%last package!
%%% to index derived rls: ^\([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) \\tdx{\1}
%%% to index rulenames: ^ *(\([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\), \\tdx{\1}
%%% to index constants: \\tt \([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) \\cdx{\1}
%%% to deverbify: \\verb|\([^|]*\)| \\ttindex{\1}
\title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_zf} \\[4ex]
Isabelle's Logics: FOL and ZF}
\author{{\em Lawrence C. Paulson}\\
Computer Laboratory \\ University of Cambridge \\
\texttt{[email protected]}\\[3ex]
With Contributions by Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel}
\newcommand\subcaption[1]{\par {\centering\normalsize\sc#1\par}\bigskip
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %% {secnumdepth}{2}???
\binperiod %%%treat . like a binary operator
This manual describes Isabelle's formalizations of many-sorted first-order
logic (\texttt{FOL}) and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (\texttt{ZF}). See the
\emph{Reference Manual} for general Isabelle commands, and \emph{Introduction
to Isabelle} for an overall tutorial.
This manual is part of the earlier Isabelle documentation,
which is somewhat superseded by the Isabelle/HOL
\emph{Tutorial}~\cite{isa-tutorial}. However, the present document is the
only available documentation for Isabelle's versions of first-order logic
and set theory. Much of it is concerned with
the primitives for conducting proofs
using the ML top level. It has been rewritten to use the Isar proof
language, but evidence of the old \ML{} orientation remains.
Markus Wenzel made numerous improvements.
Philippe de Groote contributed to~ZF. Philippe No\"el and
Martin Coen made many contributions to~ZF. The research has
been funded by the EPSRC (grants GR/G53279, GR/H40570, GR/K57381,
GR/K77051, GR/M75440) and by ESPRIT (projects 3245:
Logical Frameworks, and 6453: Types) and by the DFG Schwerpunktprogramm
\pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents \cleardoublepage
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