(* Title: HOL/Library/Sum_of_Squares/sos_wrapper.ML
Author: Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
Wrapper for "sos" proof method.
signature SOS_WRAPPER =
val sos_tac: Proof.context -> string option -> int -> tactic
structure SOS_Wrapper: SOS_WRAPPER =
datatype prover_result = Success | Failure | Error
fun str_of_result Success = "Success"
| str_of_result Failure = "Failure"
| str_of_result Error = "Error"
fun get_result rc =
(case rc of
0 => (Success, "SDP solved")
| 1 => (Failure, "SDP is primal infeasible")
| 2 => (Failure, "SDP is dual infeasible")
| 3 => (Success, "SDP solved with reduced accuracy")
| 4 => (Failure, "Maximum iterations reached")
| 5 => (Failure, "Stuck at edge of primal feasibility")
| 6 => (Failure, "Stuck at edge of dual infeasibility")
| 7 => (Failure, "Lack of progress")
| 8 => (Failure, "X, Z, or O was singular")
| 9 => (Failure, "Detected NaN or Inf values")
| _ => (Error, "return code is " ^ string_of_int rc))
fun run_solver ctxt input =
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file "sos_in" "" (fn in_path =>
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file "sos_out" "" (fn out_path =>
val _ = File.write in_path input
val (output, rc) =
("\"$ISABELLE_CSDP\" " ^
File.bash_platform_path in_path ^ " " ^
File.bash_platform_path out_path);
val _ = Sum_of_Squares.debug_message ctxt (fn () => "Solver output:\n" ^ output)
val result = if File.exists out_path then File.read out_path else ""
val (res, res_msg) = get_result rc
val _ = Sum_of_Squares.trace_message ctxt (fn () => str_of_result res ^ ": " ^ res_msg)
(case res of
Success => result
| Failure => raise Sum_of_Squares.Failure res_msg
| Error => error ("Prover failed: " ^ res_msg))
(* method setup *)
fun print_cert cert =
("To repeat this proof with a certificate use this command:\n" ^
("by (sos \"" ^ Positivstellensatz_Tools.print_cert cert ^ "\")"))
fun sos_tac ctxt NONE =
Sum_of_Squares.sos_tac print_cert
(Sum_of_Squares.Prover (run_solver ctxt)) ctxt
| sos_tac ctxt (SOME cert) =
Sum_of_Squares.sos_tac ignore
(Sum_of_Squares.Certificate (Positivstellensatz_Tools.read_cert ctxt cert)) ctxt
val _ = Theory.setup
(Method.setup \<^binding>\<open>sos\<close>
(Scan.lift (Scan.option Parse.string)
>> (fn arg => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (sos_tac ctxt arg)))
"prove universal problems over the reals using sums of squares")
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.4 Sekunden
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