(* Title: HOL/Imperative_HOL/Array.thy
Author: John Matthews, Galois Connections; Alexander Krauss, Lukas Bulwahn & Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Monadic arrays\<close>
theory Array
imports Heap_Monad
subsection \<open>Primitives\<close>
definition present :: "heap \ 'a::heap array \ bool" where
"present h a \ addr_of_array a < lim h"
definition get :: "heap \ 'a::heap array \ 'a list" where
"get h a = map from_nat (arrays h (TYPEREP('a)) (addr_of_array a))"
definition set :: "'a::heap array \ 'a list \ heap \ heap" where
"set a x = arrays_update (\h. h(TYPEREP('a) := ((h(TYPEREP('a))) (addr_of_array a:=map to_nat x))))"
definition alloc :: "'a list \ heap \ 'a::heap array \ heap" where
"alloc xs h = (let
l = lim h;
r = Array l;
h'' = set r xs (h\<lparr>lim := l + 1\<rparr>)
in (r, h''))"
definition length :: "heap \ 'a::heap array \ nat" where
"length h a = List.length (get h a)"
definition update :: "'a::heap array \ nat \ 'a \ heap \ heap" where
"update a i x h = set a ((get h a)[i:=x]) h"
definition noteq :: "'a::heap array \ 'b::heap array \ bool" (infix "=!!=" 70) where
"r =!!= s \ TYPEREP('a) \ TYPEREP('b) \ addr_of_array r \ addr_of_array s"
subsection \<open>Monad operations\<close>
definition new :: "nat \ 'a::heap \ 'a array Heap" where
[code del]: "new n x = Heap_Monad.heap (alloc (replicate n x))"
definition of_list :: "'a::heap list \ 'a array Heap" where
[code del]: "of_list xs = Heap_Monad.heap (alloc xs)"
definition make :: "nat \ (nat \ 'a::heap) \ 'a array Heap" where
[code del]: "make n f = Heap_Monad.heap (alloc (map f [0 ..< n]))"
definition len :: "'a::heap array \ nat Heap" where
[code del]: "len a = Heap_Monad.tap (\h. length h a)"
definition nth :: "'a::heap array \ nat \ 'a Heap" where
[code del]: "nth a i = Heap_Monad.guard (\h. i < length h a)
(\<lambda>h. (get h a ! i, h))"
definition upd :: "nat \ 'a \ 'a::heap array \ 'a::heap array Heap" where
[code del]: "upd i x a = Heap_Monad.guard (\h. i < length h a)
(\<lambda>h. (a, update a i x h))"
definition map_entry :: "nat \ ('a::heap \ 'a) \ 'a array \ 'a array Heap" where
[code del]: "map_entry i f a = Heap_Monad.guard (\h. i < length h a)
(\<lambda>h. (a, update a i (f (get h a ! i)) h))"
definition swap :: "nat \ 'a \ 'a::heap array \ 'a Heap" where
[code del]: "swap i x a = Heap_Monad.guard (\h. i < length h a)
(\<lambda>h. (get h a ! i, update a i x h))"
definition freeze :: "'a::heap array \ 'a list Heap" where
[code del]: "freeze a = Heap_Monad.tap (\h. get h a)"
subsection \<open>Properties\<close>
text \<open>FIXME: Does there exist a "canonical" array axiomatisation in
the literature?\<close>
text \<open>Primitives\<close>
lemma noteq_sym: "a =!!= b \ b =!!= a"
and unequal [simp]: "a \ a' \ a =!!= a'"
unfolding noteq_def by auto
lemma noteq_irrefl: "r =!!= r \ False"
unfolding noteq_def by auto
lemma present_alloc_noteq: "present h a \ a =!!= fst (alloc xs h)"
by (simp add: present_def noteq_def alloc_def Let_def)
lemma get_set_eq [simp]: "get (set r x h) r = x"
by (simp add: get_def set_def o_def)
lemma get_set_neq [simp]: "r =!!= s \ get (set s x h) r = get h r"
by (simp add: noteq_def get_def set_def)
lemma set_same [simp]:
"set r x (set r y h) = set r x h"
by (simp add: set_def)
lemma set_set_swap:
"r =!!= r' \ set r x (set r' x' h) = set r' x' (set r x h)"
by (simp add: Let_def fun_eq_iff noteq_def set_def)
lemma get_update_eq [simp]:
"get (update a i v h) a = (get h a) [i := v]"
by (simp add: update_def)
lemma nth_update_neq [simp]:
"a =!!= b \ get (update b j v h) a ! i = get h a ! i"
by (simp add: update_def noteq_def)
lemma get_update_elem_neqIndex [simp]:
"i \ j \ get (update a j v h) a ! i = get h a ! i"
by simp
lemma length_update [simp]:
"length (update b i v h) = length h"
by (simp add: update_def length_def set_def get_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma update_swap_neq:
"a =!!= a' \
update a i v (update a' i' v' h)
= update a' i' v' (update a i v h)"
apply (unfold update_def)
apply simp
apply (subst set_set_swap, assumption)
apply (subst get_set_neq)
apply (erule noteq_sym)
apply simp
lemma update_swap_neqIndex:
"\ i \ i' \ \ update a i v (update a i' v' h) = update a i' v' (update a i v h)"
by (auto simp add: update_def set_set_swap list_update_swap)
lemma get_alloc:
"get (snd (alloc xs h)) (fst (alloc ys h)) = xs"
by (simp add: Let_def split_def alloc_def)
lemma length_alloc:
"length (snd (alloc (xs :: 'a::heap list) h)) (fst (alloc (ys :: 'a list) h)) = List.length xs"
by (simp add: Array.length_def get_alloc)
lemma set:
"set (fst (alloc ls h))
new_ls (snd (alloc ls h))
= snd (alloc new_ls h)"
by (simp add: Let_def split_def alloc_def)
lemma present_update [simp]:
"present (update b i v h) = present h"
by (simp add: update_def present_def set_def get_def fun_eq_iff)
lemma present_alloc [simp]:
"present (snd (alloc xs h)) (fst (alloc xs h))"
by (simp add: present_def alloc_def set_def Let_def)
lemma not_present_alloc [simp]:
"\ present h (fst (alloc xs h))"
by (simp add: present_def alloc_def Let_def)
text \<open>Monad operations\<close>
lemma execute_new [execute_simps]:
"execute (new n x) h = Some (alloc (replicate n x) h)"
by (simp add: new_def execute_simps)
lemma success_newI [success_intros]:
"success (new n x) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: new_def)
lemma effect_newI [effect_intros]:
assumes "(a, h') = alloc (replicate n x) h"
shows "effect (new n x) h h' a"
by (rule effectI) (simp add: assms execute_simps)
lemma effect_newE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (new n x) h h' r"
obtains "r = fst (alloc (replicate n x) h)" "h' = snd (alloc (replicate n x) h)"
"get h' r = replicate n x" "present h' r" "\ present h r"
using assms by (rule effectE) (simp add: get_alloc execute_simps)
lemma execute_of_list [execute_simps]:
"execute (of_list xs) h = Some (alloc xs h)"
by (simp add: of_list_def execute_simps)
lemma success_of_listI [success_intros]:
"success (of_list xs) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: of_list_def)
lemma effect_of_listI [effect_intros]:
assumes "(a, h') = alloc xs h"
shows "effect (of_list xs) h h' a"
by (rule effectI) (simp add: assms execute_simps)
lemma effect_of_listE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (of_list xs) h h' r"
obtains "r = fst (alloc xs h)" "h' = snd (alloc xs h)"
"get h' r = xs" "present h' r" "\ present h r"
using assms by (rule effectE) (simp add: get_alloc execute_simps)
lemma execute_make [execute_simps]:
"execute (make n f) h = Some (alloc (map f [0 ..< n]) h)"
by (simp add: make_def execute_simps)
lemma success_makeI [success_intros]:
"success (make n f) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: make_def)
lemma effect_makeI [effect_intros]:
assumes "(a, h') = alloc (map f [0 ..< n]) h"
shows "effect (make n f) h h' a"
by (rule effectI) (simp add: assms execute_simps)
lemma effect_makeE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (make n f) h h' r"
obtains "r = fst (alloc (map f [0 ..< n]) h)" "h' = snd (alloc (map f [0 ..< n]) h)"
"get h' r = map f [0 ..< n]" "present h' r" "\ present h r"
using assms by (rule effectE) (simp add: get_alloc execute_simps)
lemma execute_len [execute_simps]:
"execute (len a) h = Some (length h a, h)"
by (simp add: len_def execute_simps)
lemma success_lenI [success_intros]:
"success (len a) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: len_def)
lemma effect_lengthI [effect_intros]:
assumes "h' = h" "r = length h a"
shows "effect (len a) h h' r"
by (rule effectI) (simp add: assms execute_simps)
lemma effect_lengthE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (len a) h h' r"
obtains "r = length h' a" "h' = h"
using assms by (rule effectE) (simp add: execute_simps)
lemma execute_nth [execute_simps]:
"i < length h a \
execute (nth a i) h = Some (get h a ! i, h)"
"i \ length h a \ execute (nth a i) h = None"
by (simp_all add: nth_def execute_simps)
lemma success_nthI [success_intros]:
"i < length h a \ success (nth a i) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: nth_def)
lemma effect_nthI [effect_intros]:
assumes "i < length h a" "h' = h" "r = get h a ! i"
shows "effect (nth a i) h h' r"
by (rule effectI) (insert assms, simp add: execute_simps)
lemma effect_nthE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (nth a i) h h' r"
obtains "i < length h a" "r = get h a ! i" "h' = h"
using assms by (rule effectE) (cases "i < length h a", auto simp: execute_simps elim: successE)
lemma execute_upd [execute_simps]:
"i < length h a \
execute (upd i x a) h = Some (a, update a i x h)"
"i \ length h a \ execute (upd i x a) h = None"
by (simp_all add: upd_def execute_simps)
lemma success_updI [success_intros]:
"i < length h a \ success (upd i x a) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: upd_def)
lemma effect_updI [effect_intros]:
assumes "i < length h a" "h' = update a i v h"
shows "effect (upd i v a) h h' a"
by (rule effectI) (insert assms, simp add: execute_simps)
lemma effect_updE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (upd i v a) h h' r"
obtains "r = a" "h' = update a i v h" "i < length h a"
using assms by (rule effectE) (cases "i < length h a", auto simp: execute_simps elim: successE)
lemma execute_map_entry [execute_simps]:
"i < length h a \
execute (map_entry i f a) h =
Some (a, update a i (f (get h a ! i)) h)"
"i \ length h a \ execute (map_entry i f a) h = None"
by (simp_all add: map_entry_def execute_simps)
lemma success_map_entryI [success_intros]:
"i < length h a \ success (map_entry i f a) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: map_entry_def)
lemma effect_map_entryI [effect_intros]:
assumes "i < length h a" "h' = update a i (f (get h a ! i)) h" "r = a"
shows "effect (map_entry i f a) h h' r"
by (rule effectI) (insert assms, simp add: execute_simps)
lemma effect_map_entryE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (map_entry i f a) h h' r"
obtains "r = a" "h' = update a i (f (get h a ! i)) h" "i < length h a"
using assms by (rule effectE) (cases "i < length h a", auto simp: execute_simps elim: successE)
lemma execute_swap [execute_simps]:
"i < length h a \
execute (swap i x a) h =
Some (get h a ! i, update a i x h)"
"i \ length h a \ execute (swap i x a) h = None"
by (simp_all add: swap_def execute_simps)
lemma success_swapI [success_intros]:
"i < length h a \ success (swap i x a) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: swap_def)
lemma effect_swapI [effect_intros]:
assumes "i < length h a" "h' = update a i x h" "r = get h a ! i"
shows "effect (swap i x a) h h' r"
by (rule effectI) (insert assms, simp add: execute_simps)
lemma effect_swapE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (swap i x a) h h' r"
obtains "r = get h a ! i" "h' = update a i x h" "i < length h a"
using assms by (rule effectE) (cases "i < length h a", auto simp: execute_simps elim: successE)
lemma execute_freeze [execute_simps]:
"execute (freeze a) h = Some (get h a, h)"
by (simp add: freeze_def execute_simps)
lemma success_freezeI [success_intros]:
"success (freeze a) h"
by (auto intro: success_intros simp add: freeze_def)
lemma effect_freezeI [effect_intros]:
assumes "h' = h" "r = get h a"
shows "effect (freeze a) h h' r"
by (rule effectI) (insert assms, simp add: execute_simps)
lemma effect_freezeE [effect_elims]:
assumes "effect (freeze a) h h' r"
obtains "h' = h" "r = get h a"
using assms by (rule effectE) (simp add: execute_simps)
lemma upd_return:
"upd i x a \ return a = upd i x a"
by (rule Heap_eqI) (simp add: bind_def guard_def upd_def execute_simps)
lemma array_make:
"new n x = make n (\_. x)"
by (rule Heap_eqI) (simp add: map_replicate_trivial execute_simps)
lemma array_of_list_make [code]:
"of_list xs = make (List.length xs) (\n. xs ! n)"
by (rule Heap_eqI) (simp add: map_nth execute_simps)
hide_const (open) present get set alloc length update noteq new of_list make len nth upd map_entry swap freeze
subsection \<open>Code generator setup\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Logical intermediate layer\<close>
definition new' where
[code del]: "new' = Array.new o nat_of_integer"
lemma [code]:
"Array.new = new' o of_nat"
by (simp add: new'_def o_def)
definition make' where
[code del]: "make' i f = Array.make (nat_of_integer i) (f o of_nat)"
lemma [code]:
"Array.make n f = make' (of_nat n) (f o nat_of_integer)"
by (simp add: make'_def o_def)
definition len' where
[code del]: "len' a = Array.len a \ (\n. return (of_nat n))"
lemma [code]:
"Array.len a = len' a \ (\i. return (nat_of_integer i))"
by (simp add: len'_def)
definition nth' where
[code del]: "nth' a = Array.nth a o nat_of_integer"
lemma [code]:
"Array.nth a n = nth' a (of_nat n)"
by (simp add: nth'_def)
definition upd' where
[code del]: "upd' a i x = Array.upd (nat_of_integer i) x a \ return ()"
lemma [code]:
"Array.upd i x a = upd' a (of_nat i) x \ return a"
by (simp add: upd'_def upd_return)
lemma [code]:
"Array.map_entry i f a = do {
x \<leftarrow> Array.nth a i;
Array.upd i (f x) a
by (rule Heap_eqI) (simp add: bind_def guard_def map_entry_def execute_simps)
lemma [code]:
"Array.swap i x a = do {
y \<leftarrow> Array.nth a i;
Array.upd i x a;
return y
by (rule Heap_eqI) (simp add: bind_def guard_def swap_def execute_simps)
lemma [code]:
"Array.freeze a = do {
n \<leftarrow> Array.len a;
Heap_Monad.fold_map (\<lambda>i. Array.nth a i) [0..<n]
proof (rule Heap_eqI)
fix h
have *: "List.map
(\<lambda>x. fst (the (if x < Array.length h a
then Some (Array.get h a ! x, h) else None)))
[0..<Array.length h a] =
List.map (List.nth (Array.get h a)) [0..<Array.length h a]"
by simp
have "execute (Heap_Monad.fold_map (Array.nth a) [0..
Some (Array.get h a, h)"
apply (subst execute_fold_map_unchanged_heap)
apply (simp_all add: nth_def guard_def *)
apply (simp add: length_def map_nth)
then have "execute (do {
n \<leftarrow> Array.len a;
Heap_Monad.fold_map (Array.nth a) [0..<n]
}) h = Some (Array.get h a, h)"
by (auto intro: execute_bind_eq_SomeI simp add: execute_simps)
then show "execute (Array.freeze a) h = execute (do {
n \<leftarrow> Array.len a;
Heap_Monad.fold_map (Array.nth a) [0..<n]
}) h" by (simp add: execute_simps)
hide_const (open) new' make' len' nth' upd'
text \<open>SML\<close>
code_printing type_constructor array \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "_/ array"
code_printing constant Array \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "raise/ (Fail/ \"bare Array\")"
code_printing constant Array.new' \ (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ Array.array/ (IntInf.toInt _,/ (_)))"
code_printing constant Array.of_list \<rightharpoonup> (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ Array.fromList/ _)"
code_printing constant Array.make' \ (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ Array.tabulate/ (IntInf.toInt _,/ _ o IntInf.fromInt))"
code_printing constant Array.len' \ (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ IntInf.fromInt (Array.length/ _))"
code_printing constant Array.nth' \ (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ Array.sub/ ((_),/ IntInf.toInt _))"
code_printing constant Array.upd' \ (SML) "(fn/ ()/ =>/ Array.update/ ((_),/ IntInf.toInt _,/ (_)))"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: 'a array \ 'a array \ bool" \ (SML) infixl 6 "="
code_reserved SML Array
text \<open>OCaml\<close>
code_printing type_constructor array \<rightharpoonup> (OCaml) "_/ array"
code_printing constant Array \<rightharpoonup> (OCaml) "failwith/ \"bare Array\""
code_printing constant Array.new' \ (OCaml) "(fun/ ()/ ->/ Array.make/ (Z.to'_int/ _)/ _)"
code_printing constant Array.of_list \<rightharpoonup> (OCaml) "(fun/ ()/ ->/ Array.of'_list/ _)"
code_printing constant Array.make' \ (OCaml)
"(fun/ ()/ ->/ Array.init/ (Z.to'_int/ _)/ (fun k'_ ->/ _/ (Z.of'_int/ k'_)))"
code_printing constant Array.len' \ (OCaml) "(fun/ ()/ ->/ Z.of'_int/ (Array.length/ _))"
code_printing constant Array.nth' \ (OCaml) "(fun/ ()/ ->/ Array.get/ _/ (Z.to'_int/ _))"
code_printing constant Array.upd' \ (OCaml) "(fun/ ()/ ->/ Array.set/ _/ (Z.to'_int/ _)/ _)"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: 'a array \ 'a array \ bool" \ (OCaml) infixl 4 "="
code_reserved OCaml Array
text \<open>Haskell\<close>
code_printing type_constructor array \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell) "Heap.STArray/ Heap.RealWorld/ _"
code_printing constant Array \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell) "error/ \"bare Array\""
code_printing constant Array.new' \ (Haskell) "Heap.newArray"
code_printing constant Array.of_list \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell) "Heap.newListArray"
code_printing constant Array.make' \ (Haskell) "Heap.newFunArray"
code_printing constant Array.len' \ (Haskell) "Heap.lengthArray"
code_printing constant Array.nth' \ (Haskell) "Heap.readArray"
code_printing constant Array.upd' \ (Haskell) "Heap.writeArray"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: 'a array \ 'a array \ bool" \ (Haskell) infix 4 "=="
code_printing class_instance array :: HOL.equal \<rightharpoonup> (Haskell) -
text \<open>Scala\<close>
code_printing type_constructor array \<rightharpoonup> (Scala) "!Array.T[_]"
code_printing constant Array \<rightharpoonup> (Scala) "!sys.error(\"bare Array\")"
code_printing constant Array.new' \ (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ => / Array.alloc((_))((_))"
code_printing constant Array.make' \ (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ =>/ Array.make((_))((_))"
code_printing constant Array.len' \ (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ =>/ Array.len((_))"
code_printing constant Array.nth' \ (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ =>/ Array.nth((_), (_))"
code_printing constant Array.upd' \ (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ =>/ Array.upd((_), (_), (_))"
code_printing constant Array.freeze \<rightharpoonup> (Scala) "('_: Unit)/ =>/ Array.freeze((_))"
code_printing constant "HOL.equal :: 'a array \ 'a array \ bool" \ (Scala) infixl 5 "=="
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