(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Generic dnet implementation over non-recursive types *)
module type Datatype =
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
val fold2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'a
val compare : unit t -> unit t -> int
val terminal : 'a t -> bool
val choose : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b
module type S =
type t
type ident
type meta
type 'a structure
module Idset : Set.S with type elt=ident
type term_pattern =
| Term of term_pattern structure
| Meta of meta
val empty : t
val add : t -> term_pattern -> ident -> t
val find_all : t -> Idset.t
val fold_pattern :
('a -> (Idset.t * meta * t) -> 'a) -> 'a -> term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t option * 'a
val find_match : term_pattern -> t -> Idset.t
val inter : t -> t -> t
val union : t -> t -> t
val map : (ident -> ident) -> (unit structure -> unit structure) -> t -> t
val map_metas : (meta -> meta) -> t -> t
module Make =
functor (T:Datatype) ->
functor (Ident:Set.OrderedType) ->
functor (Meta:Set.OrderedType) ->
type ident = Ident.t
type meta = Meta.t
type 'a structure = 'a T.t
type term_pattern =
| Term of term_pattern structure
| Meta of meta
module Idset = Set.Make(Ident)
module Mmap = Map.Make(Meta)
module Tmap = Map.Make(struct type t = unit structure
let compare = T.compare end)
type idset = Idset.t
(* we store identifiers at the leaf of the dnet *)
type node =
| Node of t structure
| Terminal of t structure * idset
(* at each node, we have a bunch of nodes (actually a map between
the bare node and a subnet) and a bunch of metavariables *)
and t = Nodes of node Tmap.t * idset Mmap.t
let empty : t = Nodes (Tmap.empty, Mmap.empty)
(* the head of a data is of type unit structure *)
let head w = T.map (fun c -> ()) w
(* given a node of the net and a word, returns the subnet with the
same head as the word (with the rest of the nodes) *)
let split l (w:'a structure) : node * node Tmap.t =
let elt : node = Tmap.find (head w) l in
(elt, Tmap.remove (head w) l)
let select l w = Tmap.find (head w) l
let rec add (Nodes (t,m):t) (w:term_pattern) (id:ident) : t =
match w with Term w ->
( try
let (n,tl) = split t w in
let new_node = match n with
| Terminal (e,is) -> Terminal (e,Idset.add id is)
| Node e -> Node (T.map2 (fun t p -> add t p id) e w) in
Nodes ((Tmap.add (head w) new_node tl), m)
with Not_found ->
let new_content = T.map (fun p -> add empty p id) w in
let new_node =
if T.terminal w then
Terminal (new_content, Idset.singleton id)
else Node new_content in
Nodes ((Tmap.add (head w) new_node t), m) )
| Meta i ->
let m =
try Mmap.add i (Idset.add id (Mmap.find i m)) m
with Not_found -> Mmap.add i (Idset.singleton id) m in
Nodes (t, m)
let add t w id = add t w id
let rec find_all (Nodes (t,m)) : idset =
(Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m Idset.empty)
( fun _ n acc ->
let s2 = match n with
| Terminal (_,is) -> is
| Node e -> T.choose find_all e in
Idset.union acc s2
) t Idset.empty)
(* (\* optimization hack: Not_found is caught in fold_pattern *\) *)
(* let fast_inter s1 s2 = *)
(* if Idset.is_empty s1 || Idset.is_empty s2 then raise Not_found *)
(* else Idset.inter s1 s2 *)
(* let option_any2 f s1 s2 = match s1,s2 with *)
(* | Some s1, Some s2 -> f s1 s2 *)
(* | (Some s, _ | _, Some s) -> s *)
(* | _ -> raise Not_found *)
(* let fold_pattern ?(complete=true) f acc pat dn = *)
(* let deferred = ref [] in *)
(* let leafs,metas = ref None, ref None in *)
(* let leaf s = leafs := match !leafs with *)
(* | None -> Some s *)
(* | Some s' -> Some (fast_inter s s') in *)
(* let meta s = metas := match !metas with *)
(* | None -> Some s *)
(* | Some s' -> Some (Idset.union s s') in *)
(* let defer c = deferred := c::!deferred in *)
(* let rec fp_rec (p:term_pattern) (Nodes(t,m) as dn:t) = *)
(* Mmap.iter (fun _ -> meta) m; (\* TODO: gérer patterns nonlin ici *\) *)
(* match p with *)
(* | Meta m -> defer (m,dn) *)
(* | Term w -> *)
(* try match select t w with *)
(* | Terminal (_,is) -> leaf is *)
(* | Node e -> *)
(* if complete then T.fold2 (fun _ -> fp_rec) () w e else *)
(* if T.fold2 *)
(* (fun b p dn -> match p with *)
(* | Term _ -> fp_rec p dn; false *)
(* | Meta _ -> b *)
(* ) true w e *)
(* then T.choose (T.choose fp_rec w) e *)
(* with Not_found -> *)
(* if Mmap.is_empty m then raise Not_found else () *)
(* in try *)
(* fp_rec pat dn; *)
(* (try Some (option_any2 Idset.union !leafs !metas) with Not_found -> None), *)
(* List.fold_left (fun acc (m,dn) -> f m dn acc) acc !deferred *)
(* with Not_found -> None,acc *)
(* Sets with a neutral element for inter *)
module OSet (S:Set.S) = struct
type t = S.t option
let union s1 s2 : t = match s1,s2 with
| (None, _ | _, None) -> None
| Some a, Some b -> Some (S.union a b)
let inter s1 s2 : t = match s1,s2 with
| (None, a | a, None) -> a
| Some a, Some b -> Some (S.inter a b)
let is_empty : t -> bool = function
| None -> false
| Some s -> S.is_empty s
(* optimization hack: Not_found is caught in fold_pattern *)
let fast_inter s1 s2 =
if is_empty s1 || is_empty s2 then raise Not_found
else let r = inter s1 s2 in
if is_empty r then raise Not_found else r
let full = None
let empty = Some S.empty
module OIdset = OSet(Idset)
let fold_pattern ?(complete=true) f acc pat dn =
let deferred = ref [] in
let defer c = deferred := c::!deferred in
let rec fp_rec metas p (Nodes(t,m) as dn:t) =
(* TODO gérer les dnets non-linéaires *)
let metas = Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m metas in
match p with
| Meta m -> defer (metas,m,dn); OIdset.full
| Term w ->
let curm = Mmap.fold (fun _ -> Idset.union) m Idset.empty in
try match select t w with
| Terminal (_,is) -> Some (Idset.union curm is)
| Node e ->
let ids = if complete then T.fold2
(fun acc w e ->
OIdset.fast_inter acc (fp_rec metas w e)
) OIdset.full w e
let (all_metas, res) = T.fold2
(fun (b,acc) w e -> match w with
| Term _ -> false, OIdset.fast_inter acc (fp_rec metas w e)
| Meta _ -> b, acc
) (true,OIdset.full) w e in
if all_metas then T.choose (T.choose (fp_rec metas) w) e
else res in
OIdset.union ids (Some curm)
with Not_found ->
if Idset.is_empty metas then raise Not_found else Some curm in
let cand =
try fp_rec Idset.empty pat dn
with Not_found -> OIdset.empty in
let res = List.fold_left f acc !deferred in
cand, res
(* intersection of two dnets. keep only the common pairs *)
let rec inter (t1:t) (t2:t) : t =
let inter_map f (Nodes (t1,m1):t) (Nodes (t2,m2):t) : t =
( fun k e acc ->
try Tmap.add k (f e (Tmap.find k t2)) acc
with Not_found -> acc
) t1 Tmap.empty,
( fun m s acc ->
try Mmap.add m (Idset.inter s (Mmap.find m m2)) acc
with Not_found -> acc
) m1 Mmap.empty
) in
(fun n1 n2 -> match n1,n2 with
| Terminal (e1,s1), Terminal (_,s2) -> Terminal (e1,Idset.inter s1 s2)
| Node e1, Node e2 -> Node (T.map2 inter e1 e2)
| _ -> assert false
) t1 t2
let rec union (t1:t) (t2:t) : t =
let union_map f (Nodes (t1,m1):t) (Nodes (t2,m2):t) : t =
( fun k e acc ->
try Tmap.add k (f e (Tmap.find k acc)) acc
with Not_found -> Tmap.add k e acc
) t1 t2,
( fun m s acc ->
try Mmap.add m (Idset.inter s (Mmap.find m acc)) acc
with Not_found -> Mmap.add m s acc
) m1 m2
) in
(fun n1 n2 -> match n1,n2 with
| Terminal (e1,s1), Terminal (_,s2) -> Terminal (e1,Idset.union s1 s2)
| Node e1, Node e2 -> Node (T.map2 union e1 e2)
| _ -> assert false
) t1 t2
let find_match (p:term_pattern) (t:t) : idset =
let metas = ref Mmap.empty in
let (mset,lset) = fold_pattern ~complete:false
(fun acc (mset,m,t) ->
let all = OIdset.fast_inter acc
(Some(let t = try inter t (Mmap.find m !metas) with Not_found -> t in
metas := Mmap.add m t !metas;
find_all t)) in
OIdset.union (Some mset) all
) None p t in
Option.get (OIdset.inter mset lset)
let fold_pattern f acc p dn = fold_pattern ~complete:true f acc p dn
let idset_map f is = Idset.fold (fun e acc -> Idset.add (f e) acc) is Idset.empty
let tmap_map f g m = Tmap.fold (fun k e acc -> Tmap.add (f k) (g e) acc) m Tmap.empty
let rec map sidset sterm (Nodes (t,m)) : t =
let snode = function
| Terminal (e,is) -> Terminal (e,idset_map sidset is)
| Node e -> Node (T.map (map sidset sterm) e) in
Nodes (tmap_map sterm snode t, Mmap.map (idset_map sidset) m)
let rec map_metas f (Nodes (t, m)) : t =
let f_node = function
| Terminal (e, is) -> Terminal (T.map (map_metas f) e, is)
| Node e -> Node (T.map (map_metas f) e)
let m' = Mmap.fold (fun m s acc -> Mmap.add (f m) s acc) m Mmap.empty in
let t' = Tmap.fold (fun k n acc -> Tmap.add k (f_node n) acc) t Tmap.empty in
Nodes (t', m')
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