class TimeStamp
Class used for concurrent VDM++ models. All threads should call the following operations:
- WaitRelative(t): makes the thread periodic with t = the period
- NotifyAll(): notified all threads sleeping in the wakeUpMap
- Awake(): puts the thread to sleep - will wakeup when t time units has passed
The step length with which the currentTime is incremented
public stepLength : nat = 1;
instance variables
currentTime : nat := 0;
wakeUpMap : map nat to nat := {|->};
--syncWithTimeInc : set of nat := {};
--syncWithTimeIncCurrent : set of nat := {};
WaitRelative: sleeps the calling thread for 'val' time units - relative to the currentTime
public WaitRelative : nat ==> ()
WaitRelative(val) ==
AddToWakeUpMap(threadid, currentTime + val);
WaitAbsolute: sleeps the calling thread undtil a specific time
public WaitAbsolute : nat ==> ()
WaitAbsolute(val) ==
AddToWakeUpMap(threadid, val);
AddToWakeUpMap: Utility operation - adding the thread to the wakeUpMap
AddToWakeUpMap : nat * nat ==> ()
AddToWakeUpMap(tId, val) ==
wakeUpMap := wakeUpMap ++ { tId |-> val };
NotifyThread: notified a specific thread - removing it from the wakeUpMap
public NotifyThread : nat ==> ()
NotifyThread(tId) ==
wakeUpMap := {tId} <-: wakeUpMap;
NotifyAll: notifies all threads - waking up threads which wakeUpTime is up
public NotifyAll : () ==> ()
NotifyAll() ==
let threadSet : set of nat = {th | th in set dom wakeUpMap & wakeUpMap(th) <= currentTime }
for all t in set threadSet
NotifyAndIncTime: Must only be used by ONE thread - usually the Environment thread.
Increments the currentTime with stepLength time units, and notifies all threads.
public NotifyAndIncTime : () ==> ()
NotifyAndIncTime() ==
currentTime := currentTime + stepLength;
-- syncWithTimeIncCurrent := syncWithTimeInc;
GetTime: Returns the currentTime.
public GetTime : () ==> nat
GetTime() ==
return currentTime;
Awake: Used to sleep threads - will not wake up until threadid is removed from wakeUpMap
public Awake: () ==> ()
Awake() == skip;
SyncWithTimeIncrement: Called by threads which need to finish their loop/operation before time can be increased.
YieldTimeIncrement is call when a thread is ready to a time increment.
Once a thread has call SyncWithTimeIncrement is must call YieldTimeIncrement eventually, otherwise time increment
will be prevented
--public SyncWithTimeIncrement : () ==> ()
--SyncWithTimeIncrement() ==
-- syncWithTimeInc := syncWithTimeInc union {threadid}; --keep track of all
-- syncWithTimeIncCurrent := syncWithTimeIncCurrent union {threadid}; --include in current sync round
-- skip;
--public YieldTimeIncrement: () ==> ()
-- syncWithTimeIncCurrent := syncWithTimeIncCurrent \ {threadid};
-- skip
per Awake => threadid not in set dom wakeUpMap;
per NotifyAndIncTime => (card {th | th in set dom wakeUpMap & wakeUpMap(th) = currentTime +1} > 0) ; --The magic one, only allow run
-- per NotifyAndIncTime => ({th | th in set dom wakeUpMap & wakeUpMap(th) <= currentTime} inter syncWithTimeIncCurrent) = {};
mutex(AddToWakeUpMap, NotifyAll);
-- mutex(SyncWithTimeIncrement);
-- mutex(YieldTimeIncrement);
-- mutex(SyncWithTimeIncrement, YieldTimeIncrement, NotifyAndIncTime);
end TimeStamp
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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