(* Title: ZF/Cardinal.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1994 University of Cambridge
section\<open>Cardinal Numbers Without the Axiom of Choice\<close>
theory Cardinal imports OrderType Finite Nat Sum begin
(*least ordinal operator*)
Least :: "(i=>o) => i" (binder \<open>\<mu> \<close> 10) where
"Least(P) == THE i. Ord(i) & P(i) & (\j. j ~P(j))"
eqpoll :: "[i,i] => o" (infixl \<open>\<approx>\<close> 50) where
"A \ B == \f. f \ bij(A,B)"
lepoll :: "[i,i] => o" (infixl \<open>\<lesssim>\<close> 50) where
"A \ B == \f. f \ inj(A,B)"
lesspoll :: "[i,i] => o" (infixl \<open>\<prec>\<close> 50) where
"A \ B == A \ B & ~(A \ B)"
cardinal :: "i=>i" (\<open>|_|\<close>) where
"|A| == (\ i. i \ A)"
Finite :: "i=>o" where
"Finite(A) == \n\nat. A \ n"
Card :: "i=>o" where
"Card(i) == (i = |i|)"
subsection\<open>The Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem\<close>
text\<open>See Davey and Priestly, page 106\<close>
(** Lemma: Banach's Decomposition Theorem **)
lemma decomp_bnd_mono: "bnd_mono(X, %W. X - g``(Y - f``W))"
by (rule bnd_monoI, blast+)
lemma Banach_last_equation:
"g \ Y->X
==> g``(Y - f`` lfp(X, %W. X - g``(Y - f``W))) =
X - lfp(X, %W. X - g``(Y - f``W))"
apply (rule_tac P = "%u. v = X-u" for v
in decomp_bnd_mono [THEN lfp_unfold, THEN ssubst])
apply (simp add: double_complement fun_is_rel [THEN image_subset])
lemma decomposition:
"[| f \ X->Y; g \ Y->X |] ==>
\<exists>XA XB YA YB. (XA \<inter> XB = 0) & (XA \<union> XB = X) &
(YA \<inter> YB = 0) & (YA \<union> YB = Y) &
f``XA=YA & g``YB=XB"
apply (intro exI conjI)
apply (rule_tac [6] Banach_last_equation)
apply (rule_tac [5] refl)
apply (assumption |
rule Diff_disjoint Diff_partition fun_is_rel image_subset lfp_subset)+
lemma schroeder_bernstein:
"[| f \ inj(X,Y); g \ inj(Y,X) |] ==> \h. h \ bij(X,Y)"
apply (insert decomposition [of f X Y g])
apply (simp add: inj_is_fun)
apply (blast intro!: restrict_bij bij_disjoint_Un intro: bij_converse_bij)
(* The instantiation of exI to @{term"restrict(f,XA) \<union> converse(restrict(g,YB))"}
is forced by the context!! *)
(** Equipollence is an equivalence relation **)
lemma bij_imp_eqpoll: "f \ bij(A,B) ==> A \ B"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (erule exI)
(*A \<approx> A*)
lemmas eqpoll_refl = id_bij [THEN bij_imp_eqpoll, simp]
lemma eqpoll_sym: "X \ Y ==> Y \ X"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro: bij_converse_bij)
lemma eqpoll_trans [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro: comp_bij)
(** Le-pollence is a partial ordering **)
lemma subset_imp_lepoll: "X<=Y ==> X \ Y"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (rule exI)
apply (erule id_subset_inj)
lemmas lepoll_refl = subset_refl [THEN subset_imp_lepoll, simp]
lemmas le_imp_lepoll = le_imp_subset [THEN subset_imp_lepoll]
lemma eqpoll_imp_lepoll: "X \ Y ==> X \ Y"
by (unfold eqpoll_def bij_def lepoll_def, blast)
lemma lepoll_trans [trans]: "[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (blast intro: comp_inj)
lemma eq_lepoll_trans [trans]: "[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll lepoll_trans)
lemma lepoll_eq_trans [trans]: "[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll lepoll_trans)
(*Asymmetry law*)
lemma eqpollI: "[| X \ Y; Y \ X |] ==> X \ Y"
apply (unfold lepoll_def eqpoll_def)
apply (elim exE)
apply (rule schroeder_bernstein, assumption+)
lemma eqpollE:
"[| X \ Y; [| X \ Y; Y \ X |] ==> P |] ==> P"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym)
lemma eqpoll_iff: "X \ Y \ X \ Y & Y \ X"
by (blast intro: eqpollI elim!: eqpollE)
lemma lepoll_0_is_0: "A \ 0 ==> A = 0"
apply (unfold lepoll_def inj_def)
apply (blast dest: apply_type)
(*@{term"0 \<lesssim> Y"}*)
lemmas empty_lepollI = empty_subsetI [THEN subset_imp_lepoll]
lemma lepoll_0_iff: "A \ 0 \ A=0"
by (blast intro: lepoll_0_is_0 lepoll_refl)
lemma Un_lepoll_Un:
"[| A \ B; C \ D; B \ D = 0 |] ==> A \ C \ B \ D"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (blast intro: inj_disjoint_Un)
(*A \<approx> 0 ==> A=0*)
lemmas eqpoll_0_is_0 = eqpoll_imp_lepoll [THEN lepoll_0_is_0]
lemma eqpoll_0_iff: "A \ 0 \ A=0"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_0_is_0 eqpoll_refl)
lemma eqpoll_disjoint_Un:
"[| A \ B; C \ D; A \ C = 0; B \ D = 0 |]
==> A \<union> C \<approx> B \<union> D"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro: bij_disjoint_Un)
subsection\<open>lesspoll: contributions by Krzysztof Grabczewski\<close>
lemma lesspoll_not_refl: "~ (i \ i)"
by (simp add: lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_irrefl [elim!]: "i \ i ==> P"
by (simp add: lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_imp_lepoll: "A \ B ==> A \ B"
by (unfold lesspoll_def, blast)
lemma lepoll_well_ord: "[| A \ B; well_ord(B,r) |] ==> \s. well_ord(A,s)"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (blast intro: well_ord_rvimage)
lemma lepoll_iff_leqpoll: "A \ B \ A \ B | A \ B"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (blast intro!: eqpollI elim!: eqpollE)
lemma inj_not_surj_succ:
assumes fi: "f \ inj(A, succ(m))" and fns: "f \ surj(A, succ(m))"
shows "\f. f \ inj(A,m)"
proof -
from fi [THEN inj_is_fun] fns
obtain y where y: "y \ succ(m)" "\x. x\A \ f ` x \ y"
by (auto simp add: surj_def)
show ?thesis
show "(\z\A. if f`z = m then y else f`z) \ inj(A, m)" using y fi
by (simp add: inj_def)
(auto intro!: if_type [THEN lam_type] intro: Pi_type dest: apply_funtype)
(** Variations on transitivity **)
lemma lesspoll_trans [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (blast elim!: eqpollE intro: eqpollI lepoll_trans)
lemma lesspoll_trans1 [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (blast elim!: eqpollE intro: eqpollI lepoll_trans)
lemma lesspoll_trans2 [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (blast elim!: eqpollE intro: eqpollI lepoll_trans)
lemma eq_lesspoll_trans [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll lesspoll_trans1)
lemma lesspoll_eq_trans [trans]:
"[| X \ Y; Y \ Z |] ==> X \ Z"
by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll lesspoll_trans2)
(** \<mu> -- the least number operator [from HOL/Univ.ML] **)
lemma Least_equality:
"[| P(i); Ord(i); !!x. x ~P(x) |] ==> (\ x. P(x)) = i"
apply (unfold Least_def)
apply (rule the_equality, blast)
apply (elim conjE)
apply (erule Ord_linear_lt, assumption, blast+)
lemma LeastI:
assumes P: "P(i)" and i: "Ord(i)" shows "P(\ x. P(x))"
proof -
{ from i have "P(i) \ P(\ x. P(x))"
proof (induct i rule: trans_induct)
case (step i)
show ?case
proof (cases "P(\ a. P(a))")
case True thus ?thesis .
case False
hence "\x. x \ i \ ~P(x)" using step
by blast
hence "(\ a. P(a)) = i" using step
by (blast intro: Least_equality ltD)
thus ?thesis using step.prems
by simp
thus ?thesis using P .
text\<open>The proof is almost identical to the one above!\<close>
lemma Least_le:
assumes P: "P(i)" and i: "Ord(i)" shows "(\ x. P(x)) \ i"
proof -
{ from i have "P(i) \ (\ x. P(x)) \ i"
proof (induct i rule: trans_induct)
case (step i)
show ?case
proof (cases "(\ a. P(a)) \ i")
case True thus ?thesis .
case False
hence "\x. x \ i \ ~ (\ a. P(a)) \ i" using step
by blast
hence "(\ a. P(a)) = i" using step
by (blast elim: ltE intro: ltI Least_equality lt_trans1)
thus ?thesis using step
by simp
thus ?thesis using P .
(*\<mu> really is the smallest*)
lemma less_LeastE: "[| P(i); i < (\ x. P(x)) |] ==> Q"
apply (rule Least_le [THEN [2] lt_trans2, THEN lt_irrefl], assumption+)
apply (simp add: lt_Ord)
(*Easier to apply than LeastI: conclusion has only one occurrence of P*)
lemma LeastI2:
"[| P(i); Ord(i); !!j. P(j) ==> Q(j) |] ==> Q(\ j. P(j))"
by (blast intro: LeastI )
(*If there is no such P then \<mu> is vacuously 0*)
lemma Least_0:
"[| ~ (\i. Ord(i) & P(i)) |] ==> (\ x. P(x)) = 0"
apply (unfold Least_def)
apply (rule the_0, blast)
lemma Ord_Least [intro,simp,TC]: "Ord(\ x. P(x))"
proof (cases "\i. Ord(i) & P(i)")
case True
then obtain i where "P(i)" "Ord(i)" by auto
hence " (\ x. P(x)) \ i" by (rule Least_le)
thus ?thesis
by (elim ltE)
case False
hence "(\ x. P(x)) = 0" by (rule Least_0)
thus ?thesis
by auto
subsection\<open>Basic Properties of Cardinals\<close>
(*Not needed for simplification, but helpful below*)
lemma Least_cong: "(!!y. P(y) \ Q(y)) ==> (\ x. P(x)) = (\ x. Q(x))"
by simp
(*Need AC to get @{term"X \<lesssim> Y ==> |X| \<le> |Y|"}; see well_ord_lepoll_imp_cardinal_le
Converse also requires AC, but see well_ord_cardinal_eqE*)
lemma cardinal_cong: "X \ Y ==> |X| = |Y|"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def cardinal_def)
apply (rule Least_cong)
apply (blast intro: comp_bij bij_converse_bij)
(*Under AC, the premise becomes trivial; one consequence is ||A|| = |A|*)
lemma well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll:
assumes r: "well_ord(A,r)" shows "|A| \ A"
proof (unfold cardinal_def)
show "(\ i. i \ A) \ A"
by (best intro: LeastI Ord_ordertype ordermap_bij bij_converse_bij bij_imp_eqpoll r)
(* @{term"Ord(A) ==> |A| \<approx> A"} *)
lemmas Ord_cardinal_eqpoll = well_ord_Memrel [THEN well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll]
lemma Ord_cardinal_idem: "Ord(A) \ ||A|| = |A|"
by (rule Ord_cardinal_eqpoll [THEN cardinal_cong])
lemma well_ord_cardinal_eqE:
assumes woX: "well_ord(X,r)" and woY: "well_ord(Y,s)" and eq: "|X| = |Y|"
shows "X \ Y"
proof -
have "X \ |X|" by (blast intro: well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll [OF woX] eqpoll_sym)
also have "... = |Y|" by (rule eq)
also have "... \ Y" by (rule well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll [OF woY])
finally show ?thesis .
lemma well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll_iff:
"[| well_ord(X,r); well_ord(Y,s) |] ==> |X| = |Y| \ X \ Y"
by (blast intro: cardinal_cong well_ord_cardinal_eqE)
(** Observations from Kunen, page 28 **)
lemma Ord_cardinal_le: "Ord(i) ==> |i| \ i"
apply (unfold cardinal_def)
apply (erule eqpoll_refl [THEN Least_le])
lemma Card_cardinal_eq: "Card(K) ==> |K| = K"
apply (unfold Card_def)
apply (erule sym)
(* Could replace the @{term"~(j \<approx> i)"} by @{term"~(i \<preceq> j)"}. *)
lemma CardI: "[| Ord(i); !!j. j ~(j \ i) |] ==> Card(i)"
apply (unfold Card_def cardinal_def)
apply (subst Least_equality)
apply (blast intro: eqpoll_refl)+
lemma Card_is_Ord: "Card(i) ==> Ord(i)"
apply (unfold Card_def cardinal_def)
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (rule Ord_Least)
lemma Card_cardinal_le: "Card(K) ==> K \ |K|"
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: Card_is_Ord Card_cardinal_eq)
lemma Ord_cardinal [simp,intro!]: "Ord(|A|)"
apply (unfold cardinal_def)
apply (rule Ord_Least)
text\<open>The cardinals are the initial ordinals.\<close>
lemma Card_iff_initial: "Card(K) \ Ord(K) & (\j. j ~ j \ K)"
proof -
{ fix j
assume K: "Card(K)" "j \ K"
assume "j < K"
also have "... = (\ i. i \ K)" using K
by (simp add: Card_def cardinal_def)
finally have "j < (\ i. i \ K)" .
hence "False" using K
by (best dest: less_LeastE)
then show ?thesis
by (blast intro: CardI Card_is_Ord)
lemma lt_Card_imp_lesspoll: "[| Card(a); i i \ a"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (drule Card_iff_initial [THEN iffD1])
apply (blast intro!: leI [THEN le_imp_lepoll])
lemma Card_0: "Card(0)"
apply (rule Ord_0 [THEN CardI])
apply (blast elim!: ltE)
lemma Card_Un: "[| Card(K); Card(L) |] ==> Card(K \ L)"
apply (rule Ord_linear_le [of K L])
apply (simp_all add: subset_Un_iff [THEN iffD1] Card_is_Ord le_imp_subset
subset_Un_iff2 [THEN iffD1])
(*Infinite unions of cardinals? See Devlin, Lemma 6.7, page 98*)
lemma Card_cardinal [iff]: "Card(|A|)"
proof (unfold cardinal_def)
show "Card(\ i. i \ A)"
proof (cases "\i. Ord (i) & i \ A")
case False thus ?thesis \<comment> \<open>degenerate case\<close>
by (simp add: Least_0 Card_0)
case True \<comment> \<open>real case: \<^term>\<open>A\<close> is isomorphic to some ordinal\<close>
then obtain i where i: "Ord(i)" "i \ A" by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule CardI [OF Ord_Least], rule notI)
fix j
assume j: "j < (\ i. i \ A)"
assume "j \ (\ i. i \ A)"
also have "... \ A" using i by (auto intro: LeastI)
finally have "j \ A" .
thus False
by (rule less_LeastE [OF _ j])
(*Kunen's Lemma 10.5*)
lemma cardinal_eq_lemma:
assumes i:"|i| \ j" and j: "j \ i" shows "|j| = |i|"
proof (rule eqpollI [THEN cardinal_cong])
show "j \ i" by (rule le_imp_lepoll [OF j])
have Oi: "Ord(i)" using j by (rule le_Ord2)
hence "i \ |i|"
by (blast intro: Ord_cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym)
also have "... \ j"
by (blast intro: le_imp_lepoll i)
finally show "i \ j" .
lemma cardinal_mono:
assumes ij: "i \ j" shows "|i| \ |j|"
using Ord_cardinal [of i] Ord_cardinal [of j]
proof (cases rule: Ord_linear_le)
case le thus ?thesis .
case ge
have i: "Ord(i)" using ij
by (simp add: lt_Ord)
have ci: "|i| \ j"
by (blast intro: Ord_cardinal_le ij le_trans i)
have "|i| = ||i||"
by (auto simp add: Ord_cardinal_idem i)
also have "... = |j|"
by (rule cardinal_eq_lemma [OF ge ci])
finally have "|i| = |j|" .
thus ?thesis by simp
text\<open>Since we have \<^term>\<open>|succ(nat)| \<le> |nat|\<close>, the converse of \<open>cardinal_mono\<close> fails!\<close>
lemma cardinal_lt_imp_lt: "[| |i| < |j|; Ord(i); Ord(j) |] ==> i < j"
apply (rule Ord_linear2 [of i j], assumption+)
apply (erule lt_trans2 [THEN lt_irrefl])
apply (erule cardinal_mono)
lemma Card_lt_imp_lt: "[| |i| < K; Ord(i); Card(K) |] ==> i < K"
by (simp (no_asm_simp) add: cardinal_lt_imp_lt Card_is_Ord Card_cardinal_eq)
lemma Card_lt_iff: "[| Ord(i); Card(K) |] ==> (|i| < K) \ (i < K)"
by (blast intro: Card_lt_imp_lt Ord_cardinal_le [THEN lt_trans1])
lemma Card_le_iff: "[| Ord(i); Card(K) |] ==> (K \ |i|) \ (K \ i)"
by (simp add: Card_lt_iff Card_is_Ord Ord_cardinal not_lt_iff_le [THEN iff_sym])
(*Can use AC or finiteness to discharge first premise*)
lemma well_ord_lepoll_imp_cardinal_le:
assumes wB: "well_ord(B,r)" and AB: "A \ B"
shows "|A| \ |B|"
using Ord_cardinal [of A] Ord_cardinal [of B]
proof (cases rule: Ord_linear_le)
case le thus ?thesis .
case ge
from lepoll_well_ord [OF AB wB]
obtain s where s: "well_ord(A, s)" by blast
have "B \ |B|" by (blast intro: wB eqpoll_sym well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll)
also have "... \ |A|" by (rule le_imp_lepoll [OF ge])
also have "... \ A" by (rule well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll [OF s])
finally have "B \ A" .
hence "A \ B" by (blast intro: eqpollI AB)
hence "|A| = |B|" by (rule cardinal_cong)
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma lepoll_cardinal_le: "[| A \ i; Ord(i) |] ==> |A| \ i"
apply (rule le_trans)
apply (erule well_ord_Memrel [THEN well_ord_lepoll_imp_cardinal_le], assumption)
apply (erule Ord_cardinal_le)
lemma lepoll_Ord_imp_eqpoll: "[| A \ i; Ord(i) |] ==> |A| \ A"
by (blast intro: lepoll_cardinal_le well_ord_Memrel well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll dest!: lepoll_well_ord)
lemma lesspoll_imp_eqpoll: "[| A \ i; Ord(i) |] ==> |A| \ A"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def)
apply (blast intro: lepoll_Ord_imp_eqpoll)
lemma cardinal_subset_Ord: "[|A<=i; Ord(i)|] ==> |A| \ i"
apply (drule subset_imp_lepoll [THEN lepoll_cardinal_le])
apply (auto simp add: lt_def)
apply (blast intro: Ord_trans)
subsection\<open>The finite cardinals\<close>
lemma cons_lepoll_consD:
"[| cons(u,A) \ cons(v,B); u\A; v\B |] ==> A \ B"
apply (unfold lepoll_def inj_def, safe)
apply (rule_tac x = "\x\A. if f`x=v then f`u else f`x" in exI)
apply (rule CollectI)
(*Proving it's in the function space A->B*)
apply (rule if_type [THEN lam_type])
apply (blast dest: apply_funtype)
apply (blast elim!: mem_irrefl dest: apply_funtype)
(*Proving it's injective*)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply blast
lemma cons_eqpoll_consD: "[| cons(u,A) \ cons(v,B); u\A; v\B |] ==> A \ B"
apply (simp add: eqpoll_iff)
apply (blast intro: cons_lepoll_consD)
(*Lemma suggested by Mike Fourman*)
lemma succ_lepoll_succD: "succ(m) \ succ(n) ==> m \ n"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (erule cons_lepoll_consD)
apply (rule mem_not_refl)+
lemma nat_lepoll_imp_le:
"m \ nat ==> n \ nat \ m \ n \ m \ n"
proof (induct m arbitrary: n rule: nat_induct)
case 0 thus ?case by (blast intro!: nat_0_le)
case (succ m)
show ?case using \<open>n \<in> nat\<close>
proof (cases rule: natE)
case 0 thus ?thesis using succ
by (simp add: lepoll_def inj_def)
case (succ n') thus ?thesis using succ.hyps \ succ(m) \ n\
by (blast intro!: succ_leI dest!: succ_lepoll_succD)
lemma nat_eqpoll_iff: "[| m \ nat; n \ nat |] ==> m \ n \ m = n"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (blast intro: nat_lepoll_imp_le le_anti_sym elim!: eqpollE)
apply (simp add: eqpoll_refl)
(*The object of all this work: every natural number is a (finite) cardinal*)
lemma nat_into_Card:
assumes n: "n \ nat" shows "Card(n)"
proof (unfold Card_def cardinal_def, rule sym)
have "Ord(n)" using n by auto
{ fix i
assume "i < n" "i \ n"
hence False using n
by (auto simp add: lt_nat_in_nat [THEN nat_eqpoll_iff])
ultimately show "(\ i. i \ n) = n" by (auto intro!: Least_equality)
lemmas cardinal_0 = nat_0I [THEN nat_into_Card, THEN Card_cardinal_eq, iff]
lemmas cardinal_1 = nat_1I [THEN nat_into_Card, THEN Card_cardinal_eq, iff]
(*Part of Kunen's Lemma 10.6*)
lemma succ_lepoll_natE: "[| succ(n) \ n; n \ nat |] ==> P"
by (rule nat_lepoll_imp_le [THEN lt_irrefl], auto)
lemma nat_lepoll_imp_ex_eqpoll_n:
"[| n \ nat; nat \ X |] ==> \Y. Y \ X & n \ Y"
apply (unfold lepoll_def eqpoll_def)
apply (fast del: subsetI subsetCE
intro!: subset_SIs
dest!: Ord_nat [THEN [2] OrdmemD, THEN [2] restrict_inj]
elim!: restrict_bij
inj_is_fun [THEN fun_is_rel, THEN image_subset])
(** \<lesssim>, \<prec> and natural numbers **)
lemma lepoll_succ: "i \ succ(i)"
by (blast intro: subset_imp_lepoll)
lemma lepoll_imp_lesspoll_succ:
assumes A: "A \ m" and m: "m \ nat"
shows "A \ succ(m)"
proof -
{ assume "A \ succ(m)"
hence "succ(m) \ A" by (rule eqpoll_sym)
also have "... \ m" by (rule A)
finally have "succ(m) \ m" .
hence False by (rule succ_lepoll_natE) (rule m) }
moreover have "A \ succ(m)" by (blast intro: lepoll_trans A lepoll_succ)
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_succ_imp_lepoll:
"[| A \ succ(m); m \ nat |] ==> A \ m"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def lepoll_def eqpoll_def bij_def)
apply (auto dest: inj_not_surj_succ)
lemma lesspoll_succ_iff: "m \ nat ==> A \ succ(m) \ A \ m"
by (blast intro!: lepoll_imp_lesspoll_succ lesspoll_succ_imp_lepoll)
lemma lepoll_succ_disj: "[| A \ succ(m); m \ nat |] ==> A \ m | A \ succ(m)"
apply (rule disjCI)
apply (rule lesspoll_succ_imp_lepoll)
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: lesspoll_def)
lemma lesspoll_cardinal_lt: "[| A \ i; Ord(i) |] ==> |A| < i"
apply (unfold lesspoll_def, clarify)
apply (frule lepoll_cardinal_le, assumption)
apply (blast intro: well_ord_Memrel well_ord_cardinal_eqpoll [THEN eqpoll_sym]
dest: lepoll_well_ord elim!: leE)
subsection\<open>The first infinite cardinal: Omega, or nat\<close>
(*This implies Kunen's Lemma 10.6*)
lemma lt_not_lepoll:
assumes n: "n "n \ nat" shows "~ i \ n"
proof -
{ assume i: "i \ n"
have "succ(n) \ i" using n
by (elim ltE, blast intro: Ord_succ_subsetI [THEN subset_imp_lepoll])
also have "... \ n" by (rule i)
finally have "succ(n) \ n" .
hence False by (rule succ_lepoll_natE) (rule n) }
thus ?thesis by auto
text\<open>A slightly weaker version of \<open>nat_eqpoll_iff\<close>\<close>
lemma Ord_nat_eqpoll_iff:
assumes i: "Ord(i)" and n: "n \ nat" shows "i \ n \ i=n"
using i nat_into_Ord [OF n]
proof (cases rule: Ord_linear_lt)
case lt
hence "i \ nat" by (rule lt_nat_in_nat) (rule n)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: nat_eqpoll_iff n)
case eq
thus ?thesis by (simp add: eqpoll_refl)
case gt
hence "~ i \ n" using n by (rule lt_not_lepoll)
hence "~ i \ n" using n by (blast intro: eqpoll_imp_lepoll)
moreover have "i \ n" using \n by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma Card_nat: "Card(nat)"
proof -
{ fix i
assume i: "i < nat" "i \ nat"
hence "~ nat \ i"
by (simp add: lt_def lt_not_lepoll)
hence False using i
by (simp add: eqpoll_iff)
hence "(\ i. i \ nat) = nat" by (blast intro: Least_equality eqpoll_refl)
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp add: Card_def cardinal_def)
(*Allows showing that |i| is a limit cardinal*)
lemma nat_le_cardinal: "nat \ i ==> nat \ |i|"
apply (rule Card_nat [THEN Card_cardinal_eq, THEN subst])
apply (erule cardinal_mono)
lemma n_lesspoll_nat: "n \ nat ==> n \ nat"
by (blast intro: Ord_nat Card_nat ltI lt_Card_imp_lesspoll)
subsection\<open>Towards Cardinal Arithmetic\<close>
(** Congruence laws for successor, cardinal addition and multiplication **)
(*Congruence law for cons under equipollence*)
lemma cons_lepoll_cong:
"[| A \ B; b \ B |] ==> cons(a,A) \ cons(b,B)"
apply (unfold lepoll_def, safe)
apply (rule_tac x = "\y\cons (a,A) . if y=a then b else f`y" in exI)
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. if z \ B then converse (f) `z else a" in lam_injective)
apply (safe elim!: consE')
apply simp_all
apply (blast intro: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_type])+
lemma cons_eqpoll_cong:
"[| A \ B; a \ A; b \ B |] ==> cons(a,A) \ cons(b,B)"
by (simp add: eqpoll_iff cons_lepoll_cong)
lemma cons_lepoll_cons_iff:
"[| a \ A; b \ B |] ==> cons(a,A) \ cons(b,B) \ A \ B"
by (blast intro: cons_lepoll_cong cons_lepoll_consD)
lemma cons_eqpoll_cons_iff:
"[| a \ A; b \ B |] ==> cons(a,A) \ cons(b,B) \ A \ B"
by (blast intro: cons_eqpoll_cong cons_eqpoll_consD)
lemma singleton_eqpoll_1: "{a} \ 1"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (blast intro!: eqpoll_refl [THEN cons_eqpoll_cong])
lemma cardinal_singleton: "|{a}| = 1"
apply (rule singleton_eqpoll_1 [THEN cardinal_cong, THEN trans])
apply (simp (no_asm) add: nat_into_Card [THEN Card_cardinal_eq])
lemma not_0_is_lepoll_1: "A \ 0 ==> 1 \ A"
apply (erule not_emptyE)
apply (rule_tac a = "cons (x, A-{x}) " in subst)
apply (rule_tac [2] a = "cons(0,0)" and P= "%y. y \ cons (x, A-{x})" in subst)
prefer 3 apply (blast intro: cons_lepoll_cong subset_imp_lepoll, auto)
(*Congruence law for succ under equipollence*)
lemma succ_eqpoll_cong: "A \ B ==> succ(A) \ succ(B)"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (simp add: cons_eqpoll_cong mem_not_refl)
(*Congruence law for + under equipollence*)
lemma sum_eqpoll_cong: "[| A \ C; B \ D |] ==> A+B \ C+D"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro!: sum_bij)
(*Congruence law for * under equipollence*)
lemma prod_eqpoll_cong:
"[| A \ C; B \ D |] ==> A*B \ C*D"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro!: prod_bij)
lemma inj_disjoint_eqpoll:
"[| f \ inj(A,B); A \ B = 0 |] ==> A \ (B - range(f)) \ B"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule_tac c = "%x. if x \ A then f`x else x"
and d = "%y. if y \ range (f) then converse (f) `y else y"
in lam_bijective)
apply (blast intro!: if_type inj_is_fun [THEN apply_type])
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: inj_converse_fun [THEN apply_funtype])
apply (safe elim!: UnE')
apply (simp_all add: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_rangeI])
apply (blast intro: inj_converse_fun [THEN apply_type])+
subsection\<open>Lemmas by Krzysztof Grabczewski\<close>
(*New proofs using cons_lepoll_cons. Could generalise from succ to cons.*)
text\<open>If \<^term>\<open>A\<close> has at most \<^term>\<open>n+1\<close> elements and \<^term>\<open>a \<in> A\<close>
then \<^term>\<open>A-{a}\<close> has at most \<^term>\<open>n\<close>.\<close>
lemma Diff_sing_lepoll:
"[| a \ A; A \ succ(n) |] ==> A - {a} \ n"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (rule cons_lepoll_consD)
apply (rule_tac [3] mem_not_refl)
apply (erule cons_Diff [THEN ssubst], safe)
text\<open>If \<^term>\<open>A\<close> has at least \<^term>\<open>n+1\<close> elements then \<^term>\<open>A-{a}\<close> has at least \<^term>\<open>n\<close>.\<close>
lemma lepoll_Diff_sing:
assumes A: "succ(n) \ A" shows "n \ A - {a}"
proof -
have "cons(n,n) \ A" using A
by (unfold succ_def)
also have "... \ cons(a, A-{a})"
by (blast intro: subset_imp_lepoll)
finally have "cons(n,n) \ cons(a, A-{a})" .
thus ?thesis
by (blast intro: cons_lepoll_consD mem_irrefl)
lemma Diff_sing_eqpoll: "[| a \ A; A \ succ(n) |] ==> A - {a} \ n"
by (blast intro!: eqpollI
elim!: eqpollE
intro: Diff_sing_lepoll lepoll_Diff_sing)
lemma lepoll_1_is_sing: "[| A \ 1; a \ A |] ==> A = {a}"
apply (frule Diff_sing_lepoll, assumption)
apply (drule lepoll_0_is_0)
apply (blast elim: equalityE)
lemma Un_lepoll_sum: "A \ B \ A+B"
apply (unfold lepoll_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "\x\A \ B. if x\A then Inl (x) else Inr (x)" in exI)
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. snd (z)" in lam_injective)
apply force
apply (simp add: Inl_def Inr_def)
lemma well_ord_Un:
"[| well_ord(X,R); well_ord(Y,S) |] ==> \T. well_ord(X \ Y, T)"
by (erule well_ord_radd [THEN Un_lepoll_sum [THEN lepoll_well_ord]],
(*Krzysztof Grabczewski*)
lemma disj_Un_eqpoll_sum: "A \ B = 0 ==> A \ B \ A + B"
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "\a\A \ B. if a \ A then Inl (a) else Inr (a)" in exI)
apply (rule_tac d = "%z. case (%x. x, %x. x, z)" in lam_bijective)
apply auto
subsection \<open>Finite and infinite sets\<close>
lemma eqpoll_imp_Finite_iff: "A \ B ==> Finite(A) \ Finite(B)"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (blast intro: eqpoll_trans eqpoll_sym)
lemma Finite_0 [simp]: "Finite(0)"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (blast intro!: eqpoll_refl nat_0I)
lemma Finite_cons: "Finite(x) ==> Finite(cons(y,x))"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (case_tac "y \ x")
apply (simp add: cons_absorb)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule bexI)
apply (erule_tac [2] nat_succI)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: succ_def cons_eqpoll_cong mem_not_refl)
lemma Finite_succ: "Finite(x) ==> Finite(succ(x))"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (erule Finite_cons)
lemma lepoll_nat_imp_Finite:
assumes A: "A \ n" and n: "n \ nat" shows "Finite(A)"
proof -
have "A \ n \ Finite(A)" using n
proof (induct n)
case 0
hence "A = 0" by (rule lepoll_0_is_0)
thus ?case by simp
case (succ n)
hence "A \ n \ A \ succ(n)" by (blast dest: lepoll_succ_disj)
thus ?case using succ by (auto simp add: Finite_def)
thus ?thesis using A .
lemma lesspoll_nat_is_Finite:
"A \ nat ==> Finite(A)"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (blast dest: ltD lesspoll_cardinal_lt
lesspoll_imp_eqpoll [THEN eqpoll_sym])
lemma lepoll_Finite:
assumes Y: "Y \ X" and X: "Finite(X)" shows "Finite(Y)"
proof -
obtain n where n: "n \ nat" "X \ n" using X
by (auto simp add: Finite_def)
have "Y \ X" by (rule Y)
also have "... \ n" by (rule n)
finally have "Y \ n" .
thus ?thesis using n by (simp add: lepoll_nat_imp_Finite)
lemmas subset_Finite = subset_imp_lepoll [THEN lepoll_Finite]
lemma Finite_cons_iff [iff]: "Finite(cons(y,x)) \ Finite(x)"
by (blast intro: Finite_cons subset_Finite)
lemma Finite_succ_iff [iff]: "Finite(succ(x)) \ Finite(x)"
by (simp add: succ_def)
lemma Finite_Int: "Finite(A) | Finite(B) ==> Finite(A \ B)"
by (blast intro: subset_Finite)
lemmas Finite_Diff = Diff_subset [THEN subset_Finite]
lemma nat_le_infinite_Ord:
"[| Ord(i); ~ Finite(i) |] ==> nat \ i"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (erule Ord_nat [THEN [2] Ord_linear2])
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply (blast intro!: eqpoll_refl elim!: ltE)
lemma Finite_imp_well_ord:
"Finite(A) ==> \r. well_ord(A,r)"
apply (unfold Finite_def eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro: well_ord_rvimage bij_is_inj well_ord_Memrel nat_into_Ord)
lemma succ_lepoll_imp_not_empty: "succ(x) \ y ==> y \ 0"
by (fast dest!: lepoll_0_is_0)
lemma eqpoll_succ_imp_not_empty: "x \ succ(n) ==> x \ 0"
by (fast elim!: eqpoll_sym [THEN eqpoll_0_is_0, THEN succ_neq_0])
lemma Finite_Fin_lemma [rule_format]:
"n \ nat ==> \A. (A\n & A \ X) \ A \ Fin(X)"
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (rule allI)
apply (fast intro!: Fin.emptyI dest!: eqpoll_imp_lepoll [THEN lepoll_0_is_0])
apply (rule allI)
apply (rule impI)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (rule eqpoll_succ_imp_not_empty [THEN not_emptyE], assumption)
apply (frule Diff_sing_eqpoll, assumption)
apply (erule allE)
apply (erule impE, fast)
apply (drule subsetD, assumption)
apply (drule Fin.consI, assumption)
apply (simp add: cons_Diff)
lemma Finite_Fin: "[| Finite(A); A \ X |] ==> A \ Fin(X)"
by (unfold Finite_def, blast intro: Finite_Fin_lemma)
lemma Fin_lemma [rule_format]: "n \ nat ==> \A. A \ n \ A \ Fin(A)"
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (simp add: eqpoll_0_iff, clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac "\u. u \ A")
apply (erule exE)
apply (rule Diff_sing_eqpoll [elim_format])
prefer 2 apply assumption
apply assumption
apply (rule_tac b = A in cons_Diff [THEN subst], assumption)
apply (rule Fin.consI, blast)
apply (blast intro: subset_consI [THEN Fin_mono, THEN subsetD])
(*Now for the lemma assumed above*)
apply (unfold eqpoll_def)
apply (blast intro: bij_converse_bij [THEN bij_is_fun, THEN apply_type])
lemma Finite_into_Fin: "Finite(A) ==> A \ Fin(A)"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (blast intro: Fin_lemma)
lemma Fin_into_Finite: "A \ Fin(U) ==> Finite(A)"
by (fast intro!: Finite_0 Finite_cons elim: Fin_induct)
lemma Finite_Fin_iff: "Finite(A) \ A \ Fin(A)"
by (blast intro: Finite_into_Fin Fin_into_Finite)
lemma Finite_Un: "[| Finite(A); Finite(B) |] ==> Finite(A \ B)"
by (blast intro!: Fin_into_Finite Fin_UnI
dest!: Finite_into_Fin
intro: Un_upper1 [THEN Fin_mono, THEN subsetD]
Un_upper2 [THEN Fin_mono, THEN subsetD])
lemma Finite_Un_iff [simp]: "Finite(A \ B) \ (Finite(A) & Finite(B))"
by (blast intro: subset_Finite Finite_Un)
text\<open>The converse must hold too.\<close>
lemma Finite_Union: "[| \y\X. Finite(y); Finite(X) |] ==> Finite(\(X))"
apply (simp add: Finite_Fin_iff)
apply (rule Fin_UnionI)
apply (erule Fin_induct, simp)
apply (blast intro: Fin.consI Fin_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
(* Induction principle for Finite(A), by Sidi Ehmety *)
lemma Finite_induct [case_names 0 cons, induct set: Finite]:
"[| Finite(A); P(0);
!! x B. [| Finite(B); x \<notin> B; P(B) |] ==> P(cons(x, B)) |]
==> P(A)"
apply (erule Finite_into_Fin [THEN Fin_induct])
apply (blast intro: Fin_into_Finite)+
(*Sidi Ehmety. The contrapositive says ~Finite(A) ==> ~Finite(A-{a}) *)
lemma Diff_sing_Finite: "Finite(A - {a}) ==> Finite(A)"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (case_tac "a \ A")
apply (subgoal_tac [2] "A-{a}=A", auto)
apply (rule_tac x = "succ (n) " in bexI)
apply (subgoal_tac "cons (a, A - {a}) = A & cons (n, n) = succ (n) ")
apply (drule_tac a = a and b = n in cons_eqpoll_cong)
apply (auto dest: mem_irrefl)
(*Sidi Ehmety. And the contrapositive of this says
[| ~Finite(A); Finite(B) |] ==> ~Finite(A-B) *)
lemma Diff_Finite [rule_format]: "Finite(B) ==> Finite(A-B) \ Finite(A)"
apply (erule Finite_induct, auto)
apply (case_tac "x \ A")
apply (subgoal_tac [2] "A-cons (x, B) = A - B")
apply (subgoal_tac "A - cons (x, B) = (A - B) - {x}", simp)
apply (drule Diff_sing_Finite, auto)
lemma Finite_RepFun: "Finite(A) ==> Finite(RepFun(A,f))"
by (erule Finite_induct, simp_all)
lemma Finite_RepFun_iff_lemma [rule_format]:
"[|Finite(x); !!x y. f(x)=f(y) ==> x=y|]
==> \<forall>A. x = RepFun(A,f) \<longrightarrow> Finite(A)"
apply (erule Finite_induct)
apply clarify
apply (case_tac "A=0", simp)
apply (blast del: allE, clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac "\z\A. x = f(z)")
prefer 2 apply (blast del: allE elim: equalityE, clarify)
apply (subgoal_tac "B = {f(u) . u \ A - {z}}")
apply (blast intro: Diff_sing_Finite)
apply (thin_tac "\A. P(A) \ Finite(A)" for P)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply (blast intro: elim: equalityE)
apply (blast intro: elim: equalityCE)
text\<open>I don't know why, but if the premise is expressed using meta-connectives
then the simplifier cannot prove it automatically in conditional rewriting.\<close>
lemma Finite_RepFun_iff:
"(\x y. f(x)=f(y) \ x=y) ==> Finite(RepFun(A,f)) \ Finite(A)"
by (blast intro: Finite_RepFun Finite_RepFun_iff_lemma [of _ f])
lemma Finite_Pow: "Finite(A) ==> Finite(Pow(A))"
apply (erule Finite_induct)
apply (simp_all add: Pow_insert Finite_Un Finite_RepFun)
lemma Finite_Pow_imp_Finite: "Finite(Pow(A)) ==> Finite(A)"
apply (subgoal_tac "Finite({{x} . x \ A})")
apply (simp add: Finite_RepFun_iff )
apply (blast intro: subset_Finite)
lemma Finite_Pow_iff [iff]: "Finite(Pow(A)) \ Finite(A)"
by (blast intro: Finite_Pow Finite_Pow_imp_Finite)
lemma Finite_cardinal_iff:
assumes i: "Ord(i)" shows "Finite(|i|) \ Finite(i)"
by (auto simp add: Finite_def) (blast intro: eqpoll_trans eqpoll_sym Ord_cardinal_eqpoll [OF i])+
(*Krzysztof Grabczewski's proof that the converse of a finite, well-ordered
set is well-ordered. Proofs simplified by lcp. *)
lemma nat_wf_on_converse_Memrel: "n \ nat ==> wf[n](converse(Memrel(n)))"
proof (induct n rule: nat_induct)
case 0 thus ?case by (blast intro: wf_onI)
case (succ x)
hence wfx: "\Z. Z = 0 \ (\z\Z. \y. z \ y \ z \ x \ y \ x \ z \ x \ y \ Z)"
by (simp add: wf_on_def wf_def) \<comment> \<open>not easy to erase the duplicate \<^term>\<open>z \<in> x\<close>!\<close>
show ?case
proof (rule wf_onI)
fix Z u
assume Z: "u \ Z" "\z\Z. \y\Z. \y, z\ \ converse(Memrel(succ(x)))"
show False
proof (cases "x \ Z")
case True thus False using Z
by (blast elim: mem_irrefl mem_asym)
case False thus False using wfx [of Z] Z
by blast
lemma nat_well_ord_converse_Memrel: "n \ nat ==> well_ord(n,converse(Memrel(n)))"
apply (frule Ord_nat [THEN Ord_in_Ord, THEN well_ord_Memrel])
apply (simp add: well_ord_def tot_ord_converse nat_wf_on_converse_Memrel)
lemma well_ord_converse:
well_ord(ordertype(A,r), converse(Memrel(ordertype(A, r)))) |]
==> well_ord(A,converse(r))"
apply (rule well_ord_Int_iff [THEN iffD1])
apply (frule ordermap_bij [THEN bij_is_inj, THEN well_ord_rvimage], assumption)
apply (simp add: rvimage_converse converse_Int converse_prod
ordertype_ord_iso [THEN ord_iso_rvimage_eq])
lemma ordertype_eq_n:
assumes r: "well_ord(A,r)" and A: "A \ n" and n: "n \ nat"
shows "ordertype(A,r) = n"
proof -
have "ordertype(A,r) \ A"
by (blast intro: bij_imp_eqpoll bij_converse_bij ordermap_bij r)
also have "... \ n" by (rule A)
finally have "ordertype(A,r) \ n" .
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: Ord_nat_eqpoll_iff Ord_ordertype n r)
lemma Finite_well_ord_converse:
"[| Finite(A); well_ord(A,r) |] ==> well_ord(A,converse(r))"
apply (unfold Finite_def)
apply (rule well_ord_converse, assumption)
apply (blast dest: ordertype_eq_n intro!: nat_well_ord_converse_Memrel)
lemma nat_into_Finite: "n \ nat ==> Finite(n)"
by (auto simp add: Finite_def intro: eqpoll_refl)
lemma nat_not_Finite: "~ Finite(nat)"
proof -
{ fix n
assume n: "n \ nat" "nat \ n"
have "n \ nat" by (rule n)
also have "... = n" using n
by (simp add: Ord_nat_eqpoll_iff Ord_nat)
finally have "n \ n" .
hence False
by (blast elim: mem_irrefl)
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp add: Finite_def)
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