// -*- C++ -*-
/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright (C) 1995 1996 Matthias Ettrich
* and the LyX Team.
#ifndef _LYX_GUI_H_
#define _LYX_GUI_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
class LyXView;
class LyX;
class Buffer;
This class is going to be the entry point to {\em all} GUI funcionality.
From this object will all the things going on be initiated. However I
have not clearly figured out how this class is going to be, suggestions
are welcome. (Lgb)
class LyXGUI {
/**@name Constructor */
/** The only constructor allowed
If gui is false, LyX will operate in non-X mode
LyXGUI(LyX *owner, int *argc, char *argv[], bool gui);
/**@name Members */
This functions starts the ball. For XForms it runs a loop of
fl_check_forms(). For QT this will probably be .exec().
void runTime();
/** This will take care of the initializaton done after the
main initialization.
void init();
LyXView *lyxViews; // or something so that several views
// on the same time can be allowed.
/// Register the buffer with the first fount LyXView in lyxViews
void regBuf(Buffer*);
/**@name Construcor */
/// not allowed
LyXGUI(); // don't allow this
/// not allowed
LyXGUI(const LyXGUI&); // nor this
/**@name Members */
void setDefaults();
void create_forms();
/**@name Variables */
/// The LyX that owns this GUI.
LyX *_owner;
/// Do we have a gui?
bool gui;
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