(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Declarations
open Mod_subst
open Util
module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration
(** Operations concernings types in [Declarations] :
[constant_body], [mutual_inductive_body], [module_body] ... *)
let safe_flags oracle = {
check_guarded = true;
check_universes = true;
conv_oracle = oracle;
share_reduction = true;
enable_VM = true;
enable_native_compiler = true;
indices_matter = true;
check_template = true;
(** {6 Arities } *)
let subst_decl_arity f g sub ar =
match ar with
| RegularArity x ->
let x' = f sub x in
if x' == x then ar
else RegularArity x'
| TemplateArity x ->
let x' = g sub x in
if x' == x then ar
else TemplateArity x'
let map_decl_arity f g = function
| RegularArity a -> RegularArity (f a)
| TemplateArity a -> TemplateArity (g a)
let hcons_template_arity ar =
{ template_param_levels = ar.template_param_levels;
(* List.Smart.map (Option.Smart.map Univ.hcons_univ_level) ar.template_param_levels; *)
template_level = Univ.hcons_univ ar.template_level }
let universes_context = function
| Monomorphic _ -> Univ.AUContext.empty
| Polymorphic ctx -> ctx
let abstract_universes = function
| Entries.Monomorphic_entry ctx ->
Univ.empty_level_subst, Monomorphic ctx
| Entries.Polymorphic_entry (nas, ctx) ->
let (inst, auctx) = Univ.abstract_universes nas ctx in
let inst = Univ.make_instance_subst inst in
(inst, Polymorphic auctx)
(** {6 Constants } *)
let constant_is_polymorphic cb =
match cb.const_universes with
| Monomorphic _ -> false
| Polymorphic _ -> true
let constant_has_body cb = match cb.const_body with
| Undef _ | Primitive _ -> false
| Def _ | OpaqueDef _ -> true
let constant_polymorphic_context cb =
universes_context cb.const_universes
let is_opaque cb = match cb.const_body with
| OpaqueDef _ -> true
| Undef _ | Def _ | Primitive _ -> false
(** {7 Constant substitutions } *)
let subst_rel_declaration sub =
RelDecl.map_constr (subst_mps sub)
let subst_rel_context sub = List.Smart.map (subst_rel_declaration sub)
let subst_const_type sub arity =
if is_empty_subst sub then arity
else subst_mps sub arity
(** No need here to check for physical equality after substitution,
at least for Def due to the delayed substitution [subst_constr_subst]. *)
let subst_const_def sub def = match def with
| Undef _ | Primitive _ -> def
| Def c -> Def (subst_constr sub c)
| OpaqueDef o -> OpaqueDef (Opaqueproof.subst_opaque sub o)
let subst_const_body sub cb =
assert (List.is_empty cb.const_hyps); (* we're outside sections *)
if is_empty_subst sub then cb
let body' = subst_const_def sub cb.const_body in
let type' = subst_const_type sub cb.const_type in
if body' == cb.const_body && type' == cb.const_type
then cb
{ const_hyps = [];
const_body = body';
const_type = type';
const_body_code =
Option.map (Cemitcodes.subst_to_patch_subst sub) cb.const_body_code;
const_universes = cb.const_universes;
const_private_poly_univs = cb.const_private_poly_univs;
const_relevance = cb.const_relevance;
const_inline_code = cb.const_inline_code;
const_typing_flags = cb.const_typing_flags }
(** {7 Hash-consing of constants } *)
(** This hash-consing is currently quite partial : we only
share internal fields (e.g. constr), and not the records
themselves. But would it really bring substantial gains ? *)
let hcons_rel_decl =
RelDecl.map_name Names.Name.hcons %> RelDecl.map_value Constr.hcons %> RelDecl.map_type Constr.hcons
let hcons_rel_context l = List.Smart.map hcons_rel_decl l
let hcons_const_def = function
| Undef inl -> Undef inl
| Primitive p -> Primitive p
| Def l_constr ->
let constr = force_constr l_constr in
Def (from_val (Constr.hcons constr))
| OpaqueDef _ as x -> x (* hashconsed when turned indirect *)
let hcons_universes cbu =
match cbu with
| Monomorphic ctx ->
Monomorphic (Univ.hcons_universe_context_set ctx)
| Polymorphic ctx ->
Polymorphic (Univ.hcons_abstract_universe_context ctx)
let hcons_const_private_univs = function
| None -> None
| Some univs -> Some (Univ.hcons_universe_context_set univs)
let hcons_const_body cb =
{ cb with
const_body = hcons_const_def cb.const_body;
const_type = Constr.hcons cb.const_type;
const_universes = hcons_universes cb.const_universes;
const_private_poly_univs = hcons_const_private_univs cb.const_private_poly_univs;
(** {6 Inductive types } *)
let eq_recarg r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with
| Norec, Norec -> true
| Mrec i1, Mrec i2 -> Names.eq_ind i1 i2
| Imbr i1, Imbr i2 -> Names.eq_ind i1 i2
| _ -> false
let subst_recarg sub r = match r with
| Norec -> r
| Mrec (kn,i) ->
let kn' = subst_mind sub kn in
if kn==kn' then r else Mrec (kn',i)
| Imbr (kn,i) ->
let kn' = subst_mind sub kn in
if kn==kn' then r else Imbr (kn',i)
let mk_norec = Rtree.mk_node Norec [||]
let mk_paths r recargs =
Rtree.mk_node r
(Array.map (fun l -> Rtree.mk_node Norec (Array.of_list l)) recargs)
let dest_recarg p = fst (Rtree.dest_node p)
(* dest_subterms returns the sizes of each argument of each constructor of
an inductive object of size [p]. This should never be done for Norec,
because the number of sons does not correspond to the number of
let dest_subterms p =
let (ra,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in
assert (match ra with Norec -> false | _ -> true);
Array.map (fun t -> Array.to_list (snd (Rtree.dest_node t))) cstrs
let recarg_length p j =
let (_,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in
Array.length (snd (Rtree.dest_node cstrs.(j-1)))
let subst_wf_paths sub p = Rtree.Smart.map (subst_recarg sub) p
(** {7 Substitution of inductive declarations } *)
let subst_regular_ind_arity sub s =
let uar' = subst_mps sub s.mind_user_arity in
if uar' == s.mind_user_arity then s
else { mind_user_arity = uar'; mind_sort = s.mind_sort }
let subst_template_ind_arity _sub s = s
(* FIXME records *)
let subst_ind_arity =
subst_decl_arity subst_regular_ind_arity subst_template_ind_arity
let subst_mind_packet sub mbp =
{ mind_consnames = mbp.mind_consnames;
mind_consnrealdecls = mbp.mind_consnrealdecls;
mind_consnrealargs = mbp.mind_consnrealargs;
mind_typename = mbp.mind_typename;
mind_nf_lc = Array.Smart.map (fun (ctx, c) -> Context.Rel.map (subst_mps sub) ctx, subst_mps sub c) mbp.mind_nf_lc;
mind_arity_ctxt = subst_rel_context sub mbp.mind_arity_ctxt;
mind_arity = subst_ind_arity sub mbp.mind_arity;
mind_user_lc = Array.Smart.map (subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_user_lc;
mind_nrealargs = mbp.mind_nrealargs;
mind_nrealdecls = mbp.mind_nrealdecls;
mind_kelim = mbp.mind_kelim;
mind_recargs = subst_wf_paths sub mbp.mind_recargs (*wf_paths*);
mind_relevance = mbp.mind_relevance;
mind_nb_constant = mbp.mind_nb_constant;
mind_nb_args = mbp.mind_nb_args;
mind_reloc_tbl = mbp.mind_reloc_tbl }
let subst_mind_record sub r = match r with
| NotRecord -> NotRecord
| FakeRecord -> FakeRecord
| PrimRecord infos ->
let map (id, ps, rs, pb as info) =
let pb' = Array.Smart.map (subst_mps sub) pb in
if pb' == pb then info
else (id, ps, rs, pb')
let infos' = Array.Smart.map map infos in
if infos' == infos then r else PrimRecord infos'
let subst_mind_body sub mib =
{ mind_record = subst_mind_record sub mib.mind_record ;
mind_finite = mib.mind_finite ;
mind_ntypes = mib.mind_ntypes ;
mind_hyps = (match mib.mind_hyps with [] -> [] | _ -> assert false);
mind_nparams = mib.mind_nparams;
mind_nparams_rec = mib.mind_nparams_rec;
mind_params_ctxt =
Context.Rel.map (subst_mps sub) mib.mind_params_ctxt;
mind_packets = Array.Smart.map (subst_mind_packet sub) mib.mind_packets ;
mind_universes = mib.mind_universes;
mind_variance = mib.mind_variance;
mind_private = mib.mind_private;
mind_typing_flags = mib.mind_typing_flags;
let inductive_polymorphic_context mib =
universes_context mib.mind_universes
let inductive_is_polymorphic mib =
match mib.mind_universes with
| Monomorphic _ -> false
| Polymorphic _ctx -> true
let inductive_is_cumulative mib =
Option.has_some mib.mind_variance
let inductive_make_projection ind mib ~proj_arg =
match mib.mind_record with
| NotRecord | FakeRecord -> None
| PrimRecord infos ->
let _, labs, _, _ = infos.(snd ind) in
Some (Names.Projection.Repr.make ind
let inductive_make_projections ind mib =
match mib.mind_record with
| NotRecord | FakeRecord -> None
| PrimRecord infos ->
let _, labs, _, _ = infos.(snd ind) in
let projs = Array.mapi (fun proj_arg lab ->
Names.Projection.Repr.make ind ~proj_npars:mib.mind_nparams ~proj_arg lab)
Some projs
let relevance_of_projection_repr mib p =
let _mind,i = Names.Projection.Repr.inductive p in
match mib.mind_record with
| NotRecord | FakeRecord ->
CErrors.anomaly ~label:"relevance_of_projection" Pp.(str "not a projection")
| PrimRecord infos ->
let _,_,rs,_ = infos.(i) in
rs.(Names.Projection.Repr.arg p)
(** {6 Hash-consing of inductive declarations } *)
let hcons_regular_ind_arity a =
{ mind_user_arity = Constr.hcons a.mind_user_arity;
mind_sort = Sorts.hcons a.mind_sort }
(** Just as for constants, this hash-consing is quite partial *)
let hcons_ind_arity =
map_decl_arity hcons_regular_ind_arity hcons_template_arity
(** Substitution of inductive declarations *)
let hcons_mind_packet oib =
let user = Array.Smart.map Constr.hcons oib.mind_user_lc in
let map (ctx, c) = Context.Rel.map Constr.hcons ctx, Constr.hcons c in
let nf = Array.Smart.map map oib.mind_nf_lc in
{ oib with
mind_typename = Names.Id.hcons oib.mind_typename;
mind_arity_ctxt = hcons_rel_context oib.mind_arity_ctxt;
mind_arity = hcons_ind_arity oib.mind_arity;
mind_consnames = Array.Smart.map Names.Id.hcons oib.mind_consnames;
mind_user_lc = user;
mind_nf_lc = nf }
let hcons_mind mib =
{ mib with
mind_packets = Array.Smart.map hcons_mind_packet mib.mind_packets;
mind_params_ctxt = hcons_rel_context mib.mind_params_ctxt;
mind_universes = hcons_universes mib.mind_universes }
(** Hashconsing of modules *)
let hcons_functorize hty he hself f = match f with
| NoFunctor e ->
let e' = he e in
if e == e' then f else NoFunctor e'
| MoreFunctor (mid, ty, nf) ->
(** FIXME *)
let mid' = mid in
let ty' = hty ty in
let nf' = hself nf in
if mid == mid' && ty == ty' && nf == nf' then f
else MoreFunctor (mid, ty', nf')
let hcons_module_alg_expr me = me
let rec hcons_structure_field_body sb = match sb with
| SFBconst cb ->
let cb' = hcons_const_body cb in
if cb == cb' then sb else SFBconst cb'
| SFBmind mib ->
let mib' = hcons_mind mib in
if mib == mib' then sb else SFBmind mib'
| SFBmodule mb ->
let mb' = hcons_module_body mb in
if mb == mb' then sb else SFBmodule mb'
| SFBmodtype mb ->
let mb' = hcons_module_type mb in
if mb == mb' then sb else SFBmodtype mb'
and hcons_structure_body sb =
(** FIXME *)
let map (l, sfb as fb) =
let l' = Names.Label.hcons l in
let sfb' = hcons_structure_field_body sfb in
if l == l' && sfb == sfb' then fb else (l', sfb')
List.Smart.map map sb
and hcons_module_signature ms =
hcons_functorize hcons_module_type hcons_structure_body hcons_module_signature ms
and hcons_module_expression me =
hcons_functorize hcons_module_type hcons_module_alg_expr hcons_module_expression me
and hcons_module_implementation mip = match mip with
| Abstract -> Abstract
| Algebraic me ->
let me' = hcons_module_expression me in
if me == me' then mip else Algebraic me'
| Struct ms ->
let ms' = hcons_module_signature ms in
if ms == ms' then mip else Struct ms
| FullStruct -> FullStruct
and hcons_generic_module_body :
'a. ('a -> 'a) -> 'a generic_module_body -> 'a generic_module_body =
fun hcons_impl mb ->
let mp' = mb.mod_mp in
let expr' = hcons_impl mb.mod_expr in
let type' = hcons_module_signature mb.mod_type in
let type_alg' = mb.mod_type_alg in
let constraints' = Univ.hcons_universe_context_set mb.mod_constraints in
let delta' = mb.mod_delta in
let retroknowledge' = mb.mod_retroknowledge in
mb.mod_mp == mp' &&
mb.mod_expr == expr' &&
mb.mod_type == type' &&
mb.mod_type_alg == type_alg' &&
mb.mod_constraints == constraints' &&
mb.mod_delta == delta' &&
mb.mod_retroknowledge == retroknowledge'
then mb
else {
mod_mp = mp';
mod_expr = expr';
mod_type = type';
mod_type_alg = type_alg';
mod_constraints = constraints';
mod_delta = delta';
mod_retroknowledge = retroknowledge';
and hcons_module_body mb =
hcons_generic_module_body hcons_module_implementation mb
and hcons_module_type mb =
hcons_generic_module_body (fun () -> ()) mb
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