(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Constr
open EConstr
open Names
open Pattern
open Globnames
(* Discrimination nets with bounded depth.
See the module dn.ml for further explanations.
Eduardo (5/8/97). *)
let dnet_depth = ref 8
type term_label =
| GRLabel of GlobRef.t
| ProdLabel
| LambdaLabel
| SortLabel
let compare_term_label t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| GRLabel gr1, GRLabel gr2 -> GlobRef.Ordered.compare gr1 gr2
| _ -> Pervasives.compare t1 t2 (** OK *)
type 'res lookup_res = 'res Dn.lookup_res = Label of 'res | Nothing | Everything
let decomp_pat =
let rec decrec acc = function
| PApp (f,args) -> decrec (Array.to_list args @ acc) f
| PProj (p, c) -> (PRef (ConstRef (Projection.constant p)), c :: acc)
| c -> (c,acc)
decrec []
let decomp sigma t =
let rec decrec acc c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| App (f,l) -> decrec (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) l acc) f
| Proj (p, c) -> (mkConst (Projection.constant p), c :: acc)
| Cast (c1,_,_) -> decrec acc c1
| _ -> (c,acc)
decrec [] t
let constr_val_discr sigma t =
let c, l = decomp sigma t in
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Ind (ind_sp,u) -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
| Construct (cstr_sp,u) -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
| Var id -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
| Const _ -> Everything
| _ -> Nothing
let constr_pat_discr t =
if not (Patternops.occur_meta_pattern t) then
match decomp_pat t with
| PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
| PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
| PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args -> Some(GRLabel ref,args)
| _ -> None
let constr_val_discr_st sigma ts t =
let c, l = decomp sigma t in
match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Const (c,u) -> if TransparentState.is_transparent_constant ts c then Everything else Label(GRLabel (ConstRef c),l)
| Ind (ind_sp,u) -> Label(GRLabel (IndRef ind_sp),l)
| Construct (cstr_sp,u) -> Label(GRLabel (ConstructRef cstr_sp),l)
| Var id when not (TransparentState.is_transparent_variable ts id) -> Label(GRLabel (VarRef id),l)
| Prod (n, d, c) -> Label(ProdLabel, [d; c])
| Lambda (n, d, c) ->
if List.is_empty l then
Label(LambdaLabel, [d; c] @ l)
else Everything
| Sort _ -> Label(SortLabel, [])
| Evar _ -> Everything
| _ -> Nothing
let constr_pat_discr_st ts t =
match decomp_pat t with
| PRef ((IndRef _) as ref), args
| PRef ((ConstructRef _ ) as ref), args -> Some (GRLabel ref,args)
| PRef ((VarRef v) as ref), args when not (TransparentState.is_transparent_variable ts v) ->
Some(GRLabel ref,args)
| PVar v, args when not (TransparentState.is_transparent_variable ts v) ->
Some(GRLabel (VarRef v),args)
| PRef ((ConstRef c) as ref), args when not (TransparentState.is_transparent_constant ts c) ->
Some (GRLabel ref, args)
| PProd (_, d, c), [] -> Some (ProdLabel, [d ; c])
| PLambda (_, d, c), [] -> Some (LambdaLabel, [d ; c])
| PSort s, [] -> Some (SortLabel, [])
| _ -> None
let bounded_constr_pat_discr_st st (t,depth) =
if Int.equal depth 0 then
match constr_pat_discr_st st t with
| None -> None
| Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
let bounded_constr_val_discr_st sigma st (t,depth) =
if Int.equal depth 0 then
match constr_val_discr_st sigma st t with
| Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
| Nothing -> Nothing
| Everything -> Everything
let bounded_constr_pat_discr (t,depth) =
if Int.equal depth 0 then
match constr_pat_discr t with
| None -> None
| Some (c,l) -> Some(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
let bounded_constr_val_discr sigma (t,depth) =
if Int.equal depth 0 then
match constr_val_discr sigma t with
| Label (c,l) -> Label(c,List.map (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
| Nothing -> Nothing
| Everything -> Everything
module Make =
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
module Y = struct
type t = term_label
let compare = compare_term_label
module Dn = Dn.Make(Y)(Z)
type t = Dn.t
let empty = Dn.empty
let add = function
| None ->
(fun dn (c,v) ->
Dn.add dn bounded_constr_pat_discr ((c,!dnet_depth),v))
| Some st ->
(fun dn (c,v) ->
Dn.add dn (bounded_constr_pat_discr_st st) ((c,!dnet_depth),v))
let rmv = function
| None ->
(fun dn (c,v) ->
Dn.rmv dn bounded_constr_pat_discr ((c,!dnet_depth),v))
| Some st ->
(fun dn (c,v) ->
Dn.rmv dn (bounded_constr_pat_discr_st st) ((c,!dnet_depth),v))
let lookup sigma = function
| None ->
(fun dn t ->
Dn.lookup dn (bounded_constr_val_discr sigma) (t,!dnet_depth))
| Some st ->
(fun dn t ->
Dn.lookup dn (bounded_constr_val_discr_st sigma st) (t,!dnet_depth))
let app f dn = Dn.app f dn
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