(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Vmvalues
external set_drawinstr : unit -> unit = "coq_set_drawinstr"
external mkPopStopCode : int -> tcode = "coq_pushpop"
let popstop_tbl = ref (Array.init 30 mkPopStopCode)
let popstop_code i =
let len = Array.length !popstop_tbl in
if i < len then !popstop_tbl.(i)
popstop_tbl :=
Array.init (i+10)
(fun j -> if j < len then !popstop_tbl.(j) else mkPopStopCode j);
let stop = popstop_code 0
(* Abstract machine *****************************)
(* gestion de la pile *)
external push_ra : tcode -> unit = "coq_push_ra"
external push_val : values -> unit = "coq_push_val"
external push_arguments : arguments -> unit = "coq_push_arguments"
external push_vstack : vstack -> int -> unit = "coq_push_vstack"
(* interpreteur *)
external coq_interprete : tcode -> values -> atom array -> vm_global -> vm_env -> int -> values =
"coq_interprete_byte" "coq_interprete_ml"
let interprete code v env k =
coq_interprete code v (get_atom_rel ()) (Csymtable.get_global_data ()) env k
(* Functions over arguments *)
(* Apply a value to arguments contained in [vargs] *)
let apply_arguments vf vargs =
let n = nargs vargs in
if Int.equal n 0 then fun_val vf
push_ra stop;
push_arguments vargs;
interprete (fun_code vf) (fun_val vf) (fun_env vf) (n - 1)
(* Apply value [vf] to an array of argument values [varray] *)
let apply_varray vf varray =
let n = Array.length varray in
if Int.equal n 0 then fun_val vf
push_ra stop;
(* The fun code of [vf] will make sure we have enough stack, so we put 0
here. *)
push_vstack varray 0;
interprete (fun_code vf) (fun_val vf) (fun_env vf) (n - 1)
let mkrel_vstack k arity =
let max = k + arity - 1 in
Array.init arity (fun i -> val_of_rel (max - i))
let reduce_fun k vf =
let vargs = mkrel_vstack k 1 in
apply_varray vf vargs
let decompose_vfun2 k vf1 vf2 =
let arity = min (closure_arity vf1) (closure_arity vf2) in
assert (0 < arity && arity < Sys.max_array_length);
let vargs = mkrel_vstack k arity in
let v1 = apply_varray vf1 vargs in
let v2 = apply_varray vf2 vargs in
arity, v1, v2
(* Functions over vfix *)
let reduce_fix k vf =
let fb = first_fix vf in
(* computing types *)
let fc_typ = fix_types fb in
let ndef = Array.length fc_typ in
let et = offset_closure_fix fb (2*(ndef - 1)) in
let ftyp =
(fun c -> interprete c crazy_val et 0) fc_typ in
(* Construction of the environment of fix bodies *)
(mk_fix_body k ndef fb, ftyp)
let reduce_cofix k vcf =
let fc_typ = cofix_types vcf in
let ndef = Array.length fc_typ in
let ftyp =
(* Evaluate types *)
Array.map (fun c -> interprete c crazy_val (cofix_env vcf) 0) fc_typ in
(* Construction of the environment of cofix bodies *)
(mk_cofix_body apply_varray k ndef vcf, ftyp)
let type_of_switch sw =
(* The fun code of types will make sure we have enough stack, so we put 0
here. *)
push_vstack sw.sw_stk 0;
interprete sw.sw_type_code crazy_val sw.sw_env 0
let apply_switch sw arg =
let tc = sw.sw_annot.tailcall in
if tc then
(push_ra stop;push_vstack sw.sw_stk sw.sw_annot.max_stack_size)
(push_vstack sw.sw_stk sw.sw_annot.max_stack_size;
push_ra (popstop_code (Array.length sw.sw_stk)));
interprete sw.sw_code arg sw.sw_env 0
let branch_of_switch k sw =
let eval_branch (_,arity as ta) =
let arg = branch_arg k ta in
let v = apply_switch sw arg in
(arity, v)
Array.map eval_branch sw.sw_annot.rtbl
(* Apply the term represented by a under stack stk to argument v *)
(* t = a stk --> t v *)
let rec apply_stack a stk v =
match stk with
| [] -> apply_varray (fun_of_val a) [|v|]
| Zapp args :: stk -> apply_stack (apply_arguments (fun_of_val a) args) stk v
| Zproj kn :: stk -> apply_stack (val_of_proj kn a) stk v
| Zfix(f,args) :: stk ->
let a,stk =
match stk with
| Zapp args' :: stk ->
push_ra stop;
push_arguments args';
push_val a;
push_arguments args;
let a =
interprete (fix_code f) (fix_val f) (fix_env f)
(nargs args+ nargs args') in
a, stk
| _ ->
push_ra stop;
push_val a;
push_arguments args;
let a =
interprete (fix_code f) (fix_val f) (fix_env f)
(nargs args) in
a, stk in
apply_stack a stk v
| Zswitch sw :: stk ->
apply_stack (apply_switch sw a) stk v
let apply_whd k whd =
let v = val_of_rel k in
match whd with
| Vprod _ | Vconstr_const _ | Vconstr_block _ | Vint64 _ -> assert false
| Vfun f -> reduce_fun k f
| Vfix(f, None) ->
push_ra stop;
push_val v;
interprete (fix_code f) (fix_val f) (fix_env f) 0
| Vfix(f, Some args) ->
push_ra stop;
push_val v;
push_arguments args;
interprete (fix_code f) (fix_val f) (fix_env f) (nargs args)
| Vcofix(_,to_up,_) ->
push_ra stop;
push_val v;
interprete (cofix_upd_code to_up) (cofix_upd_val to_up) (cofix_upd_env to_up) 0
| Vatom_stk(a,stk) ->
apply_stack (val_of_atom a) stk v
| Vuniv_level _lvl -> assert false
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