(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Pcpo.thy
Author: Franz Regensburger
section \<open>Classes cpo and pcpo\<close>
theory Pcpo
imports Porder
subsection \<open>Complete partial orders\<close>
text \<open>The class cpo of chain complete partial orders\<close>
class cpo = po +
assumes cpo: "chain S \ \x. range S <<| x"
text \<open>in cpo's everthing equal to THE lub has lub properties for every chain\<close>
lemma cpo_lubI: "chain S \ range S <<| (\i. S i)"
by (fast dest: cpo elim: is_lub_lub)
lemma thelubE: "\chain S; (\i. S i) = l\ \ range S <<| l"
by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub)
text \<open>Properties of the lub\<close>
lemma is_ub_thelub: "chain S \ S x \ (\i. S i)"
by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub [THEN is_lub_rangeD1])
lemma is_lub_thelub: "\chain S; range S <| x\ \ (\i. S i) \ x"
by (blast dest: cpo intro: is_lub_lub [THEN is_lubD2])
lemma lub_below_iff: "chain S \ (\i. S i) \ x \ (\i. S i \ x)"
by (simp add: is_lub_below_iff [OF cpo_lubI] is_ub_def)
lemma lub_below: "\chain S; \i. S i \ x\ \ (\i. S i) \ x"
by (simp add: lub_below_iff)
lemma below_lub: "\chain S; x \ S i\ \ x \ (\i. S i)"
by (erule below_trans, erule is_ub_thelub)
lemma lub_range_mono: "\range X \ range Y; chain Y; chain X\ \ (\i. X i) \ (\i. Y i)"
apply (erule lub_below)
apply (subgoal_tac "\j. X i = Y j")
apply clarsimp
apply (erule is_ub_thelub)
apply auto
lemma lub_range_shift: "chain Y \ (\i. Y (i + j)) = (\i. Y i)"
apply (rule below_antisym)
apply (rule lub_range_mono)
apply fast
apply assumption
apply (erule chain_shift)
apply (rule lub_below)
apply assumption
apply (rule_tac i="i" in below_lub)
apply (erule chain_shift)
apply (erule chain_mono)
apply (rule le_add1)
lemma maxinch_is_thelub: "chain Y \ max_in_chain i Y = ((\i. Y i) = Y i)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fast intro!: lub_eqI lub_finch1)
apply (unfold max_in_chain_def)
apply (safe intro!: below_antisym)
apply (fast elim!: chain_mono)
apply (drule sym)
apply (force elim!: is_ub_thelub)
text \<open>the \<open>\<sqsubseteq>\<close> relation between two chains is preserved by their lubs\<close>
lemma lub_mono: "\chain X; chain Y; \i. X i \ Y i\ \ (\i. X i) \ (\i. Y i)"
by (fast elim: lub_below below_lub)
text \<open>the = relation between two chains is preserved by their lubs\<close>
lemma lub_eq: "(\i. X i = Y i) \ (\i. X i) = (\i. Y i)"
by simp
lemma ch2ch_lub:
assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)"
assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)"
shows "chain (\i. \j. Y i j)"
apply (rule chainI)
apply (rule lub_mono [OF 2 2])
apply (rule chainE [OF 1])
lemma diag_lub:
assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)"
assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)"
shows "(\i. \j. Y i j) = (\i. Y i i)"
proof (rule below_antisym)
have 3: "chain (\i. Y i i)"
apply (rule chainI)
apply (rule below_trans)
apply (rule chainE [OF 1])
apply (rule chainE [OF 2])
have 4: "chain (\i. \j. Y i j)"
by (rule ch2ch_lub [OF 1 2])
show "(\i. \j. Y i j) \ (\i. Y i i)"
apply (rule lub_below [OF 4])
apply (rule lub_below [OF 2])
apply (rule below_lub [OF 3])
apply (rule below_trans)
apply (rule chain_mono [OF 1 max.cobounded1])
apply (rule chain_mono [OF 2 max.cobounded2])
show "(\i. Y i i) \ (\i. \j. Y i j)"
apply (rule lub_mono [OF 3 4])
apply (rule is_ub_thelub [OF 2])
lemma ex_lub:
assumes 1: "\j. chain (\i. Y i j)"
assumes 2: "\i. chain (\j. Y i j)"
shows "(\i. \j. Y i j) = (\j. \i. Y i j)"
by (simp add: diag_lub 1 2)
subsection \<open>Pointed cpos\<close>
text \<open>The class pcpo of pointed cpos\<close>
class pcpo = cpo +
assumes least: "\x. \y. x \ y"
definition bottom :: "'a" ("\")
where "bottom = (THE x. \y. x \ y)"
lemma minimal [iff]: "\ \ x"
unfolding bottom_def
apply (rule the1I2)
apply (rule ex_ex1I)
apply (rule least)
apply (blast intro: below_antisym)
apply simp
text \<open>Old "UU" syntax:\<close>
syntax UU :: logic
translations "UU" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST bottom"
text \<open>Simproc to rewrite \<^term>\<open>\<bottom> = x\<close> to \<^term>\<open>x = \<bottom>\<close>.\<close>
setup \<open>Reorient_Proc.add (fn Const(\<^const_name>\<open>bottom\<close>, _) => true | _ => false)\<close>
simproc_setup reorient_bottom ("\ = x") = Reorient_Proc.proc
text \<open>useful lemmas about \<^term>\<open>\<bottom>\<close>\<close>
lemma below_bottom_iff [simp]: "x \ \ \ x = \"
by (simp add: po_eq_conv)
lemma eq_bottom_iff: "x = \ \ x \ \"
by simp
lemma bottomI: "x \ \ \ x = \"
by (subst eq_bottom_iff)
lemma lub_eq_bottom_iff: "chain Y \ (\i. Y i) = \ \ (\i. Y i = \)"
by (simp only: eq_bottom_iff lub_below_iff)
subsection \<open>Chain-finite and flat cpos\<close>
text \<open>further useful classes for HOLCF domains\<close>
class chfin = po +
assumes chfin: "chain Y \ \n. max_in_chain n Y"
subclass cpo
apply standard
apply (frule chfin)
apply (blast intro: lub_finch1)
lemma chfin2finch: "chain Y \ finite_chain Y"
by (simp add: chfin finite_chain_def)
class flat = pcpo +
assumes ax_flat: "x \ y \ x = \ \ x = y"
subclass chfin
fix Y
assume *: "chain Y"
show "\n. max_in_chain n Y"
apply (unfold max_in_chain_def)
apply (cases "\i. Y i = \")
apply simp
apply simp
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule_tac x="i" in exI)
apply clarify
using * apply (blast dest: chain_mono ax_flat)
lemma flat_below_iff: "x \ y \ x = \ \ x = y"
by (safe dest!: ax_flat)
lemma flat_eq: "a \ \ \ a \ b = (a = b)"
by (safe dest!: ax_flat)
subsection \<open>Discrete cpos\<close>
class discrete_cpo = below +
assumes discrete_cpo [simp]: "x \ y \ x = y"
subclass po
by standard simp_all
text \<open>In a discrete cpo, every chain is constant\<close>
lemma discrete_chain_const:
assumes S: "chain S"
shows "\x. S = (\i. x)"
proof (intro exI ext)
fix i :: nat
from S le0 have "S 0 \ S i" by (rule chain_mono)
then have "S 0 = S i" by simp
then show "S i = S 0" by (rule sym)
subclass chfin
fix S :: "nat \ 'a"
assume S: "chain S"
then have "\x. S = (\i. x)"
by (rule discrete_chain_const)
then have "max_in_chain 0 S"
by (auto simp: max_in_chain_def)
then show "\i. max_in_chain i S" ..
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