/* Title: Pure/General/pretty.scala
Author: Makarius
Generic pretty printing module.
package isabelle
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Pretty
/* XML constructors */
val space: XML.Body = List(XML.Text(Symbol.space))
def spaces(n: Int): XML.Body =
if (n == 0) Nil
else if (n == 1) space
else List(XML.Text(Symbol.spaces(n)))
def block(consistent: Boolean, indent: Int, body: XML.Body): XML.Tree =
XML.Elem(Markup.Block(consistent, indent), body)
def block(indent: Int, body: XML.Body): XML.Tree = block(false, indent, body)
def block(body: XML.Body): XML.Tree = block(2, body)
def brk(width: Int, indent: Int = 0): XML.Tree =
XML.Elem(Markup.Break(width, indent), spaces(width))
val fbrk: XML.Tree = XML.newline
def fbreaks(ts: List[XML.Tree]): XML.Body = Library.separate(fbrk, ts)
val Separator: XML.Body = List(XML.elem(Markup.SEPARATOR, space), fbrk)
def separate(ts: List[XML.Tree]): XML.Body = Library.separate(Separator, ts.map(List(_))).flatten
/* text metric -- standardized to width of space */
abstract class Metric
val unit: Double
def apply(s: String): Double
object Default_Metric extends Metric
val unit = 1.0
def apply(s: String): Double = s.length.toDouble
/* markup trees with physical blocks and breaks */
private def force_nat(i: Int): Int = i max 0
private sealed abstract class Tree { def length: Double }
private case class Block(
markup: Option[(Markup, Option[XML.Body])],
consistent: Boolean, indent: Int, body: List[Tree], length: Double) extends Tree
private case class Break(force: Boolean, width: Int, indent: Int) extends Tree
{ def length: Double = width.toDouble }
private case class Str(string: String, length: Double) extends Tree
private val FBreak = Break(true, 1, 0)
private def make_block(
markup: Option[(Markup, Option[XML.Body])],
consistent: Boolean,
indent: Int,
body: List[Tree]): Tree =
val indent1 = force_nat(indent)
@tailrec def body_length(prts: List[Tree], len: Double): Double =
val (line, rest) =
Library.take_prefix[Tree]({ case Break(true, _, _) => false case _ => true }, prts)
val len1 = ((0.0 /: line) { case (l, t) => l + t.length }) max len
(rest: @unchecked) match {
case Break(true, _, ind) :: rest1 =>
body_length(Break(false, indent1 + ind, 0) :: rest1, len1)
case Nil => len1
Block(markup, consistent, indent1, body, body_length(body, 0.0))
/* formatted output */
private sealed case class Text(tx: XML.Body = Nil, pos: Double = 0.0, nl: Int = 0)
def newline: Text = copy(tx = fbrk :: tx, pos = 0.0, nl = nl + 1)
def string(s: String, len: Double): Text =
copy(tx = if (s == "") tx else XML.Text(s) :: tx, pos = pos + len)
def blanks(wd: Int): Text = string(Symbol.spaces(wd), wd.toDouble)
def content: XML.Body = tx.reverse
private def break_dist(trees: List[Tree], after: Double): Double =
trees match {
case (_: Break) :: _ => 0.0
case t :: ts => t.length + break_dist(ts, after)
case Nil => after
private def force_break(tree: Tree): Tree =
tree match { case Break(false, wd, ind) => Break(true, wd, ind) case _ => tree }
private def force_all(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = trees.map(force_break)
private def force_next(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
trees match {
case Nil => Nil
case (t: Break) :: ts => force_break(t) :: ts
case t :: ts => t :: force_next(ts)
val default_margin: Double = 76.0
val default_breakgain: Double = default_margin / 20
def formatted(input: XML.Body,
margin: Double = default_margin,
breakgain: Double = default_breakgain,
metric: Metric = Default_Metric): XML.Body =
val emergencypos = (margin / 2).round.toInt
def make_tree(inp: XML.Body): List[Tree] =
inp flatMap {
case XML.Wrapped_Elem(markup, body1, body2) =>
List(make_block(Some(markup, Some(body1)), false, 0, make_tree(body2)))
case XML.Elem(markup, body) =>
markup match {
case Markup.Block(consistent, indent) =>
List(make_block(None, consistent, indent, make_tree(body)))
case Markup.Break(width, indent) =>
List(Break(false, force_nat(width), force_nat(indent)))
case Markup(Markup.ITEM, _) =>
List(make_block(None, false, 2,
make_tree(XML.elem(Markup.BULLET, space) :: space ::: body)))
case _ =>
List(make_block(Some((markup, None)), false, 0, make_tree(body)))
case XML.Text(text) =>
Library.separate(FBreak, split_lines(text).map(s => Str(s, metric(s))))
def format(trees: List[Tree], blockin: Int, after: Double, text: Text): Text =
trees match {
case Nil => text
case Block(markup, consistent, indent, body, blen) :: ts =>
val pos1 = (text.pos + indent).ceil.toInt
val pos2 = pos1 % emergencypos
val blockin1 = if (pos1 < emergencypos) pos1 else pos2
val d = break_dist(ts, after)
val body1 = if (consistent && text.pos + blen > margin - d) force_all(body) else body
val btext =
markup match {
case None => format(body1, blockin1, d, text)
case Some((m, markup_body)) =>
val btext0 = format(body1, blockin1, d, text.copy(tx = Nil))
val elem =
markup_body match {
case None => XML.Elem(m, btext0.content)
case Some(b) => XML.Wrapped_Elem(m, b, btext0.content)
btext0.copy(tx = elem :: text.tx)
val ts1 = if (text.nl < btext.nl) force_next(ts) else ts
format(ts1, blockin, after, btext)
case Break(force, wd, ind) :: ts =>
if (!force &&
text.pos + wd <= ((margin - break_dist(ts, after)) max (blockin + breakgain)))
format(ts, blockin, after, text.blanks(wd))
else format(ts, blockin, after, text.newline.blanks(blockin + ind))
case Str(s, len) :: ts => format(ts, blockin, after, text.string(s, len))
format(make_tree(input), 0, 0.0, Text()).content
def string_of(input: XML.Body,
margin: Double = default_margin,
breakgain: Double = default_breakgain,
metric: Metric = Default_Metric): String =
XML.content(formatted(input, margin = margin, breakgain = breakgain, metric = metric))
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.