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<chapter id="source-edit">
<title>Editing Source Code</title>
<!-- jEdit buffer-local properties: -->
<!-- :tabSize=2:indentSize=2:noTabs=true:wrap=soft:maxLineLen=90: -->
<!-- :xml.root=users-guide.xml: -->
<section id="modes">
<title>Edit Modes</title>
<para>An <firstterm>edit mode</firstterm> specifies syntax highlighting
rules, auto indent behavior, and various other customizations for
editing a certain file type. This section only covers using existing
edit modes; information about writing your own can be found in <xref
linkend="writing-modes-part" />.</para>
<para>When a file is opened, jEdit first checks the file name against a
list of known patterns. For example, files whose names end with
<filename>.c</filename> are opened with C mode, and files named
<filename>Makefile</filename> are opened with Makefile mode. If a
suitable match based on file name cannot be found, jEdit checks the
first line of the file. For example, files whose first line is
<filename>#!/bin/sh</filename> are opened with shell script mode.</para>
<section id="mode-selection">
<title>Mode Selection</title>
<para>File name and first line matching is done using glob patterns
similar to those used in Unix shells. Glob patterns associated with
edit modes can be changed in the <guibutton>Editing</guibutton>
pane of the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
dialog box. Note that the glob patterns must
match the file name or first line exactly; so to match files whose
first line contains <literal>begin</literal>, you must use a first
line glob of <literal>*begin*</literal>. See <xref
linkend="globs" /> for a description of glob pattern syntax.</para>
<para>The default edit mode for files which do not match any pattern
can be set in the <guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane as
<para>The edit mode can be specified manually as well. The current
buffer's edit mode can be set on a one-time basis in the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box; see <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />. To set a buffer's edit mode for future
editing sessions, place the following in one of the first or last 10
lines of the buffer, where <replaceable>edit mode</replaceable> is
the name of the desired edit mode:</para>
<screen>:mode=<replaceable>edit mode</replaceable>:</screen>
<section id="syntax-hilite">
<title>Syntax Highlighting</title>
<para>Syntax highlighting is the display of programming language
tokens using different fonts and colors. This makes code easier to
follow and errors such as misplaced quotes easier to spot. All edit
modes except for the plain text mode perform some kind of syntax
<para>The colors and styles used to highlight syntax tokens can be
changed in the <guibutton>Syntax Highlighting</guibutton>
pane of the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="syntax-hilite-pane" />.</para>
<section id="indent">
<title>Tabbing and Indentation</title>
<para>jEdit makes a distinction between the <firstterm>tab
width</firstterm>, which is is used when displaying hard tab characters,
and the <firstterm>indent width</firstterm>, which is used when a level
of indent is to be added or removed, for example by mode-specific auto
indent routines. Both can be changed in one of several ways:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the the
<guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> dialog box.
See <xref linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for the duration of the editing
session in the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. See <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in one of the first or last 10 lines of
the buffer, where <replaceable>n</replaceable> is the desired
tab width, and <replaceable>m</replaceable> is the desired
indent width:</para>
Indent Left</guisubmenu> (shortcut: <keycap>S+TAB</keycap> or
<keycap>A+LEFT</keycap>) removes one level of indent from each selected
line, or the current line if there is no selection.</para>
Indent Right</guisubmenu> (shortcut: <keycap>A+RIGHT</keycap>) adds one
level of indent to each selected line, or the current line if there is
no selection. Pressing <keycap>Tab</keycap> while a multi-line selection
is active has the same effect.</para>
Trailing Whitespace</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e r</keycap>)
removes all whitespace from the end of each selected line, or the
current line if there is no selection.</para>
<section id="soft-tabs">
<title>Soft Tabs</title>
<para>Files containing hard tab characters may look less than ideal
if the default tab size is changed, so some people prefer using
multiple space characters instead of hard tabs to indent
<para>This feature is known as <firstterm>soft tabs</firstterm>.
Soft tabs can be enabled or disabled in one of several ways:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box. See <xref
linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for the duration of the editing
session in the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. See <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in one of the first or last 10 lines
of the buffer, where <replaceable>flag</replaceable> is
either <quote>true</quote> or <quote>false</quote>:</para>
<para>Changing the soft tabs setting has no effect on existing tab
characters; it only affects subsequently-inserted tabs.</para>
to Tabs</guimenuitem> converts soft tabs to hard tabs in the current
selection, or the entire buffer if nothing is selected.</para>
to Spaces</guimenuitem> converts hard tabs to soft tabs in the
current selection, or the entire buffer if nothing is
<section id="elastic-tabstops">
<title>Elastic Tabstops</title>
<para>Elastic tabstops are an alternative way to handle tabstops.
Elastic tabstops differ from traditional fixed tabstops because
columns in lines above and below the "cell" that is being
changed are always kept aligned. As the width of text before a tab
character changes, the tabstops on adjacent lines are also
changed to fit the widest piece of text in that column. It provides
certain explicit benefits like it saves time
spent on arranging the code and works seemlessly with variable width
fonts.But at the same time it can make the code look unorganized
on editors that do not support elastic tabstops.</para>
<para>This feature is known as <firstterm>elastic tabstops</firstterm>.
Elastic tabstops can be enabled or disabled in one of several ways:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box. See <xref
linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for the duration of the editing
session in the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. See <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in one of the first or last 10 lines
of the buffer, where <replaceable>flag</replaceable> is
either <quote>true</quote> or <quote>false</quote>:</para>
<para>Note that this feature does not work with <firstterm>soft tabs</firstterm>.
where tabs are emulated as spaces</para>
<section id="autoindent">
<title>Automatic Indent</title>
<para>The auto indent feature inserts the appropriate number of tabs
or spaces at the beginning of a line. There are three different
indentation schemes to choose from: <quote>full</quote>,
<quote>simple</quote>, and <quote>none</quote>. The scheme can be
chosen on a global or per-edit mode basis using the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
dialog. It can also be changed for a specific
buffer using the <guimenuitem>Buffer Options</guimenuitem> dialog,
or with a buffer-local property. (see <xref linkend="buffer-local"/>)
<section id="autoindent-full">
<title>Automatic Indent Scheme: full</title>
In this default scheme, the amount of indentation inserted is
mode-specific. In most edit modes, the indent of the previous
line is simply copied over. However, in C-like languages (C,
C++, Java, JavaScript), curly brackets and language statements
are taken into account and indent is added and removed as
The automatic indentation can be triggered by: pressing
<keycap>ENTER</keycap> (this will by default only affect the
indentation of the new line), pressing <keycap>TAB</keycap> at
the beginning of, or inside the leading whitespace of a line,
entering one the bracket characters defined in the edit mode,
pressing one of the <varname>electricKeys</varname> for the
current edit mode (more details in
<xref linkend="mode-tag-props" />), or when causing a hard wrap
(see <xref linkend="word-wrap" />).
<para>No matter what automatic indentation scheme is currently
active, <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> >
<guisubmenu>Indent</guisubmenu> > <guisubmenu>Indent Selected
Lines</guisubmenu> (shortcut: <keycap>C+i</keycap>) indents all
selected lines, or the current line if there is no selection, as
if in the <quote>full</quote> scheme.</para>
<section id="electric-keys">
<title>Electric keys</title>
Electric keys cause reapplying of the indentation rules to
the current line. Thanks to the electric keys the following
code fragments are indented properly on-line:</para>
Java, C: brackets. If indenting brackets are defined for
the language, they are implicitly considered electric keys.
Thus a closing bracket is placed in its correct position
immediately after being typed.
Java, C: labels. Labels end with a colon and the colon is
included in electric keys for these languages. With
pressing the colon, the line is reindented and the labels
are indented a level to the left.
Basic: <literal>endif</literal>. Here <keycap>f</keycap>
letter is an electric key, that makes the line indented
to the left.
<para>In jEdit 4 electric keys worked unconditionally.
As of jEdit 5 they trigger reindentation only if
the indentation of the line, before pressing a key,
is the same as jEdit would indent it using its rules.
This allows for specifying more electric keys in mode
files, because they don't cause unwanted indentation
like they did before. Electric keys including all letters
seem to be good solution for basic-like languages.</para>
<section id="autoindent-simple">
<title>Automatic Indent Scheme: simple</title>
In this simplified automatic-indentation scheme, only two
actions trigger an indentation: pressing <keycap>ENTER</keycap>,
or causing a hard wrap. Only the new line will be indented, and
the amount of indentation will be the same as the previously
<section id="autoindent-none">
<title>Automatic Indent Scheme: none</title>
In this automatic indentation scheme, no actions in the text
area will trigger a reindentation, and all lines start
completely unindented. </para>
<section id="autoindent-customizing">
<title>Further customization of automatic indentation</title>
<para>The behavior of the <keycap>ENTER</keycap> and
<keycap>TAB</keycap> keys can be configured in the
<guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton> pane of the
dialog. box, just as with any other key.
The <keycap>ENTER</keycap> key can be bound to one of the
following, or indeed any other command or macro:</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Insert Newline</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Insert Newline and
Indent</guimenuitem>, which is the default. This is
equivalent to <guimenuitem>Insert Newline</guimenuitem>
when using the indentation scheme <quote>none</quote>.
<para>The <keycap>TAB</keycap> can be bound to one of the
following, or again, any other command or macro:</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Insert Tab</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Insert Tab or Indent</guimenuitem>,
which is the default. This is equivalent to
<guimenuitem>Insert Tab</guimenuitem> when not using the
<quote>full</quote> automatic indentation scheme.</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Indent Selected Lines</guimenuitem>.
This binding will not respect the selected auto
indentation scheme.
<para>See <xref linkend="shortcuts-pane" /> for details.</para>
<para>To insert a literal tab or newline without performing
indentation, prefix the tab or newline with <keycap>C+e
v</keycap>. For example, to create a new line without any
indentation, type <keycap>C+e v ENTER</keycap>.</para>
<section id="commenting">
<title>Commenting Out Code</title>
<para>Most programming and markup languages support the notion of
<quote>comments</quote>, or regions of code which are ignored by the
compiler/interpreter. jEdit has commands which make inserting comments
more convenient.</para>
<para>Comment strings are mode-specific, and some in some modes such as
HTML different parts of a buffer can have different comment strings. For
example, in HTML files, different comment strings are used for HTML text
and inline JavaScript.</para>
Code</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Range Comment</guimenuitem> (shortcut:
<keycap>C+e C+c</keycap>) encloses the selection with comment start and
end strings, for example <literal>/*</literal> and <literal>*/</literal>
in Java mode.</para>
Code</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Line Comment</guimenuitem> (shortcut:
<keycap>C+e C+k</keycap>) inserts the line comment string, for example
<literal>//</literal> in Java mode, at the start of each selected
<tip> <title> Toggling Comments </title>
<para> You might be looking for the actions
<guimenuitem>Toggle Line Comment</guimenuitem> or
<guimenuitem>Toggle Range Comment</guimenuitem>.
They are available from the TextTools plugin, not jEdit core. </para>
<section id="bracket-matching">
<title>Bracket Matching</title>
<para>Misplaced and unmatched brackets are one of the most common syntax
errors encountered when writing code. jEdit has several features to make
brackets easier to deal with.</para>
<para>Positioning the caret immediately after a bracket will highlight
the corresponding closing or opening bracket (assuming it is visible),
and draw a scope indicator in the gutter. If the highlighted bracket is
not visible, the text of the matching line will be shown in the status
bar. If the matching line consists of only whitespace and the bracket
itself, the <emphasis>previous line</emphasis> is shown instead. This
feature is very useful when your code is indented as follows, with
braces on their own lines:</para>
<programlisting>public void someMethod()
to Matching Bracket</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+]</keycap>) or
clicking the scope indicator in the gutter moves the caret to the
matching bracket.</para>
Code Block</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+[</keycap>) selects all
text between the closest two brackets surrounding the caret.</para>
<para>Holding down <keycap>Control</keycap> while clicking the scope
indicator in the gutter or a bracket in the text area will select all
text between the two matching brackets.</para>
to Previous Bracket</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+[</keycap>)
moves the caret to the previous opening bracket.</para>
to Next Bracket</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+]</keycap>) moves
the caret to the next closing bracket.</para>
<para>Bracket highlighting in the text area and bracket scope display in
the gutter can be customized in the <guibutton>Text Area</guibutton> and
<guibutton>Gutter</guibutton> panes of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="global-opts" />.</para>
<para>jEdit's bracket matching algorithm only checks syntax tokens
with the same type as the original bracket, so for example unmatched
brackets inside string literals and comments will be skipped when
matching brackets that are part of program syntax.</para>
<section id="abbrevs">
<para>Abbreviations are invoked by typing a couple of letters and then
issuing the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Expand
Abbreviation</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut: <keycap>C+;</keycap>),
which takes the word before the caret as the abbreviation name. If that
particular abbreviation was not yet set, a dialog will pop up, and you
can enter the text to insert before and after the caret. After the
abbreviation is created, it can be viewed or edited from the
<guibutton>Abbreviations</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="abbrevs-pane" />.</para>
<para>Using abbreviations reduces the time spent typing long but
commonly used strings. For example, in Java mode, the abbreviation
<quote>sout</quote> is defined to expand to
<quote>System.out.println()</quote>, so to insert
<quote>System.out.println()</quote> in a Java buffer, you only need to
type <quote>sout</quote> followed by <keycap>C+;</keycap>. An
abbreviation can either be global, in which case it can be used in all
edit modes, or specific to a single mode.</para>
<para>The Java, VHDL. XML and XSL edit modes include some pre-defined
abbreviations you might find useful. Other modes do not have any
abbreviations defined by default.</para>
<para>Automatic abbreviation expansion can be enabled in the
<guibutton>Abbreviations</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box. If enabled, pressing the space bar
after entering an abbreviation will automatically expand it.</para>
<para>If automatic expansion is enabled, a space can be inserted without
expanding the word before the caret by pressing <keycombo>
</keycombo> <keycap>V</keycap> <keycap>Space</keycap>.</para>
<section id="positional-params">
<title>Positional Parameters</title>
<para>Positional parameters are an advanced feature that make
abbreviations much more useful. The best way to describe them is
with an example.</para>
<para>Java mode defines an abbreviation <quote>F</quote> that is set
to expand to the following:</para>
<programlisting>for(int $1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++)</programlisting>
<para>Expanding <literal>F#j#array.length#</literal> will insert the
following text into the buffer:</para>
<programlisting>for(int j = 0; j < array.length; j++)</programlisting>
<para>Expansions can contain up to nine positional parameters. Note
that a trailing hash character (<quote>#</quote>) must be entered
when expanding an abbreviation with parameters.</para>
<para>If you do not specify the correct number of positional
parameters when expanding an abbreviation, any missing parameters
will be blank in the expansion, and extra parameters will be
ignored. A status bar message will be shown stating the required
number of parameters.</para>
<section id="folding">
<para>Program source code and other structured text files can be thought
of as containing a hierarchy of sections, which themselves might contain
sub-sections. The folding feature lets you selectively hide and show
these sections, replacing hidden ones with a single line that serves as
an <quote>overview</quote> of that section. Folding is disabled by
default. To enable it, you must choose one of the available folding
<para><quote>Indent</quote> mode creates folds based on a line's leading
whitespace; the more leading whitespace a block of text has, the further
down it is in the hierarchy. For example:</para>
<screen>This is a section
This is a sub-section
This is another sub-section
This is a sub-sub-section
Another top-level section</screen>
<para><quote>Explicit</quote> mode folds away blocks of text surrounded
with <quote>{{{</quote> and <quote>}}}</quote>. For example:</para>
<screen>{{{ The first line of a fold.
When this fold is collapsed, only the above line will be visible.
{{{ A sub-section.
With text inside it.
{{{ Another sub-section.
<para>Both modes have distinct advantages and disadvantages; indent
folding requires no changes to be made to a buffer's text and does a
decent job with most program source. Explicit folding requires
<quote>fold markers</quote> to be inserted into the text, but is more
flexible in exactly what to fold away.</para>
<para>Some plugins might add additional folding modes; see <xref
linkend="using-plugins" /> for information about plugins.</para>
<para>Folding can be enabled in one of several ways:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box. See <xref
linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for the duration of the editing
session in the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. See <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in the first or last 10 lines of a buffer,
where <replaceable>mode</replaceable> is either
<quote>indent</quote>, <quote>explicit</quote>, or the name of a
plugin folding mode:</para>
<para>When using indent folding, portions of the buffer may become
inaccessible if you change the leading indent of the first line of a
collapsed fold. If you experience this, you can use the
<guimenuitem>Expand All Folds</guimenuitem> command to make the text
visible again.</para>
<title>Collapsing and Expanding Folds</title>
<para>The first line of each fold has a triangle drawn next to it in
the gutter (see <xref linkend="overview" /> for more information
about the gutter). The triangle points toward the line when the fold
is collapsed, and downward when the fold is expanded. Clicking the
triangle collapses and expands the fold. To expand all sub-folds as
well, hold down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> while clicking.</para>
<para>The first line of a collapsed fold is drawn with a background
color that depends on the fold level, and the number of lines in the
fold is shown to the right of the line's text.
<para>Folds can also be collapsed and expanded using menu item
commands and keyboard shortcuts.</para>
Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+BACK_SPACE</keycap>)
collapses the fold containing the caret.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Expand Fold
One Level</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+ENTER</keycap>) expands
the fold containing the caret. Nested folds will remain collapsed,
and the caret will be positioned on the first nested fold (if
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Expand Fold
Fully</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>AS+ENTER</keycap>) expands
the fold containing the caret, also expanding any nested
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Collapse All
Folds</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e c</keycap>) collapses all
folds in the buffer.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Expand All
Folds</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e x</keycap>) expands all
folds in the buffer.</para>
<title>Navigating Around With Folds</title>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Parent
Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e u</keycap>) moves the
caret to the fold containing the one at the caret position.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Go to
Previous Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+UP</keycap>) moves
the caret to the fold immediately before the caret position.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Next
Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+DOWN</keycap>) moves the
caret to the fold immediately after the caret position.</para>
<title>Miscellaneous Folding Commands</title>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Add Explicit
Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e a</keycap>) surrounds the
selection with <quote>{{{</quote> and <quote>}}}</quote>. If the
current buffer's edit mode defines comment strings (see
linkend="commenting" />) the explicit fold markers will
automatically be commented out as well.</para>
Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e s</keycap>) selects all
lines within the fold containing the caret.
<keycap>Control</keycap>-clicking a fold expansion triangle in the
gutter has the same effect.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Expand Folds
With Level</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e ENTER
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) reads the next character
entered at the keyboard, and expands folds in the buffer with a fold
level less than that specified, while collapsing all others.</para>
<para>Sometimes it is desirable to have files open with folds
initially collapsed. This can be configured as follows:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
<guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> dialog box.
See <xref linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in the first or last 10 lines of a
buffer, where <replaceable>level</replaceable> is the
desired fold level:</para>
<section id="narrowing">
<para>The narrowing feature temporarily <quote>narrows</quote> the
display of a buffer to a specified region. Text outside the region
is not shown, but is still present in the buffer. <!-- Both folding and
narrowing are implemented using the same code internally. -->
<para>Holding down <keycap>Alt</keycap> while clicking a fold
expansion triangle in the gutter will hide all lines the buffer
except those contained in the clicked fold.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Narrow Buffer
to Fold</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e n n</keycap>) hides all
lines the buffer except those in the fold containing the caret. <!-- When this command is invoked, a message is shown in the
status bar reminding you that you need to invoke
<guimenuitem>Expand All Folds</guimenuitem> to make the rest of the buffer
visible again. -->
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Narrow Buffer
to Selection</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e n s</keycap>)
hides all lines the buffer except those in the selection.</para>
<para><guisubmenu>Folding</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Expand All
Folds</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e x</keycap>) shows lines
that were hidden as a result of narrowing.</para>
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.26 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.