(* Title: Pure/Isar/named_target.ML
Author: Makarius
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Targets for theory, locale, class -- at the bottom of the nested structure.
signature NAMED_TARGET =
val is_theory: local_theory -> bool
val locale_of: local_theory -> string option
val bottom_locale_of: local_theory -> string option
val class_of: local_theory -> string option
val init: Bundle.name list -> string -> theory -> local_theory
val theory_init: theory -> local_theory
val theory_map: (local_theory -> local_theory) -> theory -> theory
val theory_map_result: (morphism -> 'a -> 'b) -> (local_theory -> 'a * local_theory) ->
theory -> 'b * theory
val revoke_reinitializability: local_theory -> local_theory
val exit_global_reinitialize: local_theory -> (theory -> local_theory) * theory
structure Named_Target: NAMED_TARGET =
(* context data *)
datatype target = Theory | Locale of string | Class of string;
fun target_of_ident _ "" = Theory
| target_of_ident thy ident =
if Locale.defined thy ident
then (if Class.is_class thy ident then Class else Locale) ident
else error ("No such locale: " ^ quote ident);
fun ident_of_target Theory = ""
| ident_of_target (Locale locale) = locale
| ident_of_target (Class class) = class;
fun target_is_theory (SOME Theory) = true
| target_is_theory _ = false;
fun locale_of_target (SOME (Locale locale)) = SOME locale
| locale_of_target (SOME (Class locale)) = SOME locale
| locale_of_target _ = NONE;
fun class_of_target (SOME (Class class)) = SOME class
| class_of_target _ = NONE;
structure Data = Proof_Data
type T = (target * bool) option;
fun init _ = NONE;
val get_bottom_target = Option.map fst o Data.get;
fun get_target lthy =
if Local_Theory.level lthy = 1
then get_bottom_target lthy
else NONE;
fun ident_of lthy =
case get_target lthy of
NONE => error "Not in a named target"
| SOME target => ident_of_target target;
val is_theory = target_is_theory o get_target;
val locale_of = locale_of_target o get_target;
val bottom_locale_of = locale_of_target o get_bottom_target;
val class_of = class_of_target o get_target;
fun is_reinitializable lthy =
Local_Theory.level lthy = 1 andalso (the_default false o Option.map snd o Data.get) lthy;
(* operations *)
fun locale_foundation locale (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) params =
Generic_Target.background_foundation (((b, U), NoSyn), (b_def, rhs)) params
#-> (fn (lhs, def) => Generic_Target.locale_const locale Syntax.mode_default ((b, mx), lhs)
#> pair (lhs, def));
fun class_foundation class (((b, U), mx), (b_def, rhs)) params =
Generic_Target.background_foundation (((b, U), NoSyn), (b_def, rhs)) params
#-> (fn (lhs, def) => Class.const class ((b, mx), lhs) params
#> pair (lhs, def));
fun operations Theory =
{define = Generic_Target.define Generic_Target.theory_target_foundation,
notes = Generic_Target.notes Generic_Target.theory_target_notes,
abbrev = Generic_Target.theory_abbrev,
declaration = fn _ => Generic_Target.theory_declaration,
theory_registration = Locale.add_registration_theory,
locale_dependency = fn _ => error "Not possible in theory target",
pretty = fn ctxt => [Pretty.block [Pretty.keyword1 "theory", Pretty.brk 1,
Pretty.str (Context.theory_name (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt))]]}
| operations (Locale locale) =
{define = Generic_Target.define (locale_foundation locale),
notes = Generic_Target.notes (Generic_Target.locale_target_notes locale),
abbrev = Generic_Target.locale_abbrev locale,
declaration = Generic_Target.locale_declaration locale,
theory_registration = fn _ => error "Not possible in locale target",
locale_dependency = Locale.add_dependency locale,
pretty = fn ctxt => [Locale.pretty_locale (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) false locale]}
| operations (Class class) =
{define = Generic_Target.define (class_foundation class),
notes = Generic_Target.notes (Generic_Target.locale_target_notes class),
abbrev = Class.abbrev class,
declaration = Generic_Target.locale_declaration class,
theory_registration = fn _ => error "Not possible in class target",
locale_dependency = Locale.add_dependency class,
pretty = fn ctxt => Class.pretty_specification (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) class};
fun setup_context Theory = Proof_Context.init_global
| setup_context (Locale locale) = Locale.init locale
| setup_context (Class class) = Class.init class;
fun setup target includes =
setup_context target
#> Data.put (SOME (target, null includes))
#> Bundle.includes includes;
fun init includes ident thy =
val target = target_of_ident thy ident;
|> Local_Theory.init
{background_naming = Sign.naming_of thy |> Name_Space.mandatory_path (Long_Name.base_name ident),
setup = setup target includes,
conclude = I}
(operations target)
val theory_init = init [] "";
fun theory_map g = theory_init #> g #> Local_Theory.exit_global;
fun theory_map_result f g = theory_init #> g #> Local_Theory.exit_result_global f;
val revoke_reinitializability = (Data.map o Option.map o apsnd) (K false);
fun exit_global_reinitialize lthy =
if is_reinitializable lthy
then (init [] (ident_of lthy), Local_Theory.exit_global lthy)
else error "Non-reinitializable local theory context";
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