/* Title: Pure/PIDE/resources.scala
Author: Makarius
Resources for theories and auxiliary files.
package isabelle
import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
import java.io.{File => JFile}
object Resources
def empty: Resources =
new Resources(Sessions.Structure.empty, Sessions.Structure.empty.bootstrap)
class Resources(
val sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure,
val session_base: Sessions.Base,
val log: Logger = No_Logger,
command_timings: List[Properties.T] = Nil)
resources =>
/* init session */
def init_session_yxml: String =
import XML.Encode._
pair(list(pair(string, properties)),
pair(list(pair(string, string)),
pair(list(pair(string, string)),
pair(list(pair(string, list(string))),
pair(list(pair(string, properties)),
pair(list(pair(string, string)), list(string))))))))(
(Scala.functions.map(fun => (fun.name, fun.position)),
/* file formats */
def make_theory_name(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
File_Format.registry.get(name).flatMap(_.make_theory_name(resources, name))
def make_theory_content(thy_name: Document.Node.Name): Option[String] =
File_Format.registry.get_theory(thy_name).flatMap(_.make_theory_content(resources, thy_name))
def is_hidden(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean =
!name.is_theory || name.theory == Sessions.root_name || File_Format.registry.is_theory(name)
def html_document(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Presentation.HTML_Document] =
/* file-system operations */
def append(dir: String, source_path: Path): String =
(Path.explode(dir) + source_path).expand.implode
def append(node_name: Document.Node.Name, source_path: Path): String =
append(node_name.master_dir, source_path)
def file_node(file: Path, dir: String = "", theory: String = ""): Document.Node.Name =
val node = append(dir, file)
val master_dir = append(dir, file.dir)
Document.Node.Name(node, master_dir, theory)
def loaded_theory_node(theory: String): Document.Node.Name =
Document.Node.Name(theory, "", theory)
/* source files of Isabelle/ML bootstrap */
def source_file(raw_name: String): Option[String] =
if (Path.is_wellformed(raw_name)) {
if (Path.is_valid(raw_name)) {
def check(p: Path): Option[Path] = if (p.is_file) Some(p) else None
val path = Path.explode(raw_name)
val path1 =
if (path.is_absolute || path.is_current) check(path)
else {
check(Path.explode("~~/src/Pure") + path) orElse
(if (Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_SOURCES") == "") None
else check(Path.explode("$ML_SOURCES") + path))
Some(File.platform_path(path1 getOrElse path))
else None
else Some(raw_name)
/* theory files */
def load_commands(syntax: Outer_Syntax, name: Document.Node.Name)
: () => List[Command_Span.Span] =
val (is_utf8, raw_text) =
with_thy_reader(name, reader => (Scan.reader_is_utf8(reader), reader.source.toString))
() =>
if (syntax.has_load_commands(raw_text)) {
val text = Symbol.decode(Scan.reader_decode_utf8(is_utf8, raw_text))
else Nil
def loaded_files(syntax: Outer_Syntax, name: Document.Node.Name, spans: List[Command_Span.Span])
: List[Path] =
val dir = name.master_dir_path
for { span <- spans; file <- span.loaded_files(syntax).files }
yield (dir + Path.explode(file)).expand
def pure_files(syntax: Outer_Syntax): List[Path] =
val pure_dir = Path.explode("~~/src/Pure")
for {
(name, theory) <- Thy_Header.ml_roots
path = (pure_dir + Path.explode(name)).expand
node_name = Document.Node.Name(path.implode, path.dir.implode, theory)
file <- loaded_files(syntax, node_name, load_commands(syntax, node_name)())
} yield file
def theory_name(qualifier: String, theory: String): String =
if (Long_Name.is_qualified(theory) || session_base.global_theories.isDefinedAt(theory))
else Long_Name.qualify(qualifier, theory)
def find_theory_node(theory: String): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
val thy_file = Path.basic(Long_Name.base_name(theory)).thy
val session = session_base.theory_qualifier(theory)
val dirs =
sessions_structure.get(session) match {
case Some(info) => info.dirs
case None => Nil
case dir if (dir + thy_file).is_file => file_node(dir + thy_file, theory = theory) })
def import_name(qualifier: String, dir: String, s: String): Document.Node.Name =
val theory = theory_name(qualifier, Thy_Header.import_name(s))
def theory_node = file_node(Path.explode(s).thy, dir = dir, theory = theory)
if (!Thy_Header.is_base_name(s)) theory_node
else if (session_base.loaded_theory(theory)) loaded_theory_node(theory)
else {
find_theory_node(theory) match {
case Some(node_name) => node_name
case None => if (Long_Name.is_qualified(s)) loaded_theory_node(theory) else theory_node
def import_name(name: Document.Node.Name, s: String): Document.Node.Name =
import_name(session_base.theory_qualifier(name), name.master_dir, s)
def import_name(info: Sessions.Info, s: String): Document.Node.Name =
import_name(info.name, info.dir.implode, s)
def find_theory(file: JFile): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
for {
qualifier <- session_base.session_directories.get(File.canonical(file).getParentFile)
theory_base <- proper_string(Thy_Header.theory_name(file.getName))
theory = theory_name(qualifier, theory_base)
theory_node <- find_theory_node(theory)
if File.eq(theory_node.path.file, file)
} yield theory_node
def complete_import_name(context_name: Document.Node.Name, s: String): List[String] =
val context_session = session_base.theory_qualifier(context_name)
val context_dir =
try { Some(context_name.master_dir_path) }
catch { case ERROR(_) => None }
(for {
(session, (info, _)) <- sessions_structure.imports_graph.iterator
dir <- (if (session == context_session) context_dir.toList else info.dirs).iterator
theory <- Thy_Header.try_read_dir(dir).iterator
if Completion.completed(s)(theory)
} yield {
if (session == context_session || session_base.global_theories.isDefinedAt(theory)) theory
else Long_Name.qualify(session, theory)
def with_thy_reader[A](name: Document.Node.Name, f: Reader[Char] => A): A =
val path = name.path
if (path.is_file) using(Scan.byte_reader(path.file))(f)
else if (name.node == name.theory)
error("Cannot load theory " + quote(name.theory))
else error ("Cannot load theory file " + path)
def check_thy(node_name: Document.Node.Name, reader: Reader[Char],
command: Boolean = true, strict: Boolean = true): Document.Node.Header =
if (node_name.is_theory && reader.source.length > 0) {
try {
val header = Thy_Header.read(node_name, reader, command = command, strict = strict)
val imports =
header.imports.map({ case (s, pos) =>
val name = import_name(node_name, s)
if (Sessions.exclude_theory(name.theory_base_name))
error("Bad theory name " + quote(name.theory_base_name) + Position.here(pos))
(name, pos)
Document.Node.Header(imports, header.keywords, header.abbrevs)
catch { case exn: Throwable => Document.Node.bad_header(Exn.message(exn)) }
else Document.Node.no_header
/* special header */
def special_header(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Document.Node.Header] =
val imports =
if (name.theory == Sessions.root_name) List(import_name(name, Sessions.theory_name))
else if (Thy_Header.is_ml_root(name.theory)) List(import_name(name, Thy_Header.ML_BOOTSTRAP))
else if (Thy_Header.is_bootstrap(name.theory)) List(import_name(name, Thy_Header.PURE))
else Nil
if (imports.isEmpty) None
else Some(Document.Node.Header(imports.map((_, Position.none))))
/* blobs */
def undefined_blobs(nodes: Document.Nodes): List[Document.Node.Name] =
(for {
(node_name, node) <- nodes.iterator
if !session_base.loaded_theory(node_name)
cmd <- node.load_commands.iterator
name <- cmd.blobs_undefined.iterator
} yield name).toList
/* document changes */
def parse_change(
reparse_limit: Int,
previous: Document.Version,
doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
consolidate: List[Document.Node.Name]): Session.Change =
Thy_Syntax.parse_change(resources, reparse_limit, previous, doc_blobs, edits, consolidate)
def commit(change: Session.Change) { }
/* theory and file dependencies */
def dependencies(
thys: List[(Document.Node.Name, Position.T)],
progress: Progress = new Progress): Dependencies[Unit] =
Dependencies.empty[Unit].require_thys((), thys, progress = progress)
def session_dependencies(info: Sessions.Info, progress: Progress = new Progress)
: Dependencies[Options] =
(Dependencies.empty[Options] /: info.theories)({ case (dependencies, (options, thys)) =>
for { (thy, pos) <- thys } yield (import_name(info, thy), pos),
progress = progress)
object Dependencies
def empty[A]: Dependencies[A] = new Dependencies[A](Nil, Map.empty)
private def show_path(names: List[Document.Node.Name]): String =
names.map(name => quote(name.theory)).mkString(" via ")
private def cycle_msg(names: List[Document.Node.Name]): String =
"Cyclic dependency of " + show_path(names)
private def required_by(initiators: List[Document.Node.Name]): String =
if (initiators.isEmpty) ""
else "\n(required by " + show_path(initiators.reverse) + ")"
final class Dependencies[A] private(
rev_entries: List[Document.Node.Entry],
seen: Map[Document.Node.Name, A])
private def cons(entry: Document.Node.Entry): Dependencies[A] =
new Dependencies[A](entry :: rev_entries, seen)
def require_thy(adjunct: A,
thy: (Document.Node.Name, Position.T),
initiators: List[Document.Node.Name] = Nil,
progress: Progress = new Progress): Dependencies[A] =
val (name, pos) = thy
def message: String =
"The error(s) above occurred for theory " + quote(name.theory) +
Dependencies.required_by(initiators) + Position.here(pos)
if (seen.isDefinedAt(name)) this
else {
val dependencies1 = new Dependencies[A](rev_entries, seen + (name -> adjunct))
if (session_base.loaded_theory(name)) dependencies1
else {
try {
if (initiators.contains(name)) error(Dependencies.cycle_msg(initiators))
val header =
try {
with_thy_reader(name, check_thy(name, _, command = false)).cat_errors(message)
catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error(msg, message) }
val entry = Document.Node.Entry(name, header)
dependencies1.require_thys(adjunct, header.imports_pos,
initiators = name :: initiators, progress = progress).cons(entry)
catch {
case e: Throwable =>
dependencies1.cons(Document.Node.Entry(name, Document.Node.bad_header(Exn.message(e))))
def require_thys(adjunct: A,
thys: List[(Document.Node.Name, Position.T)],
progress: Progress = new Progress,
initiators: List[Document.Node.Name] = Nil): Dependencies[A] =
(this /: thys)(_.require_thy(adjunct, _, progress = progress, initiators = initiators))
def entries: List[Document.Node.Entry] = rev_entries.reverse
def theories: List[Document.Node.Name] = entries.map(_.name)
def theories_adjunct: List[(Document.Node.Name, A)] = theories.map(name => (name, seen(name)))
def errors: List[String] = entries.flatMap(_.header.errors)
def check_errors: Dependencies[A] =
errors match {
case Nil => this
case errs => error(cat_lines(errs))
lazy val theory_graph: Document.Node.Name.Graph[Unit] =
val regular = theories.toSet
val irregular =
(for {
entry <- entries.iterator
imp <- entry.header.imports
if !regular(imp)
} yield imp).toSet
irregular.toList.map(name => ((name, ()), Nil)) :::
entries.map(entry => ((entry.name, ()), entry.header.imports)))
lazy val loaded_theories: Graph[String, Outer_Syntax] =
(session_base.loaded_theories /: entries)({ case (graph, entry) =>
val name = entry.name.theory
val imports = entry.header.imports.map(_.theory)
val graph1 = (graph /: (name :: imports))(_.default_node(_, Outer_Syntax.empty))
val graph2 = (graph1 /: imports)(_.add_edge(_, name))
val syntax0 = if (name == Thy_Header.PURE) List(Thy_Header.bootstrap_syntax) else Nil
val syntax1 = (name :: graph2.imm_preds(name).toList).map(graph2.get_node)
val syntax = Outer_Syntax.merge(syntax0 ::: syntax1) + entry.header
graph2.map_node(name, _ => syntax)
def get_syntax(name: Document.Node.Name): Outer_Syntax =
def load_commands: List[(Document.Node.Name, List[Command_Span.Span])] =
Par_List.map((e: () => List[Command_Span.Span]) => e(),
theories.map(name => resources.load_commands(get_syntax(name), name))))
.filter(p => p._2.nonEmpty)
def loaded_files(name: Document.Node.Name, spans: List[Command_Span.Span])
: (String, List[Path]) =
val theory = name.theory
val syntax = get_syntax(name)
val files1 = resources.loaded_files(syntax, name, spans)
val files2 = if (theory == Thy_Header.PURE) pure_files(syntax) else Nil
(theory, files1 ::: files2)
def loaded_files: List[Path] =
for {
(name, spans) <- load_commands
file <- loaded_files(name, spans)._2
} yield file
def imported_files: List[Path] =
val base_theories =
base_theories.map(theory => session_base.known_theories(theory).name.path) :::
lazy val overall_syntax: Outer_Syntax =
override def toString: String = entries.toString
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.