(* Title: ZF/UNITY/Mutex.thy
Author: Sidi O Ehmety, Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2001 University of Cambridge
Based on "A Family of 2-Process Mutual Exclusion Algorithms" by J Misra.
Variables' types are introduced globally so that type verification
reduces to the usual ZF typechecking \<in> an ill-tyed expression will
reduce to the empty set.
section\<open>Mutual Exclusion\<close>
theory Mutex
imports SubstAx
text\<open>Based on "A Family of 2-Process Mutual Exclusion Algorithms" by J Misra
Variables' types are introduced globally so that type verification reduces to
the usual ZF typechecking: an ill-tyed expressions reduce to the empty set.
abbreviation "p == Var([0])"
abbreviation "m == Var([1])"
abbreviation "n == Var([0,0])"
abbreviation "u == Var([0,1])"
abbreviation "v == Var([1,0])"
axiomatization where \<comment> \<open>Type declarations\<close>
p_type: "type_of(p)=bool & default_val(p)=0" and
m_type: "type_of(m)=int & default_val(m)=#0" and
n_type: "type_of(n)=int & default_val(n)=#0" and
u_type: "type_of(u)=bool & default_val(u)=0" and
v_type: "type_of(v)=bool & default_val(v)=0"
(** The program for process U **)
"U0 == {:state*state. t = s(u:=1, m:=#1) & s`m = #0}"
"U1 == {:state*state. t = s(p:= s`v, m:=#2) & s`m = #1}"
"U2 == {:state*state. t = s(m:=#3) & s`p=0 & s`m = #2}"
"U3 == {:state*state. t=s(u:=0, m:=#4) & s`m = #3}"
"U4 == {:state*state. t = s(p:=1, m:=#0) & s`m = #4}"
(** The program for process V **)
"V0 == {:state*state. t = s (v:=1, n:=#1) & s`n = #0}"
"V1 == {:state*state. t = s(p:=not(s`u), n:=#2) & s`n = #1}"
"V2 == {:state*state. t = s(n:=#3) & s`p=1 & s`n = #2}"
"V3 == {:state*state. t = s (v:=0, n:=#4) & s`n = #3}"
"V4 == {:state*state. t = s (p:=0, n:=#0) & s`n = #4}"
"Mutex == mk_program({s:state. s`u=0 & s`v=0 & s`m = #0 & s`n = #0},
{U0, U1, U2, U3, U4, V0, V1, V2, V3, V4}, Pow(state*state))"
(** The correct invariants **)
"IU == {s:state. (s`u = 1\(#1 $\ s`m & s`m $\ #3))
& (s`m = #3 \<longrightarrow> s`p=0)}"
"IV == {s:state. (s`v = 1 \ (#1 $\ s`n & s`n $\ #3))
& (s`n = #3 \<longrightarrow> s`p=1)}"
(** The faulty invariant (for U alone) **)
"bad_IU == {s:state. (s`u = 1 \ (#1 $\ s`m & s`m $\ #3))&
(#3 $\<le> s`m & s`m $\<le> #4 \<longrightarrow> s`p=0)}"
(** Variables' types **)
declare p_type [simp] u_type [simp] v_type [simp] m_type [simp] n_type [simp]
lemma u_value_type: "s \ state ==>s`u \ bool"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = u in apply_type, auto)
lemma v_value_type: "s \ state ==> s`v \ bool"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = v in apply_type, auto)
lemma p_value_type: "s \ state ==> s`p \ bool"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = p in apply_type, auto)
lemma m_value_type: "s \ state ==> s`m \ int"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = m in apply_type, auto)
lemma n_value_type: "s \ state ==>s`n \ int"
apply (unfold state_def)
apply (drule_tac a = n in apply_type, auto)
declare p_value_type [simp] u_value_type [simp] v_value_type [simp]
m_value_type [simp] n_value_type [simp]
declare p_value_type [TC] u_value_type [TC] v_value_type [TC]
m_value_type [TC] n_value_type [TC]
text\<open>Mutex is a program\<close>
lemma Mutex_in_program [simp,TC]: "Mutex \ program"
by (simp add: Mutex_def)
declare Mutex_def [THEN def_prg_Init, simp]
declare Mutex_def [program]
declare U0_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare U1_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare U2_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare U3_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare U4_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare V0_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare V1_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare V2_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare V3_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare V4_def [THEN def_act_simp, simp]
declare U0_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare U1_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare U2_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare U3_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare U4_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare V0_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare V1_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare V2_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare V3_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare V4_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare IU_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare IV_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
declare bad_IU_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp]
lemma IU: "Mutex \ Always(IU)"
apply (rule AlwaysI, force)
apply (unfold Mutex_def, safety, auto)
lemma IV: "Mutex \ Always(IV)"
apply (rule AlwaysI, force)
apply (unfold Mutex_def, safety)
(*The safety property: mutual exclusion*)
lemma mutual_exclusion: "Mutex \ Always({s \ state. ~(s`m = #3 & s`n = #3)})"
apply (rule Always_weaken)
apply (rule Always_Int_I [OF IU IV], auto)
(*The bad invariant FAILS in V1*)
lemma less_lemma: "[| x$<#1; #3 $\ x |] ==> P"
apply (drule_tac j = "#1" and k = "#3" in zless_zle_trans)
apply (drule_tac [2] j = x in zle_zless_trans, auto)
lemma "Mutex \ Always(bad_IU)"
apply (rule AlwaysI, force)
apply (unfold Mutex_def, safety, auto)
apply (subgoal_tac "#1 $\ #3")
apply (drule_tac x = "#1" and y = "#3" in zle_trans, auto)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: not_zless_iff_zle [THEN iff_sym])
apply auto
(*Resulting state: n=1, p=false, m=4, u=false.
Execution of V1 (the command of process v guarded by n=1) sets p:=true,
violating the invariant!*)
(*** Progress for U ***)
lemma U_F0: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m=#2} Unless {s \ state. s`m=#3}"
by (unfold op_Unless_def Mutex_def, safety)
lemma U_F1:
"Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m=#1} \w {s \ state. s`p = s`v & s`m = #2}"
by (unfold Mutex_def, ensures U1)
lemma U_F2: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`p =0 & s`m = #2} \w {s \ state. s`m = #3}"
apply (cut_tac IU)
apply (unfold Mutex_def, ensures U2)
lemma U_F3: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m = #3} \w {s \ state. s`p=1}"
apply (rule_tac B = "{s \ state. s`m = #4}" in LeadsTo_Trans)
apply (unfold Mutex_def)
apply (ensures U3)
apply (ensures U4)
lemma U_lemma2: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m = #2} \w {s \ state. s`p=1}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_Diff [OF LeadsTo_weaken_L
Int_lower2 [THEN subset_imp_LeadsTo]])
apply (rule LeadsTo_Trans [OF U_F2 U_F3], auto)
apply (auto dest!: p_value_type simp add: bool_def)
lemma U_lemma1: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m = #1} \w {s \ state. s`p =1}"
by (rule LeadsTo_Trans [OF U_F1 [THEN LeadsTo_weaken_R] U_lemma2], blast)
lemma eq_123: "i \ int ==> (#1 $\ i & i $\ #3) \ (i=#1 | i=#2 | i=#3)"
apply auto
apply (auto simp add: neq_iff_zless)
apply (drule_tac [4] j = "#3" and i = i in zle_zless_trans)
apply (drule_tac [2] j = i and i = "#1" in zle_zless_trans)
apply (drule_tac j = i and i = "#1" in zle_zless_trans, auto)
apply (rule zle_anti_sym)
apply (simp_all (no_asm_simp) add: zless_add1_iff_zle [THEN iff_sym])
lemma U_lemma123: "Mutex \ {s \ state. #1 $\ s`m & s`m $\ #3} \w {s \ state. s`p=1}"
by (simp add: eq_123 Collect_disj_eq LeadsTo_Un_distrib U_lemma1 U_lemma2 U_F3)
(*Misra's F4*)
lemma u_Leadsto_p: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`u = 1} \w {s \ state. s`p=1}"
by (rule Always_LeadsTo_weaken [OF IU U_lemma123], auto)
(*** Progress for V ***)
lemma V_F0: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n=#2} Unless {s \ state. s`n=#3}"
by (unfold op_Unless_def Mutex_def, safety)
lemma V_F1: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n=#1} \w {s \ state. s`p = not(s`u) & s`n = #2}"
by (unfold Mutex_def, ensures "V1")
lemma V_F2: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`p=1 & s`n = #2} \w {s \ state. s`n = #3}"
apply (cut_tac IV)
apply (unfold Mutex_def, ensures "V2")
lemma V_F3: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n = #3} \w {s \ state. s`p=0}"
apply (rule_tac B = "{s \ state. s`n = #4}" in LeadsTo_Trans)
apply (unfold Mutex_def)
apply (ensures V3)
apply (ensures V4)
lemma V_lemma2: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n = #2} \w {s \ state. s`p=0}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_Diff [OF LeadsTo_weaken_L
Int_lower2 [THEN subset_imp_LeadsTo]])
apply (rule LeadsTo_Trans [OF V_F2 V_F3], auto)
apply (auto dest!: p_value_type simp add: bool_def)
lemma V_lemma1: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n = #1} \w {s \ state. s`p = 0}"
by (rule LeadsTo_Trans [OF V_F1 [THEN LeadsTo_weaken_R] V_lemma2], blast)
lemma V_lemma123: "Mutex \ {s \ state. #1 $\ s`n & s`n $\ #3} \w {s \ state. s`p = 0}"
by (simp add: eq_123 Collect_disj_eq LeadsTo_Un_distrib V_lemma1 V_lemma2 V_F3)
(*Misra's F4*)
lemma v_Leadsto_not_p: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`v = 1} \w {s \ state. s`p = 0}"
by (rule Always_LeadsTo_weaken [OF IV V_lemma123], auto)
(** Absence of starvation **)
(*Misra's F6*)
lemma m1_Leadsto_3: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`m = #1} \w {s \ state. s`m = #3}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_cancel2 [THEN LeadsTo_Un_duplicate])
apply (rule_tac [2] U_F2)
apply (simp add: Collect_conj_eq)
apply (subst Un_commute)
apply (rule LeadsTo_cancel2 [THEN LeadsTo_Un_duplicate])
apply (rule_tac [2] PSP_Unless [OF v_Leadsto_not_p U_F0])
apply (rule U_F1 [THEN LeadsTo_weaken_R], auto)
apply (auto dest!: v_value_type simp add: bool_def)
(*The same for V*)
lemma n1_Leadsto_3: "Mutex \ {s \ state. s`n = #1} \w {s \ state. s`n = #3}"
apply (rule LeadsTo_cancel2 [THEN LeadsTo_Un_duplicate])
apply (rule_tac [2] V_F2)
apply (simp add: Collect_conj_eq)
apply (subst Un_commute)
apply (rule LeadsTo_cancel2 [THEN LeadsTo_Un_duplicate])
apply (rule_tac [2] PSP_Unless [OF u_Leadsto_p V_F0])
apply (rule V_F1 [THEN LeadsTo_weaken_R], auto)
apply (auto dest!: u_value_type simp add: bool_def)
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