(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
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(** A constructive proof of a non-standard version of the weak Fan Theorem
in the formulation of which infinite paths are treated as
predicates. The representation of paths as relations avoid the
need for classical logic and unique choice. The idea of the proof
comes from the proof of the weak König's lemma from separation in
second-order arithmetic [[Simpson99]].
[[Simpson99]] Stephen G. Simpson. Subsystems of second order
arithmetic, Cambridge University Press, 1999 *)
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
(** [inductively_barred P l] means that P eventually holds above l *)
Inductive inductively_barred P : list bool -> Prop :=
| now l : P l -> inductively_barred P l
| propagate l :
inductively_barred P (true::l) ->
inductively_barred P (false::l) ->
inductively_barred P l.
(** [approx X l] says that [l] is a boolean representation of a prefix of [X] *)
Fixpoint approx X (l:list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => True
| b::l => approx X l /\ (if b then X (length l) else ~ X (length l))
(** [barred P] means that for any infinite path represented as a predicate,
the property [P] holds for some prefix of the path *)
Definition barred P :=
forall (X:nat -> Prop), exists l, approx X l /\ P l.
(** The proof proceeds by building a set [Y] of finite paths
approximating either the smallest unbarred infinite path in [P], if
there is one (taking [true]>[false]), or the path [true::true::...]
if [P] happens to be inductively_barred *)
Fixpoint Y P (l:list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => True
| b::l =>
Y P l /\
if b then inductively_barred P (false::l) else ~ inductively_barred P (false::l)
Lemma Y_unique : forall P l1 l2, length l1 = length l2 -> Y P l1 -> Y P l2 -> l1 = l2.
induction l1, l2.
- trivial.
- discriminate.
- discriminate.
- intros H (HY1,H1) (HY2,H2).
injection H as H.
pose proof (IHl1 l2 H HY1 HY2). clear HY1 HY2 H IHl1.
subst l1.
destruct a, b; firstorder.
(** [X] is the translation of [Y] as a predicate *)
Definition X P n := exists l, length l = n /\ Y P (true::l).
Lemma Y_approx : forall P l, approx (X P) l -> Y P l.
induction l.
- trivial.
- intros (H,Hb). split.
+ auto.
+ unfold X in Hb.
destruct a.
* destruct Hb as (l',(Hl',(HYl',HY))).
rewrite <- (Y_unique P l' l Hl'); auto.
* firstorder.
Theorem WeakFanTheorem : forall P, barred P -> inductively_barred P [].
intros P Hbar.
destruct Hbar with (X P) as (l,(Hd%Y_approx,HP)).
assert (inductively_barred P l) by (apply (now P l), HP).
clear Hbar HP.
induction l as [|a l].
- assumption.
- destruct Hd as (Hd,HX).
apply (IHl Hd). clear IHl.
destruct a; unfold X in HX; simpl in HX.
+ apply propagate; assumption.
+ exfalso; destruct (HX H).
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.30 Sekunden
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