section\<open>T1 and Hausdorff spaces\<close>
theory T1_Spaces
imports Product_Topology
section\<open>T1 spaces with equivalences to many naturally "nice" properties. \<close>
definition t1_space where
"t1_space X \ \x \ topspace X. \y \ topspace X. x\y \ (\U. openin X U \ x \ U \ y \ U)"
lemma t1_space_expansive:
"\topspace Y = topspace X; \U. openin X U \ openin Y U\ \ t1_space X \ t1_space Y"
by (metis t1_space_def)
lemma t1_space_alt:
"t1_space X \ (\x \ topspace X. \y \ topspace X. x\y \ (\U. closedin X U \ x \ U \ y \ U))"
by (metis DiffE DiffI closedin_def openin_closedin_eq t1_space_def)
lemma t1_space_empty: "topspace X = {} \ t1_space X"
by (simp add: t1_space_def)
lemma t1_space_derived_set_of_singleton:
"t1_space X \ (\x \ topspace X. X derived_set_of {x} = {})"
apply (simp add: t1_space_def derived_set_of_def, safe)
apply (metis openin_topspace)
by force
lemma t1_space_derived_set_of_finite:
"t1_space X \ (\S. finite S \ X derived_set_of S = {})"
proof (intro iffI allI impI)
fix S :: "'a set"
assume "finite S"
then have fin: "finite ((\x. {x}) ` (topspace X \ S))"
by blast
assume "t1_space X"
then have "X derived_set_of (\x \ topspace X \ S. {x}) = {}"
unfolding derived_set_of_Union [OF fin]
by (auto simp: t1_space_derived_set_of_singleton)
then have "X derived_set_of (topspace X \ S) = {}"
by simp
then show "X derived_set_of S = {}"
by simp
qed (auto simp: t1_space_derived_set_of_singleton)
lemma t1_space_closedin_singleton:
"t1_space X \ (\x \ topspace X. closedin X {x})"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: closedin_contains_derived_set t1_space_derived_set_of_singleton)
using t1_space_alt by auto
lemma closedin_t1_singleton:
"\t1_space X; a \ topspace X\ \ closedin X {a}"
by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_singleton)
lemma t1_space_closedin_finite:
"t1_space X \ (\S. finite S \ S \ topspace X \ closedin X S)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: closedin_contains_derived_set t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_singleton)
lemma closure_of_singleton:
"t1_space X \ X closure_of {a} = (if a \ topspace X then {a} else {})"
by (simp add: closure_of_eq t1_space_closedin_singleton closure_of_eq_empty_gen)
lemma separated_in_singleton:
assumes "t1_space X"
shows "separatedin X {a} S \ a \ topspace X \ S \ topspace X \ (a \ X closure_of S)"
"separatedin X S {a} \ a \ topspace X \ S \ topspace X \ (a \ X closure_of S)"
unfolding separatedin_def
using assms closure_of closure_of_singleton by fastforce+
lemma t1_space_openin_delete:
"t1_space X \ (\U x. openin X U \ x \ U \ openin X (U - {x}))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (meson closedin_t1_singleton in_mono openin_diff openin_subset)
by (simp add: closedin_def t1_space_closedin_singleton)
lemma t1_space_openin_delete_alt:
"t1_space X \ (\U x. openin X U \ openin X (U - {x}))"
by (metis Diff_empty Diff_insert0 t1_space_openin_delete)
lemma t1_space_singleton_Inter_open:
"t1_space X \ (\x \ topspace X. \{U. openin X U \ x \ U} = {x})" (is "?P=?Q")
and t1_space_Inter_open_supersets:
"t1_space X \ (\S. S \ topspace X \ \{U. openin X U \ S \ U} = S)" (is "?P=?R")
proof -
have "?R \ ?Q"
apply clarify
apply (drule_tac x="{x}" in spec, simp)
moreover have "?Q \ ?P"
apply (clarsimp simp add: t1_space_def)
apply (drule_tac x=x in bspec)
apply (simp_all add: set_eq_iff)
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
moreover have "?P \ ?R"
proof (clarsimp simp add: t1_space_closedin_singleton, rule subset_antisym)
fix S
assume S: "\x\topspace X. closedin X {x}" "S \ topspace X"
then show "\ {U. openin X U \ S \ U} \ S"
apply clarsimp
by (metis Diff_insert_absorb Set.set_insert closedin_def openin_topspace subset_insert)
qed force
ultimately show "?P=?Q" "?P=?R"
by auto
lemma t1_space_derived_set_of_infinite_openin:
"t1_space X \
(\<forall>S. X derived_set_of S =
{x \<in> topspace X. \<forall>U. x \<in> U \<and> openin X U \<longrightarrow> infinite(S \<inter> U)})"
(is "_ = ?rhs")
assume "t1_space X"
show ?rhs
proof safe
fix S x U
assume "x \ X derived_set_of S" "x \ U" "openin X U" "finite (S \ U)"
with \<open>t1_space X\<close> show "False"
apply (simp add: t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
by (metis IntI empty_iff empty_subsetI inf_commute openin_Int_derived_set_of_subset subset_antisym)
fix S x
have eq: "(\y. (y \ x) \ y \ S \ y \ T) \ ~((S \ T) \ {x})" for x S T
by blast
assume "x \ topspace X" "\U. x \ U \ openin X U \ infinite (S \ U)"
then show "x \ X derived_set_of S"
apply (clarsimp simp add: derived_set_of_def eq)
by (meson finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_subset)
qed (auto simp: in_derived_set_of)
qed (auto simp: t1_space_derived_set_of_singleton)
lemma finite_t1_space_imp_discrete_topology:
"\topspace X = U; finite U; t1_space X\ \ X = discrete_topology U"
by (metis discrete_topology_unique_derived_set t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
lemma t1_space_subtopology: "t1_space X \ t1_space(subtopology X U)"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_subtopology t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
lemma closedin_derived_set_of_gen:
"t1_space X \ closedin X (X derived_set_of S)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: in_derived_set_of closedin_contains_derived_set derived_set_of_subset_topspace)
by (metis DiffD2 insert_Diff insert_iff t1_space_openin_delete)
lemma derived_set_of_derived_set_subset_gen:
"t1_space X \ X derived_set_of (X derived_set_of S) \ X derived_set_of S"
by (meson closedin_contains_derived_set closedin_derived_set_of_gen)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_gen_finite:
"\t1_space X; finite S\ \ subtopology X S = discrete_topology(topspace X \ S)"
by (simp add: subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_gen t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
lemma subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_finite:
"\t1_space X; S \ topspace X; finite S\
\<Longrightarrow> subtopology X S = discrete_topology S"
by (simp add: subtopology_eq_discrete_topology_eq t1_space_derived_set_of_finite)
lemma t1_space_closed_map_image:
"\closed_map X Y f; f ` (topspace X) = topspace Y; t1_space X\ \ t1_space Y"
by (metis closed_map_def finite_subset_image t1_space_closedin_finite)
lemma homeomorphic_t1_space: "X homeomorphic_space Y \ (t1_space X \ t1_space Y)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: homeomorphic_space_def)
by (meson homeomorphic_eq_everything_map homeomorphic_maps_map t1_space_closed_map_image)
proposition t1_space_product_topology:
"t1_space (product_topology X I)
\<longleftrightarrow> topspace(product_topology X I) = {} \<or> (\<forall>i \<in> I. t1_space (X i))"
proof (cases "topspace(product_topology X I) = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
using True t1_space_empty by blast
case False
then obtain f where f: "f \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace(X i))"
by fastforce
have "t1_space (product_topology X I) \ (\i\I. t1_space (X i))"
proof (intro iffI ballI)
show "t1_space (X i)" if "t1_space (product_topology X I)" and "i \ I" for i
proof -
have clo: "\h. h \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace (X i)) \ closedin (product_topology X I) {h}"
using that by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_singleton)
show ?thesis
unfolding t1_space_closedin_singleton
proof clarify
show "closedin (X i) {xi}" if "xi \ topspace (X i)" for xi
using clo [of "\j \ I. if i=j then xi else f j"] f that \i \ I\
by (fastforce simp add: closedin_product_topology_singleton)
show "t1_space (product_topology X I)" if "\i\I. t1_space (X i)"
using that
by (simp add: t1_space_closedin_singleton Ball_def PiE_iff closedin_product_topology_singleton)
then show ?thesis
using False by blast
lemma t1_space_prod_topology:
"t1_space(prod_topology X Y) \ topspace(prod_topology X Y) = {} \ t1_space X \ t1_space Y"
proof (cases "topspace (prod_topology X Y) = {}")
case True then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: t1_space_empty)
case False
have eq: "{(x,y)} = {x} \ {y}" for x y
by simp
have "t1_space (prod_topology X Y) \ (t1_space X \ t1_space Y)"
using False
by (force simp: t1_space_closedin_singleton closedin_prod_Times_iff eq simp del: insert_Times_insert)
with False show ?thesis
by simp
subsection\<open>Hausdorff Spaces\<close>
definition Hausdorff_space
"Hausdorff_space X \
\<forall>x y. x \<in> topspace X \<and> y \<in> topspace X \<and> (x \<noteq> y)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> openin X V \<and> x \<in> U \<and> y \<in> V \<and> disjnt U V)"
lemma Hausdorff_space_expansive:
"\Hausdorff_space X; topspace X = topspace Y; \U. openin X U \ openin Y U\ \ Hausdorff_space Y"
by (metis Hausdorff_space_def)
lemma Hausdorff_space_topspace_empty:
"topspace X = {} \ Hausdorff_space X"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_def)
lemma Hausdorff_imp_t1_space:
"Hausdorff_space X \ t1_space X"
by (metis Hausdorff_space_def disjnt_iff t1_space_def)
lemma closedin_derived_set_of:
"Hausdorff_space X \ closedin X (X derived_set_of S)"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_imp_t1_space closedin_derived_set_of_gen)
lemma t1_or_Hausdorff_space:
"t1_space X \ Hausdorff_space X \ t1_space X"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space by blast
lemma Hausdorff_space_sing_Inter_opens:
"\Hausdorff_space X; a \ topspace X\ \ \{u. openin X u \ a \ u} = {a}"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space t1_space_singleton_Inter_open by force
lemma Hausdorff_space_subtopology:
assumes "Hausdorff_space X" shows "Hausdorff_space(subtopology X S)"
proof -
have *: "disjnt U V \ disjnt (S \ U) (S \ V)" for U V
by (simp add: disjnt_iff)
from assms show ?thesis
apply (simp add: Hausdorff_space_def openin_subtopology_alt)
apply (fast intro: * elim!: all_forward)
lemma Hausdorff_space_compact_separation:
assumes X: "Hausdorff_space X" and S: "compactin X S" and T: "compactin X T" and "disjnt S T"
obtains U V where "openin X U" "openin X V" "S \ U" "T \ V" "disjnt U V"
proof (cases "S = {}")
case True
then show thesis
by (metis \<open>compactin X T\<close> compactin_subset_topspace disjnt_empty1 empty_subsetI openin_empty openin_topspace that)
case False
have "\x \ S. \U V. openin X U \ openin X V \ x \ U \ T \ V \ disjnt U V"
fix a
assume "a \ S"
then have "a \ T"
by (meson assms(4) disjnt_iff)
have a: "a \ topspace X"
using S \<open>a \<in> S\<close> compactin_subset_topspace by blast
show "\U V. openin X U \ openin X V \ a \ U \ T \ V \ disjnt U V"
proof (cases "T = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
using a disjnt_empty2 openin_empty by blast
case False
have "\x \ topspace X - {a}. \U V. openin X U \ openin X V \ x \ U \ a \ V \ disjnt U V"
using X a by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_def)
then obtain U V where UV: "\x \ topspace X - {a}. openin X (U x) \ openin X (V x) \ x \ U x \ a \ V x \ disjnt (U x) (V x)"
by metis
with \<open>a \<notin> T\<close> compactin_subset_topspace [OF T]
have Topen: "\W \ U ` T. openin X W" and Tsub: "T \ \ (U ` T)"
by (auto simp: )
then obtain \<F> where \<F>: "finite \<F>" "\<F> \<subseteq> U ` T" and "T \<subseteq> \<Union>\<F>"
using T unfolding compactin_def by meson
then obtain F where F: "finite F" "F \ T" "\ = U ` F" and SUF: "T \ \(U ` F)" and "a \ F"
using finite_subset_image [OF \<F>] \<open>a \<notin> T\<close> by (metis subsetD)
have U: "\x. \x \ topspace X; x \ a\ \ openin X (U x)"
and V: "\x. \x \ topspace X; x \ a\ \ openin X (V x)"
and disj: "\x. \x \ topspace X; x \ a\ \ disjnt (U x) (V x)"
using UV by blast+
show ?thesis
proof (intro exI conjI)
have "F \ {}"
using False SUF by blast
with \<open>a \<notin> F\<close> show "openin X (\<Inter>(V ` F))"
using F compactin_subset_topspace [OF T] by (force intro: V)
show "openin X (\(U ` F))"
using F Topen Tsub by (force intro: U)
show "disjnt (\(V ` F)) (\(U ` F))"
using disj
apply (auto simp: disjnt_def)
using \<open>F \<subseteq> T\<close> \<open>a \<notin> F\<close> compactin_subset_topspace [OF T] by blast
show "a \ (\(V ` F))"
using \<open>F \<subseteq> T\<close> T UV \<open>a \<notin> T\<close> compactin_subset_topspace by blast
qed (auto simp: SUF)
then obtain U V where UV: "\x \ S. openin X (U x) \ openin X (V x) \ x \ U x \ T \ V x \ disjnt (U x) (V x)"
by metis
then have "S \ \ (U ` S)"
by auto
moreover have "\W \ U ` S. openin X W"
using UV by blast
ultimately obtain I where I: "S \ \ (U ` I)" "I \ S" "finite I"
by (metis S compactin_def finite_subset_image)
show thesis
show "openin X (\(U ` I))"
using \<open>I \<subseteq> S\<close> UV by blast
show "openin X (\ (V ` I))"
using False UV \<open>I \<subseteq> S\<close> \<open>S \<subseteq> \<Union> (U ` I)\<close> \<open>finite I\<close> by blast
show "disjnt (\(U ` I)) (\ (V ` I))"
by simp (meson UV \<open>I \<subseteq> S\<close> disjnt_subset2 in_mono le_INF_iff order_refl)
qed (use UV I in auto)
lemma Hausdorff_space_compact_sets:
"Hausdorff_space X \
(\<forall>S T. compactin X S \<and> compactin X T \<and> disjnt S T
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>U V. openin X U \<and> openin X V \<and> S \<subseteq> U \<and> T \<subseteq> V \<and> disjnt U V))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
by (meson Hausdorff_space_compact_separation)
assume R [rule_format]: ?rhs
show ?lhs
proof (clarsimp simp add: Hausdorff_space_def)
fix x y
assume "x \ topspace X" "y \ topspace X" "x \ y"
then show "\U. openin X U \ (\V. openin X V \ x \ U \ y \ V \ disjnt U V)"
using R [of "{x}" "{y}"] by auto
lemma compactin_imp_closedin:
assumes X: "Hausdorff_space X" and S: "compactin X S" shows "closedin X S"
proof -
have "S \ topspace X"
by (simp add: assms compactin_subset_topspace)
have "\T. openin X T \ x \ T \ T \ topspace X - S" if "x \ topspace X" "x \ S" for x
using Hausdorff_space_compact_separation [OF X _ S, of "{x}"] that
apply (simp add: disjnt_def)
by (metis Diff_mono Diff_triv openin_subset)
ultimately show ?thesis
using closedin_def openin_subopen by force
lemma closedin_Hausdorff_singleton:
"\Hausdorff_space X; x \ topspace X\ \ closedin X {x}"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_imp_t1_space closedin_t1_singleton)
lemma closedin_Hausdorff_sing_eq:
"Hausdorff_space X \ closedin X {x} \ x \ topspace X"
by (meson closedin_Hausdorff_singleton closedin_subset insert_subset)
lemma Hausdorff_space_discrete_topology [simp]:
"Hausdorff_space (discrete_topology U)"
unfolding Hausdorff_space_def
apply safe
by (metis discrete_topology_unique_alt disjnt_empty2 disjnt_insert2 insert_iff mk_disjoint_insert topspace_discrete_topology)
lemma compactin_Int:
"\Hausdorff_space X; compactin X S; compactin X T\ \ compactin X (S \ T)"
by (simp add: closed_Int_compactin compactin_imp_closedin)
lemma finite_topspace_imp_discrete_topology:
"\topspace X = U; finite U; Hausdorff_space X\ \ X = discrete_topology U"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space finite_t1_space_imp_discrete_topology by blast
lemma derived_set_of_finite:
"\Hausdorff_space X; finite S\ \ X derived_set_of S = {}"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space t1_space_derived_set_of_finite by auto
lemma derived_set_of_singleton:
"Hausdorff_space X \ X derived_set_of {x} = {}"
by (simp add: derived_set_of_finite)
lemma closedin_Hausdorff_finite:
"\Hausdorff_space X; S \ topspace X; finite S\ \ closedin X S"
by (simp add: compactin_imp_closedin finite_imp_compactin_eq)
lemma open_in_Hausdorff_delete:
"\Hausdorff_space X; openin X S\ \ openin X (S - {x})"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space t1_space_openin_delete_alt by auto
lemma closedin_Hausdorff_finite_eq:
"\Hausdorff_space X; finite S\ \ closedin X S \ S \ topspace X"
by (meson closedin_Hausdorff_finite closedin_def)
lemma derived_set_of_infinite_openin:
"Hausdorff_space X
\<Longrightarrow> X derived_set_of S =
{x \<in> topspace X. \<forall>U. x \<in> U \<and> openin X U \<longrightarrow> infinite(S \<inter> U)}"
using Hausdorff_imp_t1_space t1_space_derived_set_of_infinite_openin by fastforce
lemma Hausdorff_space_discrete_compactin:
"Hausdorff_space X
\<Longrightarrow> S \<inter> X derived_set_of S = {} \<and> compactin X S \<longleftrightarrow> S \<subseteq> topspace X \<and> finite S"
using derived_set_of_finite discrete_compactin_eq_finite by fastforce
lemma Hausdorff_space_finite_topspace:
"Hausdorff_space X \ X derived_set_of (topspace X) = {} \ compact_space X \ finite(topspace X)"
using derived_set_of_finite discrete_compact_space_eq_finite by auto
lemma derived_set_of_derived_set_subset:
"Hausdorff_space X \ X derived_set_of (X derived_set_of S) \ X derived_set_of S"
by (simp add: Hausdorff_imp_t1_space derived_set_of_derived_set_subset_gen)
lemma Hausdorff_space_injective_preimage:
assumes "Hausdorff_space Y" and cmf: "continuous_map X Y f" and "inj_on f (topspace X)"
shows "Hausdorff_space X"
unfolding Hausdorff_space_def
proof clarify
fix x y
assume x: "x \ topspace X" and y: "y \ topspace X" and "x \ y"
then obtain U V where "openin Y U" "openin Y V" "f x \ U" "f y \ V" "disjnt U V"
using assms unfolding Hausdorff_space_def continuous_map_def by (meson inj_onD)
show "\U V. openin X U \ openin X V \ x \ U \ y \ V \ disjnt U V"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}"
using \<open>openin Y U\<close> cmf continuous_map by fastforce
show "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ V}"
using \<open>openin Y V\<close> cmf openin_continuous_map_preimage by blast
show "disjnt {x \ topspace X. f x \ U} {x \ topspace X. f x \ V}"
using \<open>disjnt U V\<close> by (auto simp add: disjnt_def)
qed (use x \<open>f x \<in> U\<close> y \<open>f y \<in> V\<close> in auto)
lemma homeomorphic_Hausdorff_space:
"X homeomorphic_space Y \ Hausdorff_space X \ Hausdorff_space Y"
unfolding homeomorphic_space_def homeomorphic_maps_map
by (auto simp: homeomorphic_eq_everything_map Hausdorff_space_injective_preimage)
lemma Hausdorff_space_retraction_map_image:
"\retraction_map X Y r; Hausdorff_space X\ \ Hausdorff_space Y"
unfolding retraction_map_def
using Hausdorff_space_subtopology homeomorphic_Hausdorff_space retraction_maps_section_image2 by blast
lemma compact_Hausdorff_space_optimal:
assumes eq: "topspace Y = topspace X" and XY: "\U. openin X U \ openin Y U"
and "Hausdorff_space X" "compact_space Y"
shows "Y = X"
proof -
have "\U. closedin X U \ closedin Y U"
using XY using topology_finer_closedin [OF eq]
by metis
have "openin Y S = openin X S" for S
by (metis XY assms(3) assms(4) closedin_compact_space compactin_contractive compactin_imp_closedin eq openin_closedin_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: topology_eq)
lemma continuous_map_imp_closed_graph:
assumes f: "continuous_map X Y f" and Y: "Hausdorff_space Y"
shows "closedin (prod_topology X Y) ((\x. (x,f x)) ` topspace X)"
unfolding closedin_def
show "(\x. (x, f x)) ` topspace X \ topspace (prod_topology X Y)"
using continuous_map_def f by fastforce
show "openin (prod_topology X Y) (topspace (prod_topology X Y) - (\x. (x, f x)) ` topspace X)"
unfolding openin_prod_topology_alt
proof (intro allI impI)
show "\U V. openin X U \ openin Y V \ x \ U \ y \ V \ U \ V \ topspace (prod_topology X Y) - (\x. (x, f x)) ` topspace X"
if "(x,y) \ topspace (prod_topology X Y) - (\x. (x, f x)) ` topspace X"
for x y
proof -
have "x \ topspace X" "y \ topspace Y" "y \ f x"
using that by auto
moreover have "f x \ topspace Y"
by (meson \<open>x \<in> topspace X\<close> continuous_map_def f)
ultimately obtain U V where UV: "openin Y U" "openin Y V" "f x \ U" "y \ V" "disjnt U V"
using Y Hausdorff_space_def by metis
show ?thesis
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "openin X {x \ topspace X. f x \ U}"
using \<open>openin Y U\<close> f openin_continuous_map_preimage by blast
show "{x \ topspace X. f x \ U} \ V \ topspace (prod_topology X Y) - (\x. (x, f x)) ` topspace X"
using UV by (auto simp: disjnt_iff dest: openin_subset)
qed (use UV \<open>x \<in> topspace X\<close> in auto)
lemma continuous_imp_closed_map:
"\continuous_map X Y f; compact_space X; Hausdorff_space Y\ \ closed_map X Y f"
by (meson closed_map_def closedin_compact_space compactin_imp_closedin image_compactin)
lemma continuous_imp_quotient_map:
"\continuous_map X Y f; compact_space X; Hausdorff_space Y; f ` (topspace X) = topspace Y\
\<Longrightarrow> quotient_map X Y f"
by (simp add: continuous_imp_closed_map continuous_closed_imp_quotient_map)
lemma continuous_imp_homeomorphic_map:
"\continuous_map X Y f; compact_space X; Hausdorff_space Y;
f ` (topspace X) = topspace Y; inj_on f (topspace X)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> homeomorphic_map X Y f"
by (simp add: continuous_imp_closed_map bijective_closed_imp_homeomorphic_map)
lemma continuous_imp_embedding_map:
"\continuous_map X Y f; compact_space X; Hausdorff_space Y; inj_on f (topspace X)\
\<Longrightarrow> embedding_map X Y f"
by (simp add: continuous_imp_closed_map injective_closed_imp_embedding_map)
lemma continuous_inverse_map:
assumes "compact_space X" "Hausdorff_space Y"
and cmf: "continuous_map X Y f" and gf: "\x. x \ topspace X \ g(f x) = x"
and Sf: "S \ f ` (topspace X)"
shows "continuous_map (subtopology Y S) X g"
proof (rule continuous_map_from_subtopology_mono [OF _ \<open>S \<subseteq> f ` (topspace X)\<close>])
show "continuous_map (subtopology Y (f ` (topspace X))) X g"
unfolding continuous_map_closedin
proof (intro conjI ballI allI impI)
fix x
assume "x \ topspace (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X))"
then show "g x \ topspace X"
by (auto simp: gf)
fix C
assume C: "closedin X C"
show "closedin (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X))
{x \<in> topspace (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X)). g x \<in> C}"
proof (rule compactin_imp_closedin)
show "Hausdorff_space (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X))"
using Hausdorff_space_subtopology [OF \<open>Hausdorff_space Y\<close>] by blast
have "compactin Y (f ` C)"
using C cmf image_compactin closedin_compact_space [OF \<open>compact_space X\<close>] by blast
moreover have "{x \ topspace Y. x \ f ` topspace X \ g x \ C} = f ` C"
using closedin_subset [OF C] cmf by (auto simp: gf continuous_map_def)
ultimately have "compactin Y {x \ topspace Y. x \ f ` topspace X \ g x \ C}"
by simp
then show "compactin (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X))
{x \<in> topspace (subtopology Y (f ` topspace X)). g x \<in> C}"
by (auto simp add: compactin_subtopology)
lemma closed_map_paired_continuous_map_right:
"\continuous_map X Y f; Hausdorff_space Y\ \ closed_map X (prod_topology X Y) (\x. (x,f x))"
by (simp add: continuous_map_imp_closed_graph embedding_map_graph embedding_imp_closed_map)
lemma closed_map_paired_continuous_map_left:
assumes f: "continuous_map X Y f" and Y: "Hausdorff_space Y"
shows "closed_map X (prod_topology Y X) (\x. (f x,x))"
proof -
have eq: "(\x. (f x,x)) = (\(a,b). (b,a)) \ (\x. (x,f x))"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding eq
proof (rule closed_map_compose)
show "closed_map X (prod_topology X Y) (\x. (x, f x))"
using Y closed_map_paired_continuous_map_right f by blast
show "closed_map (prod_topology X Y) (prod_topology Y X) (\(a, b). (b, a))"
by (metis homeomorphic_map_swap homeomorphic_imp_closed_map)
lemma proper_map_paired_continuous_map_right:
"\continuous_map X Y f; Hausdorff_space Y\
\<Longrightarrow> proper_map X (prod_topology X Y) (\<lambda>x. (x,f x))"
using closed_injective_imp_proper_map closed_map_paired_continuous_map_right
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Pair_inject inj_onI)
lemma proper_map_paired_continuous_map_left:
"\continuous_map X Y f; Hausdorff_space Y\
\<Longrightarrow> proper_map X (prod_topology Y X) (\<lambda>x. (f x,x))"
using closed_injective_imp_proper_map closed_map_paired_continuous_map_left
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Pair_inject inj_onI)
lemma Hausdorff_space_prod_topology:
"Hausdorff_space(prod_topology X Y) \ topspace(prod_topology X Y) = {} \ Hausdorff_space X \ Hausdorff_space Y"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
by (rule topological_property_of_prod_component) (auto simp: Hausdorff_space_subtopology homeomorphic_Hausdorff_space)
assume R: ?rhs
show ?lhs
proof (cases "(topspace X \ topspace Y) = {}")
case False
with R have ne: "topspace X \ {}" "topspace Y \ {}" and X: "Hausdorff_space X" and Y: "Hausdorff_space Y"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding Hausdorff_space_def
proof clarify
fix x y x' y'
assume xy: "(x, y) \ topspace (prod_topology X Y)"
and xy': "(x',y') \ topspace (prod_topology X Y)"
and *: "\U V. openin (prod_topology X Y) U \ openin (prod_topology X Y) V
\<and> (x, y) \<in> U \<and> (x', y') \<in> V \<and> disjnt U V"
have False if "x \ x' \ y \ y'"
using that
assume "x \ x'"
then obtain U V where "openin X U" "openin X V" "x \ U" "x' \ V" "disjnt U V"
by (metis Hausdorff_space_def X mem_Sigma_iff topspace_prod_topology xy xy')
let ?U = "U \ topspace Y"
let ?V = "V \ topspace Y"
have "openin (prod_topology X Y) ?U" "openin (prod_topology X Y) ?V"
by (simp_all add: openin_prod_Times_iff \<open>openin X U\<close> \<open>openin X V\<close>)
moreover have "disjnt ?U ?V"
by (simp add: \<open>disjnt U V\<close>)
ultimately show False
using * \<open>x \<in> U\<close> \<open>x' \<in> V\<close> xy xy' by (metis SigmaD2 SigmaI topspace_prod_topology)
assume "y \ y'"
then obtain U V where "openin Y U" "openin Y V" "y \ U" "y' \ V" "disjnt U V"
by (metis Hausdorff_space_def Y mem_Sigma_iff topspace_prod_topology xy xy')
let ?U = "topspace X \ U"
let ?V = "topspace X \ V"
have "openin (prod_topology X Y) ?U" "openin (prod_topology X Y) ?V"
by (simp_all add: openin_prod_Times_iff \<open>openin Y U\<close> \<open>openin Y V\<close>)
moreover have "disjnt ?U ?V"
by (simp add: \<open>disjnt U V\<close>)
ultimately show False
using "*" \<open>y \<in> U\<close> \<open>y' \<in> V\<close> xy xy' by (metis SigmaD1 SigmaI topspace_prod_topology)
then show "x = x' \ y = y'"
by blast
qed (simp add: Hausdorff_space_topspace_empty)
lemma Hausdorff_space_product_topology:
"Hausdorff_space (product_topology X I) \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace(X i)) = {} \ (\i \ I. Hausdorff_space (X i))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs
apply (rule topological_property_of_product_component)
apply (blast dest: Hausdorff_space_subtopology homeomorphic_Hausdorff_space)+
assume R: ?rhs
show ?lhs
proof (cases "(\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace(X i)) = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_topspace_empty)
case False
have "\U V. openin (product_topology X I) U \ openin (product_topology X I) V \ f \ U \ g \ V \ disjnt U V"
if f: "f \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace (X i))" and g: "g \ (\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace (X i))" and "f \ g"
for f g :: "'a \ 'b"
proof -
obtain m where "f m \ g m"
using \<open>f \<noteq> g\<close> by blast
then have "m \ I"
using f g by fastforce
then have "Hausdorff_space (X m)"
using False that R by blast
then obtain U V where U: "openin (X m) U" and V: "openin (X m) V" and "f m \ U" "g m \ V" "disjnt U V"
by (metis Hausdorff_space_def PiE_mem \<open>f m \<noteq> g m\<close> \<open>m \<in> I\<close> f g)
show ?thesis
proof (intro exI conjI)
let ?U = "(\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace(X i)) \ {x. x m \ U}"
let ?V = "(\\<^sub>E i\I. topspace(X i)) \ {x. x m \ V}"
show "openin (product_topology X I) ?U" "openin (product_topology X I) ?V"
using \<open>m \<in> I\<close> U V
by (force simp add: openin_product_topology intro: arbitrary_union_of_inc relative_to_inc finite_intersection_of_inc)+
show "f \ ?U"
using \<open>f m \<in> U\<close> f by blast
show "g \ ?V"
using \<open>g m \<in> V\<close> g by blast
show "disjnt ?U ?V"
using \<open>disjnt U V\<close> by (auto simp: PiE_def Pi_def disjnt_def)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Hausdorff_space_def)
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