(* Title: HOL/Tools/Nunchaku/nunchaku.ML
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, VU Amsterdam
Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017
The core of the Nunchaku integration in Isabelle.
signature NUNCHAKU =
type isa_model = Nunchaku_Reconstruct.isa_model
datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal
type mode_of_operation_params =
{solvers: string list,
falsify: bool,
assms: bool,
spy: bool,
overlord: bool,
expect: string}
type scope_of_search_params =
{wfs: ((string * typ) option * bool option) list,
whacks: (term option * bool) list,
min_bound: int,
max_bound: int option,
bound_increment: int,
cards: (typ option * (int option * int option)) list,
monos: (typ option * bool option) list}
type output_format_params =
{verbose: bool,
debug: bool,
max_potential: int,
max_genuine: int,
evals: term list,
atomss: (typ option * string list) list}
type optimization_params =
{specialize: bool,
multithread: bool}
type timeout_params =
{timeout: Time.time,
wf_timeout: Time.time}
type params =
{mode_of_operation_params: mode_of_operation_params,
scope_of_search_params: scope_of_search_params,
output_format_params: output_format_params,
optimization_params: optimization_params,
timeout_params: timeout_params}
val genuineN: string
val quasi_genuineN: string
val potentialN: string
val noneN: string
val unknownN: string
val no_nunchakuN: string
val run_chaku_on_prop: Proof.state -> params -> mode -> int -> term list -> term ->
string * isa_model option
val run_chaku_on_subgoal: Proof.state -> params -> mode -> int -> string * isa_model option
structure Nunchaku : NUNCHAKU =
open Nunchaku_Util;
open Nunchaku_Collect;
open Nunchaku_Problem;
open Nunchaku_Translate;
open Nunchaku_Model;
open Nunchaku_Reconstruct;
open Nunchaku_Display;
open Nunchaku_Tool;
datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal;
type mode_of_operation_params =
{solvers: string list,
falsify: bool,
assms: bool,
spy: bool,
overlord: bool,
expect: string};
type scope_of_search_params =
{wfs: ((string * typ) option * bool option) list,
whacks: (term option * bool) list,
min_bound: int,
max_bound: int option,
bound_increment: int,
cards: (typ option * (int option * int option)) list,
monos: (typ option * bool option) list};
type output_format_params =
{verbose: bool,
debug: bool,
max_potential: int,
max_genuine: int,
evals: term list,
atomss: (typ option * string list) list};
type optimization_params =
{specialize: bool,
multithread: bool};
type timeout_params =
{timeout: Time.time,
wf_timeout: Time.time};
type params =
{mode_of_operation_params: mode_of_operation_params,
scope_of_search_params: scope_of_search_params,
output_format_params: output_format_params,
optimization_params: optimization_params,
timeout_params: timeout_params};
val genuineN = "genuine";
val quasi_genuineN = "quasi_genuine";
val potentialN = "potential";
val noneN = "none";
val unknownN = "unknown";
val no_nunchakuN = "no_nunchaku";
fun str_of_mode Auto_Try = "Auto_Try"
| str_of_mode Try = "Try"
| str_of_mode Normal = "Normal";
fun none_true assigns = forall (curry (op <>) (SOME true) o snd) assigns;
fun has_lonely_bool_var (\<^const>\<open>Pure.conjunction\<close> $ (\<^const>\<open>Trueprop\<close> $ Free _) $ _) = true
| has_lonely_bool_var _ = false;
val syntactic_sorts =
\<^sort>\<open>{default,zero,one,plus,minus,uminus,times,inverse,abs,sgn,ord,equal}\<close> @ \<^sort>\<open>numeral\<close>;
fun has_tfree_syntactic_sort (TFree (_, S as _ :: _)) = subset (op =) (S, syntactic_sorts)
| has_tfree_syntactic_sort _ = false;
val has_syntactic_sorts = exists_type (exists_subtype has_tfree_syntactic_sort);
val unprefix_error =
perhaps (try (unprefix "failure: "))
#> perhaps (try (unprefix "Error: "));
(* Give the soft timeout a chance. *)
val timeout_slack = seconds 1.0;
fun run_chaku_on_prop state
({mode_of_operation_params = {solvers, falsify, assms, spy, overlord, expect},
scope_of_search_params = {wfs, whacks, min_bound, max_bound, bound_increment, cards, monos},
output_format_params = {verbose, debug, evals, atomss, ...},
optimization_params = {specialize, ...},
timeout_params = {timeout, wf_timeout}})
mode i all_assms subgoal =
val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
val timer = Timer.startRealTimer ()
val print = writeln;
val print_n = if mode = Normal then writeln else K ();
fun print_v f = if verbose then writeln (f ()) else ();
fun print_d f = if debug then writeln (f ()) else ();
val das_wort_Model = if falsify then "Countermodel" else "Model";
val das_wort_model = if falsify then "countermodel" else "model";
val tool_params =
{solvers = solvers, overlord = overlord, min_bound = min_bound, max_bound = max_bound,
bound_increment = bound_increment, debug = debug, specialize = specialize,
timeout = timeout};
fun run () =
val outcome as (outcome_code, _) =
val (poly_axioms, isa_problem as {sound, complete, ...}) =
isa_problem_of_subgoal ctxt falsify wfs whacks cards debug wf_timeout evals
(if assms then all_assms else []) subgoal;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Isabelle problem ***\n" ^
str_of_isa_problem ctxt isa_problem);
val ugly_nun_problem = nun_problem_of_isa ctxt isa_problem;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Ugly Nunchaku problem ***\n" ^
str_of_nun_problem ugly_nun_problem);
val (nice_nun_problem, pool) = nice_nun_problem ugly_nun_problem;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Nice Nunchaku problem ***\n" ^
str_of_nun_problem nice_nun_problem);
fun print_any_hints () =
if has_lonely_bool_var subgoal then
print "Hint: Maybe you forgot a colon after the lemma's name?"
else if has_syntactic_sorts subgoal then
print "Hint: Maybe you forgot a type constraint?"
fun get_isa_model_opt output =
val nice_nun_model = nun_model_of_str output;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Nice Nunchaku model ***\n" ^
str_of_nun_model nice_nun_model);
val ugly_nun_model = ugly_nun_model pool nice_nun_model;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Ugly Nunchaku model ***\n" ^
str_of_nun_model ugly_nun_model);
val pat_completes = pat_completes_of_isa_problem isa_problem;
val raw_isa_model = isa_model_of_nun ctxt pat_completes atomss ugly_nun_model;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Raw Isabelle model ***\n" ^
str_of_isa_model ctxt raw_isa_model);
val cleaned_isa_model = clean_up_isa_model ctxt raw_isa_model;
val _ = print_d (fn () => "*** Cleaned-up Isabelle model ***\n" ^
str_of_isa_model ctxt cleaned_isa_model);
fun isa_model_opt output =
if debug then SOME (get_isa_model_opt output) else try get_isa_model_opt output;
val model_str = isa_model_opt #> pretty_of_isa_model_opt ctxt #> Pretty.string_of;
fun unsat_means_theorem () =
null whacks andalso null cards andalso null monos;
fun unknown () =
(print_n ("No " ^ das_wort_model ^ " found"); (unknownN, NONE));
fun unsat_or_unknown solver complete =
if complete then
(print_n ("No " ^ das_wort_model ^ " exists (according to " ^ solver ^ ")" ^
(if falsify andalso unsat_means_theorem () then "\nThe goal is a theorem"
else ""));
(noneN, NONE))
unknown ();
fun sat_or_maybe_sat solver sound output =
let val header = if sound then das_wort_Model else "Potential " ^ das_wort_model in
(case (null poly_axioms, none_true wfs) of
(true, true) =>
(print (header ^ " (according to " ^ solver ^ "):\n" ^
model_str output); print_any_hints ();
(genuineN, isa_model_opt output))
| (no_poly, no_wf) =>
val ignorings = []
|> not no_poly ? cons "polymorphic axioms"
|> not no_wf ? cons "unchecked well-foundedness";
(print (header ^ " (according to " ^ solver ^
", ignoring " ^ space_implode " and " ignorings ^ "):\n" ^
model_str output ^
(if no_poly then
"\nIgnored axioms:\n" ^
cat_lines (map (prefix " " o Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) poly_axioms)));
print_any_hints ();
(quasi_genuineN, isa_model_opt output))
(case solve_nun_problem tool_params nice_nun_problem of
Unsat solver => unsat_or_unknown solver complete
| Sat (solver, output, _) => sat_or_maybe_sat solver sound output
| Unknown NONE => unknown ()
| Unknown (SOME (solver, output, _)) => sat_or_maybe_sat solver false output
| Timeout => (print_n "Time out"; (unknownN, NONE))
| Nunchaku_Var_Not_Set =>
(print_n ("Variable $" ^ nunchaku_home_env_var ^ " not set"); (unknownN, NONE))
| Nunchaku_Cannot_Execute =>
(print_n "External tool \"nunchaku\" cannot execute"; (unknownN, NONE))
| Nunchaku_Not_Found =>
(print_n "External tool \"nunchaku\" not found"; (unknownN, NONE))
| CVC4_Cannot_Execute =>
(print_n "External tool \"cvc4\" cannot execute"; (unknownN, NONE))
| CVC4_Not_Found => (print_n "External tool \"cvc4\" not found"; (unknownN, NONE))
| Unknown_Error (code, msg) =>
(print_n ("Error: " ^ unprefix_error msg ^
(if code = 0 then "" else " (code " ^ string_of_int code ^ ")"));
(unknownN, NONE)))
(print_n "Cyclic dependencies (or bug in Nunchaku)"; (unknownN, NONE))
(print_n "Too deep dependencies (or bug in Nunchaku)"; (unknownN, NONE))
| TOO_META t =>
(print_n ("Formula too meta for Nunchaku:\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t);
(unknownN, NONE))
(print_n ("Unexpected polymorphism in term\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t);
(unknownN, NONE))
(print_n ("Unexpected schematic variables in term\n" ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t);
(unknownN, NONE))
(print_n ("Unsupported low-level constant in problem: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t);
(unknownN, NONE));
if expect = "" orelse outcome_code = expect then outcome
else error ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code)
val _ = spying spy (fn () => (state, i, "starting " ^ str_of_mode mode ^ " mode"));
val outcome as (outcome_code, _) =
Timeout.apply (Time.+ (timeout, timeout_slack)) run ()
handle Timeout.TIMEOUT _ => (print_n "Time out"; (unknownN, NONE));
val _ = print_v (fn () => "Total time: " ^ string_of_time (Timer.checkRealTimer timer));
val _ = spying spy (fn () => (state, i, "outcome: " ^ outcome_code));
if expect = "" orelse outcome_code = expect then outcome
else error ("Unexpected outcome: " ^ quote outcome_code)
fun run_chaku_on_subgoal state params mode i =
val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
val goal = Thm.prop_of (#goal (Proof.raw_goal state));
if Logic.count_prems goal = 0 then
(writeln "No subgoal!"; (noneN, NONE))
val subgoal = fst (Logic.goal_params goal i);
val all_assms = map Thm.term_of (Assumption.all_assms_of ctxt);
run_chaku_on_prop state params mode i all_assms subgoal
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.0 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.