Spracherkennung für: .bsh vermutete Sprache: C {C[100] Abap[188] [0]} [Methode: Schwerpunktbildung, einfache Gewichte, sechs Dimensionen]
* Emacs_Next_Line.bsh - Beanshell macro for jEdit that provides
* 'Emacs-like scrolling. If the caret is at the bottom of the
* screen the next line is centered on the screen rather than
* scrolling the whole text area by one line. For machines with
* slow painting, this can increase scrolling speed.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Ollie Rutherfurd <[email protected]>
* $Id: Emacs_Next_Line.bsh 22257 2012-09-27 20:22:23Z ezust $
void emacsNextLine(View view){
// need access to textArea.lastLinePartial
int first = textArea.getFirstLine();
int caretLine = textArea.getScreenLineOfOffset(textArea.getCaretPosition());
int visibleLines = textArea.getVisibleLines();
int electricScroll = textArea.getElectricScroll();
if(caretLine != -1 && caretLine+1 >=
(visibleLines - (electricScroll + (textArea.lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0))))
int newFirst = (first + (visibleLines - electricScroll) / 2);
Moves the cursor to the next line, centering
the current line in the middle of the text area
if the cursor is at the bottom of the text area.
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.72 Sekunden