/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Word Processor
* Copyright (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 The LyX Team.
* This file is Copyleft (C) 1996-1998
* Lars Gullik Bjønnes
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include "bufferlist.h"
#include "lyx_main.h"
#include "minibuffer.h"
#include "FileInfo.h"
#include "filetools.h"
#include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
#include "lastfiles.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "lyxrc.h"
#include "lyxscreen.h"
#include "lyxtext.h"
#include "lyx_cb.h"
#include "gettext.h"
// $Id: bufferlist.C,v 1.4 1998/09/17 22:16:05 larsbj Exp $
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(WITH_WARNINGS)
static char vcid[] = "$Id: bufferlist.C,v 1.4 1998/09/17 22:16:05 larsbj Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
extern BufferView *current_view;
extern MiniBuffer *minibuffer;
extern void SmallUpdate(signed char);
extern void BeforeChange();
extern int RunLinuxDoc(int, LString const &);
// Class BufferStorage
// Initialize the buffer array
for (int i=NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS-1; i >=0; i--) {
buffer[i] = 0;
bool BufferStorage::isEmpty()
for (int i=NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS-1; i >=0; i--) {
if (buffer[i]) return false;
return true;
void BufferStorage::release(Buffer* buf)
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++)
if (buffer[i] == buf) break;
Buffer *tmpbuf = buffer[i];
buffer[i] = 0;
delete tmpbuf;
Buffer* BufferStorage::newBuffer(LString const &s,
LyXRC *lyxrc,
bool ronly)
int i=0;
while (i < NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS - 1
&& buffer[i]) i++;
buffer[i] = new Buffer(s, lyxrc, ronly);
lyxerr.debug(LString("Assigning to buffer ") + i, Error::ANY);
return buffer[i];
// Class BufferStrorage_Iter
Buffer* BufferStorage_Iter::operator() ()
int i=0;
for (i=index; i < BufferStorage::NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS; i++) {
if (cs->buffer[i]) {
index = i+1;
return cs->buffer[i];
return 0;
Buffer* BufferStorage_Iter::operator[] (int a)
// a is >=1
if (a<=0) return 0;
int i=0;
while (a--) {
if (i-1 < BufferStorage::NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS)
return cs->buffer[i-1];
return 0;
// Class BufferList
_state = BufferList::OK;
// I am sure something should be done here too.
bool BufferList::isEmpty()
return bstore.isEmpty();
extern void MenuWrite(Buffer*);
bool BufferList::QwriteAll()
bool askMoreConfirmation = false;
LString unsaved;
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (!b->isLyxClean()) {
switch(AskConfirmation(_("Changes in document:"),
_("Save document?"))) {
case 1: // Yes
case 2: // No
askMoreConfirmation = true;
unsaved += MakeDisplayPath(b->filename,50);
unsaved += "\n";
case 3: // Cancel
return false;
if (askMoreConfirmation &&
lyxrc->exit_confirmation &&
!AskQuestion(_("Some documents were not saved:"),
unsaved, _("Exit anyway?"))) {
return false;
return true;
// Should probably be moved to somewhere else: BufferView? LyXView?
bool BufferList::write(Buffer *buf, bool makeBackup)
minibuffer->Set(_("Saving document"),
// We don't need autosaves in the immediate future. (Asger)
// make a backup
if (makeBackup) {
LString s = buf->filename + '~';
// Rename is the wrong way of making a backup,
// this is the correct way.
/* truss cp fil fil2:
lstat("LyXVC3.lyx", 0xEFFFF898) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("LyXVC.lyx", 0xEFFFF688) = 0
open("LyXVC.lyx", O_RDONLY) = 3
open("LyXVC3.lyx", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600) = 4
fstat(4, 0xEFFFF508) = 0
fstat(3, 0xEFFFF508) = 0
read(3, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 8192) = 5579
write(4, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 5579) = 5579
read(3, 0xEFFFD4A0, 8192) = 0
close(4) = 0
close(3) = 0
chmod("LyXVC3.lyx", 0100644) = 0
lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 46440
// Should proabaly have some more error checking here.
// Should be cleaned up in 0.13, at least a bit.
// Doing it this way, also makes the inodes stay the same.
// This is still not a very good solution, in particular we
// might loose the owner of the backup.
FileInfo finfo(buf->filename);
if (finfo.exist()) {
mode_t fmode = finfo.getMode();
struct utimbuf *times =
(struct utimbuf*)new char[sizeof(struct utimbuf)];
times->actime = finfo.getAccessTime();
times->modtime = finfo.getModificationTime();
long blksize = finfo.getBlockSize();
lyxerr.debug(LString("BlockSize: ") + int(blksize));
FilePtr fin(buf->filename,FilePtr::read);
FilePtr fout(s,FilePtr::truncate);
if (fin() && fout()) {
char * cbuf = new char[blksize+1];
size_t c_read = 0;
size_t c_write = 0;
do {
c_read = fread(cbuf, 1, blksize, fin);
if (c_read != 0)
c_write =
fwrite(cbuf, 1, c_read, fout);
} while (c_read);
chmod(s.c_str(), fmode);
if (utime(s.c_str(), times)) {
lyxerr.print("utime error.");
delete [] cbuf;
} else {
lyxerr.print("LyX was not able to make backupcopy. Beware.");
delete[] times;
if (buf->writeFile(buf->filename,false)) {
minibuffer->Set(_("Document saved as"),
// now delete the autosavefile
LString a = OnlyPath(buf->filename);
a += '#';
a += OnlyFilename(buf->filename);
a += '#';
FileInfo fileinfo(a);
if (fileinfo.exist()) {
if (remove(a.c_str()) != 0) {
WriteFSAlert(_("Could not delete "
"auto-save file!"), a);
} else {
// Saving failed, so backup is not backup
if (makeBackup) {
LString s = buf->filename + '~';
rename(s.c_str(), buf->filename.c_str());
minibuffer->Set(_("Save failed!"));
return false;
return true;
void BufferList::closeAll()
_state = BufferList::CLOSING;
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
_state = BufferList::OK;
void BufferList::resize()
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
bool BufferList::close(Buffer *buf)
if (buf->paragraph && !buf->isLyxClean() && !quitting) {
switch(AskConfirmation(_("Changes in document:"),
_("Save document?"))){
case 1: // Yes
if (write(buf)) {
} else {
return false;
case 3: // Cancel
return false;
return true;
void BufferList::makePup(int pup)
/* This should be changed to return a char const *const
in the same way as for lastfiles.[hC]
int ant=0;
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
LString relbuf = MakeDisplayPath(b->filename,30);
fl_addtopup(pup, relbuf.c_str());
if (ant == 0) fl_addtopup(pup,_("No Documents Open!%t"));
Buffer* BufferList::first()
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
return biter();
Buffer* BufferList::getBuffer(int choice)
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
b = biter[choice];
// Be careful, this could be 0.
return b;
void BufferList::updateInset(Inset *inset, bool mark_dirty)
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (b->text && b->text->UpdateInset(inset)) {
if (mark_dirty)
int BufferList::unlockInset(UpdatableInset *inset)
if (!inset) return 1;
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (b->the_locking_inset == inset) {
return 0;
return 1;
void BufferList::updateIncludedTeXfiles(LString const & mastertmpdir)
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (!b->isDepClean(mastertmpdir)) {
LString writefile = mastertmpdir;
writefile += '/';
writefile += ChangeExtension(b->getFileName(), ".tex", true);
void BufferList::emergencyWriteAll()
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (!b->isLyxClean()) {
bool madeit=false;
lyxerr.print(_("lyx: Attempting to save"
" document ")
+ b->filename
+ _(" as..."));
for (int i=0; i<3 && !madeit; i++) {
LString s;
// We try to save three places:
// 1) Same place as document.
// 2) In HOME directory.
// 3) In "/tmp" directory.
if (i==0) {
s = b->filename;
} else if (i==1) {
s = AddName(getEnvPath("HOME"),
} else { // MakeAbsPath to prepend the current drive letter on OS/2
s = AddName(MakeAbsPath("/tmp/"),
s += ".emergency";
lyxerr.print(LString(" ") + (i+1) + ") " + s);
if (b->writeFile(s,true)) {
lyxerr.print(_(" Save seems successful. Phew."));
madeit = true;
} else if (i != 2) {
lyxerr.print(_(" Save failed! Trying..."));
} else {
lyxerr.print(_(" Save failed! Bummer. Document is lost."));
Buffer* BufferList::readFile(LString const & s, bool ronly)
Buffer *b = bstore.newBuffer(s, lyxrc, ronly);
LString ts = s;
LString e = OnlyPath(s);
LString a = e;
// File information about normal file
FileInfo fileInfo2(s);
// Check if emergency save file exists and is newer.
e += OnlyFilename(s) + ".emergency";
FileInfo fileInfoE(e);
bool use_emergency = false;
if (fileInfoE.exist() && fileInfo2.exist()) {
if (fileInfoE.getModificationTime()
> fileInfo2.getModificationTime()) {
if (AskQuestion(_("An emergency save of this document exists!"),
_("Try to load that instead?"))) {
ts = e;
// the file is not saved if we load the
// emergency file.
use_emergency = true;
if (!use_emergency) {
// Now check if autosave file is newer.
a += '#';
a += OnlyFilename(s);
a += '#';
FileInfo fileInfoA(a);
if (fileInfoA.exist() && fileInfo2.exist()) {
if (fileInfoA.getModificationTime()
> fileInfo2.getModificationTime()) {
if (AskQuestion(_("Autosave file is newer."),
_("Load that one instead?"))) {
ts = a;
// the file is not saved if we load the
// autosave file.
// not sure if this is the correct place to begin LyXLex
LyXLex lex(NULL, 0);
if (b->readFile(lex))
return b;
else {
return 0;
bool BufferList::exists(LString const & s)
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (b->filename == s)
return true;
return false;
Buffer* BufferList::getBuffer(LString const &s)
BufferStorage_Iter biter(bstore);
Buffer *b=0;
while ((b=biter())) {
if (b->filename ==s)
return b;
return 0;
Buffer* BufferList::newFile(LString const & name, LString tname)
/* get a free buffer */
Buffer *b = bstore.newBuffer(name, lyxrc);
// use defaults.lyx as a default template if it exists.
if (tname.empty()) {
tname = LibFileSearch("templates", "defaults.lyx");
if (!tname.empty() && IsLyXFilename(tname)){
bool templateok = false;
LyXLex lex(NULL,0);
if (lex.IsOK()) {
if (b->readFile(lex)) {
templateok = true;
if (!templateok) {
WriteAlert(_("Error!"),_("Unable to open template"),
// no template, start with empty buffer
b->paragraph = new LyXParagraph();
else { // start with empty buffer
b->paragraph = new LyXParagraph();
return b;
Buffer* BufferList::loadLyXFile(LString const & filename, bool tolastfiles)
// make sure our path is absolute
LString s = MakeAbsPath(filename);
// Is this done too early?
// Is it LinuxDoc?
if (IsSGMLFilename(s)) {
FileInfo fi(s);
if (fi.exist() && fi.readable()) {
if (!RunLinuxDoc(-1, s)) {
s = ChangeExtension (s, ".lyx", false);
} else { // sgml2lyx failed
_("Could not convert file"),s);
return 0;
} else {
// just change the extension and it will be
// handled like a regular lyx file that does
// not exist.
s = ChangeExtension(s, ".lyx", false);
// file already open?
if (exists(s)) {
if (AskQuestion(_("Document is already open:"),
_("Do you want to reload that document?"))) {
// Reload is accomplished by closing and then loading
if (!close(getBuffer(s))) {
return 0;
// Fall through to new load. (Asger)
} else {
// Here, we pretend that we just loaded the
// open document
return getBuffer(s);
Buffer *b=0;
bool ro = false;
switch (IsFileWriteable(s)) {
case 0:
minibuffer->Set(_("File `")+MakeDisplayPath(s,50)+
_("' is read-only."));
ro = true;
// Fall through
case 1:
b=readFile(s, ro);
if (b) {
break; //fine- it's r/w
case -1:
// Here we probably should run
if (LyXVC::file_not_found_hook(s)) {
// Ask if the file should be checked out for
// viewing/editing, if so: load it.
lyxerr.print("Do you want to checkout?");
if (AskQuestion(_("Cannot open specified file:"),
_("Create new document with this name?")))
// Find a free buffer
b = newFile(s,LString());
if (b && tolastfiles)
return b;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.25 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.