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Sprache: Isabelle
(* Title: HOL/Finite_Set.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow
Author: Lawrence C Paulson
Author: Markus Wenzel
Author: Jeremy Avigad
Author: Andrei Popescu
section \<open>Finite sets\<close>
theory Finite_Set
imports Product_Type Sum_Type Fields
subsection \<open>Predicate for finite sets\<close>
context notes [[inductive_internals]]
inductive finite :: "'a set \ bool"
emptyI [simp, intro!]: "finite {}"
| insertI [simp, intro!]: "finite A \ finite (insert a A)"
simproc_setup finite_Collect ("finite (Collect P)") = \<open>K Set_Comprehension_Pointfree.simproc\<close>
declare [[simproc del: finite_Collect]]
lemma finite_induct [case_names empty insert, induct set: finite]:
\<comment> \<open>Discharging \<open>x \<notin> F\<close> entails extra work.\<close>
assumes "finite F"
assumes "P {}"
and insert: "\x F. finite F \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)"
shows "P F"
using \<open>finite F\<close>
proof induct
show "P {}" by fact
fix x F
assume F: "finite F" and P: "P F"
show "P (insert x F)"
proof cases
assume "x \ F"
then have "insert x F = F" by (rule insert_absorb)
with P show ?thesis by (simp only:)
assume "x \ F"
from F this P show ?thesis by (rule insert)
lemma infinite_finite_induct [case_names infinite empty insert]:
assumes infinite: "\A. \ finite A \ P A"
and empty: "P {}"
and insert: "\x F. finite F \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)"
shows "P A"
proof (cases "finite A")
case False
with infinite show ?thesis .
case True
then show ?thesis by (induct A) (fact empty insert)+
subsubsection \<open>Choice principles\<close>
lemma ex_new_if_finite: \<comment> \<open>does not depend on def of finite at all\<close>
assumes "\ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" and "finite A"
shows "\a::'a. a \ A"
proof -
from assms have "A \ UNIV" by blast
then show ?thesis by blast
text \<open>A finite choice principle. Does not need the SOME choice operator.\<close>
lemma finite_set_choice: "finite A \ \x\A. \y. P x y \ \f. \x\A. P x (f x)"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert a A)
then obtain f b where f: "\x\A. P x (f x)" and ab: "P a b"
by auto
show ?case (is "\f. ?P f")
show "?P (\x. if x = a then b else f x)"
using f ab by auto
subsubsection \<open>Finite sets are the images of initial segments of natural numbers\<close>
lemma finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on:
assumes "finite A"
shows "\(n::nat) f. A = f ` {i. i < n} \ inj_on f {i. i < n}"
using assms
proof induct
case empty
show ?case
show "\f. {} = f ` {i::nat. i < 0} \ inj_on f {i. i < 0}"
by simp
case (insert a A)
have notinA: "a \ A" by fact
from insert.hyps obtain n f where "A = f ` {i::nat. i < n}" "inj_on f {i. i < n}"
by blast
then have "insert a A = f(n:=a) ` {i. i < Suc n}" and "inj_on (f(n:=a)) {i. i < Suc n}"
using notinA by (auto simp add: image_def Ball_def inj_on_def less_Suc_eq)
then show ?case by blast
lemma nat_seg_image_imp_finite: "A = f ` {i::nat. i < n} \ finite A"
proof (induct n arbitrary: A)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc n)
let ?B = "f ` {i. i < n}"
have finB: "finite ?B" by (rule Suc.hyps[OF refl])
show ?case
proof (cases "\k
case True
then have "A = ?B"
using Suc.prems by (auto simp:less_Suc_eq)
then show ?thesis
using finB by simp
case False
then have "A = insert (f n) ?B"
using Suc.prems by (auto simp:less_Suc_eq)
then show ?thesis using finB by simp
lemma finite_conv_nat_seg_image: "finite A \ (\n f. A = f ` {i::nat. i < n})"
by (blast intro: nat_seg_image_imp_finite dest: finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on)
lemma finite_imp_inj_to_nat_seg:
assumes "finite A"
shows "\f n. f ` A = {i::nat. i < n} \ inj_on f A"
proof -
from finite_imp_nat_seg_image_inj_on [OF \<open>finite A\<close>]
obtain f and n :: nat where bij: "bij_betw f {i. i
by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
let ?f = "the_inv_into {i. i
have "inj_on ?f A \ ?f ` A = {i. i
by (fold bij_betw_def) (rule bij_betw_the_inv_into[OF bij])
then show ?thesis by blast
lemma finite_Collect_less_nat [iff]: "finite {n::nat. n < k}"
by (fastforce simp: finite_conv_nat_seg_image)
lemma finite_Collect_le_nat [iff]: "finite {n::nat. n \ k}"
by (simp add: le_eq_less_or_eq Collect_disj_eq)
subsection \<open>Finiteness and common set operations\<close>
lemma rev_finite_subset: "finite B \ A \ B \ finite A"
proof (induct arbitrary: A rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F A)
have A: "A \ insert x F" and r: "A - {x} \ F \ finite (A - {x})"
by fact+
show "finite A"
proof cases
assume x: "x \ A"
with A have "A - {x} \ F" by (simp add: subset_insert_iff)
with r have "finite (A - {x})" .
then have "finite (insert x (A - {x}))" ..
also have "insert x (A - {x}) = A"
using x by (rule insert_Diff)
finally show ?thesis .
show ?thesis when "A \ F"
using that by fact
assume "x \ A"
with A show "A \ F"
by (simp add: subset_insert_iff)
lemma finite_subset: "A \ B \ finite B \ finite A"
by (rule rev_finite_subset)
lemma finite_UnI:
assumes "finite F" and "finite G"
shows "finite (F \ G)"
using assms by induct simp_all
lemma finite_Un [iff]: "finite (F \ G) \ finite F \ finite G"
by (blast intro: finite_UnI finite_subset [of _ "F \ G"])
lemma finite_insert [simp]: "finite (insert a A) \ finite A"
proof -
have "finite {a} \ finite A \ finite A" by simp
then have "finite ({a} \ A) \ finite A" by (simp only: finite_Un)
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma finite_Int [simp, intro]: "finite F \ finite G \ finite (F \ G)"
by (blast intro: finite_subset)
lemma finite_Collect_conjI [simp, intro]:
"finite {x. P x} \ finite {x. Q x} \ finite {x. P x \ Q x}"
by (simp add: Collect_conj_eq)
lemma finite_Collect_disjI [simp]:
"finite {x. P x \ Q x} \ finite {x. P x} \ finite {x. Q x}"
by (simp add: Collect_disj_eq)
lemma finite_Diff [simp, intro]: "finite A \ finite (A - B)"
by (rule finite_subset, rule Diff_subset)
lemma finite_Diff2 [simp]:
assumes "finite B"
shows "finite (A - B) \ finite A"
proof -
have "finite A \ finite ((A - B) \ (A \ B))"
by (simp add: Un_Diff_Int)
also have "\ \ finite (A - B)"
using \<open>finite B\<close> by simp
finally show ?thesis ..
lemma finite_Diff_insert [iff]: "finite (A - insert a B) \ finite (A - B)"
proof -
have "finite (A - B) \ finite (A - B - {a})" by simp
moreover have "A - insert a B = A - B - {a}" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma finite_compl [simp]:
"finite (A :: 'a set) \ finite (- A) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
by (simp add: Compl_eq_Diff_UNIV)
lemma finite_Collect_not [simp]:
"finite {x :: 'a. P x} \ finite {x. \ P x} \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
by (simp add: Collect_neg_eq)
lemma finite_Union [simp, intro]:
"finite A \ (\M. M \ A \ finite M) \ finite (\A)"
by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all
lemma finite_UN_I [intro]:
"finite A \ (\a. a \ A \ finite (B a)) \ finite (\a\A. B a)"
by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all
lemma finite_UN [simp]: "finite A \ finite (\(B ` A)) \ (\x\A. finite (B x))"
by (blast intro: finite_subset)
lemma finite_Inter [intro]: "\A\M. finite A \ finite (\M)"
by (blast intro: Inter_lower finite_subset)
lemma finite_INT [intro]: "\x\I. finite (A x) \ finite (\x\I. A x)"
by (blast intro: INT_lower finite_subset)
lemma finite_imageI [simp, intro]: "finite F \ finite (h ` F)"
by (induct rule: finite_induct) simp_all
lemma finite_image_set [simp]: "finite {x. P x} \ finite {f x |x. P x}"
by (simp add: image_Collect [symmetric])
lemma finite_image_set2:
"finite {x. P x} \ finite {y. Q y} \ finite {f x y |x y. P x \ Q y}"
by (rule finite_subset [where B = "\x \ {x. P x}. \y \ {y. Q y}. {f x y}"]) auto
lemma finite_imageD:
assumes "finite (f ` A)" and "inj_on f A"
shows "finite A"
using assms
proof (induct "f ` A" arbitrary: A)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x B)
then have B_A: "insert x B = f ` A"
by simp
then obtain y where "x = f y" and "y \ A"
by blast
from B_A \<open>x \<notin> B\<close> have "B = f ` A - {x}"
by blast
with B_A \<open>x \<notin> B\<close> \<open>x = f y\<close> \<open>inj_on f A\<close> \<open>y \<in> A\<close> have "B = f ` (A - {y})"
by (simp add: inj_on_image_set_diff)
moreover from \<open>inj_on f A\<close> have "inj_on f (A - {y})"
by (rule inj_on_diff)
ultimately have "finite (A - {y})"
by (rule insert.hyps)
then show "finite A"
by simp
lemma finite_image_iff: "inj_on f A \ finite (f ` A) \ finite A"
using finite_imageD by blast
lemma finite_surj: "finite A \ B \ f ` A \ finite B"
by (erule finite_subset) (rule finite_imageI)
lemma finite_range_imageI: "finite (range g) \ finite (range (\x. f (g x)))"
by (drule finite_imageI) (simp add: range_composition)
lemma finite_subset_image:
assumes "finite B"
shows "B \ f ` A \ \C\A. finite C \ B = f ` C"
using assms
proof induct
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case insert
then show ?case
by (clarsimp simp del: image_insert simp add: image_insert [symmetric]) blast
lemma all_subset_image: "(\B. B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. B \ A \ P(f ` B))"
by (safe elim!: subset_imageE) (use image_mono in \<open>blast+\<close>) (* slow *)
lemma all_finite_subset_image:
"(\B. finite B \ B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B))"
proof safe
fix B :: "'a set"
assume B: "finite B" "B \ f ` A" and P: "\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B)"
show "P B"
using finite_subset_image [OF B] P by blast
qed blast
lemma ex_finite_subset_image:
"(\B. finite B \ B \ f ` A \ P B) \ (\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B))"
proof safe
fix B :: "'a set"
assume B: "finite B" "B \ f ` A" and "P B"
show "\B. finite B \ B \ A \ P (f ` B)"
using finite_subset_image [OF B] \<open>P B\<close> by blast
qed blast
lemma finite_vimage_IntI: "finite F \ inj_on h A \ finite (h -` F \ A)"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
by (simp add: vimage_insert [of h x F] finite_subset [OF inj_on_vimage_singleton] Int_Un_distrib2)
qed simp
lemma finite_finite_vimage_IntI:
assumes "finite F"
and "\y. y \ F \ finite ((h -` {y}) \ A)"
shows "finite (h -` F \ A)"
proof -
have *: "h -` F \ A = (\ y\F. (h -` {y}) \ A)"
by blast
show ?thesis
by (simp only: * assms finite_UN_I)
lemma finite_vimageI: "finite F \ inj h \ finite (h -` F)"
using finite_vimage_IntI[of F h UNIV] by auto
lemma finite_vimageD': "finite (f -` A) \ A \ range f \ finite A"
by (auto simp add: subset_image_iff intro: finite_subset[rotated])
lemma finite_vimageD: "finite (h -` F) \ surj h \ finite F"
by (auto dest: finite_vimageD')
lemma finite_vimage_iff: "bij h \ finite (h -` F) \ finite F"
unfolding bij_def by (auto elim: finite_vimageD finite_vimageI)
lemma finite_Collect_bex [simp]:
assumes "finite A"
shows "finite {x. \y\A. Q x y} \ (\y\A. finite {x. Q x y})"
proof -
have "{x. \y\A. Q x y} = (\y\A. {x. Q x y})" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma finite_Collect_bounded_ex [simp]:
assumes "finite {y. P y}"
shows "finite {x. \y. P y \ Q x y} \ (\y. P y \ finite {x. Q x y})"
proof -
have "{x. \y. P y \ Q x y} = (\y\{y. P y}. {x. Q x y})"
by auto
with assms show ?thesis
by simp
lemma finite_Plus: "finite A \ finite B \ finite (A <+> B)"
by (simp add: Plus_def)
lemma finite_PlusD:
fixes A :: "'a set" and B :: "'b set"
assumes fin: "finite (A <+> B)"
shows "finite A" "finite B"
proof -
have "Inl ` A \ A <+> B"
by auto
then have "finite (Inl ` A :: ('a + 'b) set)"
using fin by (rule finite_subset)
then show "finite A"
by (rule finite_imageD) (auto intro: inj_onI)
have "Inr ` B \ A <+> B"
by auto
then have "finite (Inr ` B :: ('a + 'b) set)"
using fin by (rule finite_subset)
then show "finite B"
by (rule finite_imageD) (auto intro: inj_onI)
lemma finite_Plus_iff [simp]: "finite (A <+> B) \ finite A \ finite B"
by (auto intro: finite_PlusD finite_Plus)
lemma finite_Plus_UNIV_iff [simp]:
"finite (UNIV :: ('a + 'b) set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set)"
by (subst UNIV_Plus_UNIV [symmetric]) (rule finite_Plus_iff)
lemma finite_SigmaI [simp, intro]:
"finite A \ (\a. a\A \ finite (B a)) \ finite (SIGMA a:A. B a)"
unfolding Sigma_def by blast
lemma finite_SigmaI2:
assumes "finite {x\A. B x \ {}}"
and "\a. a \ A \ finite (B a)"
shows "finite (Sigma A B)"
proof -
from assms have "finite (Sigma {x\A. B x \ {}} B)"
by auto
also have "Sigma {x:A. B x \ {}} B = Sigma A B"
by auto
finally show ?thesis .
lemma finite_cartesian_product: "finite A \ finite B \ finite (A \ B)"
by (rule finite_SigmaI)
lemma finite_Prod_UNIV:
"finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set) \ finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)"
by (simp only: UNIV_Times_UNIV [symmetric] finite_cartesian_product)
lemma finite_cartesian_productD1:
assumes "finite (A \ B)" and "B \ {}"
shows "finite A"
proof -
from assms obtain n f where "A \ B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image)
then have "fst ` (A \ B) = fst ` f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by simp
with \<open>B \<noteq> {}\<close> have "A = (fst \<circ> f) ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by (simp add: image_comp)
then have "\n f. A = f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image)
lemma finite_cartesian_productD2:
assumes "finite (A \ B)" and "A \ {}"
shows "finite B"
proof -
from assms obtain n f where "A \ B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image)
then have "snd ` (A \ B) = snd ` f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by simp
with \<open>A \<noteq> {}\<close> have "B = (snd \<circ> f) ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by (simp add: image_comp)
then have "\n f. B = f ` {i::nat. i < n}"
by blast
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: finite_conv_nat_seg_image)
lemma finite_cartesian_product_iff:
"finite (A \ B) \ (A = {} \ B = {} \ (finite A \ finite B))"
by (auto dest: finite_cartesian_productD1 finite_cartesian_productD2 finite_cartesian_product)
lemma finite_prod:
"finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'b set)"
using finite_cartesian_product_iff[of UNIV UNIV] by simp
lemma finite_Pow_iff [iff]: "finite (Pow A) \ finite A"
assume "finite (Pow A)"
then have "finite ((\x. {x}) ` A)"
by (blast intro: finite_subset) (* somewhat slow *)
then show "finite A"
by (rule finite_imageD [unfolded inj_on_def]) simp
assume "finite A"
then show "finite (Pow A)"
by induct (simp_all add: Pow_insert)
corollary finite_Collect_subsets [simp, intro]: "finite A \ finite {B. B \ A}"
by (simp add: Pow_def [symmetric])
lemma finite_set: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set set) \ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
by (simp only: finite_Pow_iff Pow_UNIV[symmetric])
lemma finite_UnionD: "finite (\A) \ finite A"
by (blast intro: finite_subset [OF subset_Pow_Union])
lemma finite_bind:
assumes "finite S"
assumes "\x \ S. finite (f x)"
shows "finite (Set.bind S f)"
using assms by (simp add: bind_UNION)
lemma finite_filter [simp]: "finite S \ finite (Set.filter P S)"
unfolding Set.filter_def by simp
lemma finite_set_of_finite_funs:
assumes "finite A" "finite B"
shows "finite {f. \x. (x \ A \ f x \ B) \ (x \ A \ f x = d)}" (is "finite ?S")
proof -
let ?F = "\f. {(a,b). a \ A \ b = f a}"
have "?F ` ?S \ Pow(A \ B)"
by auto
from finite_subset[OF this] assms have 1: "finite (?F ` ?S)"
by simp
have 2: "inj_on ?F ?S"
by (fastforce simp add: inj_on_def set_eq_iff fun_eq_iff) (* somewhat slow *)
show ?thesis
by (rule finite_imageD [OF 1 2])
lemma not_finite_existsD:
assumes "\ finite {a. P a}"
shows "\a. P a"
proof (rule classical)
assume "\ ?thesis"
with assms show ?thesis by auto
subsection \<open>Further induction rules on finite sets\<close>
lemma finite_ne_induct [case_names singleton insert, consumes 2]:
assumes "finite F" and "F \ {}"
assumes "\x. P {x}"
and "\x F. finite F \ F \ {} \ x \ F \ P F \ P (insert x F)"
shows "P F"
using assms
proof induct
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F)
then show ?case by cases auto
lemma finite_subset_induct [consumes 2, case_names empty insert]:
assumes "finite F" and "F \ A"
and empty: "P {}"
and insert: "\a F. finite F \ a \ A \ a \ F \ P F \ P (insert a F)"
shows "P F"
using \<open>finite F\<close> \<open>F \<subseteq> A\<close>
proof induct
show "P {}" by fact
fix x F
assume "finite F" and "x \ F" and P: "F \ A \ P F" and i: "insert x F \ A"
show "P (insert x F)"
proof (rule insert)
from i show "x \ A" by blast
from i have "F \ A" by blast
with P show "P F" .
show "finite F" by fact
show "x \ F" by fact
lemma finite_empty_induct:
assumes "finite A"
and "P A"
and remove: "\a A. finite A \ a \ A \ P A \ P (A - {a})"
shows "P {}"
proof -
have "P (A - B)" if "B \ A" for B :: "'a set"
proof -
from \<open>finite A\<close> that have "finite B"
by (rule rev_finite_subset)
from this \<open>B \<subseteq> A\<close> show "P (A - B)"
proof induct
case empty
from \<open>P A\<close> show ?case by simp
case (insert b B)
have "P (A - B - {b})"
proof (rule remove)
from \<open>finite A\<close> show "finite (A - B)"
by induct auto
from insert show "b \ A - B"
by simp
from insert show "P (A - B)"
by simp
also have "A - B - {b} = A - insert b B"
by (rule Diff_insert [symmetric])
finally show ?case .
then have "P (A - A)" by blast
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma finite_update_induct [consumes 1, case_names const update]:
assumes finite: "finite {a. f a \ c}"
and const: "P (\a. c)"
and update: "\a b f. finite {a. f a \ c} \ f a = c \ b \ c \ P f \ P (f(a := b))"
shows "P f"
using finite
proof (induct "{a. f a \ c}" arbitrary: f)
case empty
with const show ?case by simp
case (insert a A)
then have "A = {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \ c}" and "f a \ c"
by auto
with \<open>finite A\<close> have "finite {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \<noteq> c}"
by simp
have "(f(a := c)) a = c"
by simp
from insert \<open>A = {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \<noteq> c}\<close> have "P (f(a := c))"
by simp
with \<open>finite {a'. (f(a := c)) a' \<noteq> c}\<close> \<open>(f(a := c)) a = c\<close> \<open>f a \<noteq> c\<close>
have "P ((f(a := c))(a := f a))"
by (rule update)
then show ?case by simp
lemma finite_subset_induct' [consumes 2, case_names empty insert]:
assumes "finite F" and "F \ A"
and empty: "P {}"
and insert: "\a F. \finite F; a \ A; F \ A; a \ F; P F \ \ P (insert a F)"
shows "P F"
using assms(1,2)
proof induct
show "P {}" by fact
fix x F
assume "finite F" and "x \ F" and
P: "F \ A \ P F" and i: "insert x F \ A"
show "P (insert x F)"
proof (rule insert)
from i show "x \ A" by blast
from i have "F \ A" by blast
with P show "P F" .
show "finite F" by fact
show "x \ F" by fact
show "F \ A" by fact
subsection \<open>Class \<open>finite\<close>\<close>
class finite =
assumes finite_UNIV: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
lemma finite [simp]: "finite (A :: 'a set)"
by (rule subset_UNIV finite_UNIV finite_subset)+
lemma finite_code [code]: "finite (A :: 'a set) \ True"
by simp
instance prod :: (finite, finite) finite
by standard (simp only: UNIV_Times_UNIV [symmetric] finite_cartesian_product finite)
lemma inj_graph: "inj (\f. {(x, y). y = f x})"
by (rule inj_onI) (auto simp add: set_eq_iff fun_eq_iff)
instance "fun" :: (finite, finite) finite
show "finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)"
proof (rule finite_imageD)
let ?graph = "\f::'a \ 'b. {(x, y). y = f x}"
have "range ?graph \ Pow UNIV"
by simp
moreover have "finite (Pow (UNIV :: ('a * 'b) set))"
by (simp only: finite_Pow_iff finite)
ultimately show "finite (range ?graph)"
by (rule finite_subset)
show "inj ?graph"
by (rule inj_graph)
instance bool :: finite
by standard (simp add: UNIV_bool)
instance set :: (finite) finite
by standard (simp only: Pow_UNIV [symmetric] finite_Pow_iff finite)
instance unit :: finite
by standard (simp add: UNIV_unit)
instance sum :: (finite, finite) finite
by standard (simp only: UNIV_Plus_UNIV [symmetric] finite_Plus finite)
subsection \<open>A basic fold functional for finite sets\<close>
text \<open>The intended behaviour is
\<open>fold f z {x\<^sub>1, \<dots>, x\<^sub>n} = f x\<^sub>1 (\<dots> (f x\<^sub>n z)\<dots>)\<close>
if \<open>f\<close> is ``left-commutative'':
locale comp_fun_commute =
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b"
assumes comp_fun_commute: "f y \ f x = f x \ f y"
lemma fun_left_comm: "f y (f x z) = f x (f y z)"
using comp_fun_commute by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma commute_left_comp: "f y \ (f x \ g) = f x \ (f y \ g)"
by (simp add: o_assoc comp_fun_commute)
inductive fold_graph :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a set \ 'b \ bool"
for f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and z :: 'b
emptyI [intro]: "fold_graph f z {} z"
| insertI [intro]: "x \ A \ fold_graph f z A y \ fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x y)"
inductive_cases empty_fold_graphE [elim!]: "fold_graph f z {} x"
lemma fold_graph_closed_lemma:
"fold_graph f z A x \ x \ B"
if "fold_graph g z A x"
"\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b"
"\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B"
"z \ B"
using that(1-3)
proof (induction rule: fold_graph.induct)
case (insertI x A y)
have "fold_graph f z A y" "y \ B"
unfolding atomize_conj
by (rule insertI.IH) (auto intro: insertI.prems)
then have "g x y \ B" and f_eq: "f x y = g x y"
by (auto simp: insertI.prems)
moreover have "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x y)"
by (rule fold_graph.insertI; fact)
show ?case
by (simp add: f_eq)
qed (auto intro!: that)
lemma fold_graph_closed_eq:
"fold_graph f z A = fold_graph g z A"
if "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b"
"\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B"
"z \ B"
using fold_graph_closed_lemma[of f z A _ B g] fold_graph_closed_lemma[of g z A _ B f] that
by auto
definition fold :: "('a \ 'b \ 'b) \ 'b \ 'a set \ 'b"
where "fold f z A = (if finite A then (THE y. fold_graph f z A y) else z)"
lemma fold_closed_eq: "fold f z A = fold g z A"
if "\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ f a b = g a b"
"\a b. a \ A \ b \ B \ g a b \ B"
"z \ B"
unfolding Finite_Set.fold_def
by (subst fold_graph_closed_eq[where B=B and g=g]) (auto simp: that)
text \<open>
A tempting alternative for the definiens is
\<^term>\<open>if finite A then THE y. fold_graph f z A y else e\<close>.
It allows the removal of finiteness assumptions from the theorems
\<open>fold_comm\<close>, \<open>fold_reindex\<close> and \<open>fold_distrib\<close>.
The proofs become ugly. It is not worth the effort. (???)
lemma finite_imp_fold_graph: "finite A \ \x. fold_graph f z A x"
by (induct rule: finite_induct) auto
subsubsection \<open>From \<^const>\<open>fold_graph\<close> to \<^term>\<open>fold\<close>\<close>
context comp_fun_commute
lemma fold_graph_finite:
assumes "fold_graph f z A y"
shows "finite A"
using assms by induct simp_all
lemma fold_graph_insertE_aux:
"fold_graph f z A y \ a \ A \ \y'. y = f a y' \ fold_graph f z (A - {a}) y'"
proof (induct set: fold_graph)
case emptyI
then show ?case by simp
case (insertI x A y)
show ?case
proof (cases "x = a")
case True
with insertI show ?thesis by auto
case False
then obtain y' where y: "y = f a y'" and y': "fold_graph f z (A - {a}) y'"
using insertI by auto
have "f x y = f a (f x y')"
unfolding y by (rule fun_left_comm)
moreover have "fold_graph f z (insert x A - {a}) (f x y')"
using y' and \x \ a\ and \x \ A\
by (simp add: insert_Diff_if fold_graph.insertI)
ultimately show ?thesis
by fast
lemma fold_graph_insertE:
assumes "fold_graph f z (insert x A) v" and "x \ A"
obtains y where "v = f x y" and "fold_graph f z A y"
using assms by (auto dest: fold_graph_insertE_aux [OF _ insertI1])
lemma fold_graph_determ: "fold_graph f z A x \ fold_graph f z A y \ y = x"
proof (induct arbitrary: y set: fold_graph)
case emptyI
then show ?case by fast
case (insertI x A y v)
from \<open>fold_graph f z (insert x A) v\<close> and \<open>x \<notin> A\<close>
obtain y' where "v = f x y'" and "fold_graph f z A y'"
by (rule fold_graph_insertE)
from \<open>fold_graph f z A y'\<close> have "y' = y"
by (rule insertI)
with \<open>v = f x y'\<close> show "v = f x y"
by simp
lemma fold_equality: "fold_graph f z A y \ fold f z A = y"
by (cases "finite A") (auto simp add: fold_def intro: fold_graph_determ dest: fold_graph_finite)
lemma fold_graph_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "fold_graph f z A (fold f z A)"
proof -
from assms have "\x. fold_graph f z A x"
by (rule finite_imp_fold_graph)
moreover note fold_graph_determ
ultimately have "\!x. fold_graph f z A x"
by (rule ex_ex1I)
then have "fold_graph f z A (The (fold_graph f z A))"
by (rule theI')
with assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: fold_def)
text \<open>The base case for \<open>fold\<close>:\<close>
lemma (in -) fold_infinite [simp]: "\ finite A \ fold f z A = z"
by (auto simp: fold_def)
lemma (in -) fold_empty [simp]: "fold f z {} = z"
by (auto simp: fold_def)
text \<open>The various recursion equations for \<^const>\<open>fold\<close>:\<close>
lemma fold_insert [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)"
proof (rule fold_equality)
fix z
from \<open>finite A\<close> have "fold_graph f z A (fold f z A)"
by (rule fold_graph_fold)
with \<open>x \<notin> A\<close> have "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x (fold f z A))"
by (rule fold_graph.insertI)
then show "fold_graph f z (insert x A) (f x (fold f z A))"
by simp
declare (in -) empty_fold_graphE [rule del] fold_graph.intros [rule del]
\<comment> \<open>No more proofs involve these.\<close>
lemma fold_fun_left_comm: "finite A \ f x (fold f z A) = fold f (f x z) A"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case insert
then show ?case
by (simp add: fun_left_comm [of x])
lemma fold_insert2: "finite A \ x \ A \ fold f z (insert x A) = fold f (f x z) A"
by (simp add: fold_fun_left_comm)
lemma fold_rec:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "fold f z A = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))"
proof -
have A: "A = insert x (A - {x})"
using \<open>x \<in> A\<close> by blast
then have "fold f z A = fold f z (insert x (A - {x}))"
by simp
also have "\ = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))"
by (rule fold_insert) (simp add: \<open>finite A\<close>)+
finally show ?thesis .
lemma fold_insert_remove:
assumes "finite A"
shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z (A - {x}))"
proof -
from \<open>finite A\<close> have "finite (insert x A)"
by auto
moreover have "x \ insert x A"
by auto
ultimately have "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z (insert x A - {x}))"
by (rule fold_rec)
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma fold_set_union_disj:
assumes "finite A" "finite B" "A \ B = {}"
shows "Finite_Set.fold f z (A \ B) = Finite_Set.fold f (Finite_Set.fold f z A) B"
using assms(2,1,3) by induct simp_all
text \<open>Other properties of \<^const>\<open>fold\<close>:\<close>
lemma fold_image:
assumes "inj_on g A"
shows "fold f z (g ` A) = fold (f \ g) z A"
proof (cases "finite A")
case False
with assms show ?thesis
by (auto dest: finite_imageD simp add: fold_def)
case True
have "fold_graph f z (g ` A) = fold_graph (f \ g) z A"
fix w
show "fold_graph f z (g ` A) w \ fold_graph (f \ g) z A w" (is "?P \ ?Q")
assume ?P
then show ?Q
using assms
proof (induct "g ` A" w arbitrary: A)
case emptyI
then show ?case by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI)
case (insertI x A r B)
from \<open>inj_on g B\<close> \<open>x \<notin> A\<close> \<open>insert x A = image g B\<close> obtain x' A'
where "x' \ A'" and [simp]: "B = insert x' A'" "x = g x'" "A = g ` A'"
by (rule inj_img_insertE)
from insertI.prems have "fold_graph (f \ g) z A' r"
by (auto intro: insertI.hyps)
with \<open>x' \<notin> A'\<close> have "fold_graph (f \<circ> g) z (insert x' A') ((f \<circ> g) x' r)"
by (rule fold_graph.insertI)
then show ?case
by simp
assume ?Q
then show ?P
using assms
proof induct
case emptyI
then show ?case
by (auto intro: fold_graph.emptyI)
case (insertI x A r)
from \<open>x \<notin> A\<close> insertI.prems have "g x \<notin> g ` A"
by auto
moreover from insertI have "fold_graph f z (g ` A) r"
by simp
ultimately have "fold_graph f z (insert (g x) (g ` A)) (f (g x) r)"
by (rule fold_graph.insertI)
then show ?case
by simp
with True assms show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: fold_def)
lemma fold_cong:
assumes "comp_fun_commute f" "comp_fun_commute g"
and "finite A"
and cong: "\x. x \ A \ f x = g x"
and "s = t" and "A = B"
shows "fold f s A = fold g t B"
proof -
have "fold f s A = fold g s A"
using \<open>finite A\<close> cong
proof (induct A)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case insert
interpret f: comp_fun_commute f by (fact \<open>comp_fun_commute f\<close>)
interpret g: comp_fun_commute g by (fact \<open>comp_fun_commute g\<close>)
from insert show ?case by simp
with assms show ?thesis by simp
text \<open>A simplified version for idempotent functions:\<close>
locale comp_fun_idem = comp_fun_commute +
assumes comp_fun_idem: "f x \ f x = f x"
lemma fun_left_idem: "f x (f x z) = f x z"
using comp_fun_idem by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma fold_insert_idem:
assumes fin: "finite A"
shows "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)"
proof cases
assume "x \ A"
then obtain B where "A = insert x B" and "x \ B"
by (rule set_insert)
then show ?thesis
using assms by (simp add: comp_fun_idem fun_left_idem)
assume "x \ A"
then show ?thesis
using assms by simp
declare fold_insert [simp del] fold_insert_idem [simp]
lemma fold_insert_idem2: "finite A \ fold f z (insert x A) = fold f (f x z) A"
by (simp add: fold_fun_left_comm)
subsubsection \<open>Liftings to \<open>comp_fun_commute\<close> etc.\<close>
lemma (in comp_fun_commute) comp_comp_fun_commute: "comp_fun_commute (f \ g)"
by standard (simp_all add: comp_fun_commute)
lemma (in comp_fun_idem) comp_comp_fun_idem: "comp_fun_idem (f \ g)"
by (rule comp_fun_idem.intro, rule comp_comp_fun_commute, unfold_locales)
(simp_all add: comp_fun_idem)
lemma (in comp_fun_commute) comp_fun_commute_funpow: "comp_fun_commute (\x. f x ^^ g x)"
show "f y ^^ g y \ f x ^^ g x = f x ^^ g x \ f y ^^ g y" for x y
proof (cases "x = y")
case True
then show ?thesis by simp
case False
show ?thesis
proof (induct "g x" arbitrary: g)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc n g)
have hyp1: "f y ^^ g y \ f x = f x \ f y ^^ g y"
proof (induct "g y" arbitrary: g)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc n g)
define h where "h z = g z - 1" for z
with Suc have "n = h y"
by simp
with Suc have hyp: "f y ^^ h y \ f x = f x \ f y ^^ h y"
by auto
from Suc h_def have "g y = Suc (h y)"
by simp
then show ?case
by (simp add: comp_assoc hyp) (simp add: o_assoc comp_fun_commute)
define h where "h z = (if z = x then g x - 1 else g z)" for z
with Suc have "n = h x"
by simp
with Suc have "f y ^^ h y \ f x ^^ h x = f x ^^ h x \ f y ^^ h y"
by auto
with False h_def have hyp2: "f y ^^ g y \ f x ^^ h x = f x ^^ h x \ f y ^^ g y"
by simp
from Suc h_def have "g x = Suc (h x)"
by simp
then show ?case
by (simp del: funpow.simps add: funpow_Suc_right o_assoc hyp2) (simp add: comp_assoc hyp1)
subsubsection \<open>Expressing set operations via \<^const>\<open>fold\<close>\<close>
lemma comp_fun_commute_const: "comp_fun_commute (\_. f)"
by standard rule
lemma comp_fun_idem_insert: "comp_fun_idem insert"
by standard auto
lemma comp_fun_idem_remove: "comp_fun_idem Set.remove"
by standard auto
lemma (in semilattice_inf) comp_fun_idem_inf: "comp_fun_idem inf"
by standard (auto simp add: inf_left_commute)
lemma (in semilattice_sup) comp_fun_idem_sup: "comp_fun_idem sup"
by standard (auto simp add: sup_left_commute)
lemma union_fold_insert:
assumes "finite A"
shows "A \ B = fold insert B A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem insert
by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert)
from \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis
by (induct A arbitrary: B) simp_all
lemma minus_fold_remove:
assumes "finite A"
shows "B - A = fold Set.remove B A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem Set.remove
by (fact comp_fun_idem_remove)
from \<open>finite A\<close> have "fold Set.remove B A = B - A"
by (induct A arbitrary: B) auto (* slow *)
then show ?thesis ..
lemma comp_fun_commute_filter_fold:
"comp_fun_commute (\x A'. if P x then Set.insert x A' else A')"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem Set.insert by (fact comp_fun_idem_insert)
show ?thesis by standard (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
lemma Set_filter_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "Set.filter P A = fold (\x A'. if P x then Set.insert x A' else A') {} A"
using assms
by induct
(auto simp add: Set.filter_def comp_fun_commute.fold_insert[OF comp_fun_commute_filter_fold])
lemma inter_Set_filter:
assumes "finite B"
shows "A \ B = Set.filter (\x. x \ A) B"
using assms
by induct (auto simp: Set.filter_def)
lemma image_fold_insert:
assumes "finite A"
shows "image f A = fold (\k A. Set.insert (f k) A) {} A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_commute "\k A. Set.insert (f k) A"
by standard auto
show ?thesis
using assms by (induct A) auto
lemma Ball_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "Ball A P = fold (\k s. s \ P k) True A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_commute "\k s. s \ P k"
by standard auto
show ?thesis
using assms by (induct A) auto
lemma Bex_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "Bex A P = fold (\k s. s \ P k) False A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_commute "\k s. s \ P k"
by standard auto
show ?thesis
using assms by (induct A) auto
lemma comp_fun_commute_Pow_fold: "comp_fun_commute (\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A)"
by (clarsimp simp: fun_eq_iff comp_fun_commute_def) blast (* somewhat slow *)
lemma Pow_fold:
assumes "finite A"
shows "Pow A = fold (\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A) {{}} A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_commute "\x A. A \ Set.insert x ` A"
by (rule comp_fun_commute_Pow_fold)
show ?thesis
using assms by (induct A) (auto simp: Pow_insert)
lemma fold_union_pair:
assumes "finite B"
shows "(\y\B. {(x, y)}) \ A = fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) A B"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_commute "\y. Set.insert (x, y)"
by standard auto
show ?thesis
using assms by (induct arbitrary: A) simp_all
lemma comp_fun_commute_product_fold:
"finite B \ comp_fun_commute (\x z. fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) z B)"
by standard (auto simp: fold_union_pair [symmetric])
lemma product_fold:
assumes "finite A" "finite B"
shows "A \ B = fold (\x z. fold (\y. Set.insert (x, y)) z B) {} A"
using assms unfolding Sigma_def
by (induct A)
(simp_all add: comp_fun_commute.fold_insert[OF comp_fun_commute_product_fold] fold_union_pair)
context complete_lattice
lemma inf_Inf_fold_inf:
assumes "finite A"
shows "inf (Inf A) B = fold inf B A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem inf
by (fact comp_fun_idem_inf)
from \<open>finite A\<close> fold_fun_left_comm show ?thesis
by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: inf_commute fun_eq_iff)
lemma sup_Sup_fold_sup:
assumes "finite A"
shows "sup (Sup A) B = fold sup B A"
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem sup
by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup)
from \<open>finite A\<close> fold_fun_left_comm show ?thesis
by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: sup_commute fun_eq_iff)
lemma Inf_fold_inf: "finite A \ Inf A = fold inf top A"
using inf_Inf_fold_inf [of A top] by (simp add: inf_absorb2)
lemma Sup_fold_sup: "finite A \ Sup A = fold sup bot A"
using sup_Sup_fold_sup [of A bot] by (simp add: sup_absorb2)
lemma inf_INF_fold_inf:
assumes "finite A"
shows "inf B (\(f ` A)) = fold (inf \ f) B A" (is "?inf = ?fold")
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem inf by (fact comp_fun_idem_inf)
interpret comp_fun_idem "inf \ f" by (fact comp_comp_fun_idem)
from \<open>finite A\<close> have "?fold = ?inf"
by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: inf_left_commute)
then show ?thesis ..
lemma sup_SUP_fold_sup:
assumes "finite A"
shows "sup B (\(f ` A)) = fold (sup \ f) B A" (is "?sup = ?fold")
proof -
interpret comp_fun_idem sup by (fact comp_fun_idem_sup)
interpret comp_fun_idem "sup \ f" by (fact comp_comp_fun_idem)
from \<open>finite A\<close> have "?fold = ?sup"
by (induct A arbitrary: B) (simp_all add: sup_left_commute)
then show ?thesis ..
lemma INF_fold_inf: "finite A \ \(f ` A) = fold (inf \ f) top A"
using inf_INF_fold_inf [of A top] by simp
lemma SUP_fold_sup: "finite A \ \(f ` A) = fold (sup \ f) bot A"
using sup_SUP_fold_sup [of A bot] by simp
lemma finite_Inf_in:
assumes "finite A" "A\{}" and inf: "\x y. \x \ A; y \ A\ \ inf x y \ A"
shows "Inf A \ A"
proof -
have "Inf B \ A" if "B \ A" "B\{}" for B
using finite_subset [OF \<open>B \<subseteq> A\<close> \<open>finite A\<close>] that
by (induction B) (use inf in \<open>force+\<close>)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms)
lemma finite_Sup_in:
assumes "finite A" "A\{}" and sup: "\x y. \x \ A; y \ A\ \ sup x y \ A"
shows "Sup A \ A"
proof -
have "Sup B \ A" if "B \ A" "B\{}" for B
using finite_subset [OF \<open>B \<subseteq> A\<close> \<open>finite A\<close>] that
by (induction B) (use sup in \<open>force+\<close>)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms)
subsection \<open>Locales as mini-packages for fold operations\<close>
subsubsection \<open>The natural case\<close>
locale folding =
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b \ 'b" and z :: "'b"
assumes comp_fun_commute: "f y \ f x = f x \ f y"
interpretation fold?: comp_fun_commute f
by standard (use comp_fun_commute in \<open>simp add: fun_eq_iff\<close>)
definition F :: "'a set \ 'b"
where eq_fold: "F A = fold f z A"
lemma empty [simp]:"F {} = z"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma infinite [simp]: "\ finite A \ F A = z"
by (simp add: eq_fold)
lemma insert [simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "F (insert x A) = f x (F A)"
proof -
from fold_insert assms
have "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)" by simp
with \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold fun_eq_iff)
lemma remove:
assumes "finite A" and "x \ A"
shows "F A = f x (F (A - {x}))"
proof -
from \<open>x \<in> A\<close> obtain B where A: "A = insert x B" and "x \<notin> B"
by (auto dest: mk_disjoint_insert)
moreover from \<open>finite A\<close> A have "finite B" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma insert_remove: "finite A \ F (insert x A) = f x (F (A - {x}))"
by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: remove insert_absorb)
subsubsection \<open>With idempotency\<close>
locale folding_idem = folding +
assumes comp_fun_idem: "f x \ f x = f x"
declare insert [simp del]
interpretation fold?: comp_fun_idem f
by standard (insert comp_fun_commute comp_fun_idem, simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma insert_idem [simp]:
assumes "finite A"
shows "F (insert x A) = f x (F A)"
proof -
from fold_insert_idem assms
have "fold f z (insert x A) = f x (fold f z A)" by simp
with \<open>finite A\<close> show ?thesis by (simp add: eq_fold fun_eq_iff)
subsection \<open>Finite cardinality\<close>
text \<open>
The traditional definition
\<^prop>\<open>card A \<equiv> LEAST n. \<exists>f. A = {f i |i. i < n}\<close>
is ugly to work with.
But now that we have \<^const>\<open>fold\<close> things are easy:
global_interpretation card: folding "\_. Suc" 0
defines card = "folding.F (\_. Suc) 0"
by standard rule
lemma card_insert_disjoint: "finite A \ x \ A \ card (insert x A) = Suc (card A)"
by (fact card.insert)
lemma card_insert_if: "finite A \ card (insert x A) = (if x \ A then card A else Suc (card A))"
by auto (simp add: card.insert_remove card.remove)
lemma card_ge_0_finite: "card A > 0 \ finite A"
by (rule ccontr) simp
lemma card_0_eq [simp]: "finite A \ card A = 0 \ A = {}"
by (auto dest: mk_disjoint_insert)
lemma finite_UNIV_card_ge_0: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set) \ card (UNIV :: 'a set) > 0"
by (rule ccontr) simp
lemma card_eq_0_iff: "card A = 0 \ A = {} \ \ finite A"
by auto
lemma card_range_greater_zero: "finite (range f) \ card (range f) > 0"
by (rule ccontr) (simp add: card_eq_0_iff)
lemma card_gt_0_iff: "0 < card A \ A \ {} \ finite A"
by (simp add: neq0_conv [symmetric] card_eq_0_iff)
lemma card_Suc_Diff1:
assumes "finite A" "x \ A" shows "Suc (card (A - {x})) = card A"
proof -
have "Suc (card (A - {x})) = card (insert x (A - {x}))"
using assms by (simp add: card.insert_remove)
also have "... = card A"
using assms by (simp add: card_insert_if)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma card_insert_le_m1:
assumes "n > 0" "card y \ n - 1" shows "card (insert x y) \ n"
using assms
by (cases "finite y") (auto simp: card_insert_if)
lemma card_Diff_singleton: "finite A \ x \ A \ card (A - {x}) = card A - 1"
by (simp add: card_Suc_Diff1 [symmetric])
lemma card_Diff_singleton_if:
"finite A \ card (A - {x}) = (if x \ A then card A - 1 else card A)"
by (simp add: card_Diff_singleton)
lemma card_Diff_insert[simp]:
assumes "finite A" and "a \ A" and "a \ B"
shows "card (A - insert a B) = card (A - B) - 1"
proof -
have "A - insert a B = (A - B) - {a}"
using assms by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms by (simp add: card_Diff_singleton)
lemma card_insert_le: "finite A \ card A \ card (insert x A)"
by (simp add: card_insert_if)
lemma card_Collect_less_nat[simp]: "card {i::nat. i < n} = n"
by (induct n) (simp_all add:less_Suc_eq Collect_disj_eq)
lemma card_Collect_le_nat[simp]: "card {i::nat. i \ n} = Suc n"
using card_Collect_less_nat[of "Suc n"] by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le)
lemma card_mono:
assumes "finite B" and "A \ B"
shows "card A \ card B"
proof -
from assms have "finite A"
by (auto intro: finite_subset)
then show ?thesis
using assms
proof (induct A arbitrary: B)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x A)
then have "x \ B"
by simp
from insert have "A \ B - {x}" and "finite (B - {x})"
by auto
with insert.hyps have "card A \ card (B - {x})"
by auto
with \<open>finite A\<close> \<open>x \<notin> A\<close> \<open>finite B\<close> \<open>x \<in> B\<close> show ?case
by simp (simp only: card.remove)
lemma card_seteq:
assumes "finite B" and A: "A \ B" "card B \ card A"
shows "A = B"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: A rule: finite_induct)
case (insert b B)
then have A: "finite A" "A - {b} \ B"
by force+
then have "card B \ card (A - {b})"
using insert by (auto simp add: card_Diff_singleton_if)
then have "A - {b} = B"
using A insert.IH by auto
then show ?case
using insert.hyps insert.prems by auto
qed auto
lemma psubset_card_mono: "finite B \ A < B \ card A < card B"
using card_seteq [of B A] by (auto simp add: psubset_eq)
lemma card_Un_Int:
assumes "finite A" "finite B"
shows "card A + card B = card (A \ B) + card (A \ B)"
using assms
proof (induct A)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case insert
then show ?case
by (auto simp add: insert_absorb Int_insert_left)
lemma card_Un_disjoint: "finite A \ finite B \ A \ B = {} \ card (A \ B) = card A + card B"
using card_Un_Int [of A B] by simp
lemma card_Un_disjnt: "\finite A; finite B; disjnt A B\ \ card (A \ B) = card A + card B"
by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint disjnt_def)
lemma card_Un_le: "card (A \ B) \ card A + card B"
proof (cases "finite A \ finite B")
case True
then show ?thesis
using le_iff_add card_Un_Int [of A B] by auto
qed auto
lemma card_Diff_subset:
assumes "finite B"
and "B \ A"
shows "card (A - B) = card A - card B"
using assms
proof (cases "finite A")
case False
with assms show ?thesis
by simp
case True
with assms show ?thesis
by (induct B arbitrary: A) simp_all
lemma card_Diff_subset_Int:
assumes "finite (A \ B)"
shows "card (A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)"
proof -
have "A - B = A - A \ B" by auto
with assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: card_Diff_subset)
lemma diff_card_le_card_Diff:
assumes "finite B"
shows "card A - card B \ card (A - B)"
proof -
have "card A - card B \ card A - card (A \ B)"
using card_mono[OF assms Int_lower2, of A] by arith
also have "\ = card (A - B)"
using assms by (simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma card_le_sym_Diff:
assumes "finite A" "finite B" "card A \ card B"
shows "card(A - B) \ card(B - A)"
proof -
have "card(A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int)
also have "\ \ card B - card (A \ B)" using assms(3) by linarith
also have "\ = card(B - A)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int Int_commute)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma card_less_sym_Diff:
assumes "finite A" "finite B" "card A < card B"
shows "card(A - B) < card(B - A)"
proof -
have "card(A - B) = card A - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int)
also have "\ < card B - card (A \ B)" using assms(1,3) by (simp add: card_mono diff_less_mono)
also have "\ = card(B - A)" using assms(1,2) by(simp add: card_Diff_subset_Int Int_commute)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma card_Diff1_less_iff: "card (A - {x}) < card A \ finite A \ x \ A"
proof (cases "finite A \ x \ A")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: card_gt_0_iff intro: diff_less)
qed auto
lemma card_Diff1_less: "finite A \ x \ A \ card (A - {x}) < card A"
unfolding card_Diff1_less_iff by auto
lemma card_Diff2_less:
assumes "finite A" "x \ A" "y \ A" shows "card (A - {x} - {y}) < card A"
proof (cases "x = y")
case True
with assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: card_Diff1_less del: card_Diff_insert)
case False
then have "card (A - {x} - {y}) < card (A - {x})" "card (A - {x}) < card A"
using assms by (intro card_Diff1_less; simp)+
then show ?thesis
by (blast intro: less_trans)
lemma card_Diff1_le: "finite A \ card (A - {x}) \ card A"
by (cases "x \ A") (simp_all add: card_Diff1_less less_imp_le)
lemma card_psubset: "finite B \ A \ B \ card A < card B \ A < B"
by (erule psubsetI) blast
lemma card_le_inj:
assumes fA: "finite A"
and fB: "finite B"
and c: "card A \ card B"
shows "\f. f ` A \ B \ inj_on f A"
using fA fB c
proof (induct arbitrary: B rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x s t)
then show ?case
proof (induct rule: finite_induct [OF insert.prems(1)])
case 1
then show ?case by simp
case (2 y t)
from "2.prems"(1,2,5) "2.hyps"(1,2) have cst: "card s \ card t"
by simp
from "2.prems"(3) [OF "2.hyps"(1) cst]
obtain f where "f ` s \ t" "inj_on f s"
by blast
with "2.prems"(2) "2.hyps"(2) show ?case
unfolding inj_on_def
by (rule_tac x = "\z. if z = x then y else f z" in exI) auto
lemma card_subset_eq:
assumes fB: "finite B"
and AB: "A \ B"
and c: "card A = card B"
shows "A = B"
proof -
from fB AB have fA: "finite A"
by (auto intro: finite_subset)
from fA fB have fBA: "finite (B - A)"
by auto
have e: "A \ (B - A) = {}"
by blast
have eq: "A \ (B - A) = B"
using AB by blast
from card_Un_disjoint[OF fA fBA e, unfolded eq c] have "card (B - A) = 0"
by arith
then have "B - A = {}"
unfolding card_eq_0_iff using fA fB by simp
with AB show "A = B"
by blast
lemma insert_partition:
"x \ F \ \c1 \ insert x F. \c2 \ insert x F. c1 \ c2 \ c1 \ c2 = {} \ x \ \F = {}"
by auto (* somewhat slow *)
lemma finite_psubset_induct [consumes 1, case_names psubset]:
assumes finite: "finite A"
and major: "\A. finite A \ (\B. B \ A \ P B) \ P A"
shows "P A"
using finite
proof (induct A taking: card rule: measure_induct_rule)
case (less A)
have fin: "finite A" by fact
have ih: "card B < card A \ finite B \ P B" for B by fact
have "P B" if "B \ A" for B
proof -
from that have "card B < card A"
using psubset_card_mono fin by blast
from that have "B \ A"
by auto
then have "finite B"
using fin finite_subset by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using ih by simp
with fin show "P A" using major by blast
lemma finite_induct_select [consumes 1, case_names empty select]:
assumes "finite S"
and "P {}"
and select: "\T. T \ S \ P T \ \s\S - T. P (insert s T)"
shows "P S"
proof -
have "0 \ card S" by simp
then have "\T \ S. card T = card S \ P T"
proof (induct rule: dec_induct)
case base with \<open>P {}\<close>
show ?case
by (intro exI[of _ "{}"]) auto
case (step n)
then obtain T where T: "T \ S" "card T = n" "P T"
by auto
with \<open>n < card S\<close> have "T \<subset> S" "P T"
by auto
with select[of T] obtain s where "s \ S" "s \ T" "P (insert s T)"
by auto
with step(2) T \<open>finite S\<close> show ?case
by (intro exI[of _ "insert s T"]) (auto dest: finite_subset)
with \<open>finite S\<close> show "P S"
by (auto dest: card_subset_eq)
lemma remove_induct [case_names empty infinite remove]:
assumes empty: "P ({} :: 'a set)"
and infinite: "\ finite B \ P B"
and remove: "\A. finite A \ A \ {} \ A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ P (A - {x})) \ P A"
shows "P B"
proof (cases "finite B")
case False
then show ?thesis by (rule infinite)
case True
define A where "A = B"
with True have "finite A" "A \ B"
by simp_all
then show "P A"
proof (induct "card A" arbitrary: A)
case 0
then have "A = {}" by auto
with empty show ?case by simp
case (Suc n A)
from \<open>A \<subseteq> B\<close> and \<open>finite B\<close> have "finite A"
by (rule finite_subset)
moreover from Suc.hyps have "A \ {}" by auto
moreover note \<open>A \<subseteq> B\<close>
moreover have "P (A - {x})" if x: "x \ A" for x
using x Suc.prems \<open>Suc n = card A\<close> by (intro Suc) auto
ultimately show ?case by (rule remove)
lemma finite_remove_induct [consumes 1, case_names empty remove]:
fixes P :: "'a set \ bool"
assumes "finite B"
and "P {}"
and "\A. finite A \ A \ {} \ A \ B \ (\x. x \ A \ P (A - {x})) \ P A"
defines "B' \ B"
shows "P B'"
by (induct B' rule: remove_induct) (simp_all add: assms)
text \<open>Main cardinality theorem.\<close>
lemma card_partition [rule_format]:
"finite C \ finite (\C) \ (\c\C. card c = k) \
(\<forall>c1 \<in> C. \<forall>c2 \<in> C. c1 \<noteq> c2 \<longrightarrow> c1 \<inter> c2 = {}) \<Longrightarrow>
k * card C = card (\<Union>C)"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint insert_partition finite_subset [of _ "\(insert _ _)"])
lemma card_eq_UNIV_imp_eq_UNIV:
assumes fin: "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
and card: "card A = card (UNIV :: 'a set)"
shows "A = (UNIV :: 'a set)"
show "A \ UNIV" by simp
show "UNIV \ A"
show "x \ A" for x
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "x \ A"
then have "A \ UNIV" by auto
with fin have "card A < card (UNIV :: 'a set)"
by (fact psubset_card_mono)
with card show False by simp
text \<open>The form of a finite set of given cardinality\<close>
lemma card_eq_SucD:
assumes "card A = Suc k"
shows "\b B. A = insert b B \ b \ B \ card B = k \ (k = 0 \ B = {})"
proof -
have fin: "finite A"
using assms by (auto intro: ccontr)
moreover have "card A \ 0"
using assms by auto
ultimately obtain b where b: "b \ A"
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "A = insert b (A - {b})"
using b by blast
show "b \ A - {b}"
by blast
show "card (A - {b}) = k" and "k = 0 \ A - {b} = {}"
using assms b fin by (fastforce dest: mk_disjoint_insert)+
lemma card_Suc_eq:
"card A = Suc k \
(\<exists>b B. A = insert b B \<and> b \<notin> B \<and> card B = k \<and> (k = 0 \<longrightarrow> B = {}))"
by (auto simp: card_insert_if card_gt_0_iff elim!: card_eq_SucD)
lemma card_1_singletonE:
assumes "card A = 1"
obtains x where "A = {x}"
using assms by (auto simp: card_Suc_eq)
lemma is_singleton_altdef: "is_singleton A \ card A = 1"
unfolding is_singleton_def
by (auto elim!: card_1_singletonE is_singletonE simp del: One_nat_def)
lemma card_1_singleton_iff: "card A = Suc 0 \ (\x. A = {x})"
by (simp add: card_Suc_eq)
lemma card_le_Suc0_iff_eq:
assumes "finite A"
shows "card A \ Suc 0 \ (\a1 \ A. \a2 \ A. a1 = a2)" (is "?C = ?A")
assume ?C thus ?A using assms by (auto simp: le_Suc_eq dest: card_eq_SucD)
assume ?A
show ?C
proof cases
assume "A = {}" thus ?C using \<open>?A\<close> by simp
assume "A \ {}"
then obtain a where "A = {a}" using \<open>?A\<close> by blast
thus ?C by simp
lemma card_le_Suc_iff:
"Suc n \ card A = (\a B. A = insert a B \ a \ B \ n \ card B \ finite B)"
proof (cases "finite A")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (fastforce simp: card_Suc_eq less_eq_nat.simps split: nat.splits)
qed auto
lemma finite_fun_UNIVD2:
assumes fin: "finite (UNIV :: ('a \ 'b) set)"
shows "finite (UNIV :: 'b set)"
proof -
from fin have "finite (range (\f :: 'a \ 'b. f arbitrary))" for arbitrary
by (rule finite_imageI)
moreover have "UNIV = range (\f :: 'a \ 'b. f arbitrary)" for arbitrary
by (rule UNIV_eq_I) auto
ultimately show "finite (UNIV :: 'b set)"
by simp
lemma card_UNIV_unit [simp]: "card (UNIV :: unit set) = 1"
unfolding UNIV_unit by simp
lemma infinite_arbitrarily_large:
assumes "\ finite A"
shows "\B. finite B \ card B = n \ B \ A"
proof (induction n)
case 0
show ?case by (intro exI[of _ "{}"]) auto
case (Suc n)
then obtain B where B: "finite B \ card B = n \ B \ A" ..
with \<open>\<not> finite A\<close> have "A \<noteq> B" by auto
with B have "B \ A" by auto
then have "\x. x \ A - B"
by (elim psubset_imp_ex_mem)
then obtain x where x: "x \ A - B" ..
with B have "finite (insert x B) \ card (insert x B) = Suc n \ insert x B \ A"
by auto
then show "\B. finite B \ card B = Suc n \ B \ A" ..
text \<open>Sometimes, to prove that a set is finite, it is convenient to work with finite subsets
and to show that their cardinalities are uniformly bounded. This possibility is formalized in
the next criterion.\<close>
lemma finite_if_finite_subsets_card_bdd:
assumes "\G. G \ F \ finite G \ card G \ C"
shows "finite F \ card F \ C"
proof (cases "finite F")
case False
obtain n::nat where n: "n > max C 0" by auto
obtain G where G: "G \ F" "card G = n" using infinite_arbitrarily_large[OF False] by auto
hence "finite G" using \<open>n > max C 0\<close> using card.infinite gr_implies_not0 by blast
hence False using assms G n not_less by auto
thus ?thesis ..
case True thus ?thesis using assms[of F] by auto
subsubsection \<open>Cardinality of image\<close>
lemma card_image_le: "finite A \ card (f ` A) \ card A"
by (induct rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: le_SucI card_insert_if)
lemma card_image: "inj_on f A \ card (f ` A) = card A"
proof (induct A rule: infinite_finite_induct)
case (infinite A)
then have "\ finite (f ` A)" by (auto dest: finite_imageD)
with infinite show ?case by simp
qed simp_all
lemma bij_betw_same_card: "bij_betw f A B \ card A = card B"
by (auto simp: card_image bij_betw_def)
lemma endo_inj_surj: "finite A \ f ` A \ A \ inj_on f A \ f ` A = A"
by (simp add: card_seteq card_image)
lemma eq_card_imp_inj_on:
assumes "finite A" "card(f ` A) = card A"
shows "inj_on f A"
using assms
proof (induct rule:finite_induct)
case empty
show ?case by simp
case (insert x A)
then show ?case
using card_image_le [of A f] by (simp add: card_insert_if split: if_splits)
lemma inj_on_iff_eq_card: "finite A \ inj_on f A \ card (f ` A) = card A"
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