(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Parsing of vernacular. *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Vernacexpr
open Vernacprop
(* The functions in this module may raise (unexplainable!) exceptions.
Use the module Coqtoplevel, which catches these exceptions
(the exceptions are explained only at the toplevel). *)
let checknav_simple {CAst.loc;v=cmd} =
if is_navigation_vernac cmd && not (is_reset cmd) then
CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "Navigation commands forbidden in files.")
let checknav_deep {CAst.loc;v=ast} =
if is_deep_navigation_vernac ast then
CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "Navigation commands forbidden in nested commands.")
(* Echo from a buffer based on position.
XXX: Should move to utility file. *)
let vernac_echo ?loc in_chan = let open Loc in
Option.iter (fun loc ->
let len = loc.ep - loc.bp in
seek_in in_chan loc.bp;
Feedback.msg_notice @@ str @@ really_input_string in_chan len
) loc
(* Re-enable when we get back to feedback printing *)
(* let is_end_of_input any = match any with *)
(* Stm.End_of_input -> true *)
(* | _ -> false *)
module State = struct
type t = {
doc : Stm.doc;
sid : Stateid.t;
proof : Proof.t option;
time : bool;
let interp_vernac ~check ~interactive ~state ({CAst.loc;_} as com) =
let open State in
(* The -time option is only supported from console-based clients
due to the way it prints. *)
let com = if state.time
then begin
CAst.make ?loc @@ VernacTime(state.time,com)
end else com in
let doc, nsid, ntip = Stm.add ~doc:state.doc ~ontop:state.sid (not !Flags.quiet) com in
(* Main STM interaction *)
if ntip <> `NewTip then
anomaly (str "vernac.ml: We got an unfocus operation on the toplevel!");
(* Force the command *)
let ndoc = if check then Stm.observe ~doc nsid else doc in
let new_proof = Vernacstate.Proof_global.give_me_the_proof_opt () [@ocaml.warning "-3"] in
{ state with doc = ndoc; sid = nsid; proof = new_proof; }
with reraise ->
(* XXX: In non-interactive mode edit_at seems to do very weird
things, so we better avoid it while we investigate *)
if interactive then ignore(Stm.edit_at ~doc:state.doc state.sid);
let (reraise, info) = CErrors.push reraise in
let info = begin
match Loc.get_loc info with
| None -> Option.cata (Loc.add_loc info) info loc
| Some _ -> info
end in iraise (reraise, info)
(* Load a vernac file. CErrors are annotated with file and location *)
let load_vernac_core ~echo ~check ~interactive ~state file =
(* Keep in sync *)
let in_chan = open_utf8_file_in file in
let in_echo = if echo then Some (open_utf8_file_in file) else None in
let input_cleanup () = close_in in_chan; Option.iter close_in in_echo in
let in_pa =
Pcoq.Parsable.make ~loc:(Loc.initial (Loc.InFile file))
(Stream.of_channel in_chan) in
let open State in
(* ids = For beautify, list of parsed sids *)
let rec loop state ids =
~doc:state.doc ~entry:Pvernac.main_entry state.sid in_pa
| None ->
input_cleanup ();
state, ids, Pcoq.Parsable.comment_state in_pa
| Some ast ->
(* Printing of AST for -compile-verbose *)
Option.iter (vernac_echo ?loc:ast.CAst.loc) in_echo;
checknav_simple ast;
let state =
Flags.silently (interp_vernac ~check ~interactive ~state) ast in
loop state (state.sid :: ids)
try loop state []
with any -> (* whatever the exception *)
let (e, info) = CErrors.push any in
input_cleanup ();
iraise (e, info)
let process_expr ~state loc_ast =
checknav_deep loc_ast;
interp_vernac ~interactive:true ~check:true ~state loc_ast
(* Beautify-specific code *)
(* vernac parses the given stream, executes interpfun on the syntax tree it
* parses, and is verbose on "primitives" commands if verbosely is true *)
let beautify_suffix = ".beautified"
let set_formatter_translator ch =
let out s b e = output_substring ch s b e in
let ft = Format.make_formatter out (fun () -> flush ch) in
Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft max_int;
let pr_new_syntax ?loc ft_beautify ocom =
let loc = Option.cata Loc.unloc (0,0) loc in
let before = comment (Pputils.extract_comments (fst loc)) in
let com = Option.cata Ppvernac.pr_vernac (mt ()) ocom in
let after = comment (Pputils.extract_comments (snd loc)) in
if !Flags.beautify_file then
(Pp.pp_with ft_beautify (hov 0 (before ++ com ++ after));
Format.pp_print_flush ft_beautify ())
Feedback.msg_info (hov 4 (str"New Syntax:" ++ fnl() ++ (hov 0 com)))
(* load_vernac with beautify *)
let beautify_pass ~doc ~comments ~ids ~filename =
let ft_beautify, close_beautify =
if !Flags.beautify_file then
let chan_beautify = open_out (filename^beautify_suffix) in
set_formatter_translator chan_beautify, fun () -> close_out chan_beautify;
!Topfmt.std_ft, fun () -> ()
(* The interface to the comment printer is imperative, so we first
set the comments, then we call print. This has to be done for
each file. *)
Pputils.beautify_comments := comments;
List.iter (fun id ->
Option.iter (fun (loc,ast) ->
pr_new_syntax ?loc ft_beautify (Some ast))
(Stm.get_ast ~doc id)) ids;
(* Is this called so comments at EOF are printed? *)
pr_new_syntax ~loc:(Loc.make_loc (max_int,max_int)) ft_beautify None;
close_beautify ()
(* Main driver for file loading. For now, we only do one beautify
pass. *)
let load_vernac ~echo ~check ~interactive ~state filename =
let ostate, ids, comments = load_vernac_core ~echo ~check ~interactive ~state filename in
(* Pass for beautify *)
if !Flags.beautify then beautify_pass ~doc:ostate.State.doc ~comments ~ids:List.(rev ids) ~filename;
(* End pass *)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.