(* Title: HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_prover.ML
Author: Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
Author: Makarius
Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
Generic prover abstraction for Sledgehammer.
type atp_failure = ATP_Proof.atp_failure
type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
type type_enc = ATP_Problem_Generate.type_enc
type fact = Sledgehammer_Fact.fact
type proof_method = Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods.proof_method
type play_outcome = Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods.play_outcome
datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal | Minimize | MaSh
type params =
{debug : bool,
verbose : bool,
overlord : bool,
spy : bool,
provers : string list,
type_enc : string option,
strict : bool,
lam_trans : string option,
uncurried_aliases : bool option,
learn : bool,
fact_filter : string option,
max_facts : int option,
fact_thresholds : real * real,
max_mono_iters : int option,
max_new_mono_instances : int option,
isar_proofs : bool option,
compress : real option,
try0 : bool,
smt_proofs : bool,
slice : bool,
minimize : bool,
timeout : Time.time,
preplay_timeout : Time.time,
expect : string}
type prover_problem =
{comment : string,
state : Proof.state,
goal : thm,
subgoal : int,
subgoal_count : int,
factss : (string * fact list) list,
found_proof : unit -> unit}
type prover_result =
{outcome : atp_failure option,
used_facts : (string * stature) list,
used_from : fact list,
preferred_methss : proof_method * proof_method list list,
run_time : Time.time,
message : (unit -> (string * stature) list * (proof_method * play_outcome)) -> string}
type prover = params -> prover_problem -> prover_result
val SledgehammerN : string
val str_of_mode : mode -> string
val overlord_file_location_of_prover : string -> string * string
val proof_banner : mode -> string -> string
val is_atp : theory -> string -> bool
val bunches_of_proof_methods : Proof.context -> bool -> bool -> bool -> string ->
proof_method list list
val is_fact_chained : (('a * stature) * 'b) -> bool
val filter_used_facts : bool -> (''a * stature) list -> ((''a * stature) * 'b) list ->
((''a * stature) * 'b) list
val repair_monomorph_context : int option -> int -> int option -> int -> Proof.context ->
val supported_provers : Proof.context -> unit
structure Sledgehammer_Prover : SLEDGEHAMMER_PROVER =
open ATP_Proof
open ATP_Util
open ATP_Problem
open ATP_Problem_Generate
open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
open Metis_Tactic
open Sledgehammer_Fact
open Sledgehammer_Proof_Methods
open Sledgehammer_ATP_Systems
(* Identifier that distinguishes Sledgehammer from other tools that could use "Async_Manager". *)
val SledgehammerN = "Sledgehammer"
datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal | Minimize | MaSh
fun str_of_mode Auto_Try = "Auto Try"
| str_of_mode Try = "Try"
| str_of_mode Normal = "Normal"
| str_of_mode Minimize = "Minimize"
| str_of_mode MaSh = "MaSh"
val is_atp = member (op =) o supported_atps
type params =
{debug : bool,
verbose : bool,
overlord : bool,
spy : bool,
provers : string list,
type_enc : string option,
strict : bool,
lam_trans : string option,
uncurried_aliases : bool option,
learn : bool,
fact_filter : string option,
max_facts : int option,
fact_thresholds : real * real,
max_mono_iters : int option,
max_new_mono_instances : int option,
isar_proofs : bool option,
compress : real option,
try0 : bool,
smt_proofs : bool,
slice : bool,
minimize : bool,
timeout : Time.time,
preplay_timeout : Time.time,
expect : string}
type prover_problem =
{comment : string,
state : Proof.state,
goal : thm,
subgoal : int,
subgoal_count : int,
factss : (string * fact list) list,
found_proof : unit -> unit}
type prover_result =
{outcome : atp_failure option,
used_facts : (string * stature) list,
used_from : fact list,
preferred_methss : proof_method * proof_method list list,
run_time : Time.time,
message : (unit -> (string * stature) list * (proof_method * play_outcome)) -> string}
type prover = params -> prover_problem -> prover_result
fun overlord_file_location_of_prover prover = (getenv "ISABELLE_HOME_USER", "prob_" ^ prover)
fun proof_banner mode name =
(case mode of
Auto_Try => "Auto Sledgehammer (" ^ quote name ^ ") found a proof"
| Try => "Sledgehammer (" ^ quote name ^ ") found a proof"
| _ => "Try this")
fun bunches_of_proof_methods ctxt try0 smt_proofs needs_full_types desperate_lam_trans =
val try0_methodss =
if try0 then
[[Simp_Method, Auto_Method, Blast_Method, Linarith_Method, Meson_Method,
Metis_Method (NONE, NONE), Fastforce_Method, Force_Method, Presburger_Method]]
val metis_methods =
(if try0 then [] else [Metis_Method (NONE, NONE)]) @
Metis_Method (SOME full_typesN, NONE) ::
Metis_Method (SOME really_full_type_enc, SOME desperate_lam_trans) ::
(if needs_full_types then
[Metis_Method (SOME really_full_type_enc, NONE),
Metis_Method (SOME full_typesN, SOME desperate_lam_trans)]
[Metis_Method (SOME no_typesN, SOME desperate_lam_trans)])
val smt_methodss =
if smt_proofs then
[SMT_Method SMT_Z3 ::
map (fn strategy => SMT_Method (SMT_Verit strategy))
(Verit_Proof.all_veriT_stgies (Context.Proof ctxt))]
try0_methodss @ [metis_methods] @ smt_methodss
fun is_fact_chained ((_, (sc, _)), _) = sc = Chained
fun filter_used_facts keep_chained used =
filter ((member (eq_fst (op =)) used o fst) orf
(if keep_chained then is_fact_chained else K false))
val max_fact_instances = 10 (* FUDGE *)
fun repair_monomorph_context max_iters best_max_iters max_new_instances best_max_new_instances =
Config.put Monomorph.max_rounds (max_iters |> the_default best_max_iters)
#> Config.put Monomorph.max_new_instances
(max_new_instances |> the_default best_max_new_instances)
#> Config.put Monomorph.max_thm_instances max_fact_instances
fun supported_provers ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val (remote_provers, local_provers) =
sort_strings (supported_atps thy) @ sort_strings (SMT_Config.available_solvers_of ctxt)
|> List.partition (String.isPrefix remote_prefix)
writeln ("Supported provers: " ^ commas (local_provers @ remote_provers))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
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