© Kompilation durch diese Firma
[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]
Sprache: Unknown
Identification Division.
Program-Id. kettendivision.
Author. "Leutbecher".
* Zahlentheorie S. 23
* unvollständig !!!
Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
77 k pic S9(8).
77 p-1 pic S9(8).
77 p-2 pic S9(8).
77 q-1 pic S9(8).
77 q-2 pic S9(8).
77 a pic S9(8).
77 ak pic S9(8).
77 pk pic S9(8).
77 qk pic S9(8).
Linkage Section.
77 r0 pic S9(8).
77 r1 pic S9(8).
77 rk pic S9(8).
Procedure Division using r0 r1 returning rk.
move 0 to k p-2 q-1
move 1 to p-1 q-2
perform until rk<=0
move function max(a*rk) to ak
compute pk=ak*pk-1+pk-2
compute qk=ak*qk-1+qk-2
compute rk= rk+2 -ak*rk+1
add 1 to k
* now rk = ggt(r0,r1) and pk-1/qk-1 = r0/r1
End-Program kettendivision.
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