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(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
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(*i Due to L.Thery i*)
(* Definitions of log and Rpower : R->R->R; main properties *)
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Rfunctions.
Require Import SeqSeries.
Require Import Rtrigo1.
Require Import Ranalysis1.
Require Import Exp_prop.
Require Import Rsqrt_def.
Require Import R_sqrt.
Require Import Sqrt_reg.
Require Import MVT.
Require Import Ranalysis4.
Require Import Lra.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma P_Rmin : forall (P:R -> Prop) (x y:R), P x -> P y -> P (Rmin x y).
intros P x y H1 H2; unfold Rmin; case (Rle_dec x y); intro;
Lemma exp_le_3 : exp 1 <= 3.
assert (exp_1 : exp 1 <> 0).
assert (H0 := exp_pos 1); red; intro; rewrite H in H0;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H0).
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (/ exp 1).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply exp_pos.
rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (/ 3).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite <- (Rmult_comm 3); rewrite <- Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; replace (/ exp 1) with (exp (-1)).
unfold exp; case (exist_exp (-1)) as (?,e); simpl in |- *;
unfold exp_in in e;
assert (H := alternated_series_ineq (fun i:nat => / INR (fact i)) x 1).
(sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (fun i:nat => / INR (fact i))) (S (2 * 1)) <= x <=
sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (fun i:nat => / INR (fact i))) (2 * 1)).
intro; elim H0; clear H0; intros H0 _; simpl in H0; unfold tg_alt in H0;
simpl in H0.
replace (/ 3) with
(1 * / 1 + -1 * 1 * / 1 + -1 * (-1 * 1) * / 2 +
-1 * (-1 * (-1 * 1)) * / (2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)) by field.
apply H0.
apply H.
unfold Un_decreasing; intros;
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (INR (fact n)).
apply INR_fact_lt_0.
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with (INR (fact (S n))).
apply INR_fact_lt_0.
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite Rmult_comm; rewrite Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply le_INR; apply fact_le; apply le_n_Sn.
apply INR_fact_neq_0.
apply INR_fact_neq_0.
assert (H0 := cv_speed_pow_fact 1); unfold Un_cv; unfold Un_cv in H0;
intros; elim (H0 _ H1); intros; exists x0; intros;
unfold R_dist in H2; unfold R_dist;
replace (/ INR (fact n)) with (1 ^ n / INR (fact n)).
apply (H2 _ H3).
unfold Rdiv; rewrite pow1; rewrite Rmult_1_l; reflexivity.
unfold infinite_sum in e; unfold Un_cv, tg_alt; intros; elim (e _ H0);
intros; exists x0; intros;
replace (sum_f_R0 (fun i:nat => (-1) ^ i * / INR (fact i)) n) with
(sum_f_R0 (fun i:nat => / INR (fact i) * (-1) ^ i) n).
apply (H1 _ H2).
apply sum_eq; intros; apply Rmult_comm.
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (exp 1).
rewrite <- exp_plus; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite exp_0;
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
(** * Properties of Exp *)
Theorem exp_increasing : forall x y:R, x < y -> exp x < exp y.
intros x y H.
assert (H0 : derivable exp).
apply derivable_exp.
assert (H1 := positive_derivative _ H0).
unfold strict_increasing in H1.
apply H1.
replace (derive_pt exp x0 (H0 x0)) with (exp x0).
apply exp_pos.
symmetry ; apply derive_pt_eq_0.
apply (derivable_pt_lim_exp x0).
apply H.
Theorem exp_lt_inv : forall x y:R, exp x < exp y -> x < y.
intros x y H; case (Rtotal_order x y); [ intros H1 | intros [H1| H1] ].
rewrite H1 in H; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
assert (H2 := exp_increasing _ _ H1).
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (Rlt_trans _ _ _ H H2)).
Lemma exp_ineq1 : forall x:R, 0 < x -> 1 + x < exp x.
intros; apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (- exp 0); rewrite <- (Rplus_comm (exp x));
assert (H0 := MVT_cor1 exp 0 x derivable_exp H); elim H0;
intros; elim H1; intros; unfold Rminus in H2; rewrite H2;
rewrite Ropp_0; rewrite Rplus_0_r;
replace (derive_pt exp x0 (derivable_exp x0)) with (exp x0).
rewrite exp_0; rewrite <- Rplus_assoc; rewrite Rplus_opp_l; rewrite Rplus_0_l;
pattern x at 1; rewrite <- Rmult_1_r; rewrite (Rmult_comm (exp x0));
apply Rmult_lt_compat_l.
apply H.
rewrite <- exp_0; apply exp_increasing; elim H3; intros; assumption.
symmetry ; apply derive_pt_eq_0; apply derivable_pt_lim_exp.
Lemma ln_exists1 : forall y:R, 1 <= y -> { z:R | y = exp z }.
intros; set (f := fun x:R => exp x - y).
assert (H0 : 0 < y) by (apply Rlt_le_trans with 1; auto with real).
cut (f 0 <= 0); [intro H1|].
cut (continuity f); [intro H2|].
cut (0 <= f y); [intro H3|].
cut (f 0 * f y <= 0); [intro H4|].
pose proof (IVT_cor f 0 y H2 (Rlt_le _ _ H0) H4) as (t,(_,H7));
exists t; unfold f in H7; apply Rminus_diag_uniq_sym; exact H7.
pattern 0 at 2; rewrite <- (Rmult_0_r (f y));
rewrite (Rmult_comm (f 0)); apply Rmult_le_compat_l;
unfold f; apply Rplus_le_reg_l with y; left;
apply Rlt_trans with (1 + y).
rewrite <- (Rplus_comm y); apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; apply Rlt_0_1.
replace (y + (exp y - y)) with (exp y); [ apply (exp_ineq1 y H0) | ring ].
unfold f; change (continuity (exp - fct_cte y));
apply continuity_minus;
[ apply derivable_continuous; apply derivable_exp
| apply derivable_continuous; apply derivable_const ].
unfold f; rewrite exp_0; apply Rplus_le_reg_l with y;
rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (y + (1 - y)) with 1; [ apply H | ring ].
Lemma ln_exists : forall y:R, 0 < y -> { z:R | y = exp z }.
intros; destruct (Rle_dec 1 y) as [Hle|Hnle].
apply (ln_exists1 _ Hle).
assert (H0 : 1 <= / y).
apply Rmult_le_reg_l with y.
apply H.
rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; left; apply (Rnot_le_lt _ _ Hnle).
red; intro; rewrite H0 in H; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
destruct (ln_exists1 _ H0) as (x,p); exists (- x);
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (exp x / y).
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_l_sym.
rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite <- (Rmult_comm (/ y)); rewrite Rmult_assoc;
rewrite <- exp_plus; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite exp_0;
rewrite Rmult_1_r; symmetry ; apply p.
red; intro H3; rewrite H3 in H; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
unfold Rdiv; apply prod_neq_R0.
assert (H3 := exp_pos x); red; intro H4; rewrite H4 in H3;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H3).
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat; red; intro H3; rewrite H3 in H;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
(* Definition of log R+* -> R *)
Definition Rln (y:posreal) : R :=
let (a,_) := ln_exists (pos y) (cond_pos y) in a.
(* Extension on R *)
Definition ln (x:R) : R :=
match Rlt_dec 0 x with
| left a => Rln (mkposreal x a)
| right a => 0
Lemma exp_ln : forall x:R, 0 < x -> exp (ln x) = x.
intros; unfold ln; decide (Rlt_dec 0 x) with H.
unfold Rln;
case (ln_exists (mkposreal x H) (cond_pos (mkposreal x H))) as (?,Hex).
symmetry; apply Hex.
Theorem exp_inv : forall x y:R, exp x = exp y -> x = y.
intros x y H; case (Rtotal_order x y); [ intros H1 | intros [H1| H1] ]; auto;
assert (H2 := exp_increasing _ _ H1); rewrite H in H2;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H2).
Theorem exp_Ropp : forall x:R, exp (- x) = / exp x.
intros x; assert (H : exp x <> 0).
assert (H := exp_pos x); red; intro; rewrite H0 in H;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (r := exp x).
rewrite <- exp_plus; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite exp_0.
apply Rinv_r_sym.
apply H.
apply H.
(** * Properties of Ln *)
Theorem ln_increasing : forall x y:R, 0 < x -> x < y -> ln x < ln y.
intros x y H H0; apply exp_lt_inv.
repeat rewrite exp_ln.
apply H0.
apply Rlt_trans with x; assumption.
apply H.
Theorem ln_exp : forall x:R, ln (exp x) = x.
intros x; apply exp_inv.
apply exp_ln.
apply exp_pos.
Theorem ln_1 : ln 1 = 0.
rewrite <- exp_0; rewrite ln_exp; reflexivity.
Theorem ln_lt_inv : forall x y:R, 0 < x -> 0 < y -> ln x < ln y -> x < y.
intros x y H H0 H1; rewrite <- (exp_ln x); try rewrite <- (exp_ln y).
apply exp_increasing; apply H1.
Theorem ln_inv : forall x y:R, 0 < x -> 0 < y -> ln x = ln y -> x = y.
intros x y H H0 H'0; case (Rtotal_order x y); [ intros H1 | intros [H1| H1] ];
assert (H2 := ln_increasing _ _ H H1); rewrite H'0 in H2;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H2).
assert (H2 := ln_increasing _ _ H0 H1); rewrite H'0 in H2;
elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H2).
Theorem ln_mult : forall x y:R, 0 < x -> 0 < y -> ln (x * y) = ln x + ln y.
intros x y H H0; apply exp_inv.
rewrite exp_plus.
repeat rewrite exp_ln.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; assumption.
Theorem ln_Rinv : forall x:R, 0 < x -> ln (/ x) = - ln x.
intros x H; apply exp_inv; repeat rewrite exp_ln || rewrite exp_Ropp.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.
Theorem ln_continue :
forall y:R, 0 < y -> continue_in ln (fun x:R => 0 < x) y.
intros y H.
unfold continue_in, limit1_in, limit_in; intros eps Heps.
cut (1 < exp eps); [ intros H1 | idtac ].
cut (exp (- eps) < 1); [ intros H2 | idtac ].
exists (Rmin (y * (exp eps - 1)) (y * (1 - exp (- eps)))); split.
red; apply P_Rmin.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with 1.
rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (1 + (exp eps - 1)) with (exp eps);
[ apply H1 | ring ].
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (exp (- eps)).
rewrite Rplus_0_r; replace (exp (- eps) + (1 - exp (- eps))) with 1;
[ apply H2 | ring ].
unfold dist, R_met, R_dist; simpl.
intros x [[H3 H4] H5].
cut (y * (x * / y) = x).
intro Hxyy.
replace (ln x - ln y) with (ln (x * / y)).
case (Rtotal_order x y); [ intros Hxy | intros [Hxy| Hxy] ].
rewrite Rabs_left.
apply Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_involutive.
apply exp_lt_inv.
rewrite exp_ln.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := y).
apply H.
rewrite Hxyy.
apply Ropp_lt_cancel.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (r := y).
replace (y + - (y * exp (- eps))) with (y * (1 - exp (- eps)));
[ idtac | ring ].
replace (y + - x) with (Rabs (x - y)).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (1 := H5); apply Rmin_r.
rewrite Rabs_left; [ ring | idtac ].
apply (Rlt_minus _ _ Hxy).
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [ apply H3 | apply (Rinv_0_lt_compat _ H) ].
rewrite <- ln_1.
apply ln_increasing.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [ apply H3 | apply (Rinv_0_lt_compat _ H) ].
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := y).
apply H.
rewrite Hxyy; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Hxy.
rewrite Hxy; rewrite Rinv_r.
rewrite ln_1; rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Heps.
red; intro; rewrite H0 in H; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
rewrite Rabs_right.
apply exp_lt_inv.
rewrite exp_ln.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := y).
apply H.
rewrite Hxyy.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (r := - y).
replace (- y + y * exp eps) with (y * (exp eps - 1)); [ idtac | ring ].
replace (- y + x) with (Rabs (x - y)).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (1 := H5); apply Rmin_l.
rewrite Rabs_right; [ ring | idtac ].
left; apply (Rgt_minus _ _ Hxy).
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; [ apply H3 | apply (Rinv_0_lt_compat _ H) ].
rewrite <- ln_1.
apply Rgt_ge; red; apply ln_increasing.
apply Rlt_0_1.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := y).
apply H.
rewrite Hxyy; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Hxy.
rewrite ln_mult.
rewrite ln_Rinv.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.
rewrite (Rmult_comm x); rewrite <- Rmult_assoc; rewrite <- Rinv_r_sym.
red; intro; rewrite H0 in H; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H).
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (exp eps).
apply exp_pos.
rewrite <- exp_plus; rewrite Rmult_1_r; rewrite Rplus_opp_r; rewrite exp_0;
apply H1.
rewrite <- exp_0.
apply exp_increasing; apply Heps.
(** * Definition of Rpower *)
Definition Rpower (x y:R) := exp (y * ln x).
Local Infix "^R" := Rpower (at level 30, right associativity) : R_scope.
(** * Properties of Rpower *)
(** Note: [Rpower] is prolongated to [1] on negative real numbers and
it thus does not extend integer power. The next two lemmas, which
hold for integer power, accidentally hold on negative real numbers
as a side effect of the default value taken on negative real
numbers. Contrastingly, the lemmas that do not hold for the
integer power of a negative number are stated for [Rpower] on the
positive numbers only (even if they accidentally hold due to the
default value of [Rpower] on the negative side, as it is the case
for [Rpower_O]). *)
Theorem Rpower_plus : forall x y z:R, z ^R (x + y) = z ^R x * z ^R y.
intros x y z; unfold Rpower.
rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r; rewrite exp_plus; auto.
Theorem Rpower_mult : forall x y z:R, (x ^R y) ^R z = x ^R (y * z).
intros x y z; unfold Rpower.
rewrite ln_exp.
replace (z * (y * ln x)) with (y * z * ln x).
Theorem Rpower_O : forall x:R, 0 < x -> x ^R 0 = 1.
intros x _; unfold Rpower.
rewrite Rmult_0_l; apply exp_0.
Theorem Rpower_1 : forall x:R, 0 < x -> x ^R 1 = x.
intros x H; unfold Rpower.
rewrite Rmult_1_l; apply exp_ln; apply H.
Theorem Rpower_pow : forall (n:nat) (x:R), 0 < x -> x ^R INR n = x ^ n.
intros n; elim n; simpl; auto; fold INR.
intros x H; apply Rpower_O; auto.
intros n1; case n1.
intros H x H0; simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rpower_1; auto.
intros n0 H x H0; rewrite Rpower_plus; rewrite H; try rewrite Rpower_1;
try apply Rmult_comm || assumption.
Theorem Rpower_lt :
forall x y z:R, 1 < x -> y < z -> x ^R y < x ^R z.
intros x y z H H1.
unfold Rpower.
apply exp_increasing.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
rewrite <- ln_1; apply ln_increasing.
apply Rlt_0_1.
apply H.
apply H1.
Theorem Rpower_sqrt : forall x:R, 0 < x -> x ^R (/ 2) = sqrt x.
intros x H.
apply ln_inv.
unfold Rpower; apply exp_pos.
apply sqrt_lt_R0; apply H.
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (INR 2).
apply exp_inv.
fold Rpower.
cut ((x ^R (/ INR 2)) ^R INR 2 = sqrt x ^R INR 2).
unfold Rpower; auto.
rewrite Rpower_mult.
rewrite Rinv_l.
change 1 with (INR 1).
repeat rewrite Rpower_pow; simpl.
pattern x at 1; rewrite <- (sqrt_sqrt x (Rlt_le _ _ H)).
apply sqrt_lt_R0; apply H.
apply H.
apply not_O_INR; discriminate.
apply not_O_INR; discriminate.
Theorem Rpower_Ropp : forall x y:R, x ^R (- y) = / x ^R y.
unfold Rpower.
intros x y; rewrite Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse.
apply exp_Ropp.
Lemma powerRZ_Rpower x z : (0 < x)%R -> powerRZ x z = Rpower x (IZR z).
intros Hx.
assert (x <> 0)%R
by now intros Habs; rewrite Habs in Hx; apply (Rlt_irrefl 0).
destruct (intP z).
- now rewrite Rpower_O.
- rewrite <- pow_powerRZ, <- Rpower_pow by assumption.
now rewrite INR_IZR_INZ.
- rewrite opp_IZR, Rpower_Ropp.
rewrite powerRZ_neg, powerRZ_inv by assumption.
now rewrite <- pow_powerRZ, <- INR_IZR_INZ, Rpower_pow.
Theorem Rle_Rpower :
forall e n m:R, 1 <= e -> n <= m -> e ^R n <= e ^R m.
intros e n m [H | H]; intros H1.
case H1.
intros H2; left; apply Rpower_lt; assumption.
intros H2; rewrite H2; right; reflexivity.
now rewrite <- H; unfold Rpower; rewrite ln_1, !Rmult_0_r; apply Rle_refl.
Theorem ln_lt_2 : / 2 < ln 2.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (r := 2).
rewrite Rinv_r.
apply exp_lt_inv.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (1 := exp_le_3).
change (3 < 2 ^R (1 + 1)).
repeat rewrite Rpower_plus; repeat rewrite Rpower_1.
now apply (IZR_lt 3 4).
(** * Differentiability of Ln and Rpower *)
Theorem limit1_ext :
forall (f g:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop) (l x:R),
(forall x:R, D x -> f x = g x) -> limit1_in f D l x -> limit1_in g D l x.
intros f g D l x H; unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
intros H0 eps H1; case (H0 eps); auto.
intros x0 [H2 H3]; exists x0; split; auto.
intros x1 [H4 H5]; rewrite <- H; auto.
Theorem limit1_imp :
forall (f:R -> R) (D D1:R -> Prop) (l x:R),
(forall x:R, D1 x -> D x) -> limit1_in f D l x -> limit1_in f D1 l x.
intros f D D1 l x H; unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
intros H0 eps H1; case (H0 eps H1); auto.
intros alpha [H2 H3]; exists alpha; split; auto.
intros d [H4 H5]; apply H3; split; auto.
Theorem Rinv_Rdiv : forall x y:R, x <> 0 -> y <> 0 -> / (x / y) = y / x.
intros x y H1 H2; unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
rewrite Rinv_involutive.
apply Rmult_comm.
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat; assumption.
Theorem Dln : forall y:R, 0 < y -> D_in ln Rinv (fun x:R => 0 < x) y.
intros y Hy; unfold D_in.
apply limit1_ext with
(f := fun x:R => / ((exp (ln x) - exp (ln y)) / (ln x - ln y))).
intros x [HD1 HD2]; repeat rewrite exp_ln.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
rewrite Rinv_involutive.
apply Rmult_comm.
apply Rminus_eq_contra.
red; intros H2; case HD2.
symmetry ; apply (ln_inv _ _ HD1 Hy H2).
apply Rminus_eq_contra; apply (not_eq_sym HD2).
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat; apply Rminus_eq_contra; red; intros H2;
case HD2; apply ln_inv; auto.
apply limit_inv with
(f := fun x:R => (exp (ln x) - exp (ln y)) / (ln x - ln y)).
apply limit1_imp with
(f := fun x:R => (fun x:R => (exp x - exp (ln y)) / (x - ln y)) (ln x))
(D := Dgf (D_x (fun x:R => 0 < x) y) (D_x (fun x:R => True) (ln y)) ln).
intros x [H1 H2]; split.
split; auto.
split; auto.
red; intros H3; case H2; apply ln_inv; auto.
apply limit_comp with
(l := ln y) (g := fun x:R => (exp x - exp (ln y)) / (x - ln y)) (f := ln).
apply ln_continue; auto.
assert (H0 := derivable_pt_lim_exp (ln y)); unfold derivable_pt_lim in H0;
unfold limit1_in; unfold limit_in;
simpl; unfold R_dist; intros; elim (H0 _ H);
intros; exists (pos x); split.
apply (cond_pos x).
intros; pattern y at 3; rewrite <- exp_ln.
pattern x0 at 1; replace x0 with (ln y + (x0 - ln y));
[ idtac | ring ].
apply H1.
elim H2; intros H3 _; unfold D_x in H3; elim H3; clear H3; intros _ H3;
apply Rminus_eq_contra; apply (not_eq_sym (A:=R));
apply H3.
elim H2; clear H2; intros _ H2; apply H2.
red; intro; rewrite H in Hy; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ Hy).
Lemma derivable_pt_lim_ln : forall x:R, 0 < x -> derivable_pt_lim ln x (/ x).
intros; assert (H0 := Dln x H); unfold D_in in H0; unfold limit1_in in H0;
unfold limit_in in H0; simpl in H0; unfold R_dist in H0;
unfold derivable_pt_lim; intros; elim (H0 _ H1);
intros; elim H2; clear H2; intros; set (alp := Rmin x0 (x / 2));
assert (H4 : 0 < alp).
unfold alp; unfold Rmin; case (Rle_dec x0 (x / 2)); intro.
apply H2.
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
exists (mkposreal _ H4); intros; pattern h at 2;
replace h with (x + h - x); [ idtac | ring ].
apply H3; split.
unfold D_x; split.
destruct (Rcase_abs h) as [Hlt|Hgt].
assert (H7 : Rabs h < x / 2).
apply Rlt_le_trans with alp.
apply H6.
unfold alp; apply Rmin_r.
apply Rlt_trans with (x / 2).
unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat;
[ assumption | apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; prove_sup0 ].
rewrite Rabs_left in H7.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_l with (- h - x / 2).
replace (- h - x / 2 + x / 2) with (- h); [ idtac | ring ].
pattern x at 2; rewrite double_var.
replace (- h - x / 2 + (x / 2 + x / 2 + h)) with (x / 2); [ apply H7 | ring ].
apply Hlt.
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat; [ assumption | apply Rge_le; apply Hgt ].
apply (sym_not_eq (A:=R)); apply Rminus_not_eq; replace (x + h - x) with h;
[ apply H5 | ring ].
replace (x + h - x) with h;
[ apply Rlt_le_trans with alp;
[ apply H6 | unfold alp; apply Rmin_l ]
| ring ].
Theorem D_in_imp :
forall (f g:R -> R) (D D1:R -> Prop) (x:R),
(forall x:R, D1 x -> D x) -> D_in f g D x -> D_in f g D1 x.
intros f g D D1 x H; unfold D_in.
intros H0; apply limit1_imp with (D := D_x D x); auto.
intros x1 [H1 H2]; split; auto.
Theorem D_in_ext :
forall (f g h:R -> R) (D:R -> Prop) (x:R),
f x = g x -> D_in h f D x -> D_in h g D x.
intros f g h D x H; unfold D_in.
rewrite H; auto.
Theorem Dpower :
forall y z:R,
0 < y ->
D_in (fun x:R => x ^R z) (fun x:R => z * x ^R (z - 1)) (
fun x:R => 0 < x) y.
intros y z H;
apply D_in_imp with (D := Dgf (fun x:R => 0 < x) (fun x:R => True) ln).
intros x H0; repeat split.
apply D_in_ext with (f := fun x:R => / x * (z * exp (z * ln x))).
unfold Rminus; rewrite Rpower_plus; rewrite Rpower_Ropp;
rewrite (Rpower_1 _ H); unfold Rpower; ring.
apply Dcomp with
(f := ln)
(g := fun x:R => exp (z * x))
(df := Rinv)
(dg := fun x:R => z * exp (z * x)).
apply (Dln _ H).
apply D_in_imp with
(D := Dgf (fun x:R => True) (fun x:R => True) (fun x:R => z * x)).
intros x H1; repeat split; auto.
(Dcomp (fun _:R => True) (fun _:R => True) (fun x => z) exp
(fun x:R => z * x) exp); simpl.
apply D_in_ext with (f := fun x:R => z * 1).
apply Rmult_1_r.
apply (Dmult_const (fun x => True) (fun x => x) (fun x => 1)); apply Dx.
assert (H0 := derivable_pt_lim_D_in exp exp (z * ln y)); elim H0; clear H0;
intros _ H0; apply H0; apply derivable_pt_lim_exp.
Theorem derivable_pt_lim_power :
forall x y:R,
0 < x -> derivable_pt_lim (fun x => x ^R y) x (y * x ^R (y - 1)).
intros x y H.
unfold Rminus; rewrite Rpower_plus.
rewrite Rpower_Ropp.
rewrite Rpower_1; auto.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
unfold Rpower.
apply derivable_pt_lim_comp with (f1 := ln) (f2 := fun x => exp (y * x)).
apply derivable_pt_lim_ln; assumption.
rewrite (Rmult_comm y).
apply derivable_pt_lim_comp with (f1 := fun x => y * x) (f2 := exp).
pattern y at 2; replace y with (0 * ln x + y * 1).
apply derivable_pt_lim_mult with (f1 := fun x:R => y) (f2 := fun x:R => x).
apply derivable_pt_lim_const with (a := y).
apply derivable_pt_lim_id.
apply derivable_pt_lim_exp.
(* added later. *)
Lemma Rpower_mult_distr :
forall x y z, 0 < x -> 0 < y ->
Rpower x z * Rpower y z = Rpower (x * y) z.
intros x y z x0 y0; unfold Rpower.
rewrite <- exp_plus, ln_mult, Rmult_plus_distr_l; auto.
Lemma Rlt_Rpower_l a b c: 0 < c -> 0 < a < b -> a ^R c < b ^R c.
intros c0 [a0 ab]; apply exp_increasing.
now apply Rmult_lt_compat_l; auto; apply ln_increasing; lra.
Lemma Rle_Rpower_l a b c: 0 <= c -> 0 < a <= b -> a ^R c <= b ^R c.
intros [c0 | c0];
[ | intros; rewrite <- c0, !Rpower_O; [apply Rle_refl | |] ].
intros [a0 [ab|ab]].
now apply Rlt_le, Rlt_Rpower_l;[ | split]; lra.
rewrite ab; apply Rle_refl.
apply Rlt_le_trans with a; tauto.
(* arcsinh function *)
Definition arcsinh x := ln (x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
Lemma arcsinh_sinh : forall x, arcsinh (sinh x) = x.
intros x; unfold sinh, arcsinh.
assert (Rminus_eq_0 : forall r, r - r = 0) by (intros; ring).
rewrite <- exp_0, <- (Rminus_eq_0 x); unfold Rminus.
rewrite exp_plus.
match goal with |- context[sqrt ?a] =>
replace a with (((exp x + exp(-x))/2)^2) by field
rewrite sqrt_pow2;
[|apply Rlt_le, Rmult_lt_0_compat;[apply Rplus_lt_0_compat; apply exp_pos |
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat, Rlt_0_2]].
match goal with |- context[ln ?a] => replace a with (exp x) by field end.
rewrite ln_exp; reflexivity.
Lemma sinh_arcsinh x : sinh (arcsinh x) = x.
unfold sinh, arcsinh.
assert (cmp : 0 < x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
destruct (Rle_dec x 0).
replace (x ^ 2) with ((-x) ^ 2) by ring.
assert (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2) < sqrt ((-x)^2+1)).
apply sqrt_lt_1_alt.
split;[apply pow_le | ]; lra.
pattern x at 1; replace x with (- (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2))).
assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); lra.
simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive;[reflexivity | lra].
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat;[apply Rnot_le_gt; assumption | apply sqrt_pos].
rewrite exp_ln;[ | assumption].
rewrite exp_Ropp, exp_ln;[ | assumption].
assert (Rmult_minus_distr_r :
forall x y z, (x - y) * z = x * z - y * z) by (intros; ring).
apply Rminus_diag_uniq; unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rmult_minus_distr_r.
assert (t: forall x y z, x - z = y -> x - y - z = 0);[ | apply t; clear t].
intros a b c H; rewrite <- H; ring.
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (2 * (x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)));[ |
apply Rgt_not_eq, Rmult_lt_0_compat;[apply Rlt_0_2 | assumption]].
assert (pow2_sqrt : forall x, 0 <= x -> sqrt x ^ 2 = x) by
(intros; simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_sqrt; auto).
field_simplify;[rewrite pow2_sqrt;[field | ] | apply Rgt_not_eq; lra].
apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat;[simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply (Rle_0_sqr x)|apply Rlt_le, Rlt_0_1].
Lemma derivable_pt_lim_arcsinh :
forall x, derivable_pt_lim arcsinh x (/sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
intros x; unfold arcsinh.
assert (0 < x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)).
destruct (Rle_dec x 0);
[ | assert (0 < x) by (apply Rnot_le_gt; assumption);
apply Rplus_lt_le_0_compat; auto; apply sqrt_pos].
replace (x ^ 2) with ((-x) ^ 2) by ring.
assert (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2) < sqrt ((-x)^2+1)).
apply sqrt_lt_1_alt.
split;[apply pow_le|]; lra.
pattern x at 1; replace x with (- (sqrt ((- x) ^ 2))).
assert (t:= sqrt_pos ((-x)^2)); lra.
simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r, sqrt_square, Ropp_involutive; auto; lra.
assert (0 < x ^ 2 + 1).
apply Rplus_le_lt_0_compat;[simpl; rewrite Rmult_1_r; apply Rle_0_sqr|lra].
replace (/sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) with
(/(x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) *
(1 + (/(2 * sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) * (INR 2 * x ^ 1 + 0)))).
apply (derivable_pt_lim_comp (fun x => x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) ln).
apply (derivable_pt_lim_plus).
apply derivable_pt_lim_id.
apply (derivable_pt_lim_comp (fun x => x ^ 2 + 1) sqrt x).
apply derivable_pt_lim_plus.
apply derivable_pt_lim_pow.
apply derivable_pt_lim_const.
apply derivable_pt_lim_sqrt; assumption.
apply derivable_pt_lim_ln; assumption.
replace (INR 2 * x ^ 1 + 0) with (2 * x) by (simpl; ring).
replace (1 + / (2 * sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1)) * (2 * x)) with
(((sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1) + x))/sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1));
[ | field; apply Rgt_not_eq, sqrt_lt_R0; assumption].
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l with (x + sqrt (x ^ 2 + 1));
[ | apply Rgt_not_eq; assumption].
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc, Rinv_r;[field | ]; apply Rgt_not_eq; auto;
apply sqrt_lt_R0; assumption.
Lemma arcsinh_lt : forall x y, x < y -> arcsinh x < arcsinh y.
intros x y xy.
case (Rle_dec (arcsinh y) (arcsinh x));[ | apply Rnot_le_lt ].
intros abs; case (Rlt_not_le _ _ xy).
rewrite <- (sinh_arcsinh y), <- (sinh_arcsinh x).
destruct abs as [lt | q];[| rewrite q; lra].
apply Rlt_le, sinh_lt; assumption.
Lemma arcsinh_le : forall x y, x <= y -> arcsinh x <= arcsinh y.
intros x y [xy | xqy].
apply Rlt_le, arcsinh_lt; assumption.
rewrite xqy; apply Rle_refl.
Lemma arcsinh_0 : arcsinh 0 = 0.
unfold arcsinh; rewrite pow_ne_zero, !Rplus_0_l, sqrt_1, ln_1;
[reflexivity | discriminate].
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