(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Constr
open Univ
open Declarations
open Environ
(** {6 Extracting an inductive type from a construction } *)
(** [find_m*type env sigma c] coerce [c] to an recursive type (I args).
[find_rectype], [find_inductive] and [find_coinductive]
respectively accepts any recursive type, only an inductive type and
only a coinductive type.
They raise [Not_found] if not convertible to a recursive type. *)
val find_rectype : env -> types -> pinductive * constr list
val find_inductive : env -> types -> pinductive * constr list
val find_coinductive : env -> types -> pinductive * constr list
type mind_specif = mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body
(** {6 ... } *)
(** Fetching information in the environment about an inductive type.
Raises [Not_found] if the inductive type is not found. *)
val lookup_mind_specif : env -> inductive -> mind_specif
(** {6 Functions to build standard types related to inductive } *)
val ind_subst : MutInd.t -> mutual_inductive_body -> Instance.t -> constr list
val inductive_paramdecls : mutual_inductive_body puniverses -> Constr.rel_context
val instantiate_inductive_constraints :
mutual_inductive_body -> Instance.t -> Constraint.t
val constrained_type_of_inductive : env -> mind_specif puniverses -> types constrained
val constrained_type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters :
env -> mind_specif puniverses -> types Lazy.t array -> types constrained
val relevance_of_inductive : env -> inductive -> Sorts.relevance
val type_of_inductive : env -> mind_specif puniverses -> types
val type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters :
env -> ?polyprop:bool -> mind_specif puniverses -> types Lazy.t array -> types
val elim_sorts : mind_specif -> Sorts.family list
val is_private : mind_specif -> bool
val is_primitive_record : mind_specif -> bool
(** Return type as quoted by the user *)
val constrained_type_of_constructor : pconstructor -> mind_specif -> types constrained
val type_of_constructor : pconstructor -> mind_specif -> types
(** Return constructor types in normal form *)
val arities_of_constructors : pinductive -> mind_specif -> types array
(** Return constructor types in user form *)
val type_of_constructors : pinductive -> mind_specif -> types array
(** Transforms inductive specification into types (in nf) *)
val arities_of_specif : MutInd.t puniverses -> mind_specif -> types array
val inductive_params : mind_specif -> int
(** [type_case_branches env (I,args) (p:A) c] computes useful types
about the following Cases expression:
<p>Cases (c :: (I args)) of b1..bn end
It computes the type of every branch (pattern variables are
introduced by products), the type for the whole expression, and
the universe constraints generated.
val type_case_branches :
env -> pinductive * constr list -> unsafe_judgment -> constr
-> types array * types
val build_branches_type :
pinductive -> mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body ->
constr list -> constr -> types array
(** Return the arity of an inductive type *)
val mind_arity : one_inductive_body -> Constr.rel_context * Sorts.family
val inductive_sort_family : one_inductive_body -> Sorts.family
(** Check a [case_info] actually correspond to a Case expression on the
given inductive type. *)
val check_case_info : env -> pinductive -> Sorts.relevance -> case_info -> unit
(** {6 Guard conditions for fix and cofix-points. } *)
(** When [chk] is false, the guard condition is not actually
checked. *)
val check_fix : env -> fixpoint -> unit
val check_cofix : env -> cofixpoint -> unit
(** {6 Support for sort-polymorphic inductive types } *)
(** The "polyprop" optional argument below controls
the "Prop-polymorphism". By default, it is allowed.
But when "polyprop=false", the following exception is raised
when a polymorphic singleton inductive type becomes Prop due to
parameter instantiation. This is used by the Ocaml extraction,
which cannot handle (yet?) Prop-polymorphism. *)
exception SingletonInductiveBecomesProp of Id.t
val max_inductive_sort : Sorts.t array -> Universe.t
val instantiate_universes : env -> Constr.rel_context ->
template_arity -> constr Lazy.t array -> Constr.rel_context * Sorts.t
(** {6 Debug} *)
type size = Large | Strict
type subterm_spec =
Subterm of (size * wf_paths)
| Dead_code
| Not_subterm
type guard_env =
{ env : env;
(** dB of last fixpoint *)
rel_min : int;
(** dB of variables denoting subterms *)
genv : subterm_spec Lazy.t list;
type stack_element = |SClosure of guard_env*constr |SArg of subterm_spec Lazy.t
val subterm_specif : guard_env -> stack_element list -> constr -> subterm_spec
val lambda_implicit_lift : int -> constr -> constr
val abstract_mind_lc : int -> Int.t -> (rel_context * constr) array -> constr array
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