(* Title: Pure/Syntax/simple_syntax.ML
Author: Makarius
Simple syntax for types and terms --- for bootstrapping Pure.
signature SIMPLE_SYNTAX =
val read_typ: string -> typ
val read_term: string -> term
val read_prop: string -> term
structure Simple_Syntax: SIMPLE_SYNTAX =
(* scanning tokens *)
val lexicon = Scan.make_lexicon
(map Symbol.explode ["\", "\", "(", ")", ".", "::", "\", "\", "\", "&&&", "CONST"]);
fun read scan s =
Symbol_Pos.explode0 s |>
Lexicon.tokenize lexicon false |>
filter Lexicon.is_proper |>
Scan.read Lexicon.stopper scan of
SOME x => x
| NONE => error ("Malformed input: " ^ quote s));
(* basic scanners *)
fun $$ s =
Scan.some (fn tok =>
if Lexicon.is_literal tok andalso s = Lexicon.str_of_token tok then SOME s else NONE);
fun enum1 s scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat ($$ s |-- scan);
fun enum2 s scan = scan ::: Scan.repeat1 ($$ s |-- scan);
fun kind k =
Scan.some (fn tok =>
if Lexicon.kind_of_token tok = k then SOME (Lexicon.str_of_token tok) else NONE);
val tfree = kind Lexicon.Type_Ident;
val ident = kind Lexicon.Ident;
val var = kind Lexicon.Var >> (Lexicon.read_indexname o unprefix "?");
val long_ident = kind Lexicon.Long_Ident;
val const = long_ident || ident;
(* types *)
typ = typ1 \<Rightarrow> ... \<Rightarrow> typ1
| typ1
typ1 = typ2 const ... const
| typ2
typ2 = tfree
| const
| ( typ )
fun typ x =
(enum1 "\" typ1 >> (op ---> o split_last)) x
and typ1 x =
(typ2 -- Scan.repeat const >> (fn (T, cs) => fold (fn c => fn U => Type (c, [U])) cs T)) x
and typ2 x =
(tfree >> (fn a => TFree (a, [])) ||
const >> (fn c => Type (c, [])) ||
$$ "(" |-- typ --| $$ ")") x;
val read_typ = read typ;
(* terms *)
term = \<And>ident :: typ. term
| term1
term1 = term2 \<Longrightarrow> ... \<Longrightarrow> term2
| term2
term2 = term3 \<equiv> term2
| term3 &&& term2
| term3
term3 = ident :: typ
| var :: typ
| CONST const :: typ
| \<lambda>ident :: typ. term3
| term4
term4 = term5 ... term5
| term5
term5 = ident
| var
| CONST const
| ( term )
val constraint = $$ "::" |-- typ;
val idt = ident -- constraint;
val bind = idt --| $$ ".";
fun term env T x =
($$ "\" |-- bind :|-- (fn v => term (v :: env) propT >> (Logic.all (Free v))) ||
term1 env T) x
and term1 env T x =
(enum2 "\" (term2 env propT) >> foldr1 Logic.mk_implies ||
term2 env T) x
and term2 env T x =
(equal env ||
term3 env propT -- ($$ "&&&" |-- term2 env propT) >> Logic.mk_conjunction ||
term3 env T) x
and equal env x =
(term3 env dummyT -- ($$ "\" |-- term2 env dummyT) >> (fn (t, u) =>
Const ("Pure.eq", Term.fastype_of t --> Term.fastype_of u --> propT) $ t $ u)) x
and term3 env T x =
(idt >> Free ||
var -- constraint >> Var ||
$$ "CONST" |-- const -- constraint >> Const ||
$$ "\" |-- bind :|-- (fn v => term3 (v :: env) dummyT >> lambda (Free v)) ||
term4 env T) x
and term4 env T x =
(term5 env dummyT -- Scan.repeat1 (term5 env dummyT) >> Term.list_comb ||
term5 env T) x
and term5 env T x =
(ident >> (fn a => Free (a, the_default T (AList.lookup (op =) env a))) ||
var >> (fn xi => Var (xi, T)) ||
$$ "CONST" |-- const >> (fn c => Const (c, T)) ||
$$ "(" |-- term env T --| $$ ")") x;
fun read_tm T s =
val t = read (term [] T) s
handle ERROR msg => cat_error ("Malformed input " ^ quote s) msg;
if can (Term.map_types Term.no_dummyT) t then t
else error ("Unspecified types in input: " ^ quote s)
val read_term = read_tm dummyT;
val read_prop = read_tm propT;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.