(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
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(** This module proves some logical properties of the axiomatic of Reals.
- Decidability of arithmetical statements.
- Derivability of the Archimedean "axiom".
- Decidability of negated formulas.
Require Import RIneq.
(** * Decidability of arithmetical statements *)
(** One can iterate this lemma and use classical logic to decide any
statement in the arithmetical hierarchy. *)
Section Arithmetical_dec.
Variable P : nat -> Prop.
Hypothesis HP : forall n, {P n} + {~P n}.
Lemma sig_forall_dec : {n | ~P n} + {forall n, P n}.
assert (Hi: (forall n, 0 < INR n + 1)%R).
intros n.
apply Rle_lt_0_plus_1, pos_INR.
set (u n := (if HP n then 0 else / (INR n + 1))%R).
assert (Bu: forall n, (u n <= 1)%R).
intros n.
unfold u.
case HP ; intros _.
apply Rle_0_1.
rewrite <- S_INR, <- Rinv_1.
apply Rinv_le_contravar with (1 := Rlt_0_1).
apply (le_INR 1), le_n_S, le_0_n.
set (E y := exists n, y = u n).
destruct (completeness E) as [l [ub lub]].
exists R1.
intros y [n ->].
apply Bu.
exists (u O).
now exists O.
assert (Hnp: forall n, not (P n) -> ((/ (INR n + 1) <= l)%R)).
intros n Hp.
apply ub.
exists n.
unfold u.
now destruct (HP n).
destruct (Rle_lt_dec l 0) as [Hl|Hl].
intros n.
destruct (HP n) as [H|H].
exact H.
apply Rle_not_lt with (1 := Hl).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (/ (INR n + 1))%R.
now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
now apply Hnp.
set (N := Z.abs_nat (up (/l) - 2)).
assert (H1l: (1 <= /l)%R).
rewrite <- Rinv_1.
apply Rinv_le_contravar with (1 := Hl).
apply lub.
now intros y [m ->].
assert (HN: (INR N + 1 = IZR (up (/ l)) - 1)%R).
unfold N.
rewrite INR_IZR_INZ.
rewrite inj_Zabs_nat.
replace (IZR (up (/ l)) - 1)%R with (IZR (up (/ l) - 2) + 1)%R.
apply (f_equal (fun v => IZR v + 1)%R).
apply Z.abs_eq.
apply Zle_minus_le_0.
apply (Zlt_le_succ 1).
apply lt_IZR.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (1 := H1l).
apply archimed.
rewrite minus_IZR.
assert (Hl': (/ (INR (S N) + 1) < l)%R).
rewrite <- (Rinv_involutive l) by now apply Rgt_not_eq.
apply Rinv_1_lt_contravar with (1 := H1l).
rewrite S_INR.
rewrite HN.
apply archimed.
exists N.
intros H.
apply Rle_not_lt with (2 := Hl').
apply lub.
intros y [n ->].
unfold u.
destruct (HP n) as [_|Hp].
apply Rlt_le.
now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
apply Rinv_le_contravar.
apply Hi.
apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
apply le_INR.
destruct (le_or_lt n N) as [Hn|Hn].
2: now apply lt_le_S.
destruct (le_lt_or_eq _ _ Hn) as [Hn'| ->].
2: now apply Hp.
apply Rlt_not_le with (2 := Hnp _ Hp).
rewrite <- (Rinv_involutive l) by now apply Rgt_not_eq.
apply Rinv_1_lt_contravar.
rewrite <- S_INR.
apply (le_INR 1), le_n_S, le_0_n.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (INR N + 1)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
now apply lt_INR.
rewrite HN.
apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (-/l + 1)%R.
apply archimed.
End Arithmetical_dec.
(** * Derivability of the Archimedean axiom *)
(** This is a standard proof (it has been taken from PlanetMath). It is
formulated negatively so as to avoid the need for classical
logic. Using a proof of [{n | ~P n}+{forall n, P n}], we can in
principle also derive [up] and its specification. The proof above
cannot be used for that purpose, since it relies on the [archimed] axiom. *)
Theorem not_not_archimedean :
forall r : R, ~ (forall n : nat, (INR n <= r)%R).
intros r H.
set (E := fun r => exists n : nat, r = INR n).
assert (exists x : R, E x) by
(exists 0%R; simpl; red; exists 0%nat; reflexivity).
assert (bound E) by (exists r; intros x (m,H2); rewrite H2; apply H).
destruct (completeness E) as (M,(H3,H4)); try assumption.
set (M' := (M + -1)%R).
assert (H2 : ~ is_upper_bound E M').
intro H5.
assert (M <= M')%R by (apply H4; exact H5).
apply (Rlt_not_le M M').
unfold M'.
pattern M at 2.
rewrite <- Rplus_0_l.
pattern (0 + M)%R.
rewrite Rplus_comm.
rewrite <- (Rplus_opp_r 1).
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
rewrite Rplus_comm.
apply Rlt_plus_1.
apply H2.
intros N (n,H7).
rewrite H7.
unfold M'.
assert (H5 : (INR (S n) <= M)%R) by (apply H3; exists (S n); reflexivity).
rewrite S_INR in H5.
assert (H6 : (INR n + 1 + -1 <= M + -1)%R).
apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
rewrite Rplus_assoc in H6.
rewrite Rplus_opp_r in H6.
rewrite (Rplus_comm (INR n) 0) in H6.
rewrite Rplus_0_l in H6.
(** * Decidability of negated formulas *)
Lemma sig_not_dec : forall P : Prop, {not (not P)} + {not P}.
intros P.
set (E := fun x => x = R0 \/ (x = R1 /\ P)).
destruct (completeness E) as [x H].
exists R1.
intros x [->|[-> _]].
apply Rle_0_1.
apply Rle_refl.
exists R0.
now left.
destruct (Rle_lt_dec 1 x) as [H'|H'].
- left.
intros HP.
elim Rle_not_lt with (1 := H').
apply Rle_lt_trans with (2 := Rlt_0_1).
apply H.
intros y [->|[_ Hy]].
apply Rle_refl.
now elim HP.
- right.
intros HP.
apply Rlt_not_le with (1 := H').
apply H.
now split.
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