(* Title: ZF/Induct/Acc.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
section \<open>The accessible part of a relation\<close>
theory Acc imports ZF begin
text \<open>
Inductive definition of \<open>acc(r)\<close>; see @{cite "paulin-tlca"}.
acc :: "i => i"
domains "acc(r)" \<subseteq> "field(r)"
vimage: "[| r-``{a}: Pow(acc(r)); a \ field(r) |] ==> a \ acc(r)"
monos Pow_mono
text \<open>
The introduction rule must require \<^prop>\<open>a \<in> field(r)\<close>,
otherwise \<open>acc(r)\<close> would be a proper class!
The intended introduction rule:
lemma accI: "[| !!b. :r ==> b \ acc(r); a \ field(r) |] ==> a \ acc(r)"
by (blast intro: acc.intros)
lemma acc_downward: "[| b \ acc(r); : r |] ==> a \ acc(r)"
by (erule acc.cases) blast
lemma acc_induct [consumes 1, case_names vimage, induct set: acc]:
"[| a \ acc(r);
!!x. [| x \<in> acc(r); \<forall>y. <y,x>:r \<longrightarrow> P(y) |] ==> P(x)
|] ==> P(a)"
by (erule acc.induct) (blast intro: acc.intros)
lemma wf_on_acc: "wf[acc(r)](r)"
apply (rule wf_onI2)
apply (erule acc_induct)
apply fast
lemma acc_wfI: "field(r) \ acc(r) \ wf(r)"
by (erule wf_on_acc [THEN wf_on_subset_A, THEN wf_on_field_imp_wf])
lemma acc_wfD: "wf(r) ==> field(r) \ acc(r)"
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (erule wf_induct2, assumption)
apply (blast intro: accI)+
lemma wf_acc_iff: "wf(r) \ field(r) \ acc(r)"
by (rule iffI, erule acc_wfD, erule acc_wfI)
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