-- Module relations
-- Author: Janusz Laski
-- Purpose: Exports functions for manipulating binary relations
-- Version 2.0 (January 10, 2010)
module relations
exports all
BinRel = set of (nat1 * nat1);
A0: BinRel = {}; -- empty relation
A1: BinRel={mk_(1,2)}; -- singleton relation
A2: BinRel={mk_(1,2), mk_(2,3), mk_(3,4)}; -- linear relation
A3: BinRel=A1 union {mk_(4,5), mk_(4, 1), mk_(5, 6), mk_(6, 7), mk_(7, 8),
mk_(8, 9), mk_(9, 10), mk_(2,3)}; -- binary tree rooted at 4
A4: BinRel={mk_(1,2), mk_(2,3), mk_(2,4), mk_(3,5), mk_(4,5), mk_(5,6)};
-- acyclic relation
A5: BinRel={mk_(1,2), mk_(2,3), mk_(2,4), mk_(3,5), mk_(4,6), mk_(6,5),
mk_(5,7)}; -- acyclic relation
A6: BinRel={mk_(1,1), mk_(2,2), mk_(3,3), mk_(4,4), mk_(5,5)};
--sling relation
A7: BinRel={mk_(1,2), mk_(2,3), mk_(2,4), mk_(3,5), mk_(4,6), mk_(6,5),
mk_(5,7), mk_(5,2)}; -- cyclic relation
A8: BinRel=A7 union {mk_(6,1)}; -- nested cycle
IsReflexive:BinRel-> bool
forall x in set field(R) &
mk_(x,x) in set R;
IsSymmetrical:BinRel-> bool
forall x,y in set field(R) &
((mk_(x,y) in set R) => (mk_(y,x) in set R));
IsTransitive:BinRel-> bool
forall x,y,z in set field(R) &
(((mk_(x,y) in set R) and (mk_(y,z) in set R))=> (mk_(x,z) in set R));
IsEquivalence:BinRel-> bool
IsReflexive(R) and IsSymmetrical(R) and IsTransitive(R);
domain:BinRel -> set of nat1
domain(R) ==
{ x | mk_(x,-) in set R};
domain1:BinRel -> set of nat1
-- can't be interpreted 'cause of type binds
domain1(R) ==
{x|x:nat1 & exists y:nat1 & mk_(x,y) in set R};
range:BinRel -> set of nat1
range(R) ==
{ y | mk_(-,y) in set R};
field:BinRel -> set of nat1
field(R) ==
domain(R) union range(R);
inverse_rel:BinRel -> BinRel
inverse_rel(R) ==
{mk_(y,x)|mk_(x,y) in set R};
-- or x in set domain(R),y in set range(R) & mk_(x,y) in set R};
id_rel: BinRel -> BinRel
-- Returns the identity relation of R
id_rel(R) ==
{mk_(x,x)| x in set field(R)};
Composition:BinRel * BinRel -> BinRel
Composition(R,Q) ==
{mk_(a,c)|mk_(a,b1) in set R,
mk_(b2,c) in set Q & b1=b2};
-- or{mk_(a,c)| a in set domain(R), c in set range(Q) &
-- exists b in set (range(R) inter domain(Q)) &
-- mk_(a,b) in set R and mk_(b,c) in set Q};
power_of:BinRel * nat1 -> BinRel --returns the xth power of R
power_of(R,x) ==
if (x = 1)
then R
else Composition(R, power_of(R, x-1))
pre x>0;
Power_rel: BinRel * nat -> BinRel
-- Returns the kth power of R.
Power_rel(R,k) ==
if k=0
then id_rel(R)
elseif k=1
then R
else Composition(R,Power_rel(R, k-1));
Reflexive_cl: BinRel -> BinRel
-- Returns the reflexive closure of R
Reflexive_cl(R) ==
(R union id_rel(R));
Symmetric_cl: BinRel -> BinRel
-- Returns the symmetric closure of R
Symmetric_cl(R) ==
R union inverse_rel(R);
Transitive_cl: BinRel -> BinRel
-- Returns the transitive irreflexive closure of R
-- Identical to formal definition of closure.
-- Very inefficient interpretation: for every k,k>1, ALL
-- lower powers of R are computed from scratch
Transitive_cl(R) ==
dunion{Power_rel(R,k) | k in set {1,...,card field(R)}};
TransitiveRefl_cl: BinRel -> BinRel
-- Returns the transitive reflexive closure of R
TransitiveRefl_cl(R) ==
dunion{Power_rel(R,k) | k in set {0,...,card field(R)}};
PowerList: BinRel -> seq of BinRel
PowerList(R) ==
BuildList(R, card field(R))
pre R<>{};
BuildList: BinRel * nat1 -> seq of BinRel
-- BuildList(R,n) == sequence of powers of relation R, of maximal length n,
-- i.e. RESULT = [Power_rel(R,1),...,Power_rel(R,n)], n>0.
-- Thus RESULT(i)=Power_rel(R,i), 0<i<=n.
-- For ACYCLIC R, only NONEMPTY powers of R are computed, i.e.
-- in that case the length of the result list may be less than n.
-- If R = {} the result is [{}] for any n>0.
-- The function derives each power of R only once.
BuildList(R,n) ==
if n=1
then [R]
else let M= BuildList(R,n-1), C=Composition(M(len M),R)
if C={} --empty higher powers of R
then M
else M ^ [C]
pre n>0;
maxset: set1 of int -> int
-- returns maximum of set
maxset(S) ==
let x in set S
if card S = 1
then x
else max2(x,maxset(S\ {x}));
max2: int * int -> int
max2(a,b) ==
if a>= b
then a
else b;
pure Warshall: BinRel ==> BinRel
-- efficiently computes transitive closure of Q
Warshall(Q) ==
(dcl i: nat1, j: nat1, k: nat1, R: BinRel;
R := Q;
let n = maxset (field(R))
for k = 1 to n do
for i = 1 to n do
for j = 1 to n do
if mk_(i,j) not in set R
then if mk_(i,k) in set R and mk_(k,j) in set R
then R := R union {mk_(i,j)};
return R;
-- Testing functions&operations
test_PowerList: BinRel -> bool
-- tests PowerList using a simpler albeit inefficient
-- Power_Rel as an automatic test oracle, to avoid manual test evaluation
let L = PowerList(R),
n = card field(R)
(forall i in set inds L & L(i)=Power_rel(R,i))
and len L<n => Power_rel(R, len L +1) ={};
-- For "normal" applications pre_PowerList(R) <=> R<>{} should be observed.
-- However, PowerList should also be tested for R={}.
-- Such a STRESS TEST shows the function's behaviour for invalid data.
end relations
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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