Haftungsausschluß.siv KontaktBAT {BAT[200] Abap[260] [0]}diese Dinge liegen außhalb unserer Verantwortung
Semantic Analysis of SPARK Text
Examiner Pro Edition, Version 9.1.0, Build Date 20101119, Build 19039
Copyright (C) 2010 Altran Praxis Limited, Bath, U.K.
CREATED 22-SEP-2011, 11:10:50 SIMPLIFIED 22-SEP-2011, 11:10:51
SPARK Simplifier Pro Edition, Version 9.1.0, Build Date 20101119, Build 19039
Copyright (C) 2010 Altran Praxis Limited, Bath, U.K.
procedure Loop_Invariant.Proc1
For path(s) from start to run-time check associated with statement of line 7:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from start to run-time check associated with statement of line 8:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from start to run-time check associated with statement of line 8:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from start to assertion of line 8:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from assertion of line 8 to assertion of line 8:
H1: a <= 2147483647 .
H2: b >= 0 .
H3: b <= 4294967295 .
H4: loop__1__i >= 1 .
H5: (loop__1__i - 1) * b mod 4294967296 >= 0 .
H6: (loop__1__i - 1) * b mod 4294967296 <= 4294967295 .
H7: ((loop__1__i - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b) mod 4294967296 >= 0 .
H8: ((loop__1__i - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b) mod 4294967296 <= 4294967295 .
H9: loop__1__i < a .
H10: integer__size >= 0 .
H11: natural__size >= 0 .
H12: word32__size >= 0 .
C1: loop__1__i * b mod 4294967296 = ((loop__1__i - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b)
mod 4294967296 .
For path(s) from assertion of line 8 to run-time check associated with
statement of line 11:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from start to finish:
*** true . /* all conclusions proved */
For path(s) from assertion of line 8 to finish:
H1: a <= 2147483647 .
H2: b >= 0 .
H3: b <= 4294967295 .
H4: a <= 2147483647 .
H5: a >= 1 .
H6: (a - 1) * b mod 4294967296 >= 0 .
H7: (a - 1) * b mod 4294967296 <= 4294967295 .
H8: ((a - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b) mod 4294967296 >= 0 .
H9: ((a - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b) mod 4294967296 <= 4294967295 .
H10: integer__size >= 0 .
H11: natural__size >= 0 .
H12: word32__size >= 0 .
C1: a * b mod 4294967296 = ((a - 1) * b mod 4294967296 + b) mod 4294967296 .
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