(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open EConstr
open Namegen
open Tactypes
open Genarg
open Stdarg
open Tacarg
open Geninterp
open Pp
exception CannotCoerceTo of string
let base_val_typ wit =
match val_tag (topwit wit) with Val.Base t -> t | _ -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "Not a base val.")
let (wit_constr_context : (Empty.t, Empty.t, EConstr.constr) Genarg.genarg_type) =
let wit = Genarg.create_arg "constr_context" in
let () = register_val0 wit None in
let () = Genprint.register_val_print0 (base_val_typ wit)
(Pptactic.make_constr_printer Printer.pr_econstr_n_env) in
(* includes idents known to be bound and references *)
let (wit_constr_under_binders : (Empty.t, Empty.t, Ltac_pretype.constr_under_binders) Genarg.genarg_type) =
let wit = Genarg.create_arg "constr_under_binders" in
let () = register_val0 wit None in
let () = Genprint.register_val_print0 (base_val_typ wit)
(fun c ->
Genprint.TopPrinterNeedsContext (fun env sigma -> Printer.pr_constr_under_binders_env env sigma c)) in
(** All the types considered here are base types *)
let val_tag wit = match val_tag wit with
| Val.Base t -> t
| _ -> assert false
let has_type : type a. Val.t -> a typed_abstract_argument_type -> bool = fun v wit ->
let Val.Dyn (t, _) = v in
match Val.eq t (val_tag wit) with
| None -> false
| Some Refl -> true
let prj : type a. a Val.typ -> Val.t -> a option = fun t v ->
let Val.Dyn (t', x) = v in
match Val.eq t t' with
| None -> None
| Some Refl -> Some x
let in_gen wit v = Val.Dyn (val_tag wit, v)
let out_gen wit v = match prj (val_tag wit) v with None -> assert false | Some x -> x
module Value =
type t = Val.t
let of_constr c = in_gen (topwit wit_constr) c
let to_constr v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then
let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v in
Some c
else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then
let vars, c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v in
match vars with [] -> Some c | _ -> None
else None
let of_uconstr c = in_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) c
let to_uconstr v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_uconstr) then
Some (out_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) v)
else None
let of_int i = in_gen (topwit wit_int) i
let to_int v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
Some (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
else None
let to_list v = prj Val.typ_list v
let to_option v = prj Val.typ_opt v
let to_pair v = prj Val.typ_pair v
let cast_error wit v =
let pr_v = Pptactic.pr_value Pptactic.ltop v in
let Val.Dyn (tag, _) = v in
let tag = Val.pr tag in
CErrors.user_err (str "Type error: value " ++ pr_v ++ str " is a " ++ tag
++ str " while type " ++ Val.pr wit ++ str " was expected.")
let unbox wit v ans = match ans with
| None -> cast_error wit v
| Some x -> x
let rec prj : type a. a Val.tag -> Val.t -> a = fun tag v -> match tag with
| Val.List tag -> List.map (fun v -> prj tag v) (unbox Val.typ_list v (to_list v))
| Val.Opt tag -> Option.map (fun v -> prj tag v) (unbox Val.typ_opt v (to_option v))
| Val.Pair (tag1, tag2) ->
let (x, y) = unbox Val.typ_pair v (to_pair v) in
(prj tag1 x, prj tag2 y)
| Val.Base t ->
let Val.Dyn (t', x) = v in
match Val.eq t t' with
| None -> cast_error t v
| Some Refl -> x
let rec tag_of_arg : type a b c. (a, b, c) genarg_type -> c Val.tag = fun wit -> match wit with
| ExtraArg _ -> Geninterp.val_tag (topwit wit)
| ListArg t -> Val.List (tag_of_arg t)
| OptArg t -> Val.Opt (tag_of_arg t)
| PairArg (t1, t2) -> Val.Pair (tag_of_arg t1, tag_of_arg t2)
let val_cast arg v = prj (tag_of_arg arg) v
let cast (Topwit wit) v = val_cast wit v
let is_variable env id =
Id.List.mem id (Termops.ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env))
(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails with Not_found *)
let constr_of_id env id =
EConstr.mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id)
(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr_context tactic_arg *)
let coerce_to_constr_context v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_context) then
out_gen (topwit wit_constr_context) v
else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term context")
let is_intro_pattern v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
Some (out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v).CAst.v
(* Interprets an identifier which must be fresh *)
let coerce_var_to_ident fresh env sigma v =
let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a fresh identifier") in
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) -> id
| Some _ -> fail ()
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
| { CAst.v=IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)} -> id
| _ -> fail ()
else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
out_gen (topwit wit_var) v
else match Value.to_constr v with
| None -> fail ()
| Some c ->
(* We need it fresh for intro e.g. in "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
if isVar sigma c && not (fresh && is_variable env (destVar sigma c)) then
destVar sigma c
else fail ()
(* Interprets, if possible, a constr to an identifier which may not
be fresh but suitable to be given to the fresh tactic. Works for
vars, constants, inductive, constructors and sorts. *)
let coerce_to_ident_not_fresh sigma v =
let id_of_name = function
| Name.Anonymous -> Id.of_string "x"
| Name.Name x -> x in
let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "an identifier") in
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) -> id
| Some _ -> fail ()
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
out_gen (topwit wit_var) v
match Value.to_constr v with
| None -> fail ()
| Some c ->
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Var id -> id
| Meta m -> id_of_name (Evd.meta_name sigma m)
| Evar (kn,_) ->
begin match Evd.evar_ident kn sigma with
| None -> fail ()
| Some id -> id
| Const (cst,_) -> Label.to_id (Constant.label cst)
| Construct (cstr,_) ->
let ref = Globnames.ConstructRef cstr in
let basename = Nametab.basename_of_global ref in
| Ind (ind,_) ->
let ref = Globnames.IndRef ind in
let basename = Nametab.basename_of_global ref in
| Sort s ->
match ESorts.kind sigma s with
| Sorts.SProp -> Label.to_id (Label.make "SProp")
| Sorts.Prop -> Label.to_id (Label.make "Prop")
| Sorts.Set -> Label.to_id (Label.make "Set")
| Sorts.Type _ -> Label.to_id (Label.make "Type")
| _ -> fail()
let coerce_to_intro_pattern sigma v =
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some pat -> pat
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)
else match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c when isVar sigma c ->
(* This happens e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
(* but also in "destruct H as (H,H')" *)
IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier (destVar sigma c))
| _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an introduction pattern")
let coerce_to_intro_pattern_naming sigma v =
match coerce_to_intro_pattern sigma v with
| IntroNaming pat -> pat
| _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a naming introduction pattern")
let coerce_to_hint_base v =
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) -> Id.to_string id
| Some _ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
let coerce_to_int v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
out_gen (topwit wit_int) v
else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an integer")
let coerce_to_constr env v =
let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term") in
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) ->
(try ([], constr_of_id env id) with Not_found -> fail ())
| Some _ -> fail ()
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then
let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v in
([], c)
else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then
out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v
else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
(try [], constr_of_id env id with Not_found -> fail ())
else fail ()
let coerce_to_uconstr v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_uconstr) then
out_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) v
raise (CannotCoerceTo "an untyped term")
let coerce_to_closed_constr env v =
let ids,c = coerce_to_constr env v in
let () = if not (List.is_empty ids) then raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term") in
let coerce_to_evaluable_ref env sigma v =
let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference") in
let ev =
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) when is_variable env id -> EvalVarRef id
| Some _ -> fail ()
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
if Id.List.mem id (Termops.ids_of_context env) then EvalVarRef id
else fail ()
else if has_type v (topwit wit_ref) then
let open Globnames in
let r = out_gen (topwit wit_ref) v in
match r with
| VarRef var -> EvalVarRef var
| ConstRef c -> EvalConstRef c
| IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> fail ()
match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c when isConst sigma c -> EvalConstRef (fst (destConst sigma c))
| Some c when isVar sigma c -> EvalVarRef (destVar sigma c)
| _ -> fail ()
in if Tacred.is_evaluable env ev then ev else fail ()
let coerce_to_constr_list env v =
let v = Value.to_list v in
match v with
| Some l ->
let map v = coerce_to_closed_constr env v in
List.map map l
| None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term list")
let coerce_to_intro_pattern_list ?loc sigma v =
match Value.to_list v with
| None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an intro pattern list")
| Some l ->
let map v = CAst.make ?loc @@ coerce_to_intro_pattern sigma v in
List.map map l
let coerce_to_hyp env sigma v =
let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable") in
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) when is_variable env id -> id
| Some _ -> fail ()
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
if is_variable env id then id else fail ()
else match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c when isVar sigma c -> destVar sigma c
| _ -> fail ()
let coerce_to_hyp_list env sigma v =
let v = Value.to_list v in
match v with
| Some l ->
let map n = coerce_to_hyp env sigma n in
List.map map l
| None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable list")
(* Interprets a qualified name *)
let coerce_to_reference sigma v =
match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c ->
try fst (Termops.global_of_constr sigma c)
with Not_found -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
| None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
(* (as in Inversion) *)
let coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis sigma v =
match is_intro_pattern v with
| Some (IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)) -> NamedHyp id
| Some _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
| None ->
if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
NamedHyp id
else if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
AnonHyp (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
else match Value.to_constr v with
| Some c when isVar sigma c -> NamedHyp (destVar sigma c)
| _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
(* (as in Inversion) *)
let coerce_to_decl_or_quant_hyp sigma v =
if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
AnonHyp (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
try coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis sigma v
with CannotCoerceTo _ ->
raise (CannotCoerceTo "a declared or quantified hypothesis")
let coerce_to_int_or_var_list v =
match Value.to_list v with
| None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an int list")
| Some l ->
let map n = Locus.ArgArg (coerce_to_int n) in
List.map map l
(** Abstract application, to print ltac functions *)
type appl =
| UnnamedAppl (** For generic applications: nothing is printed *)
| GlbAppl of (Names.KerName.t * Val.t list) list
(** For calls to global constants, some may alias other. *)
(* Values for interpretation *)
type tacvalue =
| VFun of appl*Tacexpr.ltac_trace * Val.t Id.Map.t *
Name.t list * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr
| VRec of Val.t Id.Map.t ref * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr
let (wit_tacvalue : (Empty.t, tacvalue, tacvalue) Genarg.genarg_type) =
let wit = Genarg.create_arg "tacvalue" in
let () = register_val0 wit None in
let () = Genprint.register_val_print0 (base_val_typ wit)
(fun _ -> Genprint.TopPrinterBasic (fun () -> str "")) in
let pr_argument_type arg =
let Val.Dyn (tag, _) = arg in
Val.pr tag
(** TODO: unify printing of generic Ltac values in case of coercion failure. *)
(* Displays a value *)
let pr_value env v =
let pr_with_env pr =
match env with
| Some (env,sigma) -> pr env sigma
| None -> str "a value of type" ++ spc () ++ pr_argument_type v in
let open Genprint in
match generic_val_print v with
| TopPrinterBasic pr -> pr ()
| TopPrinterNeedsContext pr -> pr_with_env pr
| TopPrinterNeedsContextAndLevel { default_already_surrounded; printer } ->
pr_with_env (fun env sigma -> printer env sigma default_already_surrounded)
let error_ltac_variable ?loc id env v s =
CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "Ltac variable " ++ Id.print id ++
strbrk " is bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_value env v ++ spc () ++
strbrk "which cannot be coerced to " ++ str s ++ str".")
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