(* Title: Tools/Spec_Check/gen_construction.ML
Author: Lukas Bulwahn and Nicolai Schaffroth, TU Muenchen
Author: Christopher League
Constructing generators and pretty printing function for complex types.
val register : string * (string * string) -> theory -> theory
type mltype
val parse_pred : string -> string * mltype
val build_check : Proof.context -> string -> mltype * string -> string
(*val safe_check : string -> mltype * string -> string*)
val string_of_bool : bool -> string
val string_of_ref : ('a -> string) -> 'a Unsynchronized.ref -> string
structure Gen_Construction : GEN_CONSTRUCTION =
(* Parsing ML types *)
datatype mltype = Var | Con of string * mltype list | Tuple of mltype list;
(*Split string into tokens for parsing*)
fun split s =
fun split_symbol #"(" = "( "
| split_symbol #")" = " )"
| split_symbol #"," = " ,"
| split_symbol #":" = " :"
| split_symbol c = Char.toString c
fun is_space c = c = #" "
in String.tokens is_space (String.translate split_symbol s) end;
(*Accept anything that is not a recognized symbol*)
val scan_name = Scan.one (fn s => not (String.isSubstring s "(),*->;"));
(*Turn a type list into a nested Con*)
fun make_con [] = raise Empty
| make_con [c] = c
| make_con (Con (s, _) :: cl) = Con (s, [make_con cl]);
(*Parse a type*)
fun parse_type s = (parse_fun || parse_tuple || parse_type_single) s
and parse_type_arg s = (parse_tuple || parse_type_single) s
and parse_type_single s = (parse_con || parse_type_basic) s
and parse_type_basic s = (parse_var || $$ "(" |-- parse_type --| $$ ")") s
and parse_list s =
($$ "(" |-- parse_type -- Scan.repeat1 ($$ "," |-- parse_type) --| $$ ")" >> op::) s
and parse_var s = (Scan.one (String.isPrefix "'") >> (fn _ => Var)) s
and parse_con s = ((parse_con_nest
|| parse_type_basic -- parse_con_nest >> (fn (b, Con (t, _) :: tl) => Con (t, [b]) :: tl)
|| parse_list -- parse_con_nest >> (fn (l, Con (t, _) :: tl) => Con (t, l) :: tl))
>> (make_con o rev)) s
and parse_con_nest s = Scan.unless parse_var (Scan.repeat1 (scan_name >> (fn t => Con (t, [])))) s
and parse_fun s = (parse_type_arg -- $$ "->" -- parse_type >> (fn ((a, f), r) => Con (f, [a, r]))) s
and parse_tuple s = (parse_type_single -- Scan.repeat1 ($$ "*" |-- parse_type_single)
>> (fn (t, tl) => Tuple (t :: tl))) s;
(*Parse entire type + name*)
fun parse_function s =
val p = $$ "val" |-- scan_name --| ($$ "=" -- $$ "fn" -- $$ ":")
val (name, ty) = p (split s)
val stop = Scan.stopper (fn _ => ";") (fn s => s = ";");
val (typ, _) = Scan.finite stop parse_type ty
in (name, typ) end;
(*Create desired output*)
fun parse_pred s =
val (name, Con ("->", t :: _)) = parse_function s
in (name, t) end;
(* Construct Generators and Pretty Printers *)
(*copied from smt_config.ML *)
fun string_of_bool b = if b then "true" else "false"
fun string_of_ref f r = f (!r) ^ " ref";
val initial_content = Symtab.make
[("bool", ("Generator.flip", "Gen_Construction.string_of_bool")),
("option", ("Generator.option (Generator.flip' (1, 3))", "ML_Syntax.print_option")),
("list", ("Generator.list (Generator.flip' (1, 3))", "ML_Syntax.print_list")),
("unit", ("gen_unit", "fn () => \"()\"")),
("int", ("Generator.int", "string_of_int")),
("real", ("Generator.real", "string_of_real")),
("char", ("Generator.char", "fn c => \"#'\" ^ (Char.toString c) ^ \"'\"")),
("string", ("Generator.string (Generator.range (0, 100), Generator.char)", "ML_Syntax.print_string")),
("->", ("Generator.function_lazy", "fn (_, _) => fn _ => \"fn\"")),
("typ", ("Generator.typ 10", "ML_Syntax.print_typ")),
("term", ("Generator.term 10", "ML_Syntax.print_term"))]
structure Data = Theory_Data
type T = (string * string) Symtab.table
val empty = initial_content
val extend = I
fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (K true) data
fun data_of ctxt tycon =
(case Symtab.lookup (Data.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) tycon of
SOME data => data
| NONE => error ("No generator and printer defined for ML type constructor " ^ quote tycon))
val generator_of = fst oo data_of
val printer_of = snd oo data_of
fun register (ty, data) = Data.map (Symtab.update (ty, data))
fun remove_gen ty = gen_table := AList.delete (op =) ty (!gen_table);
fun combine dict [] = dict
| combine dict dicts = enclose "(" ")" dict ^ " " ^ enclose "(" ")" (commas dicts)
fun compose_generator _ Var = "Generator.int"
| compose_generator ctxt (Con (s, types)) =
combine (generator_of ctxt s) (map (compose_generator ctxt) types)
| compose_generator ctxt (Tuple t) =
fun tuple_body t = space_implode ""
(map (fn (ty, n) => "val (x" ^ string_of_int n ^ ", r" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") = " ^
compose_generator ctxt ty ^ " r" ^ string_of_int (n - 1) ^ " ") (t ~~ (1 upto (length t))))
fun tuple_ret a = commas (map (fn n => "x" ^ string_of_int n) (1 upto a))
"fn r0 => let " ^ tuple_body t ^
"in ((" ^ tuple_ret (length t) ^ "), r" ^ string_of_int (length t) ^ ") end"
fun compose_printer _ Var = "Int.toString"
| compose_printer ctxt (Con (s, types)) =
combine (printer_of ctxt s) (map (compose_printer ctxt) types)
| compose_printer ctxt (Tuple t) =
fun tuple_head a = commas (map (fn n => "x" ^ string_of_int n) (1 upto a))
fun tuple_body t = space_implode " ^ \", \" ^ "
(map (fn (ty, n) => "(" ^ compose_printer ctxt ty ^ ") x" ^ string_of_int n)
(t ~~ (1 upto (length t))))
in "fn (" ^ tuple_head (length t) ^ ") => \"(\" ^ " ^ tuple_body t ^ " ^ \")\"" end;
(*produce compilable string*)
fun build_check ctxt name (ty, spec) =
"Spec_Check.checkGen (Context.the_local_context ()) ("
^ compose_generator ctxt ty ^ ", SOME (" ^ compose_printer ctxt ty ^ ")) (\""
^ name ^ "\", Property.pred (" ^ spec ^ "));";
(*produce compilable string - non-eqtype functions*)
fun safe_check name (ty, spec) =
val default =
(case AList.lookup (op =) (!gen_table) "->" of
NONE => ("gen_function_rand", "fn (_, _) => fn _ => \"fn\"")
| SOME entry => entry)
(gen_table :=
AList.update (op =) ("->", ("gen_function_safe", "fn (_, _) => fn _ => \"fn\"")) (!gen_table);
build_check name (ty, spec) before
gen_table := AList.update (op =) ("->", default) (!gen_table))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.8 Sekunden
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.