(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** {6 [Mod_subst] } *)
open Names
open Constr
(** {6 Delta resolver} *)
(** A delta_resolver maps name (constant, inductive, module_path)
to canonical name *)
type delta_resolver
val empty_delta_resolver : delta_resolver
val add_mp_delta_resolver :
ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
val add_kn_delta_resolver :
KerName.t -> KerName.t -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
val add_inline_delta_resolver :
KerName.t -> (int * constr Univ.univ_abstracted option) -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
val add_delta_resolver : delta_resolver -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
(** Effect of a [delta_resolver] on a module path, on a kernel name *)
val mp_of_delta : delta_resolver -> ModPath.t -> ModPath.t
val kn_of_delta : delta_resolver -> KerName.t -> KerName.t
(** Build a constant whose canonical part is obtained via a resolver *)
val constant_of_delta_kn : delta_resolver -> KerName.t -> Constant.t
(** Same, but a 2nd resolver is tried if the 1st one had no effect *)
val constant_of_deltas_kn :
delta_resolver -> delta_resolver -> KerName.t -> Constant.t
(** Same for inductive names *)
val mind_of_delta_kn : delta_resolver -> KerName.t -> MutInd.t
val mind_of_deltas_kn :
delta_resolver -> delta_resolver -> KerName.t -> MutInd.t
(** Extract the set of inlined constant in the resolver *)
val inline_of_delta : int option -> delta_resolver -> (int * KerName.t) list
(** Does a [delta_resolver] contains a [mp], a constant, an inductive ? *)
val mp_in_delta : ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> bool
val con_in_delta : Constant.t -> delta_resolver -> bool
val mind_in_delta : MutInd.t -> delta_resolver -> bool
(** {6 Substitution} *)
type substitution
val empty_subst : substitution
val is_empty_subst : substitution -> bool
(** add_* add [arg2/arg1]\{arg3\} to the substitution with no sequential
composition. Most often this is not what you want. For sequential
composition, try [join (map_mbid mp delta) subs] **)
val add_mbid :
MBId.t -> ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> substitution -> substitution
val add_mp :
ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> substitution -> substitution
(** map_* create a new substitution [arg2/arg1]\{arg3\} *)
val map_mbid :
MBId.t -> ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> substitution
val map_mp :
ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> delta_resolver -> substitution
(** sequential composition:
[substitute (join sub1 sub2) t = substitute sub2 (substitute sub1 t)]
val join : substitution -> substitution -> substitution
(** Apply the substitution on the domain of the resolver *)
val subst_dom_delta_resolver : substitution -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
(** Apply the substitution on the codomain of the resolver *)
val subst_codom_delta_resolver :
substitution -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
val subst_dom_codom_delta_resolver :
substitution -> delta_resolver -> delta_resolver
type 'a substituted
val from_val : 'a -> 'a substituted
val force : (substitution -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a substituted -> 'a
val subst_substituted : substitution -> 'a substituted -> 'a substituted
(* debugging *)
val debug_string_of_subst : substitution -> string
val debug_pr_subst : substitution -> Pp.t
val debug_string_of_delta : delta_resolver -> string
val debug_pr_delta : delta_resolver -> Pp.t
(** [subst_mp sub mp] guarantees that whenever the result of the
substitution is structutally equal [mp], it is equal by pointers
as well [==] *)
val subst_mp :
substitution -> ModPath.t -> ModPath.t
val subst_mind :
substitution -> MutInd.t -> MutInd.t
val subst_ind :
substitution -> inductive -> inductive
val subst_pind : substitution -> pinductive -> pinductive
val subst_kn :
substitution -> KerName.t -> KerName.t
val subst_con :
substitution -> Constant.t -> Constant.t * constr Univ.univ_abstracted option
val subst_pcon :
substitution -> pconstant -> pconstant
val subst_constant :
substitution -> Constant.t -> Constant.t
val subst_proj_repr : substitution -> Projection.Repr.t -> Projection.Repr.t
val subst_proj : substitution -> Projection.t -> Projection.t
val subst_retro_action : substitution -> Retroknowledge.action -> Retroknowledge.action
(** Here the semantics is completely unclear.
What does "Hint Unfold t" means when "t" is a parameter?
Does the user mean "Unfold X.t" or does she mean "Unfold y"
where X.t is later on instantiated with y? I choose the first
interpretation (i.e. an evaluable reference is never expanded). *)
val subst_evaluable_reference :
substitution -> evaluable_global_reference -> evaluable_global_reference
(** [replace_mp_in_con mp mp' con] replaces [mp] with [mp'] in [con] *)
val replace_mp_in_kn : ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> KerName.t -> KerName.t
(** [subst_mps sub c] performs the substitution [sub] on all kernel
names appearing in [c] *)
val subst_mps : substitution -> constr -> constr
(** [repr_substituted r] dumps the representation of a substituted:
- [None, a] when r is a value
- [Some s, a] when r is a delayed substitution [s] applied to [a] *)
val repr_substituted : 'a substituted -> substitution list option * 'a
val force_constr : constr substituted -> constr
val subst_constr : substitution -> constr substituted -> constr substituted
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