finite Maps\<close>
instance fmap :: (countable, polish_space) polish_space proof qed
subsection \<open>Product Measurable Space of Finite Maps\<close>
definition "PiF I M \
sigma (\<Union>J \<in> I. (\<Pi>' j\<in>J. space (M j))) {(\<Pi>' j\<in>J. X j) |X J. J \<in> I \<and> X \<in> (\<Pi> j\<in>J. sets (M j))}"
"Pi\<^sub>F I M \ PiF I M"
"_PiF" :: "pttrn \ 'i set \ 'a measure \ ('i => 'a) measure" ("(3\\<^sub>F _\_./ _)" 10)
"\\<^sub>F x\I. M" == "CONST PiF I (%x. M)"
lemma PiF_gen_subset: "{(\' j\J. X j) |X J. J \ I \ X \ (\ j\J. sets (M j))} \
Pow (\<Union>J \<in> I. (\<Pi>' j\<in>J. space (M j)))"
by (auto simp: Pi'_def) (blast dest: sets.sets_into_space)
lemma space_PiF: "space (PiF I M) = (\J \ I. (\' j\J. space (M j)))"
unfolding PiF_def using PiF_gen_subset by (rule space_measure_of)
lemma sets_PiF:
"sets (PiF I M) = sigma_sets (\J \ I. (\' j\J. space (M j)))
{(\<Pi>' j\<in>J. X j) |X J. J \<in> I \<and> X \<in> (\<Pi> j\<in>J. sets (M j))}"
unfolding PiF_def using PiF_gen_subset by (rule sets_measure_of)
lemma sets_PiF_singleton:
"sets (PiF {I} M) = sigma_sets (\' j\I. space (M j))
{(\<Pi>' j\<in>I. X j) |X. X \<in> (\<Pi> j\<in>I. sets (M j))}"
unfolding sets_PiF by simp
lemma in_sets_PiFI:
assumes "X = (Pi' J S)" "J \ I" "\i. i\J \ S i \ sets (M i)"
shows "X \ sets (PiF I M)"
unfolding sets_PiF
using assms by blast
lemma product_in_sets_PiFI:
assumes "J \ I" "\i. i\J \ S i \ sets (M i)"
shows "(Pi' J S) \ sets (PiF I M)"
unfolding sets_PiF
using assms by blast
lemma singleton_space_subset_in_sets:
fixes J
assumes "J \ I"
assumes "finite J"
shows "space (PiF {J} M) \ sets (PiF I M)"
using assms
by (intro in_sets_PiFI[where J=J and S="\i. space (M i)"])
(auto simp: product_def space_PiF)
lemma singleton_subspace_set_in_sets:
assumes A: "A \ sets (PiF {J} M)"
assumes "finite J"
assumes "J \ I"
shows "A \ sets (PiF I M)"
using A[unfolded sets_PiF]
apply (induct A)
unfolding sets_PiF[symmetric] unfolding space_PiF[symmetric]
using assms
by (auto intro: in_sets_PiFI intro!: singleton_space_subset_in_sets)
lemma finite_measurable_singletonI:
assumes "finite I"
assumes "\J. J \ I \ finite J"
assumes MN: "\J. J \ I \ A \ measurable (PiF {J} M) N"
shows "A \ measurable (PiF I M) N"
unfolding measurable_def
proof safe
fix y assume "y \ sets N"
have "A -` y \ space (PiF I M) = (\J\I. A -` y \ space (PiF {J} M))"
by (auto simp: space_PiF)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF I M)"
proof (rule sets.finite_UN)
show "finite I" by fact
fix J assume "J \ I"
with assms have "finite J" by simp
show "A -` y \ space (PiF {J} M) \ sets (PiF I M)"
by (rule singleton_subspace_set_in_sets[OF measurable_sets[OF assms(3)]]) fact+
finally show "A -` y \ space (PiF I M) \ sets (PiF I M)" .
fix x assume "x \ space (PiF I M)" thus "A x \ space N"
using MN[of "domain x"]
by (auto simp: space_PiF measurable_space Pi'_def)
lemma countable_finite_comprehension:
fixes f :: "'a::countable set \ _"
assumes "\s. P s \ finite s"
assumes "\s. P s \ f s \ sets M"
shows "\{f s|s. P s} \ sets M"
proof -
have "\{f s|s. P s} = (\n::nat. let s = set (from_nat n) in if P s then f s else {})"
proof safe
fix x X s assume *: "x \ f s" "P s"
with assms obtain l where "s = set l" using finite_list by blast
with * show "x \ (\n. let s = set (from_nat n) in if P s then f s else {})" using \P s\
by (auto intro!: exI[where x="to_nat l"])
fix x n assume "x \ (let s = set (from_nat n) in if P s then f s else {})"
thus "x \ \{f s|s. P s}" using assms by (auto simp: Let_def split: if_split_asm)
hence "\{f s|s. P s} = (\n. let s = set (from_nat n) in if P s then f s else {})" by simp
also have "\ \ sets M" using assms by (auto simp: Let_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma space_subset_in_sets:
fixes J::"'a::countable set set"
assumes "J \ I"
assumes "\j. j \ J \ finite j"
shows "space (PiF J M) \ sets (PiF I M)"
proof -
have "space (PiF J M) = \{space (PiF {j} M)|j. j \ J}"
unfolding space_PiF by blast
also have "\ \ sets (PiF I M)" using assms
by (intro countable_finite_comprehension) (auto simp: singleton_space_subset_in_sets)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma subspace_set_in_sets:
fixes J::"'a::countable set set"
assumes A: "A \ sets (PiF J M)"
assumes "J \ I"
assumes "\j. j \ J \ finite j"
shows "A \ sets (PiF I M)"
using A[unfolded sets_PiF]
apply (induct A)
unfolding sets_PiF[symmetric] unfolding space_PiF[symmetric]
using assms
by (auto intro: in_sets_PiFI intro!: space_subset_in_sets)
lemma countable_measurable_PiFI:
fixes I::"'a::countable set set"
assumes MN: "\J. J \ I \ finite J \ A \ measurable (PiF {J} M) N"
shows "A \ measurable (PiF I M) N"
unfolding measurable_def
proof safe
fix y assume "y \ sets N"
have "A -` y = (\{A -` y \ {x. domain x = J}|J. finite J})" by auto
{ fix x::"'a \\<^sub>F 'b"
from finite_list[of "domain x"] obtain xs where "set xs = domain x" by auto
hence "\n. domain x = set (from_nat n)"
by (intro exI[where x="to_nat xs"]) auto }
hence "A -` y \ space (PiF I M) = (\n. A -` y \ space (PiF ({set (from_nat n)}\I) M))"
by (auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF I M)"
apply (intro sets.Int sets.countable_nat_UN subsetI, safe)
apply (case_tac "set (from_nat i) \ I")
apply simp_all
apply (rule singleton_subspace_set_in_sets[OF measurable_sets[OF MN]])
using assms \<open>y \<in> sets N\<close>
apply (auto simp: space_PiF)
finally show "A -` y \ space (PiF I M) \ sets (PiF I M)" .
fix x assume "x \ space (PiF I M)" thus "A x \ space N"
using MN[of "domain x"] by (auto simp: space_PiF measurable_space Pi'_def)
lemma measurable_PiF:
assumes f: "\x. x \ space N \ domain (f x) \ I \ (\i\domain (f x). (f x) i \ space (M i))"
assumes S: "\J S. J \ I \ (\i. i \ J \ S i \ sets (M i)) \
f -` (Pi' J S) \ space N \ sets N"
shows "f \ measurable N (PiF I M)"
unfolding PiF_def
using PiF_gen_subset
apply (rule measurable_measure_of)
using f apply force
apply (insert S, auto)
lemma restrict_sets_measurable:
assumes A: "A \ sets (PiF I M)" and "J \ I"
shows "A \ {m. domain m \ J} \ sets (PiF J M)"
using A[unfolded sets_PiF]
proof (induct A)
case (Basic a)
then obtain K S where S: "a = Pi' K S" "K \ I" "(\i\K. S i \ sets (M i))"
by auto
show ?case
proof cases
assume "K \ J"
hence "a \ {m. domain m \ J} \ {Pi' K X |X K. K \ J \ X \ (\ j\K. sets (M j))}" using S
by (auto intro!: exI[where x=K] exI[where x=S] simp: Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF J M)" unfolding sets_PiF by auto
finally show ?thesis .
assume "K \ J"
hence "a \ {m. domain m \ J} = {}" using S by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF J M)" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
case (Union a)
have "\(a ` UNIV) \ {m. domain m \ J} = (\i. (a i \ {m. domain m \ J}))"
by simp
also have "\ \ sets (PiF J M)" using Union by (intro sets.countable_nat_UN) auto
finally show ?case .
case (Compl a)
have "(space (PiF I M) - a) \ {m. domain m \ J} = (space (PiF J M) - (a \ {m. domain m \ J}))"
using \<open>J \<subseteq> I\<close> by (auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF J M)" using Compl by auto
finally show ?case by (simp add: space_PiF)
qed simp
lemma measurable_finmap_of:
assumes f: "\i. (\x \ space N. i \ J x) \ (\x. f x i) \ measurable N (M i)"
assumes J: "\x. x \ space N \ J x \ I" "\x. x \ space N \ finite (J x)"
assumes JN: "\S. {x. J x = S} \ space N \ sets N"
shows "(\x. finmap_of (J x) (f x)) \ measurable N (PiF I M)"
proof (rule measurable_PiF)
fix x assume "x \ space N"
with J[of x] measurable_space[OF f]
show "domain (finmap_of (J x) (f x)) \ I \
(\<forall>i\<in>domain (finmap_of (J x) (f x)). (finmap_of (J x) (f x)) i \<in> space (M i))"
by auto
fix K S assume "K \ I" and *: "\i. i \ K \ S i \ sets (M i)"
with J have eq: "(\x. finmap_of (J x) (f x)) -` Pi' K S \ space N =
(if \<exists>x \<in> space N. K = J x \<and> finite K then if K = {} then {x \<in> space N. J x = K}
else (\<Inter>i\<in>K. (\<lambda>x. f x i) -` S i \<inter> {x \<in> space N. J x = K}) else {})"
by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
have r: "{x \ space N. J x = K} = space N \ ({x. J x = K} \ space N)" by auto
show "(\x. finmap_of (J x) (f x)) -` Pi' K S \ space N \ sets N"
unfolding eq r
apply (simp del: INT_simps add: )
apply (intro conjI impI sets.finite_INT JN sets.Int[OF sets.top])
apply simp apply assumption
apply (subst Int_assoc[symmetric])
apply (rule sets.Int)
apply (intro measurable_sets[OF f] *) apply force apply assumption
apply (intro JN)
lemma measurable_PiM_finmap_of:
assumes "finite J"
shows "finmap_of J \ measurable (Pi\<^sub>M J M) (PiF {J} M)"
apply (rule measurable_finmap_of)
apply (rule measurable_component_singleton)
apply simp
apply rule
apply (rule \<open>finite J\<close>)
apply simp
lemma proj_measurable_singleton:
assumes "A \ sets (M i)"
shows "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space (PiF {I} M) \ sets (PiF {I} M)"
proof cases
assume "i \ I"
hence "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space (PiF {I} M) =
Pi' I (\x. if x = i then A else space (M x))"
using sets.sets_into_space[OF ] \<open>A \<in> sets (M i)\<close> assms
by (auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
thus ?thesis using assms \<open>A \<in> sets (M i)\<close>
by (intro in_sets_PiFI) auto
assume "i \ I"
hence "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space (PiF {I} M) =
(if undefined \<in> A then space (PiF {I} M) else {})" by (auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma measurable_proj_singleton:
assumes "i \ I"
shows "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) \ measurable (PiF {I} M) (M i)"
by (unfold measurable_def, intro CollectI conjI ballI proj_measurable_singleton assms)
(insert \<open>i \<in> I\<close>, auto simp: space_PiF)
lemma measurable_proj_countable:
fixes I::"'a::countable set set"
assumes "y \ space (M i)"
shows "(\x. if i \ domain x then (x)\<^sub>F i else y) \ measurable (PiF I M) (M i)"
proof (rule countable_measurable_PiFI)
fix J assume "J \ I" "finite J"
show "(\x. if i \ domain x then x i else y) \ measurable (PiF {J} M) (M i)"
unfolding measurable_def
proof safe
fix z assume "z \ sets (M i)"
have "(\x. if i \ domain x then x i else y) -` z \ space (PiF {J} M) =
(\<lambda>x. if i \<in> J then (x)\<^sub>F i else y) -` z \<inter> space (PiF {J} M)"
by (auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF {J} M)" using \z \ sets (M i)\ \finite J\
by (cases "i \ J") (auto intro!: measurable_sets[OF measurable_proj_singleton])
finally show "(\x. if i \ domain x then x i else y) -` z \ space (PiF {J} M) \
sets (PiF {J} M)" .
qed (insert \<open>y \<in> space (M i)\<close>, auto simp: space_PiF Pi'_def)
lemma measurable_restrict_proj:
assumes "J \ II" "finite J"
shows "finmap_of J \ measurable (PiM J M) (PiF II M)"
using assms
by (intro measurable_finmap_of measurable_component_singleton) auto
lemma measurable_proj_PiM:
fixes J K ::"'a::countable set" and I::"'a set set"
assumes "finite J" "J \ I"
assumes "x \ space (PiM J M)"
shows "proj \ measurable (PiF {J} M) (PiM J M)"
proof (rule measurable_PiM_single)
show "proj \ space (PiF {J} M) \ (\\<^sub>E i \ J. space (M i))"
using assms by (auto simp add: space_PiM space_PiF extensional_def sets_PiF Pi'_def)
fix A i assume A: "i \ J" "A \ sets (M i)"
show "{\ \ space (PiF {J} M). (\)\<^sub>F i \ A} \ sets (PiF {J} M)"
have "{\ \ space (PiF {J} M). (\)\<^sub>F i \ A} =
(\<lambda>\<omega>. (\<omega>)\<^sub>F i) -` A \<inter> space (PiF {J} M)" by auto
also have "\ \ sets (PiF {J} M)"
using assms A by (auto intro: measurable_sets[OF measurable_proj_singleton] simp: space_PiM)
finally show ?thesis .
qed simp
lemma space_PiF_singleton_eq_product:
assumes "finite I"
shows "space (PiF {I} M) = (\' i\I. space (M i))"
by (auto simp: product_def space_PiF assms)
text \<open>adapted from @{thm sets_PiM_single}\<close>
lemma sets_PiF_single:
assumes "finite I" "I \ {}"
shows "sets (PiF {I} M) =
sigma_sets (\<Pi>' i\<in>I. space (M i))
{{f\<in>\<Pi>' i\<in>I. space (M i). f i \<in> A} | i A. i \<in> I \<and> A \<in> sets (M i)}"
(is "_ = sigma_sets ?\ ?R")
unfolding sets_PiF_singleton
proof (rule sigma_sets_eqI)
interpret R: sigma_algebra ?\<Omega> "sigma_sets ?\<Omega> ?R" by (rule sigma_algebra_sigma_sets) auto
fix A assume "A \ {Pi' I X |X. X \ (\ j\I. sets (M j))}"
then obtain X where X: "A = Pi' I X" "X \ (\ j\I. sets (M j))" by auto
show "A \ sigma_sets ?\ ?R"
proof -
from \<open>I \<noteq> {}\<close> X have "A = (\<Inter>j\<in>I. {f\<in>space (PiF {I} M). f j \<in> X j})"
using sets.sets_into_space
by (auto simp: space_PiF product_def) blast
also have "\ \ sigma_sets ?\ ?R"
using X \<open>I \<noteq> {}\<close> assms by (intro R.finite_INT) (auto simp: space_PiF)
finally show "A \ sigma_sets ?\ ?R" .
fix A assume "A \ ?R"
then obtain i B where A: "A = {f\\' i\I. space (M i). f i \ B}" "i \ I" "B \ sets (M i)"
by auto
then have "A = (\' j \ I. if j = i then B else space (M j))"
using sets.sets_into_space[OF A(3)]
apply (auto simp: Pi'_iff split: if_split_asm)
apply blast
also have "\ \ sigma_sets ?\ {Pi' I X |X. X \ (\ j\I. sets (M j))}"
using A
by (intro sigma_sets.Basic )
(auto intro: exI[where x="\j. if j = i then B else space (M j)"])
finally show "A \ sigma_sets ?\ {Pi' I X |X. X \ (\ j\I. sets (M j))}" .
text \<open>adapted from @{thm PiE_cong}\<close>
lemma Pi'_cong:
assumes "finite I"
assumes "\i. i \ I \ f i = g i"
shows "Pi' I f = Pi' I g"
using assms by (auto simp: Pi'_def)
text \<open>adapted from @{thm Pi_UN}\<close>
lemma Pi'_UN:
fixes A :: "nat \ 'i \ 'a set"
assumes "finite I"
assumes mono: "\i n m. i \ I \ n \ m \ A n i \ A m i"
shows "(\n. Pi' I (A n)) = Pi' I (\i. \n. A n i)"
proof (intro set_eqI iffI)
fix f assume "f \ Pi' I (\i. \n. A n i)"
then have "\i\I. \n. f i \ A n i" "domain f = I" by (auto simp: \finite I\ Pi'_def)
from bchoice[OF this(1)] obtain n where n: "\i. i \ I \ f i \ (A (n i) i)" by auto
obtain k where k: "\i. i \ I \ n i \ k"
using \<open>finite I\<close> finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le[of "n`I"] by auto
have "f \ Pi' I (\i. A k i)"
fix i assume "i \ I"
from mono[OF this, of "n i" k] k[OF this] n[OF this] \<open>domain f = I\<close> \<open>i \<in> I\<close>
show "f i \ A k i " by (auto simp: \finite I\)
qed (simp add: \<open>domain f = I\<close> \<open>finite I\<close>)
then show "f \ (\n. Pi' I (A n))" by auto
qed (auto simp: Pi'_def \finite I\)
text \<open>adapted from @{thm sets_PiM_sigma}\<close>
lemma sigma_fprod_algebra_sigma_eq:
fixes E :: "'i \ 'a set set" and S :: "'i \ nat \ 'a set"
assumes [simp]: "finite I" "I \ {}"
and S_union: "\i. i \ I \ (\j. S i j) = space (M i)"
and S_in_E: "\i. i \ I \ range (S i) \ E i"
assumes E_closed: "\i. i \ I \ E i \ Pow (space (M i))"
and E_generates: "\i. i \ I \ sets (M i) = sigma_sets (space (M i)) (E i)"
defines "P == { Pi' I F | F. \i\I. F i \ E i }"
shows "sets (PiF {I} M) = sigma_sets (space (PiF {I} M)) P"
let ?P = "sigma (space (Pi\<^sub>F {I} M)) P"
from \<open>finite I\<close>[THEN ex_bij_betw_finite_nat] guess T ..
then have T: "\i. i \ I \ T i < card I" "\i. i\I \ the_inv_into I T (T i) = i"
by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def set_eq_iff image_iff the_inv_into_f_f simp del: \<open>finite I\<close>)
have P_closed: "P \ Pow (space (Pi\<^sub>F {I} M))"
using E_closed by (auto simp: space_PiF P_def Pi'_iff subset_eq)
then have space_P: "space ?P = (\' i\I. space (M i))"
by (simp add: space_PiF)
have "sets (PiF {I} M) =
sigma_sets (space ?P) {{f \<in> \<Pi>' i\<in>I. space (M i). f i \<in> A} |i A. i \<in> I \<and> A \<in> sets (M i)}"
using sets_PiF_single[of I M] by (simp add: space_P)
also have "\ \ sets (sigma (space (PiF {I} M)) P)"
proof (safe intro!: sets.sigma_sets_subset)
fix i A assume "i \ I" and A: "A \ sets (M i)"
have "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) \ measurable ?P (sigma (space (M i)) (E i))"
proof (subst measurable_iff_measure_of)
show "E i \ Pow (space (M i))" using \i \ I\ by fact
from space_P \<open>i \<in> I\<close> show "(\<lambda>x. (x)\<^sub>F i) \<in> space ?P \<rightarrow> space (M i)"
by auto
show "\A\E i. (\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space ?P \ sets ?P"
fix A assume A: "A \ E i"
from T have *: "\xs. length xs = card I
\<and> (\<forall>j\<in>I. (g)\<^sub>F j \<in> (if i = j then A else S j (xs ! T j)))"
if "domain g = I" and "\j\I. (g)\<^sub>F j \ (if i = j then A else S j (f j))" for g f
using that by (auto intro!: exI [of _ "map (\n. f (the_inv_into I T n)) [0..
from A have "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space ?P = (\' j\I. if i = j then A else space (M j))"
using E_closed \<open>i \<in> I\<close> by (auto simp: space_P Pi_iff subset_eq split: if_split_asm)
also have "\ = (\' j\I. \n. if i = j then A else S j n)"
by (intro Pi'_cong) (simp_all add: S_union)
also have "\ = {g. domain g = I \ (\f. \j\I. (g)\<^sub>F j \ (if i = j then A else S j (f j)))}"
by (rule set_eqI) (simp del: if_image_distrib add: Pi'_iff bchoice_iff)
also have "\ = (\xs\{xs. length xs = card I}. \' j\I. if i = j then A else S j (xs ! T j))"
using * by (auto simp add: Pi'_iff split del: if_split)
also have "\ \ sets ?P"
proof (safe intro!: sets.countable_UN)
fix xs show "(\' j\I. if i = j then A else S j (xs ! T j)) \ sets ?P"
using A S_in_E
by (simp add: P_closed)
(auto simp: P_def subset_eq intro!: exI[of _ "\j. if i = j then A else S j (xs ! T j)"])
finally show "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space ?P \ sets ?P"
using P_closed by simp
from measurable_sets[OF this, of A] A \<open>i \<in> I\<close> E_closed
have "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space ?P \ sets ?P"
by (simp add: E_generates)
also have "(\x. (x)\<^sub>F i) -` A \ space ?P = {f \ \' i\I. space (M i). f i \ A}"
using P_closed by (auto simp: space_PiF)
finally show "\ \ sets ?P" .
finally show "sets (PiF {I} M) \ sigma_sets (space (PiF {I} M)) P"
by (simp add: P_closed)
show "sigma_sets (space (PiF {I} M)) P \ sets (PiF {I} M)"
using \<open>finite I\<close> \<open>I \<noteq> {}\<close>
by (auto intro!: sets.sigma_sets_subset product_in_sets_PiFI simp: E_generates P_def)
lemma product_open_generates_sets_PiF_single:
assumes "I \ {}"
assumes [simp]: "finite I"
shows "sets (PiF {I} (\_. borel::'b::second_countable_topology measure)) =
sigma_sets (space (PiF {I} (\<lambda>_. borel))) {Pi' I F |F. (\<forall>i\<in>I. F i \<in> Collect open)}"
proof -
from open_countable_basisE[OF open_UNIV] guess S::"'b set set" . note S = this
show ?thesis
proof (rule sigma_fprod_algebra_sigma_eq)
show "finite I" by simp
show "I \ {}" by fact
define S' where "S' = from_nat_into S"
show "(\j. S' j) = space borel"
using S
apply (auto simp add: from_nat_into countable_basis_proj S'_def basis_proj_def)
apply (metis (lifting, mono_tags) UNIV_I UnionE basis_proj_def countable_basis_proj countable_subset from_nat_into_surj)
show "range S' \ Collect open"
using S
apply (auto simp add: from_nat_into countable_basis_proj S'_def)
apply (metis UNIV_not_empty Union_empty from_nat_into subsetD topological_basis_open[OF basis_proj] basis_proj_def)
show "Collect open \ Pow (space borel)" by simp
show "sets borel = sigma_sets (space borel) (Collect open)"
by (simp add: borel_def)
lemma finmap_UNIV[simp]: "(\J\Collect finite. \' j\J. UNIV) = UNIV" by auto
lemma borel_eq_PiF_borel:
shows "(borel :: ('i::countable \\<^sub>F 'a::polish_space) measure) =
PiF (Collect finite) (\<lambda>_. borel :: 'a measure)"
unfolding borel_def PiF_def
proof (rule measure_eqI, clarsimp, rule sigma_sets_eqI)
fix a::"('i \\<^sub>F 'a) set" assume "a \ Collect open" hence "open a" by simp
then obtain B' where B': "B'\basis_finmap" "a = \B'"
using finmap_topological_basis by (force simp add: topological_basis_def)
have "a \ sigma UNIV {Pi' J X |X J. finite J \ X \ J \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)}"
unfolding \<open>a = \<Union>B'\<close>
proof (rule sets.countable_Union)
from B' countable_basis_finmap show "countable B'" by (metis countable_subset)
show "B' \ sets (sigma UNIV
{Pi' J X |X J. finite J \ X \ J \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)})" (is "_ \ sets ?s")
fix x assume "x \ B'" with B' have "x \ basis_finmap" by auto
then obtain J X where "x = Pi' J X" "finite J" "X \ J \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)"
by (auto simp: basis_finmap_def topological_basis_open[OF basis_proj])
thus "x \ sets ?s" by auto
thus "a \ sigma_sets UNIV {Pi' J X |X J. finite J \ X \ J \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)}"
by simp
fix b::"('i \\<^sub>F 'a) set"
assume "b \ {Pi' J X |X J. finite J \ X \ J \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)}"
hence b': "b \ sets (Pi\<^sub>F (Collect finite) (\_. borel))" by (auto simp: sets_PiF borel_def)
let ?b = "\J. b \ {x. domain x = J}"
have "b = \((\J. ?b J) ` Collect finite)" by auto
also have "\ \ sets borel"
proof (rule sets.countable_Union, safe)
fix J::"'i set" assume "finite J"
{ assume ef: "J = {}"
have "?b J \ sets borel"
proof cases
assume "?b J \ {}"
then obtain f where "f \ b" "domain f = {}" using ef by auto
hence "?b J = {f}" using \<open>J = {}\<close>
by (auto simp: finmap_eq_iff)
also have "{f} \ sets borel" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
qed simp
} moreover {
assume "J \ ({}::'i set)"
have "(?b J) = b \ {m. domain m \ {J}}" by auto
also have "\ \ sets (PiF {J} (\_. borel))"
using b' by (rule restrict_sets_measurable) (auto simp: \finite J\)
also have "\ = sigma_sets (space (PiF {J} (\_. borel)))
{Pi' (J) F |F. (\j\J. F j \ Collect open)}"
(is "_ = sigma_sets _ ?P")
by (rule product_open_generates_sets_PiF_single[OF \<open>J \<noteq> {}\<close> \<open>finite J\<close>])
also have "\ \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)"
by (intro sigma_sets_mono'') (auto intro!: open_Pi'I simp: space_PiF)
finally have "(?b J) \ sets borel" by (simp add: borel_def)
} ultimately show "(?b J) \ sets borel" by blast
qed (simp add: countable_Collect_finite)
finally show "b \ sigma_sets UNIV (Collect open)" by (simp add: borel_def)
qed (simp add: emeasure_sigma borel_def PiF_def)
subsection \<open>Isomorphism between Functions and Finite Maps\<close>
lemma measurable_finmap_compose:
shows "(\m. compose J m f) \ measurable (PiM (f ` J) (\_. M)) (PiM J (\_. M))"
unfolding compose_def by measurable
lemma measurable_compose_inv:
assumes inj: "\j. j \ J \ f' (f j) = j"
shows "(\m. compose (f ` J) m f') \ measurable (PiM J (\_. M)) (PiM (f ` J) (\_. M))"
unfolding compose_def by (rule measurable_restrict) (auto simp: inj)
locale function_to_finmap =
fixes J::"'a set" and f :: "'a \ 'b::countable" and f'
assumes [simp]: "finite J"
assumes inv: "i \ J \ f' (f i) = i"
text \<open>to measure finmaps\<close>
definition "fm = (finmap_of (f ` J)) o (\g. compose (f ` J) g f')"
lemma domain_fm[simp]: "domain (fm x) = f ` J"
unfolding fm_def by simp
lemma fm_restrict[simp]: "fm (restrict y J) = fm y"
unfolding fm_def by (auto simp: compose_def inv intro: restrict_ext)
lemma fm_product:
assumes "\i. space (M i) = UNIV"
shows "fm -` Pi' (f ` J) S \ space (Pi\<^sub>M J M) = (\\<^sub>E j \ J. S (f j))"
using assms
by (auto simp: inv fm_def compose_def space_PiM Pi'_def)
lemma fm_measurable:
assumes "f ` J \ N"
shows "fm \ measurable (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. M)) (Pi\<^sub>F N (\_. M))"
unfolding fm_def
proof (rule measurable_comp, rule measurable_compose_inv)
show "finmap_of (f ` J) \ measurable (Pi\<^sub>M (f ` J) (\_. M)) (PiF N (\_. M)) "
using assms by (intro measurable_finmap_of measurable_component_singleton) auto
qed (simp_all add: inv)
lemma proj_fm:
assumes "x \ J"
shows "fm m (f x) = m x"
using assms by (auto simp: fm_def compose_def o_def inv)
lemma inj_on_compose_f': "inj_on (\g. compose (f ` J) g f') (extensional J)"
proof (rule inj_on_inverseI)
fix x::"'a \ 'c" assume "x \ extensional J"
thus "(\x. compose J x f) (compose (f ` J) x f') = x"
by (auto simp: compose_def inv extensional_def)
lemma inj_on_fm:
assumes "\i. space (M i) = UNIV"
shows "inj_on fm (space (Pi\<^sub>M J M))"
using assms
apply (auto simp: fm_def space_PiM PiE_def)
apply (rule comp_inj_on)
apply (rule inj_on_compose_f')
apply (rule finmap_of_inj_on_extensional_finite)
apply simp
apply (auto)
text \<open>to measure functions\<close>
definition "mf = (\g. compose J g f) o proj"
lemma mf_fm:
assumes "x \ space (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. M))"
shows "mf (fm x) = x"
proof -
have "mf (fm x) \ extensional J"
by (auto simp: mf_def extensional_def compose_def)
have "x \ extensional J" using assms sets.sets_into_space
by (force simp: space_PiM PiE_def)
{ fix i assume "i \ J"
hence "mf (fm x) i = x i"
by (auto simp: inv mf_def compose_def fm_def)
show ?thesis by (rule extensionalityI)
lemma mf_measurable:
assumes "space M = UNIV"
shows "mf \ measurable (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M)) (PiM J (\_. M))"
unfolding mf_def
proof (rule measurable_comp, rule measurable_proj_PiM)
show "(\g. compose J g f) \ measurable (Pi\<^sub>M (f ` J) (\x. M)) (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. M))"
by (rule measurable_finmap_compose)
qed (auto simp add: space_PiM extensional_def assms)
lemma fm_image_measurable:
assumes "space M = UNIV"
assumes "X \ sets (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. M))"
shows "fm ` X \ sets (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M))"
proof -
have "fm ` X = (mf) -` X \ space (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M))"
proof safe
fix x assume "x \ X"
with mf_fm[of x] sets.sets_into_space[OF assms(2)] show "fm x \ mf -` X" by auto
show "fm x \ space (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M))" by (simp add: space_PiF assms)
fix y x
assume x: "mf y \ X"
assume y: "y \ space (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M))"
thus "y \ fm ` X"
by (intro image_eqI[OF _ x], unfold finmap_eq_iff)
(auto simp: space_PiF fm_def mf_def compose_def inv Pi'_def)
also have "\ \ sets (PiF {f ` J} (\_. M))"
using assms
by (intro measurable_sets[OF mf_measurable]) auto
finally show ?thesis .
lemma fm_image_measurable_finite:
assumes "space M = UNIV"
assumes "X \ sets (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. M::'c measure))"
shows "fm ` X \ sets (PiF (Collect finite) (\_. M::'c measure))"
using fm_image_measurable[OF assms]
by (rule subspace_set_in_sets) (auto simp: finite_subset)
text \<open>measure on finmaps\<close>
definition "mapmeasure M N = distr M (PiF (Collect finite) N) (fm)"
lemma sets_mapmeasure[simp]: "sets (mapmeasure M N) = sets (PiF (Collect finite) N)"
unfolding mapmeasure_def by simp
lemma space_mapmeasure[simp]: "space (mapmeasure M N) = space (PiF (Collect finite) N)"
unfolding mapmeasure_def by simp
lemma mapmeasure_PiF:
assumes s1: "space M = space (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N))"
assumes s2: "sets M = sets (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N))"
assumes "space N = UNIV"
assumes "X \ sets (PiF (Collect finite) (\_. N))"
shows "emeasure (mapmeasure M (\_. N)) X = emeasure M ((fm -` X \ extensional J))"
using assms
by (auto simp: measurable_cong_sets[OF s2 refl] mapmeasure_def emeasure_distr
fm_measurable space_PiM PiE_def)
lemma mapmeasure_PiM:
fixes N::"'c measure"
assumes s1: "space M = space (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N))"
assumes s2: "sets M = (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N))"
assumes N: "space N = UNIV"
assumes X: "X \ sets M"
shows "emeasure M X = emeasure (mapmeasure M (\_. N)) (fm ` X)"
unfolding mapmeasure_def
proof (subst emeasure_distr, subst measurable_cong_sets[OF s2 refl], rule fm_measurable)
have "X \ space (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N))" using assms by (simp add: sets.sets_into_space)
from assms inj_on_fm[of "\_. N"] subsetD[OF this] have "fm -` fm ` X \ space (Pi\<^sub>M J (\_. N)) = X"
by (auto simp: vimage_image_eq inj_on_def)
thus "emeasure M X = emeasure M (fm -` fm ` X \ space M)" using s1
by simp
show "fm ` X \ sets (PiF (Collect finite) (\_. N))"
by (rule fm_image_measurable_finite[OF N X[simplified s2]])
qed simp
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