(* Title: HOL/Algebra/QuotRing.thy
Author: Stephan Hohe
Author: Paulo Emílio de Vilhena
theory QuotRing
imports RingHom
section \<open>Quotient Rings\<close>
subsection \<open>Multiplication on Cosets\<close>
definition rcoset_mult :: "[('a, _) ring_scheme, 'a set, 'a set, 'a set] \ 'a set"
("[mod _:] _ \\ _" [81,81,81] 80)
where "rcoset_mult R I A B = (\a\A. \b\B. I +>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> (a \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> b))"
text \<open>\<^const>\<open>rcoset_mult\<close> fulfils the properties required by congruences\<close>
lemma (in ideal) rcoset_mult_add:
assumes "x \ carrier R" "y \ carrier R"
shows "[mod I:] (I +> x) \ (I +> y) = I +> (x \ y)"
proof -
have 1: "z \ I +> x \ y"
if x'rcos: "x' \<in> I +> x" and y'rcos: "y' \<in> I +> y" and zrcos: "z \<in> I +> x' \<otimes> y'" for z x' y'
proof -
from that
obtain hx hy hz where hxI: "hx \ I" and x': "x' = hx \ x" and hyI: "hy \ I" and y': "y' = hy \ y"
and hzI: "hz \ I" and z: "z = hz \ (x' \ y')"
by (auto simp: a_r_coset_def r_coset_def)
note carr = assms hxI[THEN a_Hcarr] hyI[THEN a_Hcarr] hzI[THEN a_Hcarr]
from z x' y' have "z = hz \ ((hx \ x) \ (hy \ y))" by simp
also from carr have "\ = (hz \ (hx \ (hy \ y)) \ x \ hy) \ x \ y" by algebra
finally have z2: "z = (hz \ (hx \ (hy \ y)) \ x \ hy) \ x \ y" .
from hxI hyI hzI carr have "hz \ (hx \ (hy \ y)) \ x \ hy \ I"
by (simp add: I_l_closed I_r_closed)
with z2 show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: a_r_coset_def r_coset_def)
have 2: "\a\I +> x. \b\I +> y. z \ I +> a \ b" if "z \ I +> x \ y" for z
using assms a_rcos_self that by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding rcoset_mult_def using assms
by (auto simp: intro!: 1 2)
subsection \<open>Quotient Ring Definition\<close>
definition FactRing :: "[('a,'b) ring_scheme, 'a set] \ ('a set) ring"
(infixl "Quot" 65)
where "FactRing R I =
\<lparr>carrier = a_rcosets\<^bsub>R\<^esub> I, mult = rcoset_mult R I,
one = (I +>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> \<one>\<^bsub>R\<^esub>), zero = I, add = set_add R\<rparr>"
lemmas FactRing_simps = FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_defs a_r_coset_def[symmetric]
subsection \<open>Factorization over General Ideals\<close>
text \<open>The quotient is a ring\<close>
lemma (in ideal) quotient_is_ring: "ring (R Quot I)"
proof (rule ringI)
show "abelian_group (R Quot I)"
apply (rule comm_group_abelian_groupI)
apply (simp add: FactRing_def a_factorgroup_is_comm_group[unfolded A_FactGroup_def'])
show "Group.monoid (R Quot I)"
by (rule monoidI)
(auto simp add: FactRing_simps rcoset_mult_add m_assoc)
qed (auto simp: FactRing_simps rcoset_mult_add a_rcos_sum l_distr r_distr)
text \<open>This is a ring homomorphism\<close>
lemma (in ideal) rcos_ring_hom: "((+>) I) \ ring_hom R (R Quot I)"
by (simp add: ring_hom_memI FactRing_def a_rcosetsI[OF a_subset] rcoset_mult_add a_rcos_sum)
lemma (in ideal) rcos_ring_hom_ring: "ring_hom_ring R (R Quot I) ((+>) I)"
by (simp add: local.ring_axioms quotient_is_ring rcos_ring_hom ring_hom_ringI2)
text \<open>The quotient of a cring is also commutative\<close>
lemma (in ideal) quotient_is_cring:
assumes "cring R"
shows "cring (R Quot I)"
proof -
interpret cring R by fact
show ?thesis
apply (intro cring.intro comm_monoid.intro comm_monoid_axioms.intro quotient_is_ring)
apply (rule ring.axioms[OF quotient_is_ring])
apply (auto simp add: FactRing_simps rcoset_mult_add m_comm)
text \<open>Cosets as a ring homomorphism on crings\<close>
lemma (in ideal) rcos_ring_hom_cring:
assumes "cring R"
shows "ring_hom_cring R (R Quot I) ((+>) I)"
proof -
interpret cring R by fact
show ?thesis
apply (rule ring_hom_cringI)
apply (rule rcos_ring_hom_ring)
apply (rule is_cring)
apply (rule quotient_is_cring)
apply (rule is_cring)
subsection \<open>Factorization over Prime Ideals\<close>
text \<open>The quotient ring generated by a prime ideal is a domain\<close>
lemma (in primeideal) quotient_is_domain: "domain (R Quot I)"
proof -
have 1: "I +> \ = I \ False"
using I_notcarr a_rcos_self one_imp_carrier by blast
have 2: "I +> x = I"
if carr: "x \ carrier R" "y \ carrier R"
and a: "I +> x \ y = I"
and b: "I +> y \ I" for x y
by (metis I_prime a a_rcos_const a_rcos_self b m_closed that)
show ?thesis
apply (intro domain.intro quotient_is_cring is_cring domain_axioms.intro)
apply (metis "1" FactRing_def monoid.simps(2) ring.simps(1))
apply (simp add: FactRing_simps)
by (metis "2" rcoset_mult_add)
text \<open>Generating right cosets of a prime ideal is a homomorphism
on commutative rings\<close>
lemma (in primeideal) rcos_ring_hom_cring: "ring_hom_cring R (R Quot I) ((+>) I)"
by (rule rcos_ring_hom_cring) (rule is_cring)
subsection \<open>Factorization over Maximal Ideals\<close>
text \<open>In a commutative ring, the quotient ring over a maximal ideal is a field.
The proof follows ``W. Adkins, S. Weintraub: Algebra -- An Approach via Module Theory''\<close>
proposition (in maximalideal) quotient_is_field:
assumes "cring R"
shows "field (R Quot I)"
proof -
interpret cring R by fact
have 1: "\\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> \ \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub>" \ \Quotient is not empty\
assume "\\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub>"
then have II1: "I = I +> \" by (simp add: FactRing_def)
then have "I = carrier R"
using a_rcos_self one_imp_carrier by blast
with I_notcarr show False by simp
have 2: "\y\carrier R. I +> a \ y = I +> \" if IanI: "I +> a \ I" and acarr: "a \ carrier R" for a
\<comment> \<open>Existence of Inverse\<close>
proof -
\<comment> \<open>Helper ideal \<open>J\<close>\<close>
define J :: "'a set" where "J = (carrier R #> a) <+> I"
have idealJ: "ideal J R"
using J_def acarr add_ideals cgenideal_eq_rcos cgenideal_ideal is_ideal by auto
have IinJ: "I \ J"
proof (clarsimp simp: J_def r_coset_def set_add_defs)
fix x
assume xI: "x \ I"
have "x = \ \ a \ x"
by (simp add: acarr xI)
with xI show "\xa\carrier R. \k\I. x = xa \ a \ k" by fast
have JnI: "J \ I"
proof -
have "a \ I"
using IanI a_rcos_const by blast
moreover have "a \ J"
proof (simp add: J_def r_coset_def set_add_defs)
from acarr
have "a = \ \ a \ \" by algebra
with one_closed and additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF is_additive_subgroup]
show "\x\carrier R. \k\I. a = x \ a \ k" by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then have Jcarr: "J = carrier R"
using I_maximal IinJ additive_subgroup.a_subset idealJ ideal_def by blast
\<comment> \<open>Calculating an inverse for \<^term>\<open>a\<close>\<close>
from one_closed[folded Jcarr]
obtain r i where rcarr: "r \ carrier R"
and iI: "i \ I" and one: "\ = r \ a \ i"
by (auto simp add: J_def r_coset_def set_add_defs)
from one and rcarr and acarr and iI[THEN a_Hcarr]
have rai1: "a \ r = \i \ \" by algebra
\<comment> \<open>Lifting to cosets\<close>
from iI have "\i \ \ \ I +> \"
by (intro a_rcosI, simp, intro a_subset, simp)
with rai1 have "a \ r \ I +> \" by simp
then have "I +> \ = I +> a \ r"
by (rule a_repr_independence, simp) (rule a_subgroup)
from rcarr and this[symmetric]
show "\r\carrier R. I +> a \ r = I +> \" by fast
show ?thesis
apply (intro cring.cring_fieldI2 quotient_is_cring is_cring 1)
apply (clarsimp simp add: FactRing_simps rcoset_mult_add 2)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) trivial_hom_iff:
"(h ` (carrier R) = { \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> }) = (a_kernel R S h = carrier R)"
using group_hom.trivial_hom_iff[OF a_group_hom] by (simp add: a_kernel_def)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) trivial_ker_imp_inj:
assumes "a_kernel R S h = { \ }"
shows "inj_on h (carrier R)"
using group_hom.trivial_ker_imp_inj[OF a_group_hom] assms a_kernel_def[of R S h] by simp
(* NEW ========================================================================== *)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) inj_iff_trivial_ker:
shows "inj_on h (carrier R) \ a_kernel R S h = { \ }"
using group_hom.inj_iff_trivial_ker[OF a_group_hom] a_kernel_def[of R S h] by simp
(* NEW ========================================================================== *)
corollary ring_hom_in_hom:
assumes "h \ ring_hom R S" shows "h \ hom R S" and "h \ hom (add_monoid R) (add_monoid S)"
using assms unfolding ring_hom_def hom_def by auto
(* NEW ========================================================================== *)
corollary set_add_hom:
assumes "h \ ring_hom R S" "I \ carrier R" and "J \ carrier R"
shows "h ` (I <+>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> J) = h ` I <+>\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h ` J"
using set_mult_hom[OF ring_hom_in_hom(2)[OF assms(1)]] assms(2-3)
unfolding a_kernel_def[of R S h] set_add_def by simp
(* NEW ========================================================================== *)
corollary a_coset_hom:
assumes "h \ ring_hom R S" "I \ carrier R" "a \ carrier R"
shows "h ` (a <+\<^bsub>R\<^esub> I) = h a <+\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h ` I)" and "h ` (I +>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> a) = (h ` I) +>\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h a"
using assms coset_hom[OF ring_hom_in_hom(2)[OF assms(1)], of I a]
unfolding a_l_coset_def l_coset_eq_set_mult
a_r_coset_def r_coset_eq_set_mult
by simp_all
(* NEW ========================================================================== *)
corollary (in ring_hom_ring) set_add_ker_hom:
assumes "I \ carrier R"
shows "h ` (I <+> (a_kernel R S h)) = h ` I" and "h ` ((a_kernel R S h) <+> I) = h ` I"
using group_hom.set_mult_ker_hom[OF a_group_hom] assms
unfolding a_kernel_def[of R S h] set_add_def by simp+
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) non_trivial_field_hom_imp_inj:
assumes "field R"
shows "h ` (carrier R) \ { \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> } \ inj_on h (carrier R)"
proof -
assume "h ` (carrier R) \ { \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> }"
hence "a_kernel R S h \ carrier R"
using trivial_hom_iff by linarith
hence "a_kernel R S h = { \ }"
using field.all_ideals[OF assms] kernel_is_ideal by blast
thus "inj_on h (carrier R)"
using trivial_ker_imp_inj by blast
lemma "field R \ cring R"
using fieldE(1) by blast
lemma non_trivial_field_hom_is_inj:
assumes "h \ ring_hom R S" and "field R" and "field S" shows "inj_on h (carrier R)"
proof -
interpret ring_hom_cring R S h
using assms(1) ring_hom_cring.intro[OF assms(2-3)[THEN fieldE(1)]]
unfolding symmetric[OF ring_hom_cring_axioms_def] by simp
have "h \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>" and "\\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \ \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
using domain.one_not_zero[OF field.axioms(1)[OF assms(3)]] by auto
hence "h ` (carrier R) \ { \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> }"
using ring.kernel_zero ring.trivial_hom_iff by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using ring.non_trivial_field_hom_imp_inj[OF assms(2)] by simp
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) img_is_add_subgroup:
assumes "subgroup H (add_monoid R)"
shows "subgroup (h ` H) (add_monoid S)"
proof -
have "group ((add_monoid R) \ carrier := H \)"
using assms R.add.subgroup_imp_group by blast
moreover have "H \ carrier R" by (simp add: R.add.subgroupE(1) assms)
hence "h \ hom ((add_monoid R) \ carrier := H \) (add_monoid S)"
unfolding hom_def by (auto simp add: subsetD)
ultimately have "subgroup (h ` carrier ((add_monoid R) \ carrier := H \)) (add_monoid S)"
using group_hom.img_is_subgroup[of "(add_monoid R) \ carrier := H \" "add_monoid S" h]
using a_group_hom group_hom_axioms.intro group_hom_def by blast
thus "subgroup (h ` H) (add_monoid S)" by simp
lemma (in ring) ring_ideal_imp_quot_ideal:
assumes "ideal I R"
shows "ideal J R \ ideal ((+>) I ` J) (R Quot I)"
proof -
assume A: "ideal J R" show "ideal (((+>) I) ` J) (R Quot I)"
proof (rule idealI)
show "ring (R Quot I)"
by (simp add: assms(1) ideal.quotient_is_ring)
have "subgroup J (add_monoid R)"
by (simp add: additive_subgroup.a_subgroup A ideal.axioms(1))
moreover have "((+>) I) \ ring_hom R (R Quot I)"
by (simp add: assms(1) ideal.rcos_ring_hom)
ultimately show "subgroup ((+>) I ` J) (add_monoid (R Quot I))"
using assms(1) ideal.rcos_ring_hom_ring ring_hom_ring.img_is_add_subgroup by blast
fix a x assume "a \ (+>) I ` J" "x \ carrier (R Quot I)"
then obtain i j where i: "i \ carrier R" "x = I +> i"
and j: "j \ J" "a = I +> j"
unfolding FactRing_def using A_RCOSETS_def'[of R I] by auto
hence "a \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> x = [mod I:] (I +> j) \ (I +> i)"
unfolding FactRing_def by simp
hence "a \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> x = I +> (j \ i)"
using ideal.rcoset_mult_add[OF assms(1), of j i] i(1) j(1) A ideal.Icarr by force
thus "a \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> x \ (+>) I ` J"
using A i(1) j(1) by (simp add: ideal.I_r_closed)
have "x \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> a = [mod I:] (I +> i) \ (I +> j)"
unfolding FactRing_def i j by simp
hence "x \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> a = I +> (i \ j)"
using ideal.rcoset_mult_add[OF assms(1), of i j] i(1) j(1) A ideal.Icarr by force
thus "x \\<^bsub>R Quot I\<^esub> a \ (+>) I ` J"
using A i(1) j(1) by (simp add: ideal.I_l_closed)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) ideal_vimage:
assumes "ideal I S"
shows "ideal { r \ carrier R. h r \ I } R" (* or (carrier R) \ (h -` I) *)
show "{ r \ carrier R. h r \ I } \ carrier (add_monoid R)" by auto
show "\\<^bsub>add_monoid R\<^esub> \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }"
by (simp add: additive_subgroup.zero_closed assms ideal.axioms(1))
fix a b
assume "a \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }"
and "b \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }"
hence a: "a \ carrier R" "h a \ I"
and b: "b \ carrier R" "h b \ I" by auto
hence "h (a \ b) = (h a) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h b)" using hom_add by blast
moreover have "(h a) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h b) \ I" using a b assms
by (simp add: additive_subgroup.a_closed ideal.axioms(1))
ultimately show "a \\<^bsub>add_monoid R\<^esub> b \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }"
using a(1) b (1) by auto
have "h (\ a) = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h a)" by (simp add: a)
moreover have "\\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h a) \ I"
by (simp add: a(2) additive_subgroup.a_inv_closed assms ideal.axioms(1))
ultimately show "inv\<^bsub>add_monoid R\<^esub> a \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }"
using a by (simp add: a_inv_def)
fix a r
assume "a \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }" and r: "r \ carrier R"
hence a: "a \ carrier R" "h a \ I" by auto
have "h a \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h r \ I"
using assms a r by (simp add: ideal.I_r_closed)
thus "a \ r \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }" by (simp add: a(1) r)
have "h r \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h a \ I"
using assms a r by (simp add: ideal.I_l_closed)
thus "r \ a \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ I }" by (simp add: a(1) r)
lemma (in ring) canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier:
assumes "ideal I R"
shows "J \ carrier (R Quot I) \ \ J \ carrier R"
proof -
assume A: "J \ carrier (R Quot I)" show "\ J \ carrier R"
fix j assume j: "j \ \ J"
then obtain j' where j': "j' \ J" "j \ j'" by blast
then obtain r where r: "r \ carrier R" "j' = I +> r"
using A j' unfolding FactRing_def using A_RCOSETS_def'[of R I] by auto
thus "j \ carrier R" using j' assms
by (meson a_r_coset_subset_G additive_subgroup.a_subset contra_subsetD ideal.axioms(1))
lemma (in ring) canonical_proj_vimage_mem_iff:
assumes "ideal I R" "J \ carrier (R Quot I)"
shows "\a. a \ carrier R \ (a \ (\ J)) = (I +> a \ J)"
proof -
fix a assume a: "a \ carrier R" show "(a \ (\ J)) = (I +> a \ J)"
assume "a \ \ J"
then obtain j where j: "j \ J" "a \ j" by blast
then obtain r where r: "r \ carrier R" "j = I +> r"
using assms j unfolding FactRing_def using A_RCOSETS_def'[of R I] by auto
hence "I +> r = I +> a"
using add.repr_independence[of a I r] j r
by (metis a_r_coset_def additive_subgroup.a_subgroup assms(1) ideal.axioms(1))
thus "I +> a \ J" using r j by simp
assume "I +> a \ J"
hence "\ \ a \ I +> a"
using additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF assms(1)]]
a_r_coset_def'[of R I a] by blast
thus "a \ \ J" using a \I +> a \ J\ by auto
corollary (in ring) quot_ideal_imp_ring_ideal:
assumes "ideal I R"
shows "ideal J (R Quot I) \ ideal (\ J) R"
proof -
assume A: "ideal J (R Quot I)"
have "\ J = { r \ carrier R. I +> r \ J }"
using canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier[OF assms, of J]
canonical_proj_vimage_mem_iff[OF assms, of J]
additive_subgroup.a_subset[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF A]] by blast
thus "ideal (\ J) R"
using ring_hom_ring.ideal_vimage[OF ideal.rcos_ring_hom_ring[OF assms] A] by simp
lemma (in ring) ideal_incl_iff:
assumes "ideal I R" "ideal J R"
shows "(I \ J) = (J = (\ j \ J. I +> j))"
assume A: "J = (\ j \ J. I +> j)" hence "I +> \ \ J"
using additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF assms(2)]] by blast
thus "I \ J" using additive_subgroup.a_subset[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF assms(1)]] by simp
assume A: "I \ J" show "J = (\j\J. I +> j)"
show "J \ (\ j \ J. I +> j)"
fix j assume j: "j \ J"
have "\ \ I" by (simp add: additive_subgroup.zero_closed assms(1) ideal.axioms(1))
hence "\ \ j \ I +> j"
using a_r_coset_def'[of R I j] by blast
thus "j \ (\j\J. I +> j)"
using assms(2) j additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr ideal.axioms(1) by fastforce
show "(\ j \ J. I +> j) \ J"
fix x assume "x \ (\ j \ J. I +> j)"
then obtain j where j: "j \ J" "x \ I +> j" by blast
then obtain i where i: "i \ I" "x = i \ j"
using a_r_coset_def'[of R I j] by blast
thus "x \ J"
using assms(2) j A additive_subgroup.a_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF assms(2)]] by blast
theorem (in ring) quot_ideal_correspondence:
assumes "ideal I R"
shows "bij_betw (\J. (+>) I ` J) { J. ideal J R \ I \ J } { J . ideal J (R Quot I) }"
proof (rule bij_betw_byWitness[where ?f' = "\X. \ X"])
show "\J \ { J. ideal J R \ I \ J }. (\X. \ X) ((+>) I ` J) = J"
using assms ideal_incl_iff by blast
show "(\J. (+>) I ` J) ` { J. ideal J R \ I \ J } \ { J. ideal J (R Quot I) }"
using assms ring_ideal_imp_quot_ideal by auto
show "(\X. \ X) ` { J. ideal J (R Quot I) } \ { J. ideal J R \ I \ J }"
fix J assume "J \ ((\X. \ X) ` { J. ideal J (R Quot I) })"
then obtain J' where J': "ideal J' (R Quot I)" "J = \ J'" by blast
hence "ideal J R"
using assms quot_ideal_imp_ring_ideal by auto
moreover have "I \ J'"
using additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF J'(1)]] unfolding FactRing_def by simp
ultimately show "J \ { J. ideal J R \ I \ J }" using J'(2) by auto
show "\J' \ { J. ideal J (R Quot I) }. ((+>) I ` (\ J')) = J'"
fix J' assume "J' \<in> { J. ideal J (R Quot I) }"
hence subset: "J' \ carrier (R Quot I) \ ideal J' (R Quot I)"
using additive_subgroup.a_subset ideal_def by blast
hence "((+>) I ` (\ J')) \ J'"
using canonical_proj_vimage_in_carrier canonical_proj_vimage_mem_iff
by (meson assms contra_subsetD image_subsetI)
moreover have "J' \ ((+>) I ` (\ J'))"
fix x assume "x \ J'"
then obtain r where r: "r \ carrier R" "x = I +> r"
using subset unfolding FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_def'[of R I] by auto
hence "r \ (\ J')"
using \<open>x \<in> J'\<close> assms canonical_proj_vimage_mem_iff subset by blast
thus "x \ ((+>) I ` (\ J'))" using r(2) by blast
ultimately show "((+>) I ` (\ J')) = J'" by blast
lemma (in cring) quot_domain_imp_primeideal:
assumes "ideal P R"
shows "domain (R Quot P) \ primeideal P R"
proof -
assume A: "domain (R Quot P)" show "primeideal P R"
proof (rule primeidealI)
show "ideal P R" using assms .
show "cring R" using is_cring .
show "carrier R \ P"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "\ carrier R \ P" hence "carrier R = P" by simp
hence "\I. I \ carrier (R Quot P) \ I = P"
unfolding FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_def' apply simp
using a_coset_join2 additive_subgroup.a_subgroup assms ideal.axioms(1) by blast
hence "\\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub>"
by (metis assms ideal.quotient_is_ring ring.ring_simprules(2) ring.ring_simprules(6))
thus False using domain.one_not_zero[OF A] by simp
fix a b assume a: "a \ carrier R" and b: "b \ carrier R" and ab: "a \ b \ P"
hence "P +> (a \ b) = \\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub>" unfolding FactRing_def
by (simp add: a_coset_join2 additive_subgroup.a_subgroup assms ideal.axioms(1))
moreover have "(P +> a) \\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub> (P +> b) = P +> (a \ b)" unfolding FactRing_def
using a b by (simp add: assms ideal.rcoset_mult_add)
moreover have "P +> a \ carrier (R Quot P) \ P +> b \ carrier (R Quot P)"
by (simp add: a b FactRing_def a_rcosetsI additive_subgroup.a_subset assms ideal.axioms(1))
ultimately have "P +> a = \\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub> \ P +> b = \\<^bsub>(R Quot P)\<^esub>"
using domain.integral[OF A, of "P +> a" "P +> b"] by auto
thus "a \ P \ b \ P" unfolding FactRing_def apply simp
using a b assms a_coset_join1 additive_subgroup.a_subgroup ideal.axioms(1) by blast
lemma (in cring) quot_domain_iff_primeideal:
assumes "ideal P R"
shows "domain (R Quot P) = primeideal P R"
using quot_domain_imp_primeideal[OF assms] primeideal.quotient_is_domain[of P R] by auto
subsection \<open>Isomorphism\<close>
ring_iso :: "_ \ _ \ ('a \ 'b) set"
where "ring_iso R S = { h. h \ ring_hom R S \ bij_betw h (carrier R) (carrier S) }"
is_ring_iso :: "_ \ _ \ bool" (infixr "\" 60)
where "R \ S = (ring_iso R S \ {})"
morphic_prop :: "_ \ ('a \ bool) \ bool"
where "morphic_prop R P =
((P \<one>\<^bsub>R\<^esub>) \<and>
(\<forall>r \<in> carrier R. P r) \<and>
(\<forall>r1 \<in> carrier R. \<forall>r2 \<in> carrier R. P (r1 \<otimes>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2)) \<and>
(\<forall>r1 \<in> carrier R. \<forall>r2 \<in> carrier R. P (r1 \<oplus>\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2)))"
lemma ring_iso_memI:
fixes R (structure) and S (structure)
assumes "\x. x \ carrier R \ h x \ carrier S"
and "\x y. \ x \ carrier R; y \ carrier R \ \ h (x \ y) = h x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h y"
and "\x y. \ x \ carrier R; y \ carrier R \ \ h (x \ y) = h x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h y"
and "h \ = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
and "bij_betw h (carrier R) (carrier S)"
shows "h \ ring_iso R S"
by (auto simp add: ring_hom_memI assms ring_iso_def)
lemma ring_iso_memE:
fixes R (structure) and S (structure)
assumes "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "\x. x \ carrier R \ h x \ carrier S"
and "\x y. \ x \ carrier R; y \ carrier R \ \ h (x \ y) = h x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h y"
and "\x y. \ x \ carrier R; y \ carrier R \ \ h (x \ y) = h x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h y"
and "h \ = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
and "bij_betw h (carrier R) (carrier S)"
using assms unfolding ring_iso_def ring_hom_def by auto
lemma morphic_propI:
fixes R (structure)
assumes "P \"
and "\r. r \ carrier R \ P r"
and "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ P (r1 \ r2)"
and "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ P (r1 \ r2)"
shows "morphic_prop R P"
unfolding morphic_prop_def using assms by auto
lemma morphic_propE:
fixes R (structure)
assumes "morphic_prop R P"
shows "P \"
and "\r. r \ carrier R \ P r"
and "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ P (r1 \ r2)"
and "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ P (r1 \ r2)"
using assms unfolding morphic_prop_def by auto
(* NEW ============================================================================ *)
lemma (in ring) ring_hom_restrict:
assumes "f \ ring_hom R S" and "\r. r \ carrier R \ f r = g r" shows "g \ ring_hom R S"
using assms(2) ring_hom_memE[OF assms(1)] by (auto intro: ring_hom_memI)
(* PROOF ========================================================================== *)
lemma (in ring) ring_iso_restrict:
assumes "f \ ring_iso R S" and "\r. r \ carrier R \ f r = g r" shows "g \ ring_iso R S"
proof -
have hom: "g \ ring_hom R S"
using ring_hom_restrict assms unfolding ring_iso_def by auto
have "bij_betw g (carrier R) (carrier S)"
using bij_betw_cong[of "carrier R" f g] ring_iso_memE(5)[OF assms(1)] assms(2) by simp
thus ?thesis
using ring_hom_memE[OF hom] by (auto intro!: ring_iso_memI)
lemma ring_iso_morphic_prop:
assumes "f \ ring_iso R S"
and "morphic_prop R P"
and "\r. P r \ f r = g r"
shows "g \ ring_iso R S"
proof -
have eq0: "\r. r \ carrier R \ f r = g r"
and eq1: "f \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> = g \\<^bsub>R\<^esub>"
and eq2: "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ f (r1 \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2) = g (r1 \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2)"
and eq3: "\r1 r2. \ r1 \ carrier R; r2 \ carrier R \ \ f (r1 \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2) = g (r1 \\<^bsub>R\<^esub> r2)"
using assms(2-3) unfolding morphic_prop_def by auto
show ?thesis
apply (rule ring_iso_memI)
using assms(1) eq0 ring_iso_memE(1) apply fastforce
apply (metis assms(1) eq0 eq2 ring_iso_memE(2))
apply (metis assms(1) eq0 eq3 ring_iso_memE(3))
using assms(1) eq1 ring_iso_memE(4) apply fastforce
using assms(1) bij_betw_cong eq0 ring_iso_memE(5) by blast
lemma (in ring) ring_hom_imp_img_ring:
assumes "h \ ring_hom R S"
shows "ring (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R), zero := h \ \)" (is "ring ?h_img")
proof -
have "h \ hom (add_monoid R) (add_monoid S)"
using assms unfolding hom_def ring_hom_def by auto
hence "comm_group ((add_monoid S) \ carrier := h ` (carrier R), one := h \ \)"
using add.hom_imp_img_comm_group[of h "add_monoid S"] by simp
hence comm_group: "comm_group (add_monoid ?h_img)"
by (auto intro: comm_monoidI simp add: monoid.defs)
moreover have "h \ hom R S"
using assms unfolding ring_hom_def hom_def by auto
hence "monoid (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R), one := h \ \)"
using hom_imp_img_monoid[of h S] by simp
hence monoid: "monoid ?h_img"
using ring_hom_memE(4)[OF assms] unfolding monoid_def by (simp add: monoid.defs)
show ?thesis
proof (rule ringI, simp_all add: comm_group_abelian_groupI[OF comm_group] monoid)
fix x y z assume "x \ h ` carrier R" "y \ h ` carrier R" "z \ h ` carrier R"
then obtain r1 r2 r3
where r1: "r1 \ carrier R" "x = h r1"
and r2: "r2 \ carrier R" "y = h r2"
and r3: "r3 \ carrier R" "z = h r3" by blast
hence "(x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z = h ((r1 \ r2) \ r3)"
using ring_hom_memE[OF assms] by auto
also have " ... = h ((r1 \ r3) \ (r2 \ r3))"
using l_distr[OF r1(1) r2(1) r3(1)] by simp
also have " ... = (x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (y \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z)"
using ring_hom_memE[OF assms] r1 r2 r3 by auto
finally show "(x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z = (x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (y \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> z)" .
have "z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y) = h (r3 \ (r1 \ r2))"
using ring_hom_memE[OF assms] r1 r2 r3 by auto
also have " ... = h ((r3 \ r1) \ (r3 \ r2))"
using r_distr[OF r1(1) r2(1) r3(1)] by simp
also have " ... = (z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> x) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y)"
using ring_hom_memE[OF assms] r1 r2 r3 by auto
finally show "z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (x \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y) = (z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> x) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (z \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> y)" .
lemma (in ring) ring_iso_imp_img_ring:
assumes "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "ring (S \ zero := h \ \)"
proof -
have "ring (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R), zero := h \ \)"
using ring_hom_imp_img_ring[of h S] assms unfolding ring_iso_def by auto
moreover have "h ` (carrier R) = carrier S"
using assms unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma (in cring) ring_iso_imp_img_cring:
assumes "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "cring (S \ zero := h \ \)" (is "cring ?h_img")
proof -
note m_comm
interpret h_img?: ring ?h_img
using ring_iso_imp_img_ring[OF assms] .
show ?thesis
proof (unfold_locales)
fix x y assume "x \ carrier ?h_img" "y \ carrier ?h_img"
then obtain r1 r2
where r1: "r1 \ carrier R" "x = h r1"
and r2: "r2 \ carrier R" "y = h r2"
using assms image_iff[where ?f = h and ?A = "carrier R"]
unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def by auto
have "x \\<^bsub>(?h_img)\<^esub> y = h (r1 \ r2)"
using assms r1 r2 unfolding ring_iso_def ring_hom_def by auto
also have " ... = h (r2 \ r1)"
using m_comm[OF r1(1) r2(1)] by simp
also have " ... = y \\<^bsub>(?h_img)\<^esub> x"
using assms r1 r2 unfolding ring_iso_def ring_hom_def by auto
finally show "x \\<^bsub>(?h_img)\<^esub> y = y \\<^bsub>(?h_img)\<^esub> x" .
lemma (in domain) ring_iso_imp_img_domain:
assumes "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "domain (S \ zero := h \ \)" (is "domain ?h_img")
proof -
note aux = m_closed integral one_not_zero one_closed zero_closed
interpret h_img?: cring ?h_img
using ring_iso_imp_img_cring[OF assms] .
show ?thesis
proof (unfold_locales)
have "\\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> \ h \ = h \"
using ring_iso_memE(4)[OF assms] by simp
moreover have "h \ \ h \"
using ring_iso_memE(5)[OF assms] aux(3-4)
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by force
ultimately show "\\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> \ \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub>"
by auto
fix a b
assume A: "a \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> b = \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub>" "a \ carrier ?h_img" "b \ carrier ?h_img"
then obtain r1 r2
where r1: "r1 \ carrier R" "a = h r1"
and r2: "r2 \ carrier R" "b = h r2"
using assms image_iff[where ?f = h and ?A = "carrier R"]
unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def by auto
hence "a \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> b = h (r1 \ r2)"
using assms r1 r2 unfolding ring_iso_def ring_hom_def by auto
hence "h (r1 \ r2) = h \"
using A(1) by simp
hence "r1 \ r2 = \"
using ring_iso_memE(5)[OF assms] aux(1)[OF r1(1) r2(1)] aux(5)
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by force
hence "r1 = \ \ r2 = \"
using aux(2)[OF _ r1(1) r2(1)] by simp
thus "a = \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub> \ b = \\<^bsub>?h_img\<^esub>"
unfolding r1 r2 by auto
lemma (in field) ring_iso_imp_img_field:
assumes "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "field (S \ zero := h \ \)" (is "field ?h_img")
proof -
interpret h_img?: domain ?h_img
using ring_iso_imp_img_domain[OF assms] .
show ?thesis
proof (unfold_locales, auto simp add: Units_def)
interpret field R using field_axioms .
fix a assume a: "a \ carrier S" "a \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h \ = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
then obtain r where r: "r \ carrier R" "a = h r"
using assms image_iff[where ?f = h and ?A = "carrier R"]
unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def by auto
have "a \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h \ = h (r \ \)" unfolding r(2)
using ring_iso_memE(2)[OF assms r(1)] by simp
hence "h \ = h \"
using ring_iso_memE(4)[OF assms] r(1) a(2) by simp
thus False
using ring_iso_memE(5)[OF assms]
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def by force
interpret field R using field_axioms .
fix s assume s: "s \ carrier S" "s \ h \"
then obtain r where r: "r \ carrier R" "s = h r"
using assms image_iff[where ?f = h and ?A = "carrier R"]
unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def by auto
hence "r \ \" using s(2) by auto
hence inv_r: "inv r \ carrier R" "inv r \ \" "r \ inv r = \" "inv r \ r = \"
using field_Units r(1) by auto
have "h (inv r) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h r = h \" and "h r \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h (inv r) = h \"
using ring_iso_memE(2)[OF assms inv_r(1) r(1)] inv_r(3-4)
ring_iso_memE(2)[OF assms r(1) inv_r(1)] by auto
thus "\s' \ carrier S. s' \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> s = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \ s \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> s' = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
using ring_iso_memE(1,4)[OF assms] inv_r(1) r(2) by auto
lemma ring_iso_same_card: "R \ S \ card (carrier R) = card (carrier S)"
using bij_betw_same_card unfolding is_ring_iso_def ring_iso_def by auto
(* ========================================================================== *)
lemma ring_iso_set_refl: "id \ ring_iso R R"
by (rule ring_iso_memI) (auto)
corollary ring_iso_refl: "R \ R"
using is_ring_iso_def ring_iso_set_refl by auto
lemma ring_iso_set_trans:
"\ f \ ring_iso R S; g \ ring_iso S Q \ \ (g \ f) \ ring_iso R Q"
unfolding ring_iso_def using bij_betw_trans ring_hom_trans by fastforce
corollary ring_iso_trans: "\ R \ S; S \ Q \ \ R \ Q"
using ring_iso_set_trans unfolding is_ring_iso_def by blast
lemma ring_iso_set_sym:
assumes "ring R" and h: "h \ ring_iso R S"
shows "(inv_into (carrier R) h) \ ring_iso S R"
proof -
have h_hom: "h \ ring_hom R S"
and h_surj: "h ` (carrier R) = (carrier S)"
and h_inj: "\ x1 x2. \ x1 \ carrier R; x2 \ carrier R \ \ h x1 = h x2 \ x1 = x2"
using h unfolding ring_iso_def bij_betw_def inj_on_def by auto
have h_inv_bij: "bij_betw (inv_into (carrier R) h) (carrier S) (carrier R)"
using bij_betw_inv_into h ring_iso_def by fastforce
show "inv_into (carrier R) h \ ring_iso S R"
apply (rule ring_iso_memI)
apply (simp add: h_surj inv_into_into)
apply (auto simp add: h_inv_bij)
using ring_iso_memE [OF h] bij_betwE [OF h_inv_bij]
apply (simp_all add: \<open>ring R\<close> bij_betw_def bij_betw_inv_into_right inv_into_f_eq ring.ring_simprules(5))
using ring_iso_memE [OF h] bij_betw_inv_into_right [of h "carrier R" "carrier S"]
apply (simp add: \<open>ring R\<close> inv_into_f_eq ring.ring_simprules(1))
by (simp add: \<open>ring R\<close> inv_into_f_eq ring.ring_simprules(6))
corollary ring_iso_sym:
assumes "ring R"
shows "R \ S \ S \ R"
using assms ring_iso_set_sym unfolding is_ring_iso_def by auto
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_simp [simp]:
"\x. x \ carrier R \ the_elem (h ` ((a_kernel R S h) +> x)) = h x"
proof -
fix x assume x: "x \ carrier R"
hence "h x \ h ` ((a_kernel R S h) +> x)"
using homeq_imp_rcos by blast
thus "the_elem (h ` ((a_kernel R S h) +> x)) = h x"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) x empty_iff homeq_imp_rcos rcos_imp_homeq the_elem_image_unique)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_inj:
"\X Y. \ X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)); Y \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) \ \
the_elem (h ` X) = the_elem (h ` Y) \<Longrightarrow> X = Y"
proof -
fix X Y
assume "X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
and "Y \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
and Eq: "the_elem (h ` X) = the_elem (h ` Y)"
then obtain x y where x: "x \ carrier R" "X = (a_kernel R S h) +> x"
and y: "y \ carrier R" "Y = (a_kernel R S h) +> y"
unfolding FactRing_def A_RCOSETS_def' by auto
hence "h x = h y" using Eq by simp
hence "x \ y \ (a_kernel R S h)"
by (simp add: a_minus_def abelian_subgroup.a_rcos_module_imp
abelian_subgroup_a_kernel homeq_imp_rcos x(1) y(1))
thus "X = Y"
by (metis R.a_coset_add_inv1 R.minus_eq abelian_subgroup.a_rcos_const
abelian_subgroup_a_kernel additive_subgroup.a_subset additive_subgroup_a_kernel x y)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) quot_mem:
"\X. X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) \ \x \ carrier R. X = (a_kernel R S h) +> x"
proof -
fix X assume "X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
thus "\x \ carrier R. X = (a_kernel R S h) +> x"
unfolding FactRing_simps by (simp add: a_r_coset_def)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_wf:
"\X. X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) \ \y \ carrier S. (h ` X) = { y }"
proof -
fix X assume "X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
then obtain x where x: "x \ carrier R" and X: "X = (a_kernel R S h) +> x"
using quot_mem by blast
hence "\x'. x' \ X \ h x' = h x"
proof -
fix x' assume "x' \<in> X" hence "x' \<in> (a_kernel R S h) +> x" using X by simp
then obtain k where k: "k \ a_kernel R S h" "x' = k \ x"
by (metis R.add.inv_closed R.add.m_assoc R.l_neg R.r_zero
abelian_subgroup.a_rcos_module_imp abelian_subgroup_a_kernel x)
hence "h x' = h k \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> h x"
by (meson additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr additive_subgroup_a_kernel hom_add x)
also have " ... = h x"
using k by (auto simp add: x)
finally show "h x' = h x" .
moreover have "h x \ h ` X"
by (simp add: X homeq_imp_rcos x)
ultimately have "(h ` X) = { h x }"
by blast
thus "\y \ carrier S. (h ` X) = { y }" using x by simp
corollary (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_wf':
"\X. X \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) \ \r \ carrier R. (h ` X) = { h r }"
using the_elem_wf by (metis quot_mem the_elem_eq the_elem_simp)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_hom:
"(\X. the_elem (h ` X)) \ ring_hom (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) S"
proof (rule ring_hom_memI)
show "\x. x \ carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h) \ the_elem (h ` x) \ carrier S"
using the_elem_wf by fastforce
show "the_elem (h ` \\<^bsub>R Quot a_kernel R S h\<^esub>) = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
unfolding FactRing_def using the_elem_simp[of "\\<^bsub>R\<^esub>"] by simp
fix X Y
assume "X \ carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h)"
and "Y \ carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h)"
then obtain x y where x: "x \ carrier R" "X = (a_kernel R S h) +> x"
and y: "y \ carrier R" "Y = (a_kernel R S h) +> y"
using quot_mem by blast
have "X \\<^bsub>R Quot a_kernel R S h\<^esub> Y = (a_kernel R S h) +> (x \ y)"
by (simp add: FactRing_def ideal.rcoset_mult_add kernel_is_ideal x y)
thus "the_elem (h ` (X \\<^bsub>R Quot a_kernel R S h\<^esub> Y)) = the_elem (h ` X) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> the_elem (h ` Y)"
by (simp add: x y)
have "X \\<^bsub>R Quot a_kernel R S h\<^esub> Y = (a_kernel R S h) +> (x \ y)"
using ideal.rcos_ring_hom kernel_is_ideal ring_hom_add x y by fastforce
thus "the_elem (h ` (X \\<^bsub>R Quot a_kernel R S h\<^esub> Y)) = the_elem (h ` X) \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> the_elem (h ` Y)"
by (simp add: x y)
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) the_elem_surj:
"(\X. (the_elem (h ` X))) ` carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) = (h ` (carrier R))"
show "(\X. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h) \ h ` carrier R"
using the_elem_wf' by fastforce
show "h ` carrier R \ (\X. the_elem (h ` X)) ` carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h)"
fix y assume "y \ h ` carrier R"
then obtain x where x: "x \ carrier R" "h x = y"
by (metis image_iff)
hence "the_elem (h ` ((a_kernel R S h) +> x)) = y" by simp
moreover have "(a_kernel R S h) +> x \ carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
unfolding FactRing_simps by (auto simp add: x a_r_coset_def)
ultimately show "y \ (\X. (the_elem (h ` X))) ` carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))" by blast
proposition (in ring_hom_ring) FactRing_iso_set_aux:
"(\X. the_elem (h ` X)) \ ring_iso (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \)"
proof -
have "bij_betw (\X. the_elem (h ` X)) (carrier (R Quot a_kernel R S h)) (h ` (carrier R))"
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def using the_elem_surj the_elem_inj by simp
have "(\X. the_elem (h ` X)): carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) \ h ` (carrier R)"
using the_elem_wf' by fastforce
hence "(\X. the_elem (h ` X)) \ ring_hom (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \)"
using the_elem_hom the_elem_wf' unfolding ring_hom_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding ring_iso_def using the_elem_hom by simp
theorem (in ring_hom_ring) FactRing_iso_set:
assumes "h ` carrier R = carrier S"
shows "(\X. the_elem (h ` X)) \ ring_iso (R Quot (a_kernel R S h)) S"
using FactRing_iso_set_aux assms by auto
corollary (in ring_hom_ring) FactRing_iso:
assumes "h ` carrier R = carrier S"
shows "R Quot (a_kernel R S h) \ S"
using FactRing_iso_set assms is_ring_iso_def by auto
corollary (in ring) FactRing_zeroideal:
shows "R Quot { \ } \ R" and "R \ R Quot { \ }"
proof -
have "ring_hom_ring R R id"
using ring_axioms by (auto intro: ring_hom_ringI)
moreover have "a_kernel R R id = { \ }"
unfolding a_kernel_def' by auto
ultimately show "R Quot { \ } \ R" and "R \ R Quot { \ }"
using ring_hom_ring.FactRing_iso[of R R id]
ring_iso_sym[OF ideal.quotient_is_ring[OF zeroideal], of R] by auto
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) img_is_ring: "ring (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \)"
proof -
let ?the_elem = "\X. the_elem (h ` X)"
have FactRing_is_ring: "ring (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))"
by (simp add: ideal.quotient_is_ring kernel_is_ideal)
have "ring ((S \ carrier := ?the_elem ` (carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))) \)
\<lparr> zero := ?the_elem \<zero>\<^bsub>(R Quot (a_kernel R S h))\<^esub> \<rparr>)"
using ring.ring_iso_imp_img_ring[OF FactRing_is_ring, of ?the_elem
"S \ carrier := ?the_elem ` (carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R S h))) \"]
FactRing_iso_set_aux the_elem_surj by auto
have "\ \ (a_kernel R S h)"
using a_kernel_def'[of R S h] by auto
hence "\ \ (a_kernel R S h) +> \"
using a_r_coset_def'[of R "a_kernel R S h" \] by force
hence "\\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \ (h ` ((a_kernel R S h) +> \))"
using hom_one by force
hence "?the_elem \\<^bsub>(R Quot (a_kernel R S h))\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
using the_elem_wf[of "(a_kernel R S h) +> \"] by (simp add: FactRing_def)
have "\\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \ (h ` (a_kernel R S h))"
using a_kernel_def'[of R S h] hom_zero by force
hence "\\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \ (h ` \\<^bsub>(R Quot (a_kernel R S h))\<^esub>)"
by (simp add: FactRing_def)
hence "?the_elem \\<^bsub>(R Quot (a_kernel R S h))\<^esub> = \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>"
using the_elem_wf[OF ring.ring_simprules(2)[OF FactRing_is_ring]]
by (metis singletonD the_elem_eq)
have "ring ((S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \) \ one := \\<^bsub>S\<^esub>, zero := \\<^bsub>S\<^esub> \)"
using the_elem_surj by simp
thus ?thesis
by auto
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) img_is_cring:
assumes "cring S"
shows "cring (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \)"
proof -
interpret ring "S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \"
using img_is_ring .
show ?thesis
apply unfold_locales
using assms unfolding cring_def comm_monoid_def comm_monoid_axioms_def by auto
lemma (in ring_hom_ring) img_is_domain:
assumes "domain S"
shows "domain (S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \)"
proof -
interpret cring "S \ carrier := h ` (carrier R) \"
using img_is_cring assms unfolding domain_def by simp
show ?thesis
apply unfold_locales
using assms unfolding domain_def domain_axioms_def apply auto
using hom_closed by blast
proposition (in ring_hom_ring) primeideal_vimage:
assumes "cring R"
shows "primeideal P S \ primeideal { r \ carrier R. h r \ P } R"
proof -
assume A: "primeideal P S"
hence is_ideal: "ideal P S" unfolding primeideal_def by simp
have "ring_hom_ring R (S Quot P) (((+>\<^bsub>S\<^esub>) P) \ h)" (is "ring_hom_ring ?A ?B ?h")
using ring_hom_trans[OF homh, of "(+>\<^bsub>S\<^esub>) P" "S Quot P"]
ideal.rcos_ring_hom_ring[OF is_ideal] assms
unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def cring_def by simp
then interpret hom: ring_hom_ring R "S Quot P" "((+>\<^bsub>S\<^esub>) P) \ h" by simp
have "inj_on (\X. the_elem (?h ` X)) (carrier (R Quot (a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h)))"
using hom.the_elem_inj unfolding inj_on_def by simp
have "ideal (a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h) R"
using hom.kernel_is_ideal by auto
have hom': "ring_hom_ring (R Quot (a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h)) (S Quot P) (\X. the_elem (?h ` X))"
using hom.the_elem_hom hom.kernel_is_ideal
by (meson hom.ring_hom_ring_axioms ideal.rcos_ring_hom_ring ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_ring_def)
have "primeideal (a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h) R"
using ring_hom_ring.inj_on_domain[OF hom'] primeideal.quotient_is_domain[OF A]
cring.quot_domain_imp_primeideal[OF assms hom.kernel_is_ideal] by simp
moreover have "a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h = { r \ carrier R. h r \ P }"
show "a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ P }"
fix r assume "r \ a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h"
hence r: "r \ carrier R" "P +>\<^bsub>S\<^esub> (h r) = P"
unfolding a_kernel_def kernel_def FactRing_def by auto
hence "h r \ P"
using S.a_rcosI R.l_zero S.l_zero additive_subgroup.a_subset[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF is_ideal]]
additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF is_ideal]] hom_closed by metis
thus "r \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ P }" using r by simp
show "{ r \ carrier R. h r \ P } \ a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h"
fix r assume "r \ { r \ carrier R. h r \ P }"
hence r: "r \ carrier R" "h r \ P" by simp_all
hence "?h r = P"
by (simp add: S.a_coset_join2 additive_subgroup.a_subgroup ideal.axioms(1) is_ideal)
thus "r \ a_kernel R (S Quot P) ?h"
unfolding a_kernel_def kernel_def FactRing_def using r(1) by auto
ultimately show "primeideal { r \ carrier R. h r \ P } R" by simp
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