(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* This file is (C) Copyright 2006-2015 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *)
open Tacmach
open Names
open Environ
open Evd
open Constrexpr
open Ssrast
open Ltac_plugin
open Genarg
open Ssrmatching_plugin
val allocc : ssrocc
(******************************** hyps ************************************)
val hyp_id : ssrhyp -> Id.t
val hyps_ids : ssrhyps -> Id.t list
val check_hyp_exists : ('a, 'b) Context.Named.pt -> ssrhyp -> unit
val test_hyp_exists : ('a, 'b) Context.Named.pt -> ssrhyp -> bool
val check_hyps_uniq : Id.t list -> ssrhyps -> unit
val not_section_id : Id.t -> bool
val hyp_err : ?loc:Loc.t -> string -> Id.t -> 'a
val hoik : (ssrhyp -> 'a) -> ssrhyp_or_id -> 'a
val hoi_id : ssrhyp_or_id -> Id.t
(******************************* hints ***********************************)
val mk_hint : 'a -> 'a ssrhint
val mk_orhint : 'a -> bool * 'a
val nullhint : bool * 'a list
val nohint : 'a ssrhint
(******************************** misc ************************************)
val errorstrm : Pp.t -> 'a
val anomaly : string -> 'a
val array_app_tl : 'a array -> 'a list -> 'a list
val array_list_of_tl : 'a array -> 'a list
val array_fold_right_from : int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b -> 'b
val option_assert_get : 'a option -> Pp.t -> 'a
(**************************** lifted tactics ******************************)
(* tactics with extra data attached to each goals, e.g. the list of
* temporary variables to be cleared *)
type 'a tac_a = (goal * 'a) sigma -> (goal * 'a) list sigma
(* Thread around names to be cleared or generalized back, and the speed *)
type tac_ctx = {
tmp_ids : (Id.t * Name.t ref) list;
wild_ids : Id.t list;
(* List of variables to be cleared at the end of the sentence *)
delayed_clears : Id.t list;
val new_ctx : unit -> tac_ctx (* REMOVE *)
val pull_ctxs : ('a * tac_ctx) list sigma -> 'a list sigma * tac_ctx list (* REMOVE *)
val with_fresh_ctx : tac_ctx tac_a -> tactic
val pull_ctx : ('a * tac_ctx) sigma -> 'a sigma * tac_ctx
val push_ctx : tac_ctx -> 'a sigma -> ('a * tac_ctx) sigma
val push_ctxs : tac_ctx -> 'a list sigma -> ('a * tac_ctx) list sigma
val tac_ctx : tactic -> tac_ctx tac_a
val with_ctx :
(tac_ctx -> 'b * tac_ctx) -> ('a * tac_ctx) sigma -> 'b * ('a * tac_ctx) sigma
val without_ctx : ('a sigma -> 'b) -> ('a * tac_ctx) sigma -> 'b
(* Standard tacticals lifted to the tac_a type *)
val tclTHENLIST_a : tac_ctx tac_a list -> tac_ctx tac_a
val tclTHEN_i_max :
tac_ctx tac_a -> (int -> int -> tac_ctx tac_a) -> tac_ctx tac_a
val tclTHEN_a : tac_ctx tac_a -> tac_ctx tac_a -> tac_ctx tac_a
val tclTHENS_a : tac_ctx tac_a -> tac_ctx tac_a list -> tac_ctx tac_a
val tac_on_all :
(goal * tac_ctx) list sigma -> tac_ctx tac_a -> (goal * tac_ctx) list sigma
(************************ ssr tactic arguments ******************************)
(*********************** Misc helpers *****************************)
val mkRHole : Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRHoles : int -> Glob_term.glob_constr list
val isRHoles : Glob_term.glob_constr list -> bool
val mkRApp : Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr list -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRVar : Id.t -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRltacVar : Id.t -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRCast : Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRType : Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRProp : Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRArrow : Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRConstruct : Names.constructor -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRInd : Names.inductive -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRLambda : Name.t -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkRnat : int -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val mkCHole : Loc.t option -> constr_expr
val mkCHoles : ?loc:Loc.t -> int -> constr_expr list
val mkCVar : ?loc:Loc.t -> Id.t -> constr_expr
val mkCCast : ?loc:Loc.t -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
val mkCType : Loc.t option -> constr_expr
val mkCProp : Loc.t option -> constr_expr
val mkCArrow : ?loc:Loc.t -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
val mkCLambda : ?loc:Loc.t -> Name.t -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
val isCHoles : constr_expr list -> bool
val isCxHoles : (constr_expr * 'a option) list -> bool
val intern_term :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> env ->
ssrterm -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val pf_intern_term :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
ssrterm -> Glob_term.glob_constr
val interp_term :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
ssrterm -> evar_map * EConstr.t
val interp_wit :
('a, 'b, 'c) genarg_type -> ist -> goal sigma -> 'b -> evar_map * 'c
val interp_hyp : ist -> goal sigma -> ssrhyp -> evar_map * ssrhyp
val interp_hyps : ist -> goal sigma -> ssrhyps -> evar_map * ssrhyps
val interp_refine :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
Glob_term.glob_constr -> evar_map * (evar_map * EConstr.constr)
val interp_open_constr :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr -> evar_map * (evar_map * EConstr.t)
val pf_e_type_of :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.constr -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.types
val splay_open_constr :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
evar_map * EConstr.t ->
(Names.Name.t Context.binder_annot * EConstr.t) list * EConstr.t
val isAppInd : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.types -> bool
val mk_term : ssrtermkind -> constr_expr -> ssrterm
val mk_lterm : constr_expr -> ssrterm
val mk_ast_closure_term :
[ `None | `Parens | `DoubleParens | `At ] ->
Constrexpr.constr_expr -> ast_closure_term
val interp_ast_closure_term : Geninterp.interp_sign -> Goal.goal
Evd.sigma -> ast_closure_term -> Evd.evar_map * ast_closure_term
val subst_ast_closure_term : Mod_subst.substitution -> ast_closure_term -> ast_closure_term
val glob_ast_closure_term : Genintern.glob_sign -> ast_closure_term -> ast_closure_term
val ssrterm_of_ast_closure_term : ast_closure_term -> ssrterm
val ssrdgens_of_parsed_dgens :
(ssrdocc * Ssrmatching.cpattern) list list * ssrclear -> ssrdgens
val is_internal_name : string -> bool
val add_internal_name : (string -> bool) -> unit
val mk_internal_id : string -> Id.t
val mk_tagged_id : string -> int -> Id.t
val mk_evar_name : int -> Name.t
val ssr_anon_hyp : string
val pf_type_id : Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> EConstr.types -> Id.t
val pf_abs_evars :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
evar_map * EConstr.t ->
int * EConstr.t * Evar.t list *
val pf_abs_evars2 : (* ssr2 *)
Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Evar.t list ->
evar_map * EConstr.t ->
int * EConstr.t * Evar.t list *
val pf_abs_cterm :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> int -> EConstr.t -> EConstr.t
val pf_merge_uc :
UState.t -> 'a Evd.sigma -> 'a Evd.sigma
val pf_merge_uc_of :
evar_map -> 'a Evd.sigma -> 'a Evd.sigma
val constr_name : evar_map -> EConstr.t -> Name.t
val pf_type_of :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
Constr.constr -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * Constr.types
val pfe_type_of :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.t -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.types
val pfe_new_type : Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.types
val pfe_type_relevance_of :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.t -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.types * Sorts.relevance
val pf_abs_prod :
Name.t ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.t ->
EConstr.t -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.types
val mkSsrRRef : string -> Glob_term.glob_constr * 'a option
val mkSsrConst :
string ->
env -> evar_map -> evar_map * EConstr.t
val pf_mkSsrConst :
string ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.t * Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val new_wild_id : tac_ctx -> Names.Id.t * tac_ctx
val pf_fresh_global :
GlobRef.t ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
Constr.constr * Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val is_discharged_id : Id.t -> bool
val mk_discharged_id : Id.t -> Id.t
val is_tagged : string -> string -> bool
val has_discharged_tag : string -> bool
val ssrqid : string -> Libnames.qualid
val new_tmp_id :
tac_ctx -> (Names.Id.t * Name.t ref) * tac_ctx
val mk_anon_id : string -> Id.t list -> Id.t
val pf_abs_evars_pirrel :
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
evar_map * Constr.constr -> int * Constr.constr
val nbargs_open_constr : Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Evd.evar_map * EConstr.t -> int
val pf_nbargs : Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> EConstr.t -> int
val gen_tmp_ids :
?ist:Geninterp.interp_sign ->
(Goal.goal * tac_ctx) Evd.sigma ->
(Goal.goal * tac_ctx) list Evd.sigma
val ssrevaltac :
Tacinterp.interp_sign -> Tacinterp.Value.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val convert_concl_no_check : EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val convert_concl : EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val red_safe :
Reductionops.reduction_function ->
env -> evar_map -> EConstr.t -> EConstr.t
val red_product_skip_id :
env -> evar_map -> EConstr.t -> EConstr.t
val ssrautoprop_tac :
(Evar.t Evd.sigma -> Evar.t list Evd.sigma) ref
val mkProt :
EConstr.t ->
EConstr.t ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.t * Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val mkEtaApp : EConstr.t -> int -> int -> EConstr.t
val mkRefl :
EConstr.t ->
EConstr.t ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> EConstr.t * Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val discharge_hyp :
Id.t * (Id.t * string) ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Evar.t list Evd.sigma
val clear_wilds_and_tmp_and_delayed_ids :
(Goal.goal * tac_ctx) Evd.sigma ->
(Goal.goal * tac_ctx) list Evd.sigma
val view_error : string -> ssrterm -> 'a
val top_id : Id.t
val pf_abs_ssrterm :
?resolve_typeclasses:bool ->
ist ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
ssrterm ->
evar_map * EConstr.t * UState.t * int
val pf_interp_ty :
?resolve_typeclasses:bool ->
Tacinterp.interp_sign ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
Ssrast.ssrtermkind *
(Glob_term.glob_constr * Constrexpr.constr_expr option) ->
int * EConstr.t * EConstr.t * UState.t
val ssr_n_tac : string -> int -> v82tac
val donetac : int -> v82tac
val applyn :
with_evars:bool ->
?beta:bool ->
?with_shelve:bool ->
?first_goes_last:bool ->
int ->
EConstr.t -> v82tac
exception NotEnoughProducts
val pf_saturate :
?beta:bool ->
?bi_types:bool ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
EConstr.constr ->
?ty:EConstr.types ->
int ->
EConstr.constr * EConstr.types * (int * EConstr.constr) list *
Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val saturate :
?beta:bool ->
?bi_types:bool ->
env ->
evar_map ->
EConstr.constr ->
?ty:EConstr.types ->
int ->
EConstr.constr * EConstr.types * (int * EConstr.constr) list * evar_map
val refine_with :
?first_goes_last:bool ->
?beta:bool ->
?with_evars:bool ->
evar_map * EConstr.t -> v82tac
val pf_resolve_typeclasses :
where:EConstr.t ->
fail:bool -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma
val resolve_typeclasses :
where:EConstr.t ->
fail:bool -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Evd.evar_map
(*********************** Wrapped Coq tactics *****************************)
val rewritetac : ?under:bool -> ssrdir -> EConstr.t -> tactic
type name_hint = (int * EConstr.types array) option ref
val gentac :
Ssrast.ssrdocc * Ssrmatching.cpattern -> v82tac
val genstac :
((Ssrast.ssrhyp list option * Ssrmatching.occ) *
list * Ssrast.ssrhyp list ->
val pf_interp_gen :
bool ->
(Ssrast.ssrhyp list option * Ssrmatching.occ) *
Ssrmatching.cpattern ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma ->
(EConstr.t * EConstr.t * Ssrast.ssrhyp list) *
Goal.goal Evd.sigma
(* HACK: use to put old pf_code in the tactic monad *)
val pfLIFT
: (Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> 'a * Goal.goal Evd.sigma)
-> 'a Proofview.tactic
(** Basic tactics *)
val introid : ?orig:Name.t ref -> Id.t -> v82tac
val intro_anon : v82tac
val interp_clr :
evar_map -> ssrhyps option * (ssrtermkind * EConstr.t) -> ssrhyps
val genclrtac :
EConstr.constr ->
EConstr.constr list -> Ssrast.ssrhyp list -> Tacmach.tactic
val old_cleartac : ssrhyps -> v82tac
val cleartac : ssrhyps -> unit Proofview.tactic
val tclMULT : int * ssrmmod -> Tacmach.tactic -> Tacmach.tactic
val unprotecttac : Goal.goal Evd.sigma -> Goal.goal list Evd.sigma
val is_protect : EConstr.t -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> bool
val abs_wgen :
bool ->
(Id.t -> Id.t) ->
'a *
((Ssrast.ssrhyp_or_id * string) *
Ssrmatching.cpattern option)
option ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.t list * EConstr.t ->
Goal.goal Evd.sigma * EConstr.t list * EConstr.t
val clr_of_wgen :
ssrhyps * ((ssrhyp_or_id * 'a) * 'b option) option ->
Proofview.V82.tac list -> Proofview.V82.tac list
val unfold : EConstr.t list -> unit Proofview.tactic
val apply_type : EConstr.types -> EConstr.t list -> Proofview.V82.tac
(* New code ****************************************************************)
(* To call old code *)
val tacSIGMA : Goal.goal Evd.sigma Proofview.tactic
ast_closure_term -> EConstr.t list Proofview.tactic
EConstr.types ->
((Names.inductive * EConstr.EInstance.t) * EConstr.types) Proofview.tactic
val tacTYPEOF : EConstr.t -> EConstr.types Proofview.tactic
val tclINTRO_ID : Id.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
val tclINTRO_ANON : ?seed:string -> unit -> unit Proofview.tactic
(* Lower level API, calls conclusion with the name taken from the prod *)
type intro_id =
| Anon
| Id of Id.t
| Seed of string
val tclINTRO :
id:intro_id ->
conclusion:(orig_name:Name.t -> new_name:Id.t -> unit Proofview.tactic) ->
unit Proofview.tactic
val tclRENAME_HD_PROD : Name.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
(* calls the tactic only if there are more than 0 goals *)
val tcl0G : default:'a -> 'a Proofview.tactic -> 'a Proofview.tactic
(* like tclFIRST but with 'a tactic *)
val tclFIRSTa : 'a Proofview.tactic list -> 'a Proofview.tactic
val tclFIRSTi : (int -> 'a Proofview.tactic) -> int -> 'a Proofview.tactic
val tacCONSTR_NAME : ?name:Name.t -> EConstr.t -> Name.t Proofview.tactic
(* [tacMKPROD t name ctx] (where ctx is a term possibly containing an unbound
* Rel 1) builds [forall name : ty_t, ctx] *)
val tacMKPROD :
EConstr.t -> ?name:Name.t -> EConstr.types -> EConstr.types Proofview.tactic
val tacINTERP_CPATTERN : Ssrmatching.cpattern -> Ssrmatching.pattern Proofview.tactic
val tacUNIFY : EConstr.t -> EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic
(* if [(t : eq _ _ _)] then we can inject it *)
val tacIS_INJECTION_CASE : ?ty:EConstr.types -> EConstr.t -> bool Proofview.tactic
(** 1 shot, hands-on the top of the stack, eg for [=> ->] *)
val tclWITHTOP : (EConstr.t -> unit Proofview.tactic) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val tacMK_SSR_CONST : string -> EConstr.t Proofview.tactic
module type StateType = sig
type state
val init : state
module MakeState(S : StateType) : sig
val tclGET : (S.state -> unit Proofview.tactic) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val tclGET1 : (S.state -> 'a Proofview.tactic) -> 'a Proofview.tactic
val tclSET : S.state -> unit Proofview.tactic
val tacUPDATE : (S.state -> S.state Proofview.tactic) -> unit Proofview.tactic
val get : Proofview.Goal.t -> S.state
val is_ind_ref : Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.t -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_construct_ref : Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.t -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_const_ref : Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.t -> Names.GlobRef.t -> bool
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