(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
let papp evdref r args =
let open EConstr in
let gr = delayed_force r in
let evd, hd = Evarutil.new_global !evdref gr in
evdref := evd;
mkApp (hd, args)
let sig_typ () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sig.type"
let sig_intro () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sig.intro"
let sig_proj1 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sig.proj1"
(* let sig_proj2 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sig.proj2" *)
let sigT_typ () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sigT.type"
let sigT_intro () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sigT.intro"
let sigT_proj1 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sigT.proj1"
let sigT_proj2 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.sigT.proj2"
let prod_typ () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.prod.type"
let prod_intro () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.prod.intro"
let prod_proj1 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.prod.proj1"
let prod_proj2 () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.prod.proj2"
let coq_eq_ind () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.type"
let coq_eq_refl () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.refl"
let coq_eq_refl_ref () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.refl"
let coq_eq_rect () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.rect"
let mk_coq_not sigma x =
let sigma, notc = Evarutil.new_global sigma Coqlib.(lib_ref "core.not.type") in
sigma, EConstr.mkApp (notc, [| x |])
let coq_JMeq_ind () =
try Coqlib.lib_ref "core.JMeq.type"
with Not_found ->
user_err (Pp.str "cannot find Coq.Logic.JMeq.JMeq; maybe library Coq.Logic.JMeq has to be required first.")
let coq_JMeq_refl () = Coqlib.lib_ref "core.JMeq.refl"
(* let coq_not () = Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.not.type" *)
(* let coq_and () = Universes.constr_of_global @@ Coqlib.lib_ref "core.and.type" *)
let unsafe_fold_right f = function
hd :: tl -> List.fold_right f tl hd
| [] -> invalid_arg "unsafe_fold_right"
let mk_coq_and sigma l =
let sigma, and_typ = Evarutil.new_global sigma Coqlib.(lib_ref "core.and.type") in
sigma, unsafe_fold_right
(fun c conj ->
EConstr.(mkApp (and_typ, [| c ; conj |])))
(* true = transparent by default, false = opaque if possible *)
let proofs_transparency = ref true
let program_cases = ref true
let program_generalized_coercion = ref true
let set_proofs_transparency = (:=) proofs_transparency
let get_proofs_transparency () = !proofs_transparency
let is_program_generalized_coercion () = !program_generalized_coercion
let is_program_cases () = !program_cases
open Goptions
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "preferred transparency of Program obligations";
optkey = ["Transparent";"Obligations"];
optread = get_proofs_transparency;
optwrite = set_proofs_transparency; }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "program cases";
optkey = ["Program";"Cases"];
optread = (fun () -> !program_cases);
optwrite = (:=) program_cases }
let () =
{ optdepr = false;
optname = "program generalized coercion";
optkey = ["Program";"Generalized";"Coercion"];
optread = (fun () -> !program_generalized_coercion);
optwrite = (:=) program_generalized_coercion }
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.14 Sekunden
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