/* Title: Pure/Thy/thy_header.scala
Author: Makarius
Static theory header information.
package isabelle
import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Thy_Header
/* bootstrap keywords */
type Keywords = List[(String, Keyword.Spec)]
type Abbrevs = List[(String, String)]
val CHAPTER = "chapter"
val SECTION = "section"
val SUBSECTION = "subsection"
val SUBSUBSECTION = "subsubsection"
val PARAGRAPH = "paragraph"
val SUBPARAGRAPH = "subparagraph"
val TEXT = "text"
val TXT = "txt"
val TEXT_RAW = "text_raw"
val THEORY = "theory"
val IMPORTS = "imports"
val KEYWORDS = "keywords"
val ABBREVS = "abbrevs"
val AND = "and"
val BEGIN = "begin"
val bootstrap_header: Keywords =
("%", Keyword.Spec()),
("(", Keyword.Spec()),
(")", Keyword.Spec()),
(",", Keyword.Spec()),
("::", Keyword.Spec()),
("=", Keyword.Spec()),
(AND, Keyword.Spec()),
(BEGIN, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND)),
(IMPORTS, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND)),
(KEYWORDS, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND)),
(ABBREVS, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND)),
(CHAPTER, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(SECTION, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(SUBSECTION, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(SUBSUBSECTION, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(PARAGRAPH, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(SUBPARAGRAPH, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_HEADING)),
(TEXT, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_BODY)),
(TXT, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_BODY)),
(TEXT_RAW, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.DOCUMENT_RAW)),
(THEORY, Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.THY_BEGIN, tags = List("theory"))),
("ML", Keyword.Spec(kind = Keyword.THY_DECL, tags = List("ML"))))
private val bootstrap_keywords =
val bootstrap_syntax: Outer_Syntax =
/* file name vs. theory name */
val PURE = "Pure"
val ML_BOOTSTRAP = "ML_Bootstrap"
val ml_roots = List("ROOT0.ML" -> "ML_Root0", "ROOT.ML" -> "ML_Root")
val bootstrap_thys = List(PURE, ML_BOOTSTRAP).map(a => a -> ("Bootstrap_" + a))
val bootstrap_global_theories =
(Sessions.root_name :: (ml_roots ::: bootstrap_thys).map(_._2)).map(_ -> PURE)
private val Thy_File_Name = new Regex(""".*?([^/\\:]+)\.thy""")
private val Split_File_Name = new Regex("""(.*?)[/\\]*([^/\\:]+)""")
private val File_Name = new Regex(""".*?([^/\\:]+)""")
def is_base_name(s: String): Boolean =
s != "" && !s.exists("/\\:".contains(_))
def split_file_name(s: String): Option[(String, String)] =
s match {
case Split_File_Name(s1, s2) => Some((s1, s2))
case _ => None
def import_name(s: String): String =
s match {
case File_Name(name) if !name.endsWith(".thy") => name
case _ => error("Malformed theory import: " + quote(s))
def theory_name(s: String): String =
s match {
case Thy_File_Name(name) => bootstrap_name(name)
case File_Name(name) =>
if (name == Sessions.root_name) name
else ml_roots.collectFirst({ case (a, b) if a == name => b }).getOrElse("")
case _ => ""
def is_ml_root(theory: String): Boolean =
ml_roots.exists({ case (_, b) => b == theory })
def is_bootstrap(theory: String): Boolean =
bootstrap_thys.exists({ case (_, b) => b == theory })
def bootstrap_name(theory: String): String =
bootstrap_thys.collectFirst({ case (a, b) if a == theory => b }).getOrElse(theory)
def try_read_dir(dir: Path): List[String] =
val files =
try { File.read_dir(dir) }
catch { case ERROR(_) => Nil }
for { Thy_File_Name(name) <- files } yield name
/* parser */
trait Parser extends Parse.Parser
val header: Parser[Thy_Header] =
val load_command =
($$$("(") ~! (position(name) <~ $$$(")")) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) |
success(("", Position.none))
val keyword_kind = atom("outer syntax keyword specification", _.is_name)
val keyword_spec =
position(keyword_kind) ~ load_command ~ tags ^^
{ case (a, b) ~ c ~ d =>
Keyword.Spec(kind = a, kind_pos = b,
load_command = c._1, load_command_pos = c._2, tags = d)
val keyword_decl =
rep1(string) ~
opt($$$("::") ~! keyword_spec ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) ^^
{ case xs ~ y => xs.map((_, y.getOrElse(Keyword.Spec()))) }
val keyword_decls =
keyword_decl ~ rep($$$(AND) ~! keyword_decl ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) ^^
{ case xs ~ yss => (xs :: yss).flatten }
val abbrevs =
rep1sep(rep1(text) ~ ($$$("=") ~! rep1(text)), $$$("and")) ^^
{ case res => for ((as ~ (_ ~ bs)) <- res; a <- as; b <- bs) yield (a, b) }
val args =
position(theory_name) ~
(opt($$$(IMPORTS) ~! rep1(position(theory_name))) ^^
{ case None => Nil case Some(_ ~ xs) => xs }) ~
(opt($$$(KEYWORDS) ~! keyword_decls) ^^
{ case None => Nil case Some(_ ~ xs) => xs }) ~
(opt($$$(ABBREVS) ~! abbrevs) ^^
{ case None => Nil case Some(_ ~ xs) => xs }) ~
$$$(BEGIN) ^^ { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d ~ _ => Thy_Header(a._1, a._2, b, c, d) }
val heading =
(command(CHAPTER) |
command(SECTION) |
command(SUBSECTION) |
command(PARAGRAPH) |
command(TEXT) |
command(TXT) |
command(TEXT_RAW)) ~
annotation ~! document_source
(rep(heading) ~ command(THEORY) ~ annotation) ~! args ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }
/* read -- lazy scanning */
private def read_tokens(reader: Reader[Char], strict: Boolean): (List[Token], List[Token]) =
val token = Token.Parsers.token(bootstrap_keywords)
def make_tokens(in: Reader[Char]): Stream[Token] =
token(in) match {
case Token.Parsers.Success(tok, rest) => tok #:: make_tokens(rest)
case _ => Stream.empty
val all_tokens = make_tokens(reader)
val drop_tokens =
if (strict) Nil
else all_tokens.takeWhile(tok => !tok.is_command(Thy_Header.THEORY)).toList
val tokens = all_tokens.drop(drop_tokens.length)
val tokens1 = tokens.takeWhile(tok => !tok.is_begin).toList
val tokens2 = tokens.dropWhile(tok => !tok.is_begin).headOption.toList
(drop_tokens, tokens1 ::: tokens2)
private object Parser extends Parser
def parse_header(tokens: List[Token], pos: Token.Pos): Thy_Header =
parse(commit(header), Token.reader(tokens, pos)) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case bad => error(bad.toString)
def read(node_name: Document.Node.Name, reader: Reader[Char],
command: Boolean = true,
strict: Boolean = true): Thy_Header =
val (_, tokens0) = read_tokens(reader, true)
val text = Scan.reader_decode_utf8(reader, Token.implode(tokens0))
val (skip_tokens, tokens) = read_tokens(Scan.char_reader(text), strict)
val pos =
if (command) Token.Pos.command
else (Token.Pos.file(node_name.node) /: skip_tokens)(_ advance _)
Parser.parse_header(tokens, pos).map(Symbol.decode).check(node_name)
sealed case class Thy_Header(
name: String,
pos: Position.T,
imports: List[(String, Position.T)],
keywords: Thy_Header.Keywords,
abbrevs: Thy_Header.Abbrevs)
def map(f: String => String): Thy_Header =
Thy_Header(f(name), pos,
imports.map({ case (a, b) => (f(a), b) }),
keywords.map({ case (a, spec) => (f(a), spec.map(f)) }),
abbrevs.map({ case (a, b) => (f(a), f(b)) }))
def check(node_name: Document.Node.Name): Thy_Header =
val base_name = node_name.theory_base_name
if (Long_Name.is_qualified(name)) {
error("Bad theory name " + quote(name) + " with qualification" + Position.here(pos))
if (base_name != name) {
error("Bad theory name " + quote(name) + " for file " + Path.basic(base_name).thy +
Position.here(pos) + Completion.report_theories(pos, List(base_name)))
for ((_, spec) <- keywords) {
if (spec.kind != Keyword.THY_LOAD && spec.load_command.nonEmpty) {
error("Illegal load command specification for kind: " + quote(spec.kind) +
if (!Command_Span.load_commands.exists(_.name == spec.load_command)) {
val completion =
for {
load_command <- Command_Span.load_commands
name = load_command.name
if name.startsWith(spec.load_command)
} yield (name, (Markup.LOAD_COMMAND, name))
error("Unknown load command specification: " + quote(spec.load_command) +
Position.here(spec.load_command_pos) +
Completion.report_names(spec.load_command_pos, completion))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.23 Sekunden
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