(* Title: HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp.lex
Author: Nik Sultana, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
* Omit %full in definitions to restrict alphabet to ascii.
* Could include %posarg to ensure that we'd start counting character positions
from 0, but it would punish performance.
* %s AF F COMMENT; -- could improve by making stateful.
* Geoff Sutcliffe for help with TPTP.
* Timothy Bourke for his tips on getting ML-Yacc working with Poly/ML.
* An early version of this was ported from the specification shipped with
Leo-II, written by Frank Theiss.
* Some boilerplate bits were taken from the ml-yacc/ml-lex manual by Roger Price.
* Jasmin Blanchette and Makarius Wenzel for help with Isabelle integration.
structure T = Tokens
type pos = int (* Position in file *)
type lineNo = int
type svalue = T.svalue
type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) T.token
type lexresult = (svalue,pos) token
type lexarg = string
type arg = lexarg
val col = ref 0;
val linep = ref 1; (* Line pointer *)
val eolpos = ref 0;
val badCh : string * string * int * int -> unit = fn
(file_name, bad, line, col) =>
TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, file_name ^ "["
^ Int.toString line ^ "." ^ Int.toString col
^ "] Invalid character \"" ^ bad ^ "\"\n");
val eof = fn file_name =>
val result = T.EOF (!linep,!col);
val _ = linep := 0;
in result end
(*here could check whether file ended prematurely:
see if have open brackets, or if we're in some state other than INITIAL*)
val count_commentlines : string -> unit = fn str =>
val str' = String.explode str
val newlines = List.filter (fn x => x = #"\n") str'
in linep := (!linep) + (List.length newlines) end
%header (functor TPTPLexFun(structure Tokens: TPTP_TOKENS));
%arg (file_name:string);
percentage_sign = "%";
double_quote = ["];
do_char = ([^"\\]|[\\]["\\]);
single_quote = ['];
sq_char = ([^'\\]|[\\]['\\]);
sign = [+-];
dot = [.];
exponent = [Ee];
slash = [/];
zero_numeric = [0];
non_zero_numeric = [1-9];
numeric = [0-9];
lower_alpha = [a-z];
upper_alpha = [A-Z];
alpha_numeric = ({lower_alpha}|{upper_alpha}|{numeric}|_);
dollar = \$;
printable_char = .;
viewable_char = [.\n];
dot_decimal = {dot}{numeric}+;
ddollar = \$\$;
unsigned_integer = {numeric}+;
divide = [/];
signed_integer = {sign}{unsigned_integer};
exp_suffix = {exponent}({signed_integer}|{unsigned_integer});
real = ({signed_integer}|{unsigned_integer}){dot_decimal}{exp_suffix}?;
rational = ({signed_integer}|{unsigned_integer}){divide}{unsigned_integer};
lower_word = {lower_alpha}{alpha_numeric}*;
upper_word = {upper_alpha}{alpha_numeric}*;
dollar_dollar_word = {ddollar}{lower_word};
dollar_word = {dollar}{lower_word};
dollar_underscore = {dollar}_;
distinct_object = {double_quote}{do_char}+{double_quote};
ws = ([\ ]|[\t]);
single_quoted = {single_quote}{sq_char}+{single_quote};
system_comment_one = [%][\ ]*{ddollar}[_]*;
system_comment_multi = [/][\*][\ ]*(ddollar)([^\*]*[\*][\*]*[^/\*])*[^\*]*[\*][\*]*[/];
system_comment = (system_comment_one)|(system_comment_multi);
comment_line = {percentage_sign}[^\n]*;
comment_block = [/][\*]([^\*]*[\*]+[^/\*])*[^\*]*[\*]+[/];
comment = ({comment_line}|{comment_block})+;
eol = ("\013\010"|"\010"|"\013");
{ws}* => (col:=(!col)+size yytext; continue () );
{eol} => (linep:=(!linep)+1;
eolpos:=yypos+size yytext; continue ());
"&" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.AMPERSAND(!linep,!col));
"@+" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.INDEF_CHOICE(!linep,!col));
"@-" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEFIN_CHOICE(!linep,!col));
"!!" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.OPERATOR_FORALL(!linep,!col));
"??" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.OPERATOR_EXISTS(!linep,!col));
"@" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.AT_SIGN(!linep,!col));
"^" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.CARET(!linep,!col));
":" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.COLON(!linep,!col));
"," => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.COMMA(!linep,!col));
"=" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.EQUALS(!linep,!col));
"!" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.EXCLAMATION(!linep,!col));
":=" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET(!linep,!col));
">" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ARROW(!linep,!col));
"<=" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.FI(!linep,!col));
"<=>" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.IFF(!linep,!col));
"=>" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.IMPLIES(!linep,!col));
"[" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LBRKT(!linep,!col));
"(" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LPAREN(!linep,!col));
"->" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.MAP_TO(!linep,!col));
"--" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.MMINUS(!linep,!col));
"~&" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NAND(!linep,!col));
"!=" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NEQUALS(!linep,!col));
"<~>" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.XOR(!linep,!col));
"~|" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.NOR(!linep,!col));
"." => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PERIOD(!linep,!col));
"++" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PPLUS(!linep,!col));
"?" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.QUESTION(!linep,!col));
"]" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RBRKT(!linep,!col));
")" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RPAREN(!linep,!col));
"~" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TILDE(!linep,!col));
"|" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.VLINE(!linep,!col));
{distinct_object} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DISTINCT_OBJECT(yytext,!linep,!col));
{rational} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.RATIONAL(yytext,!linep,!col));
{real} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.REAL(yytext,!linep,!col));
{signed_integer} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SIGNED_INTEGER(yytext,!linep,!col));
{unsigned_integer} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.UNSIGNED_INTEGER(yytext,!linep,!col));
{dot_decimal} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DOT_DECIMAL(yytext,!linep,!col));
{single_quoted} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SINGLE_QUOTED(yytext,!linep,!col));
{upper_word} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.UPPER_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col));
{comment} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); count_commentlines yytext;T.COMMENT(yytext,!linep,!col));
"thf" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.THF(!linep,!col));
"fof" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.FOF(!linep,!col));
"cnf" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.CNF(!linep,!col));
"tff" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TFF(!linep,!col));
"include" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.INCLUDE(!linep,!col));
"$thf" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DTHF(!linep,!col));
"$fof" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DFOF(!linep,!col));
"$cnf" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DCNF(!linep,!col));
"$fot" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DFOT(!linep,!col));
"$tff" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DTFF(!linep,!col));
"$ite_f" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ITE_F(!linep,!col));
"$ite_t" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.ITE_T(!linep,!col));
"$let_tf" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_TF(!linep,!col));
"$let_ff" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_FF(!linep,!col));
"$let_ft" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_FT(!linep,!col));
"$let_tt" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_TT(!linep,!col));
{lower_word} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LOWER_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col));
{dollar_word} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DOLLAR_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col));
{dollar_underscore} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DOLLAR_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col));
{dollar_dollar_word} => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DOLLAR_DOLLAR_WORD(yytext,!linep,!col));
"+" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.PLUS(!linep,!col));
"*" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.TIMES(!linep,!col));
"-->" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.GENTZEN_ARROW(!linep,!col));
"<<" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.SUBTYPE(!linep,!col));
"!>" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEP_PROD(!linep,!col));
"?*" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.DEP_SUM(!linep,!col));
":-" => (col:=yypos-(!eolpos); T.LET_TERM(!linep,!col));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.61 Sekunden
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