(* Title: HOL/Tools/Function/function_common.ML
Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
Common definitions and other infrastructure for the function package.
type info =
{is_partial : bool,
defname : binding,
(*contains no logical entities: invariant under morphisms:*)
add_simps : (binding -> binding) -> string -> (binding -> binding) ->
Token.src list -> thm list -> local_theory -> thm list * local_theory,
fnames : binding list,
case_names : string list,
fs : term list,
R : term,
dom: term,
psimps: thm list,
pinducts: thm list,
simps : thm list option,
inducts : thm list option,
termination : thm,
totality : thm option,
cases : thm list,
pelims: thm list list,
elims: thm list list option}
val profile : bool Unsynchronized.ref
val PROFILE : string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val mk_acc : typ -> term -> term
val split_def : Proof.context -> (string -> 'a) -> term ->
string * (string * typ) list * term list * term list * term
val check_defs : Proof.context -> ((string * typ) * 'a) list -> term list -> unit
type fixes = ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
type 'a spec = (Attrib.binding * 'a list) list
datatype function_config = FunctionConfig of
{sequential: bool,
default: string option,
domintros: bool,
partials: bool}
type preproc = function_config -> Proof.context -> fixes -> term spec ->
term list * (thm list -> thm spec) * (thm list -> thm list list) * string list
val fname_of : term -> string
val mk_case_names : int -> string -> int -> string list
val empty_preproc : (Proof.context -> ((string * typ) * mixfix) list -> term list -> 'c) ->
val termination_rule_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val store_termination_rule : thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val retrieve_function_data : Proof.context -> term -> (term * info) list
val add_function_data : info -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val termination_prover_tac : bool -> Proof.context -> tactic
val set_termination_prover : (bool -> Proof.context -> tactic) -> Context.generic ->
val get_preproc: Proof.context -> preproc
val set_preproc: preproc -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
datatype function_result = FunctionResult of
{fs: term list,
G: term,
R: term,
dom: term,
psimps : thm list,
simple_pinducts : thm list,
cases : thm list,
pelims : thm list list,
termination : thm,
domintros : thm list option}
val transform_function_data : morphism -> info -> info
val import_function_data : term -> Proof.context -> info option
val import_last_function : Proof.context -> info option
val default_config : function_config
val function_parser : function_config ->
(function_config * ((binding * string option * mixfix) list * Specification.multi_specs_cmd)) parser
structure Function_Common : FUNCTION_COMMON =
local open Function_Lib in
(* info *)
type info =
{is_partial : bool,
defname : binding,
(*contains no logical entities: invariant under morphisms:*)
add_simps : (binding -> binding) -> string -> (binding -> binding) ->
Token.src list -> thm list -> local_theory -> thm list * local_theory,
fnames : binding list,
case_names : string list,
fs : term list,
R : term,
dom: term,
psimps: thm list,
pinducts: thm list,
simps : thm list option,
inducts : thm list option,
termination : thm,
totality : thm option,
cases : thm list,
pelims : thm list list,
elims : thm list list option}
fun transform_function_data phi ({add_simps, case_names, fnames, fs, R, dom, psimps, pinducts,
simps, inducts, termination, totality, defname, is_partial, cases, pelims, elims} : info) =
val term = Morphism.term phi
val thm = Morphism.thm phi
val fact = Morphism.fact phi
{ add_simps = add_simps, case_names = case_names, fnames = fnames,
fs = map term fs, R = term R, dom = term dom, psimps = fact psimps,
pinducts = fact pinducts, simps = Option.map fact simps,
inducts = Option.map fact inducts, termination = thm termination,
totality = Option.map thm totality, defname = Morphism.binding phi defname,
is_partial = is_partial, cases = fact cases,
pelims = map fact pelims, elims = Option.map (map fact) elims }
(* profiling *)
val profile = Unsynchronized.ref false
fun PROFILE msg = if !profile then timeap_msg msg else I
val acc_const_name = \<^const_name>\<open>Wellfounded.accp\<close>
fun mk_acc domT R =
Const (acc_const_name, (domT --> domT --> HOLogic.boolT) --> domT --> HOLogic.boolT) $ R
(* analyzing function equations *)
fun split_def ctxt check_head geq =
fun input_error msg = cat_lines [msg, Syntax.string_of_term ctxt geq]
val qs = Term.strip_qnt_vars \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> geq
val imp = Term.strip_qnt_body \<^const_name>\<open>Pure.all\<close> geq
val (gs, eq) = Logic.strip_horn imp
val (f_args, rhs) = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop eq)
handle TERM _ => error (input_error "Not an equation")
val (head, args) = strip_comb f_args
val fname = fst (dest_Free head) handle TERM _ => ""
val _ = check_head fname
(fname, qs, gs, args, rhs)
(*check for various errors in the input*)
fun check_defs ctxt fixes eqs =
val fnames = map (fst o fst) fixes
fun check geq =
fun input_error msg = error (cat_lines [msg, Syntax.string_of_term ctxt geq])
fun check_head fname =
member (op =) fnames fname orelse
input_error ("Illegal equation head. Expected " ^ commas_quote fnames)
val (fname, qs, gs, args, rhs) = split_def ctxt check_head geq
val _ = length args > 0 orelse input_error "Function has no arguments:"
fun add_bvs t is = add_loose_bnos (t, 0, is)
val rvs = (subtract (op =) (fold add_bvs args []) (add_bvs rhs []))
|> map (fst o nth (rev qs))
val _ = null rvs orelse input_error
("Variable" ^ plural " " "s " rvs ^ commas_quote rvs ^
" occur" ^ plural "s" "" rvs ^ " on right hand side only:")
val _ = forall (not o Term.exists_subterm
(fn Free (n, _) => member (op =) fnames n | _ => false)) (gs @ args)
orelse input_error "Defined function may not occur in premises or arguments"
val freeargs = map (fn t => subst_bounds (rev (map Free qs), t)) args
val funvars =
(fn q => exists (exists_subterm (fn (Free q') $ _ => q = q' | _ => false)) freeargs) qs
val _ = null funvars orelse (warning (cat_lines
["Bound variable" ^ plural " " "s " funvars ^
commas_quote (map fst funvars) ^ " occur" ^ plural "s" "" funvars ^
" in function position.", "Misspelled constructor???"]); true)
(fname, length args)
val grouped_args = AList.group (op =) (map check eqs)
val _ = grouped_args
|> map (fn (fname, ars) =>
length (distinct (op =) ars) = 1 orelse
error ("Function " ^ quote fname ^
" has different numbers of arguments in different equations"))
val not_defined = subtract (op =) (map fst grouped_args) fnames
val _ = null not_defined
orelse error ("No defining equations for function" ^
plural " " "s " not_defined ^ commas_quote not_defined)
in () end
(* preprocessors *)
type fixes = ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
type 'a spec = (Attrib.binding * 'a list) list
datatype function_config = FunctionConfig of
{sequential: bool,
default: string option,
domintros: bool,
partials: bool}
type preproc = function_config -> Proof.context -> fixes -> term spec ->
term list * (thm list -> thm spec) * (thm list -> thm list list) * string list
val fname_of = fst o dest_Free o fst o strip_comb o fst o HOLogic.dest_eq o
HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl o snd o dest_all_all
fun mk_case_names i "" k = mk_case_names i (string_of_int (i + 1)) k
| mk_case_names _ _ 0 = []
| mk_case_names _ n 1 = [n]
| mk_case_names _ n k = map (fn i => n ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i) (1 upto k)
fun empty_preproc check (_: function_config) (ctxt: Proof.context) (fixes: fixes) spec =
val (bnds, tss) = split_list spec
val ts = flat tss
val _ = check ctxt fixes ts
val fnames = map (fst o fst) fixes
val indices = map (fn eq => find_index (curry op = (fname_of eq)) fnames) ts
fun sort xs = partition_list (fn i => fn (j,_) => i = j) 0 (length fnames - 1)
(indices ~~ xs) |> map (map snd)
(* using theorem names for case name currently disabled *)
val cnames = map_index (fn (i, _) => mk_case_names i "" 1) bnds |> flat
(ts, curry op ~~ bnds o Library.unflat tss, sort, cnames)
(* context data *)
structure Data = Generic_Data
type T =
thm list *
(term * info) Item_Net.T *
(bool -> Proof.context -> tactic) *
val empty: T =
Item_Net.init (op aconv o apply2 fst) (single o fst),
fn _ => error "Termination prover not configured",
empty_preproc check_defs)
val extend = I
fun merge
((termination_rules1, functions1, termination_prover1, preproc1),
(termination_rules2, functions2, _, _)) : T =
(Thm.merge_thms (termination_rules1, termination_rules2),
Item_Net.merge (functions1, functions2),
fun termination_rule_tac ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt (#1 (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)))
val store_termination_rule = Data.map o @{apply 4(1)} o cons o Thm.trim_context
val get_functions = #2 o Data.get o Context.Proof
fun retrieve_function_data ctxt t =
Item_Net.retrieve (get_functions ctxt) t
|> (map o apsnd) (transform_function_data (Morphism.transfer_morphism' ctxt));
val add_function_data =
transform_function_data Morphism.trim_context_morphism #>
(fn info as {fs, termination, ...} =>
(Data.map o @{apply 4(2)}) (fold (fn f => Item_Net.update (f, info)) fs)
#> store_termination_rule termination)
fun termination_prover_tac quiet ctxt = #3 (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)) quiet ctxt
val set_termination_prover = Data.map o @{apply 4(3)} o K
val get_preproc = #4 o Data.get o Context.Proof
val set_preproc = Data.map o @{apply 4(4)} o K
(* function definition result data *)
datatype function_result = FunctionResult of
{fs: term list,
G: term,
R: term,
dom: term,
psimps : thm list,
simple_pinducts : thm list,
cases : thm list,
pelims : thm list list,
termination : thm,
domintros : thm list option}
fun import_function_data t ctxt =
val ct = Thm.cterm_of ctxt t
fun inst_morph u =
Morphism.instantiate_morphism (Thm.match (Thm.cterm_of ctxt u, ct))
fun match (u, data) =
SOME (transform_function_data (inst_morph u) data) handle Pattern.MATCH => NONE
get_first match (retrieve_function_data ctxt t)
|> Option.map (transform_function_data (Morphism.transfer_morphism' ctxt))
fun import_last_function ctxt =
(case Item_Net.content (get_functions ctxt) of
[] => NONE
| (t, _) :: _ =>
let val (t', ctxt') = yield_singleton (Variable.import_terms true) t ctxt
in import_function_data t' ctxt' end)
(* configuration management *)
datatype function_opt =
| Default of string
| DomIntros
| No_Partials
fun apply_opt Sequential (FunctionConfig {sequential = _, default, domintros, partials}) =
{sequential = true, default = default, domintros = domintros, partials = partials}
| apply_opt (Default d) (FunctionConfig {sequential, default = _, domintros, partials}) =
{sequential = sequential, default = SOME d, domintros = domintros, partials = partials}
| apply_opt DomIntros (FunctionConfig {sequential, default, domintros = _, partials}) =
{sequential = sequential, default = default, domintros = true, partials = partials}
| apply_opt No_Partials (FunctionConfig {sequential, default, domintros, partials = _}) =
{sequential = sequential, default = default, domintros = domintros, partials = false}
val default_config =
FunctionConfig { sequential=false, default=NONE,
domintros=false, partials=true}
val option_parser = Parse.group (fn () => "option")
((Parse.reserved "sequential" >> K Sequential)
|| ((Parse.reserved "default" |-- Parse.term) >> Default)
|| (Parse.reserved "domintros" >> K DomIntros)
|| (Parse.reserved "no_partials" >> K No_Partials))
fun config_parser default =
(Scan.optional (\<^keyword>\<open>(\<close> |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.list1 option_parser) --| \<^keyword>\<open>)\<close>) [])
>> (fn opts => fold apply_opt opts default)
fun function_parser default_cfg =
config_parser default_cfg -- Parse_Spec.specification
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