theory ComputeHOL
imports Complex_Main "Compute_Oracle/Compute_Oracle"
lemma Trueprop_eq_eq: "Trueprop X == (X == True)" by (simp add: atomize_eq)
lemma meta_eq_trivial: "x == y \ x == y" by simp
lemma meta_eq_imp_eq: "x == y \ x = y" by auto
lemma eq_trivial: "x = y \ x = y" by auto
lemma bool_to_true: "x :: bool \ x == True" by simp
lemma transmeta_1: "x = y \ y == z \ x = z" by simp
lemma transmeta_2: "x == y \ y = z \ x = z" by simp
lemma transmeta_3: "x == y \ y == z \ x = z" by simp
(**** compute_if ****)
lemma If_True: "If True = (\ x y. x)" by ((rule ext)+,auto)
lemma If_False: "If False = (\ x y. y)" by ((rule ext)+, auto)
lemmas compute_if = If_True If_False
(**** compute_bool ****)
lemma bool1: "(\ True) = False" by blast
lemma bool2: "(\ False) = True" by blast
lemma bool3: "(P \ True) = P" by blast
lemma bool4: "(True \ P) = P" by blast
lemma bool5: "(P \ False) = False" by blast
lemma bool6: "(False \ P) = False" by blast
lemma bool7: "(P \ True) = True" by blast
lemma bool8: "(True \ P) = True" by blast
lemma bool9: "(P \ False) = P" by blast
lemma bool10: "(False \ P) = P" by blast
lemma bool11: "(True \ P) = P" by blast
lemma bool12: "(P \ True) = True" by blast
lemma bool13: "(True \ P) = P" by blast
lemma bool14: "(P \ False) = (\ P)" by blast
lemma bool15: "(False \ P) = True" by blast
lemma bool16: "(False = False) = True" by blast
lemma bool17: "(True = True) = True" by blast
lemma bool18: "(False = True) = False" by blast
lemma bool19: "(True = False) = False" by blast
lemmas compute_bool = bool1 bool2 bool3 bool4 bool5 bool6 bool7 bool8 bool9 bool10 bool11 bool12 bool13 bool14 bool15 bool16 bool17 bool18 bool19
(*** compute_pair ***)
lemma compute_fst: "fst (x,y) = x" by simp
lemma compute_snd: "snd (x,y) = y" by simp
lemma compute_pair_eq: "((a, b) = (c, d)) = (a = c \ b = d)" by auto
lemma case_prod_simp: "case_prod f (x,y) = f x y" by simp
lemmas compute_pair = compute_fst compute_snd compute_pair_eq case_prod_simp
(*** compute_option ***)
lemma compute_the: "the (Some x) = x" by simp
lemma compute_None_Some_eq: "(None = Some x) = False" by auto
lemma compute_Some_None_eq: "(Some x = None) = False" by auto
lemma compute_None_None_eq: "(None = None) = True" by auto
lemma compute_Some_Some_eq: "(Some x = Some y) = (x = y)" by auto
definition case_option_compute :: "'b option \ 'a \ ('b \ 'a) \ 'a"
where "case_option_compute opt a f = case_option a f opt"
lemma case_option_compute: "case_option = (\ a f opt. case_option_compute opt a f)"
by (simp add: case_option_compute_def)
lemma case_option_compute_None: "case_option_compute None = (\ a f. a)"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: case_option_compute_def)
lemma case_option_compute_Some: "case_option_compute (Some x) = (\ a f. f x)"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: case_option_compute_def)
lemmas compute_case_option = case_option_compute case_option_compute_None case_option_compute_Some
lemmas compute_option = compute_the compute_None_Some_eq compute_Some_None_eq compute_None_None_eq compute_Some_Some_eq compute_case_option
(**** compute_list_length ****)
lemma length_cons:"length (x#xs) = 1 + (length xs)"
by simp
lemma length_nil: "length [] = 0"
by simp
lemmas compute_list_length = length_nil length_cons
(*** compute_case_list ***)
definition case_list_compute :: "'b list \ 'a \ ('b \ 'b list \ 'a) \ 'a"
where "case_list_compute l a f = case_list a f l"
lemma case_list_compute: "case_list = (\ (a::'a) f (l::'b list). case_list_compute l a f)"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: case_list_compute_def)
lemma case_list_compute_empty: "case_list_compute ([]::'b list) = (\ (a::'a) f. a)"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: case_list_compute_def)
lemma case_list_compute_cons: "case_list_compute (u#v) = (\ (a::'a) f. (f (u::'b) v))"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: case_list_compute_def)
lemmas compute_case_list = case_list_compute case_list_compute_empty case_list_compute_cons
(*** compute_list_nth ***)
(* Of course, you will need computation with nats for this to work \<dots> *)
lemma compute_list_nth: "((x#xs) ! n) = (if n = 0 then x else (xs ! (n - 1)))"
by (cases n, auto)
(*** compute_list ***)
lemmas compute_list = compute_case_list compute_list_length compute_list_nth
(*** compute_let ***)
lemmas compute_let = Let_def
(* Everything together *)
lemmas compute_hol = compute_if compute_bool compute_pair compute_option compute_list compute_let
ML \<open>
signature ComputeHOL =
val prep_thms : thm list -> thm list
val to_meta_eq : thm -> thm
val to_hol_eq : thm -> thm
val symmetric : thm -> thm
val trans : thm -> thm -> thm
structure ComputeHOL : ComputeHOL =
fun lhs_of eq = fst (Thm.dest_equals (Thm.cprop_of eq));
fun rewrite_conv [] ct = raise CTERM ("rewrite_conv", [ct])
| rewrite_conv (eq :: eqs) ct =
Thm.instantiate (Thm.match (lhs_of eq, ct)) eq
handle Pattern.MATCH => rewrite_conv eqs ct;
val convert_conditions = Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.prems_conv ~1 (Conv.try_conv (rewrite_conv [@{thm "Trueprop_eq_eq"}])))
val eq_th = @{thm "HOL.eq_reflection"}
val meta_eq_trivial = @{thm "ComputeHOL.meta_eq_trivial"}
val bool_to_true = @{thm "ComputeHOL.bool_to_true"}
fun to_meta_eq th = eq_th OF [th] handle THM _ => meta_eq_trivial OF [th] handle THM _ => bool_to_true OF [th]
fun to_hol_eq th = @{thm "meta_eq_imp_eq"} OF [th] handle THM _ => @{thm "eq_trivial"} OF [th]
fun prep_thms ths = map (convert_conditions o to_meta_eq) ths
fun symmetric th = @{thm "HOL.sym"} OF [th] handle THM _ => @{thm "Pure.symmetric"} OF [th]
val trans_HOL = @{thm "HOL.trans"}
val trans_HOL_1 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_1"}
val trans_HOL_2 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_2"}
val trans_HOL_3 = @{thm "ComputeHOL.transmeta_3"}
fun tr [] th1 th2 = trans_HOL OF [th1, th2]
| tr (t::ts) th1 th2 = (t OF [th1, th2] handle THM _ => tr ts th1 th2)
fun trans th1 th2 = tr [trans_HOL, trans_HOL_1, trans_HOL_2, trans_HOL_3] th1 th2
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