* File: bmtable.c
* Purpose: Implementation of the XForms object bmtable.
* Author: Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <[email protected]>
* Created: November 1995
* Description: A bitmap table uses a single bitmap to simulate a 2d array
* of bitmap buttons. It can be used to build bitmap menus.
* Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Alejandro Aguilar Sierra
* You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of
* the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later.
#include <config.h>
// $Id: bmtable.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:45 larsbj Exp $
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: bmtable.C,v 1998/04/20 21:14:45 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bmtable.h"
typedef struct {
int nx, ny; /* Dimensions of the table */
int dx, dy; /* Size of each item */
int bx, by; /* Bitmap's position */
int bw, bh; /* Bitmap dimensions */
char* bdata; /* Bitmap data */
int maxi; /* Number of items */
int i; /* Current position */
int mousebut; /* mouse button pushed */
Pixmap pix; /* Pixmap from data (temporal) */
static int handle_bitmaptable(FL_OBJECT *ob, int event, FL_Coord mx,
FL_Coord my, int key, void *xev);
FL_OBJECT *fl_create_bmtable(int type, FL_Coord x, FL_Coord y,
FL_Coord w, FL_Coord h, char const *label)
ob = fl_make_object(FL_BMTABLE, type, x, y, w, h, label, handle_bitmaptable);
ob->boxtype = FL_BMTABLE_BOXTYPE;
ob->spec = fl_calloc(1, sizeof(BMTABLE_SPEC));
((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->pix = 0;
((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->bdata= 0;
((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->mousebut= -1;
return ob;
FL_OBJECT *fl_add_bmtable(int type, FL_Coord x, FL_Coord y,
FL_Coord w, FL_Coord h, char const *label)
ob = fl_create_bmtable(type, x, y, w,h, label);
fl_add_object(fl_current_form, ob);
return ob;
static void draw_bitmaptable(FL_OBJECT *ob)
int i, j, lx;
FL_Coord mx, my;
FL_Coord xx, yy, ww, hh;
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (!sp) return;
GC gc = fl_state[fl_get_vclass()].gc[0];
/* draw the bounding box first */
lx = sp->maxi % sp->nx;
fl_drw_box(ob->boxtype, ob->x, ob->y, ob->w, ob->h, ob->col1, ob->bw);
if (lx) {
i = FL_abs(ob->bw);
xx = ob->x+ sp->dx*lx + i;
yy = ob->y+ (sp->ny-1)*sp->dy+i;
ww = ob->x+ob->w - xx - i;
hh = ob->y+ob->h-yy-i;
fl_drw_frame(FL_DOWN_FRAME, xx, yy, ww, hh, ob->col1, ob->bw);
fl_rectf(xx, yy, ww+i, hh+i, ob->col1);
/* draw the background bitmap */
if (sp->bdata) {
if (!sp->pix) {
sp->pix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(fl_display, fl_winget(),
sp->bdata, sp->bw, sp->bh,
fl_get_flcolor(ob->lcol), fl_get_flcolor(ob->col1),
DefaultDepth(fl_display, DefaultScreen(fl_display)));
if (sp->pix) {
/* Adjust position */
if (sp->bx < FL_abs(ob->bw) + 1) {
xx = FL_abs(ob->bw) - sp->bx + 1;
mx = ob->x + FL_abs(ob->bw) + 1;
} else {
xx =0;
mx = ob->x + sp->bx;
if (sp->by < FL_abs(ob->bw) + 1) {
yy = FL_abs(ob->bw) - sp->by + 1;
my = ob->y + FL_abs(ob->bw) + 1;
} else {
yy =0;
my = ob->y + sp->by;
ww = (mx + sp->bw < ob->x + ob->w - FL_abs(ob->bw)) ?
sp->bw: ob->x + ob->w - FL_abs(ob->bw) - mx;
hh = (my + sp->bh < ob->y + ob->h - FL_abs(ob->bw)) ?
sp->bh: ob->y + ob->h - FL_abs(ob->bw) - my;
i = FL_abs(ob->bw);
j = hh - ((lx) ? sp->dy+2*i: 0);
XCopyArea(fl_display, sp->pix, fl_winget(), gc, xx, yy, ww, j, mx, my);
if (lx) {
XCopyArea(fl_display, sp->pix, fl_winget(), gc, xx,
yy+j, lx*sp->dx-2*i, hh-j, mx, my+j);
/* draw the grid if type > FLAT */
if (ob->type > FL_BMTABLE_FLAT) {
mx = ob->x + ob->w;
my = ob->y + ob->h;
ww = ob->w;
for (yy=ob->y; yy<=my; yy+=sp->dy) {
if (ob->boxtype!=FL_FLAT_BOX && (yy==ob->y || yy>my-sp->dy))
if (lx>0 && yy>=my-sp->dy - sp->dy/2)
ww = lx*sp->dx;
fl_diagline(ob->x, yy, ww, 1, FL_BOTTOM_BCOL);
fl_diagline(ob->x, yy+1, ww-2, 1, FL_TOP_BCOL);
hh = ob->h;
for (xx=ob->x; xx<=mx; xx+=sp->dx) {
if (ob->boxtype!=FL_FLAT_BOX && (xx==ob->x || xx>mx-sp->dx))
if (lx>0 && xx>=ob->x+lx*sp->dx)
hh = (sp->ny-1)*sp->dy;
fl_diagline(xx, ob->y, 1, hh, FL_RIGHT_BCOL);
fl_diagline(xx+1, ob->y+1, 1, hh-2, FL_LEFT_BCOL);
/* Simulate a pushed button */
if (ob->pushed && 0 <= sp->i && sp->i < sp->maxi) {
i = sp->i % sp->nx;
j = sp->i/sp->nx;
ww = sp->dx-2*FL_abs(ob->bw);
hh = sp->dy-2*FL_abs(ob->bw);
xx = ob->x + sp->dx*i + FL_abs(ob->bw);
yy = ob->y + sp->dy*j + FL_abs(ob->bw);
fl_drw_frame(FL_DOWN_FRAME, xx, yy, ww, hh, ob->col1, ob->bw);
static int handle_bitmaptable(FL_OBJECT *ob, int event, FL_Coord mx,
FL_Coord my, int key, void */*xev*/)
int i, j;
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
switch (event) {
case FL_DRAW:
case FL_MOUSE:
if (!ob->belowmouse) { /* This never happens. Why? */
sp->i = -1;
i = (mx - ob->x)/sp->dx; j = (my - ob->y)/sp->dy;
if (i>=0 && i< sp->nx && j>=0 && j< sp->ny) {
i += j*sp->nx;
if (i >= sp->maxi) i = -1;
if (sp->i != i) {
sp->i = i;
case FL_PUSH:
sp->mousebut = key;
i = (mx - ob->x)/sp->dx + ((my - ob->y)/sp->dy)*sp->nx;
if (0 <= i && i < sp->maxi) {
sp->i = i;
} else
sp->i = -1;
return 1;
if (sp->pix) {
XFreePixmap(fl_display, sp->pix);
return 0;
* The table has nx columns of dx width each and ny rows of dy height each.
* Initially the position of the firts item is supposed to be the same that
* the object position (x, y), and the number of items is supposed to be
* exactly nx*ny.
* The user could change these later. See below.
void fl_set_bmtable_data(FL_OBJECT *ob, int nx, int ny, int bw, int bh,
char *bdata)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (sp) {
sp->nx = nx;
sp->ny = ny;
sp->bx = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->by = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->dx = ob->w/nx;
sp->dy = ob->h/ny;
sp->i = -1;
sp->maxi = sp->nx * sp->ny;
sp->bw = bw;
sp->bh = bh;
sp->bdata = bdata;
void fl_set_bmtable_pixmap_data(FL_OBJECT *ob, int nx, int ny,
char **pdata)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (sp) {
sp->nx = nx;
sp->ny = ny;
sp->bx = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->by = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->dx = ob->w/nx;
sp->dy = ob->h/ny;
sp->i = -1;
sp->maxi = sp->nx * sp->ny;
sp->bdata = 0;
Pixmap dummy_shapemask = 0;
XpmAttributes dummy_attributes= {0};
if (XCreatePixmapFromData(fl_display, fl_winget(), pdata,
&(sp->pix), &dummy_shapemask,
&dummy_attributes) == XpmSuccess) {
sp->bw = dummy_attributes.width;
sp->bh = dummy_attributes.height;
if (dummy_shapemask) {
XFreePixmap(fl_display, dummy_shapemask);
* This function works only for X11R6 or later
#if XlibSpecificationRelease > 5
void fl_set_bmtable_file(FL_OBJECT *ob, int nx, int ny, char const *filename)
int bw, bh, xh, yh;
char *bdata;
if(XReadBitmapFileData(filename, (unsigned int *) &bw, (unsigned int *) &bh,
(unsigned char **) &bdata, &xh, &yh)==BitmapSuccess)
fl_set_bmtable_data(ob, nx, ny, bw, bh, bdata);
void fl_set_bmtable_file(FL_OBJECT *, int, int, char const *)
fprintf(stderr, "Set bmtable file: Sorry, I need X11 release 6 to do "
void fl_set_bmtable_pixmap_file(FL_OBJECT *ob, int nx, int ny, char const *filename)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (sp) {
sp->nx = nx;
sp->ny = ny;
sp->bx = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->by = FL_abs(ob->bw);
sp->dx = ob->w/nx;
sp->dy = ob->h/ny;
sp->i = -1;
sp->maxi = sp->nx * sp->ny;
sp->bdata = 0;
Pixmap dummy_shapemask = 0;
XpmAttributes dummy_attributes = {0};
if (XReadPixmapFile(fl_display, fl_winget(), (char *)filename,
&(sp->pix), &dummy_shapemask,
&dummy_attributes) == XpmSuccess) {
sp->bw = dummy_attributes.width;
sp->bh = dummy_attributes.height;
if (dummy_shapemask) {
XFreePixmap(fl_display, dummy_shapemask);
* This function allows to adjust the position of the first item and its
* size (dx, dy). The input values are incremental, not absolute.
void fl_set_bmtable_adjust(FL_OBJECT *ob, int px, int py, int dx, int dy)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (sp) {
sp->bx += px;
sp->by += py;
sp->dx += dx;
sp->dy += dy;
* This function returns the table's selected position.
int fl_get_bmtable(FL_OBJECT *ob)
if ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
return ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->i;
return 0;
* You can change the max number of items if you want.
void fl_set_bmtable_maxitems(FL_OBJECT *ob, int i)
if (i>0 && (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->maxi = i;
int fl_get_bmtable_maxitems(FL_OBJECT *ob)
if ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
return ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->maxi;
return 0;
void fl_replace_bmtable_item(FL_OBJECT */*ob*/, int /*id*/, int /*cw*/, int /*ch*/, char */*data*/)
fprintf(stderr, "Replace bmtable item: Sorry, not yet implemented!\n");
void fl_get_bmtable_item(FL_OBJECT */*ob*/, int /*id*/, int */*cw*/, int */*ch*/, char */*data*/)
fprintf(stderr, "Get bmtable item: Sorry, not yet implemented!\n");
void fl_set_bmtable(FL_OBJECT *ob, int pushed, int pos)
if ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->i = (pushed) ? pos: -1;
int fl_get_bmtable_numb(FL_OBJECT *ob)
if ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
return ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->mousebut;
return 0;
Pixmap fl_get_bmtable_pixmap(FL_OBJECT *ob)
if ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)
return ((BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec)->pix;
return 0;
void fl_draw_bmtable_item(FL_OBJECT *ob, int i, Drawable d, int xx, int yy)
int x, y, w, h;
GC gc = fl_state[fl_get_vclass()].gc[0];
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
if (sp && sp->pix) {
x = (i % sp->nx)*sp->dx + FL_abs(ob->bw);
y = (i/sp->nx)*sp->dy + FL_abs(ob->bw);
w = sp->dx-2*FL_abs(ob->bw);
h = sp->dy-2*FL_abs(ob->bw);
XCopyArea(fl_display, sp->pix, d, gc, x, y, w, h, xx, yy);
/* Free the current bitmap and pixmap in preparation for installing a new one */
void fl_free_bmtable_bitmap(FL_OBJECT *ob)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
/* dump the temporary pixmap */
if (sp && sp->pix) {
XFreePixmap(fl_display, sp->pix);
sp->pix = 0;
/* and free the space taken by bdata etc. */
if (sp && sp->bdata) {
sp->bdata = 0;
/* Free the current pixmap in preparation for installing a new one */
/* This is needed when using data instead of files to set bitmaps */
void fl_free_bmtable_pixmap(FL_OBJECT *ob)
BMTABLE_SPEC *sp = (BMTABLE_SPEC *)ob->spec;
/* dump the temporary pixmap */
if (sp && sp->pix) {
XFreePixmap(fl_display, sp->pix);
sp->pix = 0;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.24 Sekunden
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