(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Created from contents that was formerly in termops.ml and
nameops.ml, Nov 2009 *)
(* This file is about generating new or fresh names and dealing with
alpha-renaming *)
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Constr
open Context
open Environ
open EConstr
open Vars
open Nameops
open Libnames
open Globnames
open Context.Rel.Declaration
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
(** General evar naming using intro patterns *)
type intro_pattern_naming_expr =
| IntroIdentifier of Id.t
| IntroFresh of Id.t
| IntroAnonymous
let intro_pattern_naming_eq nam1 nam2 = match nam1, nam2 with
| IntroAnonymous, IntroAnonymous -> true
| IntroIdentifier id1, IntroIdentifier id2 -> Names.Id.equal id1 id2
| IntroFresh id1, IntroFresh id2 -> Names.Id.equal id1 id2
| _ -> false
(* Conventional names *)
let default_prop_string = "H"
let default_prop_ident = Id.of_string default_prop_string
let default_small_string = "H"
let default_small_ident = Id.of_string default_small_string
let default_type_string = "X"
let default_type_ident = Id.of_string default_type_string
let default_non_dependent_string = "H"
let default_non_dependent_ident = Id.of_string default_non_dependent_string
let default_dependent_ident = Id.of_string "x"
let default_generated_non_letter_string = "x"
(* Globality of identifiers *)
let is_imported_modpath = function
| MPfile dp ->
let rec find_prefix = function
|MPfile dp1 -> not (DirPath.equal dp1 dp)
|MPdot(mp,_) -> find_prefix mp
|MPbound(_) -> false
in find_prefix (Lib.current_mp ())
| _ -> false
let is_imported_ref = function
| VarRef _ -> false
| IndRef (kn,_)
| ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) ->
let mp = MutInd.modpath kn in is_imported_modpath mp
| ConstRef kn ->
let mp = Constant.modpath kn in is_imported_modpath mp
let is_global id =
let ref = Nametab.locate (qualid_of_ident id) in
not (is_imported_ref ref)
with Not_found ->
let is_constructor id =
match Nametab.locate (qualid_of_ident id) with
| ConstructRef _ -> true
| _ -> false
with Not_found ->
let is_section_variable id =
try let _ = Global.lookup_named id in true
with Not_found -> false
(* Generating "intuitive" names from its type *)
let global_of_constr = function
| Const (c, _) -> ConstRef c
| Ind (i, _) -> IndRef i
| Construct (c, _) -> ConstructRef c
| Var id -> VarRef id
| _ -> assert false
let head_name sigma c = (* Find the head constant of a constr if any *)
let rec hdrec c =
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Prod (_,_,c) | Lambda (_,_,c) | LetIn (_,_,_,c)
| Cast (c,_,_) | App (c,_) -> hdrec c
| Proj (kn,_) -> Some (Label.to_id (Constant.label (Projection.constant kn)))
| Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ as c ->
Some (Nametab.basename_of_global (global_of_constr c))
| Fix ((_,i),(lna,_,_)) | CoFix (i,(lna,_,_)) ->
Some (match lna.(i).binder_name with Name id -> id | _ -> assert false)
| Sort _ | Rel _ | Meta _|Evar _|Case (_, _, _, _) | Int _ -> None
hdrec c
let lowercase_first_char id = (* First character of a constr *)
let s = Id.to_string id in
match Unicode.split_at_first_letter s with
| None ->
(* General case: nat -> n *)
Unicode.lowercase_first_char s
| Some (s,s') ->
if String.length s' = 0 then
(* No letter, e.g. __, or __'_, etc. *)
s ^ Unicode.lowercase_first_char s'
let sort_hdchar = function
| SProp -> "P"
| Prop -> "P"
| Set -> "S"
| Type _ -> "T"
let hdchar env sigma c =
let rec hdrec k c =
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Prod (_,_,c) | Lambda (_,_,c) | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> hdrec (k+1) c
| Cast (c,_,_) | App (c,_) -> hdrec k c
| Proj (kn,_) -> lowercase_first_char (Label.to_id (Constant.label (Projection.constant kn)))
| Const (kn,_) -> lowercase_first_char (Label.to_id (Constant.label kn))
| Ind (x,_) -> (try lowercase_first_char (Nametab.basename_of_global (IndRef x)) with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger -> "zz")
| Construct (x,_) -> (try lowercase_first_char (Nametab.basename_of_global (ConstructRef x)) with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger -> "zz")
| Var id -> lowercase_first_char id
| Sort s -> sort_hdchar (ESorts.kind sigma s)
| Rel n ->
(if n<=k then "p" (* the initial term is flexible product/function *)
try match let d = lookup_rel (n-k) env in get_name d, get_type d with
| Name id, _ -> lowercase_first_char id
| Anonymous, t -> hdrec 0 (lift (n-k) t)
with Not_found -> "y")
| Fix ((_,i),(lna,_,_)) | CoFix (i,(lna,_,_)) ->
let id = match lna.(i).binder_name with Name id -> id | _ -> assert false in
lowercase_first_char id
| Evar _ (* We could do better... *)
| Meta _ | Case (_, _, _, _) -> "y"
| Int _ -> "i"
hdrec 0 c
let id_of_name_using_hdchar env sigma a = function
| Anonymous -> Id.of_string (hdchar env sigma a)
| Name id -> id
let named_hd env sigma a = function
| Anonymous -> Name (Id.of_string (hdchar env sigma a))
| x -> x
let mkProd_name env sigma (n,a,b) = mkProd (map_annot (named_hd env sigma a) n, a, b)
let mkLambda_name env sigma (n,a,b) = mkLambda (map_annot (named_hd env sigma a) n, a, b)
let lambda_name = mkLambda_name
let prod_name = mkProd_name
let prod_create env sigma (r,a,b) =
mkProd (make_annot (named_hd env sigma a Anonymous) r, a, b)
let lambda_create env sigma (r,a,b) =
mkLambda (make_annot (named_hd env sigma a Anonymous) r, a, b)
let name_assumption env sigma = function
| LocalAssum (na,t) -> LocalAssum (map_annot (named_hd env sigma t) na, t)
| LocalDef (na,c,t) -> LocalDef (map_annot (named_hd env sigma c) na, c, t)
let name_context env sigma hyps =
(fun (env,hyps) d ->
let d' = name_assumption env sigma d in (push_rel d' env, d' :: hyps))
(env,[]) (List.rev hyps))
let mkProd_or_LetIn_name env sigma b d = mkProd_or_LetIn (name_assumption env sigma d) b
let mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env sigma b d = mkLambda_or_LetIn (name_assumption env sigma d) b
let it_mkProd_or_LetIn_name env sigma b hyps =
it_mkProd_or_LetIn b (name_context env sigma hyps)
let it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env sigma b hyps =
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn b (name_context env sigma hyps)
(* Fresh names *)
(* Introduce a mode where auto-generated names are mangled
to test dependence of scripts on auto-generated names *)
let get_mangle_names =
~name:"mangle auto-generated names"
let mangle_names_prefix = ref (Id.of_string "_0")
let set_prefix x = mangle_names_prefix := forget_subscript x
let () = Goptions.(
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "mangled names prefix";
optkey = ["Mangle";"Names";"Prefix"];
optread = (fun () -> Id.to_string !mangle_names_prefix);
optwrite = begin fun x ->
(try Id.of_string x
with CErrors.UserError _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str ("Not a valid identifier: \"" ^ x ^ "\".")))
end })
let mangle_id id = if get_mangle_names () then !mangle_names_prefix else id
(* Looks for next "good" name by lifting subscript *)
let next_ident_away_from id bad =
let id = mangle_id id in
let rec name_rec id = if bad id then name_rec (increment_subscript id) else id in
name_rec id
(* Restart subscript from x0 if name starts with xN, or x00 if name
starts with x0N, etc *)
let restart_subscript id =
if not (has_subscript id) then id else
(* It would probably be better with something in the spirit of
*** make_ident id (Some 0) *** but compatibility would be lost... *)
forget_subscript id
let visible_ids sigma (nenv, c) =
let accu = ref (GlobRef.Set_env.empty, Int.Set.empty, Id.Set.empty) in
let rec visible_ids n c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ as c ->
let (gseen, vseen, ids) = !accu in
let g = global_of_constr c in
if not (GlobRef.Set_env.mem g gseen) then
let gseen = GlobRef.Set_env.add g gseen in
let short = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty g in
let dir, id = repr_qualid short in
let ids = if DirPath.is_empty dir then Id.Set.add id ids else ids in
accu := (gseen, vseen, ids)
with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger || !Flags.in_toplevel -> ()
| Rel p ->
let (gseen, vseen, ids) = !accu in
if p > n && not (Int.Set.mem p vseen) then
let vseen = Int.Set.add p vseen in
let name =
try Some (List.nth nenv (p - n - 1))
with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ ->
(* Unbound index: may happen in debug and actually also
while computing temporary implicit arguments of an
inductive type *)
let ids = match name with
| Some (Name id) -> Id.Set.add id ids
| _ -> ids
accu := (gseen, vseen, ids)
| _ -> EConstr.iter_with_binders sigma succ visible_ids n c
let () = visible_ids 1 c in
let (_, _, ids) = !accu in
(* Now, there are different renaming strategies... *)
(* 1- Looks for a fresh name for printing in cases pattern *)
let next_name_away_in_cases_pattern sigma env_t na avoid =
let id = match na with Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default_dependent_ident in
let visible = visible_ids sigma env_t in
let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || is_constructor id
|| Id.Set.mem id visible in
next_ident_away_from id bad
(* 2- Looks for a fresh name for introduction in goal *)
(* The legacy strategy for renaming introduction variables is not very uniform:
- if the name to use is fresh in the context but used as a global
name, then a fresh name is taken by finding a free subscript
starting from the current subscript;
- but if the name to use is not fresh in the current context, the fresh
name is taken by finding a free subscript starting from 0 *)
let next_ident_away_in_goal id avoid =
let id = if Id.Set.mem id avoid then restart_subscript id else id in
let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || (is_global id && not (is_section_variable id)) in
next_ident_away_from id bad
let next_name_away_in_goal na avoid =
let id = match na with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous -> default_non_dependent_ident in
next_ident_away_in_goal id avoid
(* 3- Looks for next fresh name outside a list that is moreover valid
as a global identifier; the legacy algorithm is that if the name is
already used in the list, one looks for a name of same base with
lower available subscript; if the name is not in the list but is
used globally, one looks for a name of same base with lower subscript
beyond the current subscript *)
let next_global_ident_away id avoid =
let id = if Id.Set.mem id avoid then restart_subscript id else id in
let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id id) in
next_ident_away_from id bad
(* 4- Looks for next fresh name outside a list; if name already used,
looks for same name with lower available subscript *)
let next_ident_away id avoid =
let id = mangle_id id in
if Id.Set.mem id avoid then
next_ident_away_from (restart_subscript id) (fun id -> Id.Set.mem id avoid)
else id
let next_name_away_with_default default na avoid =
let id = match na with Name id -> id | Anonymous -> Id.of_string default in
next_ident_away id avoid
let reserved_type_name = ref (fun t -> Anonymous)
let set_reserved_typed_name f = reserved_type_name := f
let next_name_away_with_default_using_types default na avoid t =
let id = match na with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous -> match !reserved_type_name t with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous -> Id.of_string default in
next_ident_away id avoid
let next_name_away = next_name_away_with_default default_non_dependent_string
let make_all_name_different env sigma =
(* FIXME: this is inefficient, but only used in printing *)
let avoid = ref (ids_of_named_context_val (named_context_val env)) in
let sign = named_context_val env in
let rels = rel_context env in
let env0 = reset_with_named_context sign env in
(fun decl newenv ->
let na = named_hd newenv sigma (RelDecl.get_type decl) (RelDecl.get_name decl) in
let id = next_name_away na !avoid in
avoid := Id.Set.add id !avoid;
push_rel (RelDecl.set_name (Name id) decl) newenv)
rels ~init:env0
(* 5- Looks for next fresh name outside a list; avoids also to use names that
would clash with short name of global references; if name is already used,
looks for name of same base with lower available subscript beyond current
subscript *)
let next_ident_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t id avoid =
let visible = visible_ids sigma env_t in
let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || Id.Set.mem id visible in
next_ident_away_from id bad
let next_name_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t na avoid =
let id = match na with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous ->
(* In principle, an anonymous name is not dependent and will not be *)
(* taken into account by the function compute_displayed_name_in; *)
(* just in case, invent a valid name *)
default_non_dependent_ident in
next_ident_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t id avoid
(* Displaying terms avoiding bound variables clashes *)
(* Renaming strategy introduced in December 1998:
- Rule number 1: all names, even if unbound and not displayed, contribute
to the list of names to avoid
- Rule number 2: only the dependency status is used for deciding if
a name is displayed or not
bool_ind: "forall (P:bool->Prop)(f:(P true))(f:(P false))(b:bool), P b" is
displayed "forall P:bool->Prop, P true -> P false -> forall b:bool, P b"
but f and f0 contribute to the list of variables to avoid (knowing
that f and f0 are how the f's would be named if introduced, assuming
no other f and f0 are already used).
type renaming_flags =
| RenamingForCasesPattern of (Name.t list * constr)
| RenamingForGoal
| RenamingElsewhereFor of (Name.t list * constr)
let next_name_for_display sigma flags =
match flags with
| RenamingForCasesPattern env_t -> next_name_away_in_cases_pattern sigma env_t
| RenamingForGoal -> next_name_away_in_goal
| RenamingElsewhereFor env_t -> next_name_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t
(* Remark: Anonymous var may be dependent in Evar's contexts *)
let compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly noccurn_fun sigma flags avoid na c =
match na with
| Anonymous when noccurn_fun sigma 1 c ->
| _ ->
let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in
let idopt = if noccurn_fun sigma 1 c then Anonymous else Name fresh_id in
(idopt, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid)
let compute_displayed_name_in = compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly noccurn
let compute_displayed_name_in_gen f sigma =
(* only flag which does not need a constr, maybe to be refined *)
let flag = RenamingForGoal in
compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly f sigma flag
let compute_and_force_displayed_name_in sigma flags avoid na c =
match na with
| Anonymous when noccurn sigma 1 c ->
| _ ->
let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in
(Name fresh_id, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid)
let compute_displayed_let_name_in sigma flags avoid na c =
let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in
(Name fresh_id, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid)
let rename_bound_vars_as_displayed sigma avoid env c =
let rec rename avoid env c =
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Prod (na,c1,c2) ->
let na',avoid' =
compute_displayed_name_in sigma
(RenamingElsewhereFor (env,c2)) avoid na.binder_name c2 in
mkProd ({na with binder_name=na'}, c1, rename avoid' (na' :: env) c2)
| LetIn (na,c1,t,c2) ->
let na',avoid' =
compute_displayed_let_name_in sigma
(RenamingElsewhereFor (env,c2)) avoid na.binder_name c2 in
mkLetIn ({na with binder_name=na'},c1,t, rename avoid' (na' :: env) c2)
| Cast (c,k,t) -> mkCast (rename avoid env c, k,t)
| _ -> c
rename avoid env c
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