(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open CErrors
open Util
open Pp
open CAst
open Vernacextend
open Vernacexpr
let string_of_parallel = function
| `Yes (solve,abs) ->
"par" ^ if solve then "solve" else "" ^ if abs then "abs" else ""
| `No -> ""
let string_of_vernac_type = function
| VtUnknown -> "Unknown"
| VtStartProof _ -> "StartProof"
| VtSideff _ -> "Sideff"
| VtQed (VtKeep VtKeepAxiom) -> "Qed(admitted)"
| VtQed (VtKeep (VtKeepOpaque | VtKeepDefined)) -> "Qed(keep)"
| VtQed VtDrop -> "Qed(drop)"
| VtProofStep { parallel; proof_block_detection } ->
"ProofStep " ^ string_of_parallel parallel ^
Option.default "" proof_block_detection
| VtQuery -> "Query"
| VtMeta -> "Meta "
| VtProofMode _ -> "Proof Mode"
let string_of_vernac_when = function
| VtLater -> "Later"
| VtNow -> "Now"
let string_of_vernac_classification (t,w) =
string_of_vernac_type t ^ " " ^ string_of_vernac_when w
let vtkeep_of_opaque = let open Proof_global in function
| Opaque -> VtKeepOpaque
| Transparent -> VtKeepDefined
let idents_of_name : Names.Name.t -> Names.Id.t list =
| Names.Anonymous -> []
| Names.Name n -> [n]
let stm_allow_nested_proofs_option_name = ["Nested";"Proofs";"Allowed"]
let options_affecting_stm_scheduling =
[ Attributes.universe_polymorphism_option_name;
let classify_vernac e =
let static_classifier ~poly e = match e with
(* Univ poly compatibility: we run it now, so that we can just
* look at Flags in stm.ml. Would be nicer to have the stm
* look at the entire dag to detect this option. *)
| VernacSetOption (_, l,_)
when CList.exists (CList.equal String.equal l)
options_affecting_stm_scheduling ->
VtSideff [], VtNow
(* Qed *)
| VernacAbort _ -> VtQed VtDrop, VtLater
| VernacEndProof Admitted -> VtQed (VtKeep VtKeepAxiom), VtLater
| VernacEndProof (Proved (opaque,_)) -> VtQed (VtKeep (vtkeep_of_opaque opaque)), VtLater
| VernacExactProof _ -> VtQed (VtKeep VtKeepOpaque), VtLater
(* Query *)
| VernacShow _ | VernacPrint _ | VernacSearch _ | VernacLocate _
| VernacCheckMayEval _ -> VtQuery, VtLater
(* ProofStep *)
| VernacProof _
| VernacFocus _ | VernacUnfocus
| VernacSubproof _
| VernacCheckGuard
| VernacUnfocused
| VernacSolveExistential _ ->
VtProofStep { parallel = `No; proof_block_detection = None }, VtLater
| VernacBullet _ ->
VtProofStep { parallel = `No; proof_block_detection = Some "bullet" },
| VernacEndSubproof ->
VtProofStep { parallel = `No;
proof_block_detection = Some "curly" },
(* StartProof *)
| VernacDefinition ((Decl_kinds.DoDischarge,_),({v=i},_),ProveBody _) ->
VtStartProof(Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity, idents_of_name i), VtLater
| VernacDefinition (_,({v=i},_),ProveBody _) ->
let guarantee = if poly then Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity else GuaranteesOpacity in
VtStartProof(guarantee, idents_of_name i), VtLater
| VernacStartTheoremProof (_,l) ->
let ids = List.map (fun (({v=i}, _), _) -> i) l in
let guarantee = if poly then Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity else GuaranteesOpacity in
VtStartProof (guarantee,ids), VtLater
| VernacFixpoint (discharge,l) ->
let guarantee =
if discharge = Decl_kinds.DoDischarge || poly then Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity
else GuaranteesOpacity
let ids, open_proof =
List.fold_left (fun (l,b) ((({v=id},_),_,_,_,p),_) ->
id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
if open_proof
then VtStartProof (guarantee,ids), VtLater
else VtSideff ids, VtLater
| VernacCoFixpoint (discharge,l) ->
let guarantee =
if discharge = Decl_kinds.DoDischarge || poly then Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity
else GuaranteesOpacity
let ids, open_proof =
List.fold_left (fun (l,b) ((({v=id},_),_,_,p),_) ->
id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
if open_proof
then VtStartProof (guarantee,ids), VtLater
else VtSideff ids, VtLater
(* Sideff: apply to all open branches. usually run on master only *)
| VernacAssumption (_,_,l) ->
let ids = List.flatten (List.map (fun (_,(l,_)) -> List.map (fun (id, _) -> id.v) l) l) in
VtSideff ids, VtLater
| VernacPrimitive (id,_,_) ->
VtSideff [id.CAst.v], VtLater
| VernacDefinition (_,({v=id},_),DefineBody _) -> VtSideff (idents_of_name id), VtLater
| VernacInductive (_, _,_,l) ->
let ids = List.map (fun (((_,({v=id},_)),_,_,_,cl),_) -> id :: match cl with
| Constructors l -> List.map (fun (_,({v=id},_)) -> id) l
| RecordDecl (oid,l) -> (match oid with Some {v=x} -> [x] | _ -> []) @
CList.map_filter (function
| ((_,AssumExpr({v=Names.Name n},_)),_),_ -> Some n
| _ -> None) l) l in
VtSideff (List.flatten ids), VtLater
| VernacScheme l ->
let ids = List.map (fun {v}->v) (CList.map_filter (fun (x,_) -> x) l) in
VtSideff ids, VtLater
| VernacCombinedScheme ({v=id},_) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater
| VernacBeginSection {v=id} -> VtSideff [id], VtLater
| VernacUniverse _ | VernacConstraint _
| VernacCanonical _ | VernacCoercion _ | VernacIdentityCoercion _
| VernacAddLoadPath _ | VernacRemoveLoadPath _ | VernacAddMLPath _
| VernacChdir _
| VernacCreateHintDb _ | VernacRemoveHints _ | VernacHints _
| VernacArguments _
| VernacReserve _
| VernacGeneralizable _
| VernacSetOpacity _ | VernacSetStrategy _
| VernacSetOption _
| VernacAddOption _ | VernacRemoveOption _
| VernacMemOption _ | VernacPrintOption _
| VernacGlobalCheck _
| VernacDeclareReduction _
| VernacExistingClass _ | VernacExistingInstance _
| VernacRegister _
| VernacNameSectionHypSet _
| VernacComments _
| VernacDeclareInstance _ -> VtSideff [], VtLater
(* Who knows *)
| VernacLoad _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* (Local) Notations have to disappear *)
| VernacEndSegment _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* Modules with parameters have to be executed: can import notations *)
| VernacDeclareModule (exp,{v=id},bl,_)
| VernacDefineModule (exp,{v=id},bl,_,_) ->
VtSideff [id], if bl = [] && exp = None then VtLater else VtNow
| VernacDeclareModuleType ({v=id},bl,_,_) ->
VtSideff [id], if bl = [] then VtLater else VtNow
(* These commands alter the parser *)
| VernacDeclareCustomEntry _
| VernacOpenCloseScope _ | VernacDeclareScope _
| VernacDelimiters _ | VernacBindScope _
| VernacInfix _ | VernacNotation _ | VernacNotationAddFormat _
| VernacSyntaxExtension _
| VernacSyntacticDefinition _
| VernacRequire _ | VernacImport _ | VernacInclude _
| VernacDeclareMLModule _
| VernacContext _ (* TASSI: unsure *) -> VtSideff [], VtNow
| VernacProofMode pm -> VtProofMode pm, VtNow
(* These are ambiguous *)
| VernacInstance _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
(* Stm will install a new classifier to handle these *)
| VernacBack _ | VernacAbortAll
| VernacUndoTo _ | VernacUndo _
| VernacResetName _ | VernacResetInitial
| VernacBackTo _ | VernacRestart -> VtMeta, VtNow
(* What are these? *)
| VernacRestoreState _
| VernacWriteState _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
(* Plugins should classify their commands *)
| VernacExtend (s,l) ->
try Vernacextend.get_vernac_classifier s l
with Not_found -> anomaly(str"No classifier for"++spc()++str (fst s)++str".")
let rec static_control_classifier = function
| VernacExpr (f, e) ->
let poly = Attributes.(parse_drop_extra polymorphic_nowarn f) in
static_classifier ~poly e
| VernacTimeout (_,{v=e}) -> static_control_classifier e
| VernacTime (_,{v=e}) | VernacRedirect (_, {v=e}) ->
static_control_classifier e
| VernacFail {v=e} -> (* Fail Qed or Fail Lemma must not join/fork the DAG *)
(match static_control_classifier e with
| ( VtQuery | VtProofStep _ | VtSideff _
| VtMeta), _ as x -> x
| VtQed _, _ ->
VtProofStep { parallel = `No; proof_block_detection = None },
| (VtStartProof _ | VtUnknown | VtProofMode _), _ -> VtQuery, VtLater)
static_control_classifier e
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.