Untersuchungsergebnis.bsh Download desPVS {PVS[75] C[94] Abap[119]}zum Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln
* Emacs_Ctrl-k.bsh - a BeanShell macro for jEdit
* which cuts either the selected text, or the current line
* if no text is selected, to the clipboard.
* Repeated calls to Emacs-Ctrl-K from the same position
* should append cut lines to the cut buffer.
* By Alan Ezust <ezust at users dot sourceforge dot net>
* with help from Ollie Rutherford
* Version 0.1 21 December 2003
// an arbitrary letter for a register.
myReg = 'p';
int currentLine = textArea.getCaretPosition();
int lastLine = Integer.parseInt("" + jEdit.getProperty("lastpos"));
if(lastLine != currentLine)
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
selections = textArea.getSelection();
if(selections.length == 0)
selections = textArea.getSelection();
if (selections.length==0)
selections = textArea.getSelection();
Registers.append(textArea, '$', "");
// since there is no cut-append, I"ll just cut it into another register
Registers.cut(textArea, 'e');
// remember the caretPosition for next time around
// Registers.setRegister('p', "" + textArea.getCaretPosition());
jEdit.setProperty("lastpos", "" + textArea.getCaretPosition());
If no text is selected, the current line is cut to the clipboard,
otherwise the selected text is cut to the clipboard.
Subsequent calls to Emacs_Ctrl-k will alternate between cut-append
the following newline character, or the following line of text.
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