(* Title: Tools/Argo/argo_solver.ML
Author: Sascha Boehme
The main interface to the Argo solver.
The solver performs satisfiability checking for a given set of assertions. If these assertions
are unsatisfiable, a proof trace is returned. If these assertions are satisfiable, the computed
model can be queried or further assertions may be added.
signature ARGO_SOLVER =
type context
val context: context
val assert: Argo_Expr.expr list -> context -> context (* raises Argo_Expr.TYPE, Argo_Expr.EXPR
and Argo_Proof.UNSAT *)
val model_of: context -> string * Argo_Expr.typ -> bool option
structure Argo_Solver: ARGO_SOLVER =
(* context *)
type context = {
next_axiom: int,
prf: Argo_Proof.context,
core: Argo_Core.context}
fun mk_context next_axiom prf core: context = {next_axiom=next_axiom, prf=prf, core=core}
val context = mk_context 0 Argo_Proof.solver_context Argo_Core.context
(* rewriting and normalizing axioms *)
val simp_context =
|> Argo_Rewr.nnf
|> Argo_Rewr.norm_prop
|> Argo_Rewr.norm_ite
|> Argo_Rewr.norm_eq
|> Argo_Rewr.norm_arith
val simp_axiom = Argo_Rewr.with_proof (Argo_Rewr.rewrite simp_context)
(* asserting axioms *)
fun add_axiom e ({next_axiom, prf, core}: context) =
val _ = Argo_Expr.check e
val (p, prf) = Argo_Proof.mk_axiom next_axiom prf
val (ep, prf) = simp_axiom (e, p) prf
val (prf, core) = Argo_Clausify.clausify simp_context ep (prf, core)
in mk_context (next_axiom + 1) prf core end
fun assert es cx =
let val {next_axiom, prf, core}: context = fold add_axiom es cx
in mk_context next_axiom prf (Argo_Core.run core) end
(* models *)
fun model_of ({core, ...}: context) = Argo_Core.model_of core
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